package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.exceptions.ExceptionHandler; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Protein; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.taxonomy.SpeciesFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.PtmSettings; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideMapper; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideMapperType; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.fm_index.FMIndex; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.proteintree.ProteinTree; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import com.compomics.util.preferences.IdentificationParameters; import com.compomics.util.preferences.PeptideVariantsPreferences; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.preferences.UtilitiesUserPreferences; import com.compomics.util.protein.Header; import*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import; /** * Factory retrieving the information of the loaded FASTA file. * * @author Marc Vaudel * @author Harald Barsnes * @author Dominik Kopczynski */ public class SequenceFactory { /** * Instance of the factory. */ private static SequenceFactory instance = null; /** * Map of the currently loaded Headers. */ private HashMap<String, Header> currentHeaderMap = new HashMap<String, Header>(); /** * Map of the currently loaded proteins. */ private HashMap<String, Protein> currentProteinMap = new HashMap<String, Protein>(); /** * Index of the FASTA file. */ private FastaIndex fastaIndex = null; /** * Random access file of the current FASTA file. */ private BufferedRandomAccessFile currentRandomAccessFile = null; /** * The FASTA file currently loaded. */ private File currentFastaFile = null; /** * Number of proteins to keep in cache. By default 1000000, which * corresponds to approx. 120MB. */ private int nCache = 1000000; /** * List of accessions of the loaded proteins. */ private ArrayList<String> loadedProteins = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Recognized flags for a decoy protein. */ private static final String[] DECOY_FLAGS = {"REVERSED", "RND", "SHUFFLED", "DECOY"}; /** * HashMap of the currently calculated protein molecular weights. */ private HashMap<String, Double> molecularWeights = new HashMap<String, Double>(); /** * The default peptide to protein mapper. */ private PeptideMapper defaultPeptideMapper = null; /** * Boolean indicating that the factory is reading the file. */ private boolean reading = false; /** * The time out in milliseconds when querying the file. */ public final static long TIME_OUT = 10000; /** * Indicates whether the decoy hits should be kept in memory. */ private boolean decoyInMemory = true; /** * The minimal protein count required for reliable target/decoy based * statistics. */ public static int minProteinCount = 1000; // @TODO: use a better metric /** * Constructor. */ private SequenceFactory() { } /** * Static method returning the instance of the factory. * * @return the instance of the factory */ public static SequenceFactory getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new SequenceFactory(); } return instance; } /** * Returns the instance of the factory with the specified cache size. * * @param nCache the new cache size * @return the instance of the factory with the specified cache size */ public static SequenceFactory getInstance(int nCache) { if (instance == null) { instance = new SequenceFactory(); } instance.setnCache(nCache); return instance; } /** * Indicates whether the database contained enough protein sequences for * reliability of the target/decoy based statistics. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the database contained enough * protein sequences for reliability of the target/decoy based statistics */ public boolean hasEnoughSequences() { return getNTargetSequences() > minProteinCount; } /** * Clears the factory getInstance() needs to be called afterwards. * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs */ public void clearFactory() throws IOException, SQLException { closeFile(); defaultPeptideMapper = null; currentHeaderMap.clear(); currentProteinMap.clear(); fastaIndex = null; currentRandomAccessFile = null; currentFastaFile = null; loadedProteins.clear(); molecularWeights.clear(); } /** * Empties the cache of the factory. */ public void emptyCache() { currentHeaderMap.clear(); currentProteinMap.clear(); loadedProteins.clear(); molecularWeights.clear(); if (defaultPeptideMapper != null) { defaultPeptideMapper.emptyCache(); } } /** * Returns the desired protein. If the protein is not found, the database * will be re-indexed. * * @param accession accession of the desired protein * @return the desired protein * @throws IOException thrown whenever an error is encountered while reading * the FASTA file * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown whenever an error is encountered * while reading the FASTA file * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public Protein getProtein(String accession) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException { return getProtein(accession, true); } /** * Returns the desired protein. Eventually re-indexes the database if the * protein is not found. * * @param accession accession of the desired protein * @param reindex a boolean indicating whether the database should be * re-indexed in case the protein is not found. * @return the desired protein * @throws IOException thrown whenever an error is encountered while reading * the FASTA file * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown whenever an error is encountered * while reading the FASTA file * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ private Protein getProtein(String accession, boolean reindex) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException { if (fastaIndex == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein sequences not loaded in the sequence factory."); } Protein currentProtein = currentProteinMap.get(accession); if (currentProtein == null && isDefaultReversed() && isDecoyAccession(accession)) { if (decoyInMemory) { currentProtein = getDecoyProteinFromTargetSynchronized(accession, reindex); } else { currentProtein = getDecoyProteinFromTarget(accession, reindex); } } if (currentProtein == null) { currentProtein = getProteinSynchronized(accession, reindex); } if (currentProtein == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein not found: " + accession + "."); } return currentProtein; } /** * Returns a decoy protein from a target protein or looks for the sequence * in the cache if not found. * * @param accession the accession of the decoy protein to look for * @param reindex a boolean indicating whether the database should be * re-indexed in case the protein is not found. * * @return the protein of interest, null if not found * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an IllegalArgumentException occurs * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public synchronized Protein getDecoyProteinFromTargetSynchronized(String accession, boolean reindex) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException { // check whether another thread did the job already Protein currentProtein = currentProteinMap.get(accession); if (currentProtein == null) { currentProtein = getDecoyProteinFromTarget(accession, reindex); } return currentProtein; } /** * Returns a decoy protein from a target protein or looks for the sequence * in the cache if not found. * * @param accession the accession of the decoy protein to look for * @param reindex a boolean indicating whether the database should be * re-indexed in case the protein is not found. * * @return the protein of interest, null if not found * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an IllegalArgumentException occurs * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public Protein getDecoyProteinFromTarget(String accession, boolean reindex) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException { Protein currentProtein = null; String targetAccession = getDefaultTargetAccession(accession); try { Protein targetProtein = currentProteinMap.get(targetAccession); if (targetProtein == null && decoyInMemory) { currentProtein = getProteinSynchronized(accession, reindex); } else { if (targetProtein == null) { targetProtein = getProtein(targetAccession, reindex); } currentProtein = new Protein(accession, targetProtein.getDatabaseType(), reverseSequence(targetProtein.getSequence()), true); if (decoyInMemory) { addProteinToCache(accession, currentProtein); } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } return currentProtein; } /** * Returns the desired protein. Eventually re-indexes the database if the * protein is not found. Synchronized version serving as a queue for * threads. * * @param accession accession of the desired protein * @param reindex a boolean indicating whether the database should be * re-indexed in case the protein is not found. * @return the desired protein * @throws IOException thrown whenever an error is encountered while reading * the FASTA file * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown whenever an error is encountered * while reading the FASTA file * @throws InterruptedException */ private synchronized Protein getProteinSynchronized(String accession, boolean reindex) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException { Protein currentProtein = currentProteinMap.get(accession); if (currentProtein == null) { Long index = fastaIndex.getIndex(accession); if (index == null) { if (reindex) { fastaIndex = getFastaIndex(true, null); return getProtein(accession, false); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein not found: " + accession + "."); } return getProtein(accession, index, 1); } return currentProtein; } /** * Returns the protein indexed by the given index. It can be that the IO is * busy (especially when working on distant servers) thus returning an * error. The method will then retry after waiting waitingTime milliseconds. * The waitingTime is doubled for the next try. The method throws an * exception after timeout (see timeOut attribute). * * @param index the index where to look at * @param waitingTime the waiting time before retry * @return the header indexed by the given index * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private synchronized Protein getProtein(String accession, long index, long waitingTime) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException { if (waitingTime <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Waiting time should be a positive number."); } try { if (reading) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to read new line before current read operation is completed."); } reading = true;; String line; StringBuilder sequence = new StringBuilder(); Header currentHeader = currentHeaderMap.get(accession); boolean headerFound = false; while ((line = currentRandomAccessFile.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.startsWith(">")) { if (sequence.length() != 0 || headerFound) { break; } if (currentHeader == null) { currentHeader = Header.parseFromFASTA(line); if (currentHeader == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse FASTA header \"" + line + "\"."); } currentHeaderMap.put(accession, currentHeader); } headerFound = true; } else { sequence.append(line.trim()); } } Protein currentProtein = new Protein(accession, currentHeader.getDatabaseType(), importSequenceFromFasta(sequence), isDecoyAccession(accession)); addProteinToCache(accession, currentProtein); reading = false; return currentProtein; } catch (IOException e) { reading = false; if (waitingTime < TIME_OUT) { wait(waitingTime); e.printStackTrace(); return getProtein(accession, index, 2 * waitingTime); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Processes the sequence as present in the FASTA file. * * @param fastaSequence the sequence as present in the FASTA file * * @return the protein sequence */ public static String importSequenceFromFasta(StringBuilder fastaSequence) { String sequence; if (fastaSequence.charAt(fastaSequence.length() - 1) == '*') { sequence = fastaSequence.substring(0, fastaSequence.length() - 1); } else { sequence = fastaSequence.toString(); } return sequence; } /** * Verifies that the sequence can be parsed into a series of amino acids. * * @param proteinSequence the protein sequence */ public static void validateSequence(String proteinSequence) { for (int i = 0; i < proteinSequence.length(); i++) { char aa = proteinSequence.charAt(i); AminoAcid aminoAcid = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aa); if (aminoAcid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found character in protein sequence that cannot be mapped to an amino acid (" + aa + ")."); } } } /** * Adds a protein to the cache and keeps it under the desired size. * * @param accession the accession of the protein to add * @param protein the protein to add */ private synchronized void addProteinToCache(String accession, Protein protein) { while (loadedProteins.size() >= nCache) { String accessionToRemove = loadedProteins.get(0); currentProteinMap.remove(accessionToRemove); currentHeaderMap.remove(accessionToRemove); loadedProteins.remove(0); } loadedProteins.add(accession); currentProteinMap.put(accession, protein); } /** * Returns the desired header for the protein in the FASTA file. * * @param accession accession of the desired protein * * @return the corresponding header * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the FASTA file * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while waiting for the connection to the FASTA file to recover. */ public Header getHeader(String accession) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return getHeader(accession, true); } /** * Returns the desired header for the protein in the FASTA file. * * @param accession accession of the desired protein * * @return the corresponding header * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the FASTA file * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while waiting for the connection to the FASTA file to recover. */ private Header getHeader(String accession, boolean reindex) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Header result = currentHeaderMap.get(accession); if (result == null) { Long index = fastaIndex.getIndex(accession); if (index == null) { if (reindex) { fastaIndex = getFastaIndex(true, null); result = getHeader(accession, false); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein not found: " + accession + "."); } result = getHeader(index, 0); currentHeaderMap.put(accession, result); } return result; } /** * Returns the header indexed by the given index. It can be that the IO is * busy (especially when working on distant servers) thus returning an * error. The method will then try 100 times at 0.01 second intervals. * * @param index the index where to look at * @param nTries the number of tries already made * * @return the header indexed by the given index * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the FASTA file * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while waiting for the connection to the FASTA file to recover. */ private synchronized Header getHeader(long index, int nTries) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (reading) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to read new line before current read operation is completed."); } try { reading = true;; Header result = Header.parseFromFASTA(currentRandomAccessFile.readLine()); reading = false; return result; } catch (IOException e) { reading = false; if (nTries <= 100) { wait(10); return getHeader(index, nTries + 1); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Loads a new FASTA file in the factory. Only one FASTA file can be loaded * at a time. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file to load * * @throws IOException exception thrown if an error occurred while reading * the FASTA file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing the file index */ public void loadFastaFile(File fastaFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { loadFastaFile(fastaFile, null); } /** * Loads a new FASTA file in the factory. Only one FASTA file can be loaded * at a time. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file to load * @param waitingHandler a waitingHandler showing the progress * * @throws IOException exception thrown if an error occurred while reading * the FASTA file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing the file index */ public void loadFastaFile(File fastaFile, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (!fastaFile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("The FASTA file \'" + fastaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\' could not be found!"); } defaultPeptideMapper = null; currentFastaFile = fastaFile; currentRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(fastaFile, "r", 1024 * 100); fastaIndex = getFastaIndex(false, waitingHandler); } /** * Indicates whether the connection to the random access file has been * closed. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the connection to the random access * file has been closed. */ public boolean isClosed() { return currentFastaFile == null; } /** * Resets the connection to the random access file. * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void resetConnection() throws IOException { currentRandomAccessFile.close(); currentRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(currentFastaFile, "r", 1024 * 100); } /** * Returns the file index of a FASTA file. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file * * @return the index of the FASTA file * * @throws IOException exception thrown if an error occurred while reading * the FASTA file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing the file index */ private FastaIndex getFastaIndex() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return getFastaIndex(false, null); } /** * Returns the file index of the FASTA file loaded in the factory (see * currentFastaFile attribute). If a deserialization problem occurs the file * will be automatically overwritten and the stacktrace printed. * * @param overwrite boolean indicating whether the index .cui file shall be * overwritten if present, even if the file has not been changed * @param waitingHandler a waitingHandler showing the progress * * @return the index of the FASTA file * * @throws IOException exception thrown if an error occurred while reading * the FASTA file * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if issues occur during the * parsing of the protein headers * @throws IllegalArgumentException if non unique accession numbers are * found */ private synchronized FastaIndex getFastaIndex(boolean overwrite, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException { return getFastaIndex(currentFastaFile, overwrite, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns the file index of the given FASTA file. If a problem occurs while * reading an older index the file will be automatically overwritten and the * stacktrace printed. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file to index * @param overwrite boolean indicating whether the index .cui file shall be * overwritten if present, even if the file has not been changed * @param waitingHandler a waitingHandler showing the progress * * @return the index of the FASTA file * * @throws IOException exception thrown if an error occurred while reading * the FASTA file * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if issues occur during the * parsing of the protein headers * @throws IllegalArgumentException if non unique accession numbers are * found */ public static synchronized FastaIndex getFastaIndex(File fastaFile, boolean overwrite, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException { FastaIndex tempFastaIndex; String fileName = fastaFile.getName(); if (!overwrite) { File indexFile = new File(fastaFile.getParent(), fastaFile.getName() + ".cui"); if (indexFile.exists()) { try { tempFastaIndex = (FastaIndex) SerializationUtils.readObject(indexFile); Long indexLastModified = tempFastaIndex.getLastModified(); if (indexLastModified != null) { long fileLastModified = fastaFile.lastModified(); if (indexLastModified == fileLastModified) { return tempFastaIndex; } else { System.err.println("Reindexing: " + fileName + ". (changes in the file detected)"); } } } catch (InvalidClassException e) { System.err.println("Reindexing: " + fileName + ". (Reason: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Reindexing: " + fileName + ". (Reason: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")"); } } } // try to rescue user settings String decoyTag = null; String name = null; String version = null; String description = null; String accessionParsingRule = null; File indexFile = new File(fastaFile.getParent(), fileName + ".cui"); if (indexFile.exists()) { try { tempFastaIndex = (FastaIndex) SerializationUtils.readObject(indexFile); decoyTag = tempFastaIndex.getDecoyTag(); version = tempFastaIndex.getVersion(); name = tempFastaIndex.getName(); description = tempFastaIndex.getDescription(); accessionParsingRule = tempFastaIndex.getAccessionParsingRule(); } catch (Exception e) { // Fail silently } } System.out.println("Reindexing: " + fileName + "."); tempFastaIndex = createFastaIndex(fastaFile, name, decoyTag, version, waitingHandler); tempFastaIndex.setDescription(description); tempFastaIndex.setAccessionParsingRule(accessionParsingRule); if (waitingHandler == null || !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { try { writeIndex(tempFastaIndex, fastaFile.getParentFile()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return tempFastaIndex; } /** * Static method to create a FASTA index for a FASTA file. Non-valid fasta * files will throw an exception. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file * @param progressBar a progress bar showing the progress * @param decoyTag the decoy tag. Will be inferred if null. * @param mainDatabaseType the main database type. Will be inferred if null. * @param version the version. last modification of the file will be used if * null. * @param name the name of the database. Set to file name if null. * * @return the corresponding FASTA index * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the file */ private static FastaIndex createFastaIndex(File fastaFile, String name, String decoyTag, String version, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Long> indexes = new HashMap<String, Long>(); HashSet<String> decoyAccessions = new HashSet<String>(); BufferedRandomAccessFile bufferedRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(fastaFile, "r", 1024 * 100); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.resetSecondaryProgressCounter(); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(100); } long progressUnit = bufferedRandomAccessFile.length() / 100; String line; boolean decoy = false, defaultReversed = false; int nTarget = 0; long index = bufferedRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer(); // a map of the database header types HashMap<Header.DatabaseType, Integer> databaseTypes = new HashMap<Header.DatabaseType, Integer>(); // a map of the species HashMap<String, Integer> species = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); StringBuilder sequenceBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String accession = null; int lineNumber = 0; while ((line = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; if (line.startsWith(">")) { if (sequenceBuilder.length() != 0 && accession != null) { String sequence = importSequenceFromFasta(sequenceBuilder); try { validateSequence(sequence); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An error occurred while parsing the sequence of " + accession + " at line " + lineNumber + ": " + e.toString()); } } Header fastaHeader = Header.parseFromFASTA(line); accession = fastaHeader.getAccessionOrRest(); if (accession == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No accession found for header at line " + lineNumber + "."); } // if (fastaHeader.getStartLocation() != -1) { // accession += " (" + fastaHeader.getStartLocation() + "-" + fastaHeader.getEndLocation() + ")"; // special dbtoolkit pattern // } // if (indexes.containsKey(accession)) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non unique accession number found \'" + accession + "\'!\nPlease check the FASTA file."); // } indexes.put(accession, index); if (decoyTag == null) { decoyTag = getDecoyFlag(accession); } if (decoyTag == null || !isDecoy(accession, decoyTag)) { nTarget++; // get the database type Header.DatabaseType tempDatabaseType = fastaHeader.getDatabaseType(); Integer typeCounter = databaseTypes.get(tempDatabaseType); if (typeCounter == null) { databaseTypes.put(tempDatabaseType, 1); } else { databaseTypes.put(tempDatabaseType, typeCounter + 1); } // get the species String taxonomy = fastaHeader.getTaxonomy(); if (taxonomy == null || taxonomy.equals("")) { taxonomy = SpeciesFactory.UNKNOWN; } Integer occurrence = species.get(taxonomy); if (occurrence == null) { species.put(taxonomy, 1); } else { species.put(taxonomy, occurrence + 1); } } else { decoyAccessions.add(accession); if (!decoy) { decoy = true; if (accession.endsWith(getDefaultDecoyAccessionSuffix())) { defaultReversed = true; } } } if (waitingHandler != null && progressUnit != 0) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter((int) (index / progressUnit)); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } index = bufferedRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer(); sequenceBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } else { index = bufferedRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer(); sequenceBuilder.append(line.trim()); } } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } bufferedRandomAccessFile.close(); long lastModified = fastaFile.lastModified(); if (version == null) { version = FastaIndex.getDefaultVersion(lastModified); } String fileName = fastaFile.getName(); if (name == null) { name = Util.removeExtension(fileName); } // find the main database type Header.DatabaseType mainDatabaseType = null; int maxCounter = 0; Iterator<Header.DatabaseType> iterator = databaseTypes.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Header.DatabaseType tempDatabaseType =; if (databaseTypes.get(tempDatabaseType) > maxCounter) { maxCounter = databaseTypes.get(tempDatabaseType); mainDatabaseType = tempDatabaseType; } } return new FastaIndex(indexes, decoyAccessions, fileName, name, decoy, defaultReversed, nTarget, lastModified, mainDatabaseType, databaseTypes, decoyTag, version, species); } /** * Serializes the FASTA file index in a given directory. * * @param fastaIndex the index of the FASTA file * @param directory the directory where to write the file * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the file */ public static void writeIndex(FastaIndex fastaIndex, File directory) throws IOException { // Serialize the file index as compomics utilities index File destinationFile = new File(directory, getIndexName(fastaIndex.getFileName())); SerializationUtils.writeObject(fastaIndex, destinationFile); } /** * Returns the name of the FASTA index corresponding to the given FASTA file * name. * * @param fastaName the name of the FASTA file * * @return the name of the index */ public static String getIndexName(String fastaName) { return fastaName + ".cui"; } /** * Saves the index. * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void saveIndex() throws IOException { writeIndex(fastaIndex, currentFastaFile.getParentFile()); } /** * Closes the opened file. * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * closing the file * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs */ public void closeFile() throws IOException, SQLException { if (currentRandomAccessFile != null) { currentRandomAccessFile.close(); currentFastaFile = null; } if (defaultPeptideMapper != null) { defaultPeptideMapper.close(); } } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether a protein is decoy or not based on * the protein accession and a given decoy flag. Note: in most cases the * faster isDecoyAccession method should be used instead! * * @param proteinAccession The accession of the protein * @param decoyFlag the decoy flag * @return a boolean indicating whether the protein is Decoy. */ public static boolean isDecoy(String proteinAccession, String decoyFlag) { // test if the decoy tag is empty, and return false if it is if (decoyFlag == null || decoyFlag.isEmpty()) { return false; } String start = decoyFlag + ".*"; String end = ".*" + decoyFlag; return proteinAccession.matches(start) || proteinAccession.matches(end); } /** * Returns the default tag matched in the sequence if any. Null else. * * @param proteinAccession the protein accession * * @return the decoy tag matched by this protein */ private static String getDecoyFlag(String proteinAccession) { for (String flag : DECOY_FLAGS) { if (isDecoy(proteinAccession, flag)) { return flag; } } return null; } /** * Indicates whether a protein is a decoy in the selected loaded FASTA file. * * @param proteinAccession the protein accession of interest. * @return true if decoy */ public boolean isDecoyAccession(String proteinAccession) { return fastaIndex.isDecoy(proteinAccession); } /** * Indicates whether the database loaded contains decoy sequences. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the database loaded contains decoy * sequences */ public boolean concatenatedTargetDecoy() { return fastaIndex.isConcatenatedTargetDecoy(); } /** * Indicates whether the decoy sequences are reversed versions of the target * and the decoy accessions built based on the sequence factory methods. See * getDefaultDecoyAccession(String targetAccession). * * @return true if the the decoy sequences are reversed versions of the * target and the decoy accessions built based on the sequence factory * method */ public boolean isDefaultReversed() { return fastaIndex.isDefaultReversed(); } /** * Returns the number of target sequences in the database. * * @return the number of target sequences in the database */ public int getNTargetSequences() { return fastaIndex.getNTarget(); } /** * Returns the number of sequences in the FASTA file. * * @return the number of sequences in the FASTA file */ public int getNSequences() { return fastaIndex.getNSequences(); } /** * Appends decoy sequences to the desired file. * * @param destinationFile the destination file * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing a file * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an ClassNotFoundException occurs */ public void appendDecoySequences(File destinationFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { appendDecoySequences(destinationFile, null); } /** * Appends decoy sequences to the desired file while displaying progress. * * @param destinationFile the destination file * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing a file * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an ClassNotFoundException occurs */ public void appendDecoySequences(File destinationFile, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.resetSecondaryProgressCounter(); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(fastaIndex.getNTarget()); } // first create the new target-decoy file BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(destinationFile)); String lineBreak = System.getProperty("line.separator"); try { ProteinIterator proteinIterator = getProteinIterator(true); while (proteinIterator.hasNext()) { if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } Protein currentProtein = proteinIterator.getNextProtein(); String accession = currentProtein.getAccession(); Header currentHeader = getHeader(accession); String decoyAccession = getDefaultDecoyAccession(currentProtein.getAccession()); // String decoyAccession ="rev_" + currentProtein.getAccession(); Header for the TPP String currentRawHeader = currentHeader.getRawHeader(); // replace the accession number String escapedString = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(accession); currentRawHeader = currentRawHeader.replaceAll(escapedString, decoyAccession); // add decoy to the description if (currentHeader.getDescription() != null && !currentHeader.getDescription().isEmpty()) { escapedString = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(currentHeader.getDescription()); currentRawHeader = currentRawHeader.replaceAll(escapedString, getDefaultDecoyDescription(currentHeader.getDescription())); } // write the target protein to the fasta file bufferedWriter.write(currentHeader.getRawHeader() + lineBreak); bufferedWriter.write(currentProtein.getSequence() + lineBreak); // write the decoy protein to the fasta file bufferedWriter.write(currentRawHeader + lineBreak); bufferedWriter.write(reverseSequence(currentProtein.getSequence()) + lineBreak); // possible fix for the dbtoolkit uniprot format // Protein currentProtein = getProtein(accession); // Header currentHeader = getHeader(accession); // String reversedSequence = reverseSequence(currentProtein.getSequence()); // // bufferedWriter.write(currentHeader.toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); // bufferedWriter.write(currentProtein.getSequence() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); // // // @TODO: this might not be the best way of doing this, but was easier than trying to change the parsing in the Header class... // if (currentHeader.toString("_" + decoyFlags[0]).equalsIgnoreCase(currentHeader.toString())) { // currentHeader.setRest(currentProtein.getAccession() + "_" + decoyFlags[0]); // } // // bufferedWriter.write(currentHeader.toString("_" + decoyFlags[0]) + System.getProperty("line.separator")); // bufferedWriter.write(reversedSequence + System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } finally { bufferedWriter.close(); } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } boolean indexFile = true; if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { indexFile = false; } } if (indexFile) { // now (re-)index the new target-decoy file loadFastaFile(destinationFile, waitingHandler); } else { destinationFile.delete(); } } /** * Reverses a protein sequence. * * @param sequence the protein sequence * @return the reversed protein sequence */ public static String reverseSequence(String sequence) { return new StringBuilder(sequence).reverse().toString(); } /** * Returns the sequences present in the database. An empty list if no file * is loaded. * * @return the sequences present in the database */ public Set<String> getAccessions() { Set<String> setToFill = new HashSet<String>(); if (fastaIndex != null) { setToFill = fastaIndex.getIndexes().keySet(); } return setToFill; } /** * Returns the size of the cache. * * @return the size of the cache */ public int getnCache() { return nCache; } /** * Sets the size of the cache. * * @param nCache the new size of the cache */ public void setnCache(int nCache) { this.nCache = nCache; } /** * Returns the occurrence of every amino acid in the database. * * @param progressBar a progress bar, can be null * * @return a map containing all amino acid occurrence in the database * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an ClassNotFoundException occurs */ public HashMap<String, Integer> getAAOccurrences(JProgressBar progressBar) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { HashMap<String, Integer> aaMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Set<String> accessions = getAccessions(); if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); progressBar.setMaximum(accessions.size()); progressBar.setValue(0); } for (String accession : accessions) { if (!isDecoyAccession(accession)) { Protein protein = getProtein(accession); for (String aa : protein.getSequence().split("")) { Integer n = aaMap.get(aa); if (n == null) { n = 0; } aaMap.put(aa, n + 1); } } if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setValue(progressBar.getValue() + 1); } } if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); } return aaMap; } /** * Returns the protein's molecular weight in kDa. * * @param accession the protein's accession number * * @return the protein's molecular weight * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the protein sequence * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown whenever an error occurred * while reading the protein sequence * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while reading the protein sequence */ public double computeMolecularWeight(String accession) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { if (isDefaultReversed() && isDecoyAccession(accession)) { // Don't really see where we would need that... try { return computeMolecularWeight(getDefaultTargetAccession(accession)); } catch (Exception e) { // back to standard mode } } // see if we've already calculated the weight of this protein Double molecularWeight = molecularWeights.get(accession); if (molecularWeight == null) { Protein protein = getProtein(accession); molecularWeight = protein.computeMolecularWeight() / 1000; molecularWeights.put(accession, molecularWeight); } return molecularWeight; } /** * Returns the name of the loaded FASTA file. Null if none loaded. * * @return the name of the loaded FASTA file */ public String getFileName() { if (fastaIndex == null) { return null; } return fastaIndex.getFileName(); } /** * Returns the currently loaded FASTA file. * * @return the currently loaded FASTA file */ public File getCurrentFastaFile() { return currentFastaFile; } /** * Returns the default suffix for a decoy accession. * * @return the default suffix for a decoy accession */ public static String getDefaultDecoyAccessionSuffix() { return "_" + DECOY_FLAGS[0]; } /** * Returns the default decoy accession for a target accession. * * @param targetAccession the target accession * @return the default decoy accession */ public static String getDefaultDecoyAccession(String targetAccession) { return targetAccession + getDefaultDecoyAccessionSuffix(); } /** * Returns the default description for a decoy protein. * * @param targetDescription the description of a target protein * @return the default description of the decoy protein */ public static String getDefaultDecoyDescription(String targetDescription) { return targetDescription + "-" + DECOY_FLAGS[0]; } /** * Returns the default target accession of a given decoy protein. Note: * works only for the accessions constructed according to * getDefaultDecoyAccession(String targetAccession). * * @param decoyAccession the decoy accession * * @return the target accession */ public static String getDefaultTargetAccession(String decoyAccession) { return decoyAccession.substring(0, decoyAccession.length() - getDefaultDecoyAccessionSuffix().length()); } /** * Returns the FASTA index of the currently loaded file. * * @return the FASTA index of the currently loaded file */ public FastaIndex getCurrentFastaIndex() { return fastaIndex; } /** * Returns the default peptide mapper. Null if none created. * * @return the default peptide mapper */ public PeptideMapper getDefaultPeptideMapper() { return defaultPeptideMapper; } /** * Returns the default peptide to protein mapper for the database loaded in * factory according to the sequence matching preferences. Creates a new one * if none found. * * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequences matching preferences * @param ptmSettings contains modification parameters for identification * @param peptideVariantsPreferences the peptide variants preferences set by * the user * @param waitingHandler waiting handler displaying progress to the user * during the indexation of the database * @param exceptionHandler handler for the exceptions encountered while * indexing the database * * @return the default peptide mapper * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error occurs * while deserializing an object * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a threading issue * occurred while indexing the database * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever a problem occurred while * interacting with an SQL database */ public PeptideMapper getDefaultPeptideMapper(SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, PtmSettings ptmSettings, PeptideVariantsPreferences peptideVariantsPreferences, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { int nThreads = Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 1); return getDefaultPeptideMapper(sequenceMatchingPreferences, ptmSettings, peptideVariantsPreferences, waitingHandler, exceptionHandler, true, nThreads); } /** * Returns the default peptide to protein mapper for the database loaded in * factory according to the sequence matching preferences. Creates a new one * if none found. * * @param waitingHandler waiting handler displaying progress to the user * during the indexation of the database * @param exceptionHandler handler for the exceptions encountered while * indexing the database * @param nThreads the number of threads to use during indexing * @param identificationParameters the identification parameters * * @return the default peptide mapper * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error occurs * while deserializing an object * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a threading issue * occurred while indexing the database * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever a problem occurred while * interacting with an SQL database */ public PeptideMapper getDefaultPeptideMapper(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, int nThreads, IdentificationParameters identificationParameters) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { return getDefaultPeptideMapper(identificationParameters.getSequenceMatchingPreferences(), identificationParameters.getSearchParameters().getPtmSettings(), identificationParameters.getPeptideVariantsPreferences(), waitingHandler, exceptionHandler, true, nThreads); // @TODO: why add identificationParameters? it's not used? } /** * Returns the default peptide to protein mapper for the database loaded in * factory according to the sequence matching preferences. Creates a new one * if none found. * * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequences matching preferences * @param waitingHandler waiting handler displaying progress to the user * during the indexation of the database * @param peptideVariantsPreferences the peptide variants preferences set by * the user * @param exceptionHandler handler for the exceptions encountered while * indexing the database * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of the * indexing should be displayed * @param nThreads the number of threads to use during indexing * @param ptmSettings contains modification parameters for identification * * @return the default peptide mapper * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error occurs * while deserializing an object * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a threading issue * occurred while indexing the database * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever a problem occurred while * interacting with an SQL database */ public synchronized PeptideMapper getDefaultPeptideMapper(SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, PtmSettings ptmSettings, PeptideVariantsPreferences peptideVariantsPreferences, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, boolean displayProgress, int nThreads) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { if (defaultPeptideMapper == null) { PeptideMapperType peptideMapperType = sequenceMatchingPreferences.getPeptideMapperType(); switch (peptideMapperType) { case fm_index: defaultPeptideMapper = new FMIndex(waitingHandler, displayProgress, ptmSettings, peptideVariantsPreferences); break; case tree: UtilitiesUserPreferences userPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); int memoryPreference = userPreferences.getMemoryPreference(); int memoryAllocated = 3 * memoryPreference / 4; int cacheSize = 250000; if (memoryPreference < 2500) { cacheSize = 5000; } else if (memoryPreference < 10000) { cacheSize = 25000; } ProteinTree defaultProteinTree = new ProteinTree(memoryAllocated, cacheSize); int tagLength = 3; defaultProteinTree.initiateTree(tagLength, 50, 50, waitingHandler, exceptionHandler, true, displayProgress, nThreads); emptyCache(); int treeSize = memoryPreference / 4; defaultProteinTree.setMemoryAllocation(treeSize); // close and delete the database if the process was canceled if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { defaultProteinTree.deleteDb(); } defaultPeptideMapper = defaultProteinTree; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Peptide mapper type " + peptideMapperType + " not supported."); } } return defaultPeptideMapper; } /** * Returns an iterator of all the headers in the FASTA file. Note: when * reaching the end of the file the connection will be closed. Do it using * the close() method if the end is never reached. * * @param targetOnly boolean indicating whether only target accessions shall * be iterated * @return a header iterator * * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public HeaderIterator getHeaderIterator(boolean targetOnly) throws FileNotFoundException { return new HeaderIterator(currentFastaFile, targetOnly); } /** * Returns an iterator of all the proteins in the FASTA file. Note: when * reaching the end of the file the connection will be closed. Do it using * the close() method if the end is never reached. * * @param targetOnly boolean indicating whether only target accessions shall * be iterated * * @return a protein iterator * * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public ProteinIterator getProteinIterator(boolean targetOnly) throws FileNotFoundException { return new ProteinIterator(currentFastaFile, targetOnly); } /** * Returns whether decoys should be kept in memory. * * @return true if decoys should be kept in memory */ public boolean isDecoyInMemory() { return decoyInMemory; } /** * Sets whether decoys should be kept in memory. * * @param decoyInMemory true if decoys should be kept in memory */ public void setDecoyInMemory(boolean decoyInMemory) { this.decoyInMemory = decoyInMemory; } /** * Convenience iterator iterating the headers of a FASTA file without using * the cache. The order is the one in the FASTA file. */ public class HeaderIterator { /** * The header of the next protein. */ private Header nextHeader = null; /** * Semaphore avoiding the overwriting of the nextHeader. */ private final Semaphore nextHeaderMutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * Semaphore avoiding multiple threads to use the reader. */ private final Semaphore readerMutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * The buffered reader. */ private BufferedReader br; /** * Boolean indicating whether target protein only should be iterated. */ private final boolean targetOnly; /** * Constructor. * * @param targetOnly if true only target proteins will be iterated * @param file the FASTA file to iterate * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public HeaderIterator(File file, boolean targetOnly) throws FileNotFoundException { this.targetOnly = targetOnly; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); } /** * Returns true if there is a next header. Note: all other threads * calling hasNext() are locked until getNext() is called. * * @return true if there is a next header * * @throws IOException if a IOException occurs * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if a * threading issue occurred */ public boolean hasNext() throws IOException, InterruptedException { readerMutex.acquire(); Header threadNextHeader = null; String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (!line.equals("")) { if (line.startsWith(">")) { threadNextHeader = Header.parseFromFASTA(line); if (!targetOnly || !isDecoyAccession(threadNextHeader.getAccession())) { break; } else { threadNextHeader = null; } } } } readerMutex.release(); if (threadNextHeader != null) { nextHeaderMutex.acquire(); nextHeader = threadNextHeader; return true; } else { close(); return false; } } /** * Returns the next header in the FASTA file. * * @return the next header in the FASTA file */ public Header getNext() { Header result = nextHeader; nextHeaderMutex.release(); return result; } /** * Closes the connection to the file. * * @throws IOException if a IOException occurs */ public void close() throws IOException { br.close(); } } /** * Convenience iterator iterating all proteins in a FASTA file without using * index or cache. */ public class ProteinIterator { /** * The header of the next protein. */ private Header nextHeader = null; /** * The next protein. */ private Protein nextProtein = null; /** * Semaphore avoiding the overwriting of the nextProtein. */ private final Semaphore nextProteinMutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * Semaphore avoiding multiple threads to use the reader. */ private final Semaphore readerMutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * The buffered reader. */ private final BufferedReader br; /** * Boolean indicating whether target protein only should be iterated. */ private final boolean targetOnly; /** * Constructor. * * @param targetOnly if true only target proteins will be iterated * @param file the FASTA file. * * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs */ public ProteinIterator(File file, boolean targetOnly) throws FileNotFoundException { this.targetOnly = targetOnly; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); } /** * Returns true if there is another protein. Note: all other threads * calling hasNext() are locked until getNext() is called. * * @return true if there is another protein * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if a * threading issue occurred */ public boolean hasNext() throws IOException, InterruptedException { readerMutex.acquire(); String line = br.readLine(); // reached end of file if (line == null) { readerMutex.release(); return false; } StringBuilder sequence = new StringBuilder(); Header header = nextHeader; boolean newHeaderFound = false; while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith(">")) { Header tempHeader = Header.parseFromFASTA(line); String accession = tempHeader.getAccessionOrRest(); if (targetOnly && isDecoyAccession(accession)) { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith(">")) { tempHeader = Header.parseFromFASTA(line); if (!isDecoyAccession(tempHeader.getAccessionOrRest())) { break; } } } if (line == null) { break; } } if (header == null) { header = tempHeader; } else { nextHeader = tempHeader; newHeaderFound = true; break; } } else { sequence.append(line.trim()); } line = br.readLine(); } readerMutex.release(); if (newHeaderFound || line == null) { // line == null means that we read the last protein String accession = header.getAccessionOrRest(); Header.DatabaseType databaseType = header.getDatabaseType(); String cleanedSequence = importSequenceFromFasta(sequence); boolean decoy = isDecoyAccession(accession); nextProteinMutex.acquire(); nextProtein = new Protein(accession, databaseType, cleanedSequence, decoy); return true; } else { close(); return false; } } /** * Returns the next protein. * * @return the next protein */ public Protein getNextProtein() { Protein result = nextProtein; nextProteinMutex.release(); return result; } /** * Closes the connection to the file. * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void close() throws IOException { br.close(); } } }