package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.tool_specific; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.IdentificationAlgorithmParameter; /** * The Tide specific parameters. * * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class TideParameters implements IdentificationAlgorithmParameter { /** * Version number for deserialization. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 1049197890002802776L; /** * The name of the FASTA index folder. */ private String fastIndexFolderName = "fasta-index"; /** * The maximum number of variable modifications allowed on a single peptide. * The default is no limit (set to null). */ private Integer maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide = null; /** * The maximum number of variable modifications of each type allowed on a * single peptide. */ private Integer maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide = 2; // @TODO: make this modification specific? /** * The minimum peptide length. */ private Integer minPeptideLength = 6; /** * The maximal peptide length. */ private Integer maxPeptideLength = 30; // note that for Tide default is 50 /** * The minimum precursor mass considered. */ private Double minPrecursorMass = 200.0; /** * The maximum precursor mass considered. */ private Double maxPrecursorMass = 7200.0; /** * The decoy format. */ private String decoyFormat = "none"; // none|shuffle|peptide-reverse|protein-reverse /** * Keep terminal amino acids when creating decoys. */ private String keepTerminalAminoAcids = "NC"; // N|C|NC|none /** * The seeed of the random number generator with the given unsigned integer * when generating the decoy decoys. When given the string "time," the seed * is set with the system time. */ private Integer decoySeed = 1; /** * The name of the output folder (relative to the Tide working folder). */ private String outputFolderName = "crux-output"; /** * If true, a list of all the peptides will be printed to the output folder. */ private Boolean printPeptides = false; /** * The verbosity of the progress output: 0-fatal errors, 10-non-fatal * errors, 20-warnings, 30-information on the progress of execution, 40-more * progress information, 50-debug info, 60-detailed debug info. */ private Integer verbosity = 30; /** * If true, a monoisotopic precursor mass is used, false uses average. */ private Boolean monoisotopicPrecursor = true; /** * If true, starting methionine peptides will be included both with and * without the starting M. */ private Boolean clipNtermMethionine = false; /** * The enzyme digestion type: full-digest or partial-digest. */ private String digestionType = "full-digest"; /** * If true, the SP score will be computed. */ private Boolean computeSpScore = false; /** * The maximum number of spectrum matches per peptide. */ private Integer numberOfSpectrumMatches = 10; /** * If true, the exact p-values will be computed. */ private Boolean computeExactPValues = false; /** * The minimum spectrum m/z to search for. */ private Double minSpectrumMz = 0.0; /** * The maximum spectrum m/z to search for. Null if not maximum. */ private Double maxSpectrumMz = null; /** * The minimum number of peaks in a spectrum for it to be searched. */ private Integer minSpectrumPeaks = 20; /** * The spectrum charges to search for: 1,2,3 or all. With 'all' every * spectrum will be searched and spectra with multiple charge states will be * searched once at each charge state. With 1, 2, or 3 only spectra with * that charge will be searched. */ private String spectrumCharges = "all"; /** * If true, the precursor peak will be removed. The range removed is * specified by */ private Boolean removePrecursor = false; /** * The tolerance in (Th) used when removing the precursor using * removePrecursor. */ private Double removePrecursorTolerance = 1.5; /** * Show search progress by printing every n spectra searched. Set to 0 to * show no search progress. */ private Integer printProgressIndicatorSize = 1000; /** * If true, the search includes flanking peaks around singly charged b and y * theoretical ions. Each flanking peak occurs in the adjacent m/z bin and * has half the intensity of the primary peak. */ private Boolean useFlankingPeaks = false; /** * Controls whether neutral loss ions are considered in the search. Two * types of neutral losses are included and are applied only to singly * charged b- and y-ions: loss of ammonia (NH3, 17.0086343 Da) and H2O * (18.0091422). Each neutral loss peak has intensity 1/5 of the primary * peak. */ private Boolean useNeutralLossPeaks = false; /** * Before calculation of the XCorr score, the m/z axes of the observed and * theoretical spectra are discretized. This parameter specifies the size of * each bin. The exact formula is floor((x/mz-bin-width) + 1.0 - * mz-bin-offset), where x is the observed m/z value. For low resolution ion * trap ms/ms data 1.0005079 and for high resolution ms/ms 0.02 is * recommended. */ private Double mzBinWidth = 0.02; /** * In the discretization of the m/z axes of the observed and theoretical * spectra, this parameter specifies the location of the left edge of the * first bin, relative to mass = 0 (i.e., mz-bin-offset = 0.xx means the * left edge of the first bin will be located at +0.xx Da). The parameter * must lie in the range 0 ≤ mz-bin-offset ≤ 1. */ private Double mzBinOffset = 0.0; /** * If true, target and decoy search results are reported in a single file * named "tide-search.txt," and only the top-scoring N matches (as specified * via --top-match) are reported for each spectrum, irrespective of whether * the matches involve target or decoy peptides. */ private Boolean concatenateTargetDecoy = false; /** * Specify the name of the file where the binarized fragmentation spectra * will be stored. Subsequent runs of crux tide-search will execute more * quickly if provided with the spectra in binary format. The filename is * specified relative to the current working directory, not the Crux output * directory (as specified by --output-dir). */ private String storeSpectraFileName = null; /** * If true, tab delimited text file output is generated. */ private Boolean textOutput = true; /** * If true, SQT output is generated. */ private Boolean sqtOutput = false; /** * If true, pepxml output is generated. */ private Boolean pepXmlOutput = false; /** * If true, mzid output is generated. */ private Boolean mzidOutput = false; /** * If true, Percolator input file is generated. */ private Boolean pinOutput = false; /** * If true, the tide output and index folders are removed when the search * has completed. */ private Boolean removeTempFolders = true; /** * Constructor. */ public TideParameters() { // @TODO: add --peptide-centric-search? } @Override public Advocate getAlgorithm() { return Advocate.tide; } @Override public boolean equals(IdentificationAlgorithmParameter identificationAlgorithmParameter) { if (identificationAlgorithmParameter instanceof TideParameters) { TideParameters tideParameters = (TideParameters) identificationAlgorithmParameter; if (!minPeptideLength.equals(tideParameters.getMinPeptideLength())) { return false; } if (!maxPeptideLength.equals(tideParameters.getMaxPeptideLength())) { return false; } double diff = Math.abs(minPrecursorMass - tideParameters.getMinPrecursorMass()); if (diff > 0.0000000000001) { return false; } diff = Math.abs(maxPrecursorMass - tideParameters.getMaxPrecursorMass()); if (diff > 0.0000000000001) { return false; } if (maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide != null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide() == null) { return false; } if (maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide == null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide() != null) { return false; } if (maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide != null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide() != null) { if (maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide.intValue() != tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide().intValue()) { return false; } } if (maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide != null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide() == null) { return false; } if (maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide == null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide() != null) { return false; } if (maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide != null && tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide() != null) { if (!maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide.equals(tideParameters.getMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide())) { return false; } } if (!decoyFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getDecoyFormat())) { return false; } if (!keepTerminalAminoAcids.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getKeepTerminalAminoAcids())) { return false; } if (!decoySeed.equals(tideParameters.getDecoySeed())) { return false; } if (!outputFolderName.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getOutputFolderName())) { return false; } if (!printPeptides.equals(tideParameters.getPrintPeptides())) { return false; } if (!verbosity.equals(tideParameters.getVerbosity())) { return false; } if (!monoisotopicPrecursor.equals(tideParameters.getMonoisotopicPrecursor())) { return false; } if (!clipNtermMethionine.equals(tideParameters.getClipNtermMethionine())) { return false; } if (!digestionType.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getDigestionType())) { return false; } if (!computeSpScore.equals(tideParameters.getComputeSpScore())) { return false; } if (!numberOfSpectrumMatches.equals(tideParameters.getNumberOfSpectrumMatches())) { return false; } if (!computeExactPValues.equals(tideParameters.getComputeExactPValues())) { return false; } if (!minSpectrumMz.equals(tideParameters.getMinSpectrumMz())) { return false; } if ((maxSpectrumMz == null && tideParameters.getMaxSpectrumMz() != null) || (maxSpectrumMz != null && tideParameters.getMaxSpectrumMz() == null)) { return false; } if ((maxSpectrumMz != null && tideParameters.getMaxSpectrumMz() != null) && (!maxSpectrumMz.equals(tideParameters.getMaxSpectrumMz()))) { return false; } if (!minSpectrumPeaks.equals(tideParameters.getMinSpectrumPeaks())) { return false; } if (!spectrumCharges.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getSpectrumCharges())) { return false; } if (!removePrecursor.equals(tideParameters.getRemovePrecursor())) { return false; } if (!removePrecursorTolerance.equals(tideParameters.getRemovePrecursorTolerance())) { return false; } if (!printProgressIndicatorSize.equals(tideParameters.getPrintProgressIndicatorSize())) { return false; } if (!useFlankingPeaks.equals(tideParameters.getUseFlankingPeaks())) { return false; } if (!useNeutralLossPeaks.equals(tideParameters.getUseNeutralLossPeaks())) { return false; } if (!mzBinWidth.equals(tideParameters.getMzBinWidth())) { return false; } if (!mzBinOffset.equals(tideParameters.getMzBinOffset())) { return false; } if (!concatenateTargetDecoy.equals(tideParameters.getConcatenatTargetDecoy())) { return false; } if ((storeSpectraFileName == null && tideParameters.getStoreSpectraFileName() != null) || (storeSpectraFileName != null && tideParameters.getStoreSpectraFileName() == null)) { return false; } if ((storeSpectraFileName != null && tideParameters.getStoreSpectraFileName() != null) && (!storeSpectraFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(tideParameters.getStoreSpectraFileName()))) { return false; } if (!textOutput.equals(tideParameters.getTextOutput())) { return false; } if (!sqtOutput.equals(tideParameters.getSqtOutput())) { return false; } if (!pepXmlOutput.equals(tideParameters.getPepXmlOutput())) { return false; } if (!mzidOutput.equals(tideParameters.getMzidOutput())) { return false; } if (!pinOutput.equals(tideParameters.getPinOutput())) { return false; } if (!getRemoveTempFolders().equals(tideParameters.getRemoveTempFolders())) { return false; } return true; } return false; } @Override public String toString(boolean html) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); if (html) { newLine = "<br>"; } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); Advocate advocate = getAlgorithm(); output.append("# ------------------------------------------------------------------"); output.append(newLine); output.append("# ").append(advocate.getName()).append(" Specific Parameters"); output.append(newLine); output.append("# ------------------------------------------------------------------"); output.append(newLine); output.append(newLine); output.append("MIN_PEP_LENGTH="); output.append(minPeptideLength); output.append(newLine); output.append("MAX_PEP_LENGTH="); output.append(maxPeptideLength); output.append(newLine); output.append("MIN_PRECURSOR_MASS="); output.append(minPrecursorMass); output.append(newLine); output.append("MAX_PRECURSOR_MASS="); output.append(maxPrecursorMass); output.append(newLine); output.append("MAX_VARIABLE_PTMS_PER_TYPE_PER_PEPTIDE="); output.append(maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide); output.append(newLine); output.append("MAX_VARIABLE_PTMS_PER_PEPTID="); output.append(maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide); output.append(newLine); output.append("DECOY_FORMAT="); output.append(decoyFormat); output.append(newLine); output.append("KEEP_TERMINAL_AMINO_ACIDS="); output.append(keepTerminalAminoAcids); output.append(newLine); output.append("DECOY_SEED="); output.append(decoySeed); output.append(newLine); output.append("OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME="); output.append(outputFolderName); output.append(newLine); output.append("PRINT_PEPTIDES="); output.append(printPeptides); output.append(newLine); output.append("VERBOSITY="); output.append(verbosity); output.append(newLine); output.append("MONOISOTOPIC_PRECURSOR="); output.append(monoisotopicPrecursor); output.append(newLine); output.append("CLIP_NTERM_METHIONINE="); output.append(clipNtermMethionine); output.append(newLine); output.append("DIGESTION_TYPE="); output.append(digestionType); output.append(newLine); output.append("COMPUTE_SP_SCORE="); output.append(computeSpScore); output.append(newLine); output.append("NUMBER_SPECTRUM_MATCHES="); output.append(numberOfSpectrumMatches); output.append(newLine); output.append("COMPUTE_EXACT_P_VALUES="); output.append(computeExactPValues); output.append(newLine); output.append("MIN_SPECTRUM_MZ="); output.append(minSpectrumMz); output.append(newLine); output.append("MAX_SPECTRUM_MZ="); output.append(maxSpectrumMz); output.append(newLine); output.append("MIN_SPECTRUM_PEAKS="); output.append(minSpectrumPeaks); output.append(newLine); output.append("SPECTRUM_CHARGES="); output.append(spectrumCharges); output.append(newLine); output.append("REMOVE_PRECURSOR="); output.append(removePrecursor); output.append(newLine); output.append("REMOVE_PRECURSOR_TOLERANCE="); output.append(removePrecursorTolerance); output.append(newLine); output.append("PRINT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SIZE="); output.append(printProgressIndicatorSize); output.append(newLine); output.append("USE_FLANKING_PEAKS="); output.append(useFlankingPeaks); output.append(newLine); output.append("USE_NEUTRAL_LOSS_PEAKS="); output.append(useNeutralLossPeaks); output.append(newLine); output.append("MZ_BIN_WIDTH="); output.append(mzBinWidth); output.append(newLine); output.append("MZ_BIN_OFFSET="); output.append(mzBinOffset); output.append(newLine); output.append("CONCATENATE_TARGET_DECOY="); output.append(concatenateTargetDecoy); output.append(newLine); output.append("STORE_SPECTRA_FILE_NAME="); output.append(storeSpectraFileName); output.append(newLine); output.append("TEXT_OUTPUT="); output.append(textOutput); output.append(newLine); output.append("SQT_OUTPUT="); output.append(sqtOutput); output.append(newLine); output.append("PEPXML_OUTPUT="); output.append(pepXmlOutput); output.append(newLine); output.append("MZID_OUTPUT="); output.append(mzidOutput); output.append(newLine); output.append("PERCOLATOR_OUTPUT="); output.append(pinOutput); output.append(newLine); return output.toString(); } /** * Returns the maximum number of variable modifications allowed on a single * peptide. Null if no upper limit is set. * * @return the maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide */ public Integer getMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide() { return maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide; } /** * Set the maximum number of variable modifications of allowed on a single * peptide. Set to null if no upper limit is to be used. * * @param maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide the maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide to set */ public void setMaxVariablePtmsPerPeptide(Integer maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide) { this.maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide = maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide; } /** * Returns the maximum number of variable modifications of each modification * type allowed on a single peptide. Null if no upper limit is set. * * @return the maxVariablePtmsPerPeptide */ public Integer getMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide() { return maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide; } /** * Set the maximum number of variable modifications of each modification * type allowed on a single peptide. Set to null if no upper limit is to be * used. * * @param maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide the * maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide to set */ public void setMaxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide(Integer maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide) { this.maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide = maxVariablePtmsPerTypePerPeptide; } /** * Returns the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @return the maximal peptide length allowed */ public Integer getMaxPeptideLength() { return maxPeptideLength; } /** * Sets the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @param maxPeptideLength the maximal peptide length allowed */ public void setMaxPeptideLength(Integer maxPeptideLength) { this.maxPeptideLength = maxPeptideLength; } /** * Sets the minimal peptide length allowed. * * @return the minimal peptide length allowed */ public Integer getMinPeptideLength() { return minPeptideLength; } /** * Sets the minimal peptide length allowed. * * @param minPeptideLength the minimal peptide length allowed */ public void setMinPeptideLength(Integer minPeptideLength) { this.minPeptideLength = minPeptideLength; } /** * Returns the minimum precursor mass. * * @return the minimum precursor mass */ public Double getMinPrecursorMass() { return minPrecursorMass; } /** * Sets the minimum precursor mass. * * @param minPrecursorMass the minPrecursorMass to set */ public void setMinPrecursorMass(Double minPrecursorMass) { this.minPrecursorMass = minPrecursorMass; } /** * Returns the maxPrecursorMass precursor mass. * * @return the maximum precursor mass */ public Double getMaxPrecursorMass() { return maxPrecursorMass; } /** * Sets the maximum precursor mass. * * @param maxPrecursorMass the maximum to set */ public void setMaxPrecursorMass(Double maxPrecursorMass) { this.maxPrecursorMass = maxPrecursorMass; } /** * Returns the decoy format. * * @return the decoyFormat */ public String getDecoyFormat() { return decoyFormat; } /** * Set the decoy format. * * @param decoyFormat the decoyFormat to set */ public void setDecoyFormat(String decoyFormat) { this.decoyFormat = decoyFormat; } /** * Returns the option for keeping the terminal amino acids when generating * the decoys. * * @return the keepTerminalAminoAcids */ public String getKeepTerminalAminoAcids() { return keepTerminalAminoAcids; } /** * Set the option for keeping the terminal amino acids when generating the * decoys * * @param keepTerminalAminoAcids the keepTerminalAminoAcids to set */ public void setKeepTerminalAminoAcids(String keepTerminalAminoAcids) { this.keepTerminalAminoAcids = keepTerminalAminoAcids; } /** * Returns the decoy seed. * * @return the decoySeed */ public Integer getDecoySeed() { return decoySeed; } /** * Set the decoy seed. * * @param decoySeed the decoySeed to set */ public void setDecoySeed(Integer decoySeed) { this.decoySeed = decoySeed; } /** * Returns the name of the output folder. * * @return the outputFolderName */ public String getOutputFolderName() { return outputFolderName; } /** * Set the name of the output folder. * * @param outputFolderName the outputFolderName to set */ public void setOutputFolderName(String outputFolderName) { this.outputFolderName = outputFolderName; } /** * Returns true of a list of the peptides should be printed to the output * folder. * * @return the printPeptides */ public Boolean getPrintPeptides() { return printPeptides; } /** * Set if a list of the peptides should be printed to the output folder. * * @param printPeptides the printPeptides to set */ public void setPrintPeptides(Boolean printPeptides) { this.printPeptides = printPeptides; } /** * Returns the verbosity type of progress output. * * @return the verbosity */ public Integer getVerbosity() { return verbosity; } /** * Set the verbosity type of progress output. * * @param verbosity the verbosity to set */ public void setVerbosity(Integer verbosity) { this.verbosity = verbosity; } /** * Returns true if the precursor mass is monoisotopic, false if average. * * @return the monoisotopicPrecursor */ public Boolean getMonoisotopicPrecursor() { return monoisotopicPrecursor; } /** * Set if the precursor mass is monoisotopic. * * @param monoisotopicPrecursor the monoisotopicPrecursor to set */ public void setMonoisotopicPrecursor(Boolean monoisotopicPrecursor) { this.monoisotopicPrecursor = monoisotopicPrecursor; } /** * Returns if the starting methionine peptides will be included both with * and without the starting M. * * @return the clipNtermMethionine */ public Boolean getClipNtermMethionine() { return clipNtermMethionine; } /** * Set if the starting methionine peptides will be included both with and * without the starting M. * * @param clipNtermMethionine the clipNtermMethionine to set */ public void setClipNtermMethionine(Boolean clipNtermMethionine) { this.clipNtermMethionine = clipNtermMethionine; } /** * Returns the enzyme digestion type. * * @return the digestionType */ public String getDigestionType() { return digestionType; } /** * Set the enzyme digestion type. * * @param digestionType the digestionType to set */ public void setDigestionType(String digestionType) { this.digestionType = digestionType; } /** * Returns true of the SP score is to be computed. * * @return the computeSpScore */ public Boolean getComputeSpScore() { if (computeSpScore == null) { computeSpScore = false; } return computeSpScore; } /** * Set if the SP score is to be computed. * * @param computeSpScore the computeSpScore to set */ public void setComputeSpScore(Boolean computeSpScore) { this.computeSpScore = computeSpScore; } /** * Returns the number of PSMs to report per spectrum. * * @return the numberOfSpectrumMatches */ public Integer getNumberOfSpectrumMatches() { return numberOfSpectrumMatches; } /** * Set the number of PSMs to report per spectrum. * * @param numberOfSpectrumMatches the numberOfSpectrumMatches to set */ public void setNumberOfSpectrumMatches(Integer numberOfSpectrumMatches) { this.numberOfSpectrumMatches = numberOfSpectrumMatches; } /** * Returns true if the exact p-values are to be computed. * * @return the computeExactPValues */ public Boolean getComputeExactPValues() { return computeExactPValues; } /** * Set if the exact p-values are to be computed. * * @param computeExactPValues the computeExactPValues to set */ public void setComputeExactPValues(Boolean computeExactPValues) { this.computeExactPValues = computeExactPValues; } /** * Return the min spectrum m/z to search for. * * @return the minSpectrumMz */ public Double getMinSpectrumMz() { return minSpectrumMz; } /** * Set the min spectrum m/z to search for. * * @param minSpectrumMz the minSpectrumMz to set */ public void setMinSpectrumMz(Double minSpectrumMz) { this.minSpectrumMz = minSpectrumMz; } /** * Returns the max spectrum m/z to search for. * * @return the maxSpectrumMz */ public Double getMaxSpectrumMz() { return maxSpectrumMz; } /** * Set the max spectrum m/z to search for. * * @param maxSpectrumMz the maxSpectrumMz to set */ public void setMaxSpectrumMz(Double maxSpectrumMz) { this.maxSpectrumMz = maxSpectrumMz; } /** * Returns the min number of peaks in a spectrum. * * @return the minSpectrumPeaks */ public Integer getMinSpectrumPeaks() { return minSpectrumPeaks; } /** * Set the min number of peaks in a spectrum. * * @param minSpectrumPeaks the minSpectrumPeaks to set */ public void setMinSpectrumPeaks(Integer minSpectrumPeaks) { this.minSpectrumPeaks = minSpectrumPeaks; } /** * Returns the spectrum charges to search for. * * @return the spectrumCharges */ public String getSpectrumCharges() { return spectrumCharges; } /** * Set the spectrum charges to search for. * * @param spectrumCharges the spectrumCharges to set */ public void setSpectrumCharges(String spectrumCharges) { this.spectrumCharges = spectrumCharges; } /** * Returns true of the precursor peak is to be removed. * * @return the removePrecursor */ public Boolean getRemovePrecursor() { return removePrecursor; } /** * Set if the precursor peak is to be removed. * * @param removePrecursor the removePrecursor to set */ public void setRemovePrecursor(Boolean removePrecursor) { this.removePrecursor = removePrecursor; } /** * Returns the tolerance with which to remove the precursor peak. * * @return the removePrecursorTolerance */ public Double getRemovePrecursorTolerance() { return removePrecursorTolerance; } /** * Set the tolerance with which to remove the precursor peak. * * @param removePrecursorTolerance the removePrecursorTolerance to set */ public void setRemovePrecursorTolerance(Double removePrecursorTolerance) { this.removePrecursorTolerance = removePrecursorTolerance; } /** * Returns the progress indicator size. * * @return the printProgressIndicatorSize */ public Integer getPrintProgressIndicatorSize() { return printProgressIndicatorSize; } /** * Set the progress indicator size. * * @param printProgressIndicatorSize the printProgressIndicatorSize to set */ public void setPrintProgressIndicatorSize(Integer printProgressIndicatorSize) { this.printProgressIndicatorSize = printProgressIndicatorSize; } /** * Returns true if flanking peaks are to be used. * * @return the useFlankingPeaks */ public Boolean getUseFlankingPeaks() { return useFlankingPeaks; } /** * Set if flanking peaks are to be used. * * @param useFlankingPeaks the useFlankingPeaks to set */ public void setUseFlankingPeaks(Boolean useFlankingPeaks) { this.useFlankingPeaks = useFlankingPeaks; } /** * Returns true if the neutral loss peaks are to be used. * * @return the useNeutralLossPeaks */ public Boolean getUseNeutralLossPeaks() { return useNeutralLossPeaks; } /** * Set if the neutral loss peaks are to be used. * * @param useNeutralLossPeaks the useNeutralLossPeaks to set */ public void setUseNeutralLossPeaks(Boolean useNeutralLossPeaks) { this.useNeutralLossPeaks = useNeutralLossPeaks; } /** * Returns the m/z bin width. * * @return the mzBinWidth */ public Double getMzBinWidth() { return mzBinWidth; } /** * Set the m/z bin width. * * @param mzBinWidth the mzBinWidth to set */ public void setMzBinWidth(Double mzBinWidth) { this.mzBinWidth = mzBinWidth; } /** * Returns the m/z bin offset. * * @return the mzBinOffset */ public Double getMzBinOffset() { return mzBinOffset; } /** * Set the m/z bin offset. * * @param mzBinOffset the mzBinOffset to set */ public void setMzBinOffset(Double mzBinOffset) { this.mzBinOffset = mzBinOffset; } /** * Returns true if the target and decoy results are to be concatenated. * * @return the concatenatTargetDecoy */ public Boolean getConcatenatTargetDecoy() { return concatenateTargetDecoy; } /** * Set if the target and decoy results are to be concatenated. * * @param concatenate the concatenateTargetDecoy to set */ public void setConcatenatTargetDecoy(Boolean concatenate) { this.concatenateTargetDecoy = concatenate; } /** * Returns the name of the file where the binary spectra are to be stored. * * @return the storeSpectraFileName */ public String getStoreSpectraFileName() { return storeSpectraFileName; } /** * Set the name of the file where the binary spectra are to be stored. * * @param storeSpectraFileName the storeSpectraFileName to set */ public void setStoreSpectraFileName(String storeSpectraFileName) { this.storeSpectraFileName = storeSpectraFileName; } /** * Returns true if the text output is to be created. * * @return the textOutput */ public Boolean getTextOutput() { if (textOutput == null) { textOutput = true; } return textOutput; } /** * Set if the text output is to be created. * * @param textOutput the textOutput to set */ public void setTextOutput(Boolean textOutput) { this.textOutput = textOutput; } /** * Returns true if the sqt output is to be created. * * @return the sqtOutput */ public Boolean getSqtOutput() { if (sqtOutput == null) { sqtOutput = false; } return sqtOutput; } /** * Set if the sqt output is to be created. * * @param sqtOutput the sqtOutput to set */ public void setSqtOutput(Boolean sqtOutput) { this.sqtOutput = sqtOutput; } /** * Returns true if the pepxml output is to be created. * * @return the pepXmlOutput */ public Boolean getPepXmlOutput() { if (pepXmlOutput == null) { pepXmlOutput = false; } return pepXmlOutput; } /** * Set if the pepxml output is to be created. * * @param pepXmlOutput the pepXmlOutput to set */ public void setPepXmlOutput(Boolean pepXmlOutput) { this.pepXmlOutput = pepXmlOutput; } /** * Returns true if the mzid output is to be created. * * @return the mzidOutput */ public Boolean getMzidOutput() { if (mzidOutput == null) { mzidOutput = false; } return mzidOutput; } /** * Set if the mzid output is to be created. * * @param mzidOutput the mzidOutput to set */ public void setMzidOutput(Boolean mzidOutput) { this.mzidOutput = mzidOutput; } /** * Returns true if the Percolator output is to be created. * * @return the pinOutput */ public Boolean getPinOutput() { if (pinOutput == null) { pinOutput = false; } return pinOutput; } /** * Set if the Percolator output is to be created. * * @param pinOutput the pinOutput to set */ public void setPinOutput(Boolean pinOutput) { this.pinOutput = pinOutput; } /** * Returns the name of the FASTA index folder. * * @return the fastIndexFolderName */ public String getFastIndexFolderName() { return fastIndexFolderName; } /** * Set the name of the FASTA index folder. * * @param fastIndexFolderName the fastIndexFolderName to set */ public void setFastIndexFolderName(String fastIndexFolderName) { this.fastIndexFolderName = fastIndexFolderName; } /** * Returns true if the output and index folders are to be removed when the * search has completed. * * @return the removeTempFolders */ public Boolean getRemoveTempFolders() { if (removeTempFolders == null) { removeTempFolders = true; } return removeTempFolders; } /** * Set if the output and index folders are to be removed when the search has * completed. * * @param removeTempFolders the removeTempFolders to set */ public void setRemoveTempFolders(Boolean removeTempFolders) { this.removeTempFolders = removeTempFolders; } }