package; import; import; import; import; import com.compomics.util.preferences.UtilitiesUserPreferences; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** * This class can be used to start compomics tools. * * @author Marc Vaudel * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class ToolFactory { /** * The command line argument for a cps file for PeptideShaker. */ public static final String peptideShakerFileOption = "-cps"; /** * The command line argument for a zipped cps URL for PeptideShaker. */ public static final String peptideShakerUrlOption = "-zipUrl"; /** * The command line argument for the download folder for the URL for * PeptideShaker. */ public static final String peptideShakerUrlDownloadFolderOption = "-zipUrlFolder"; /** * The command line argument to open a given PX accession in PRIDE Reshake. */ public static final String peptideShakerPxAccessionOption = "-pxAccession"; /** * The command line argument to indicate that the PX accession to open in * PRIDE Reshake is private. If not set public is assumed. */ public static final String peptideShakerPxAccessionPrivateOption = "-pxAccessionPrivate"; /** * The command line argument for mgf files for SearchGUI. */ public static final String searchGuiSpectrumFileOption = "-mgf"; /** * The command line argument for raw files for SearchGUI. */ public static final String searchGuiRawFileOption = "-raw"; /** * The command line argument for a parameters file for SearchGUI. */ public static final String searchGuiParametersFileOption = "-identification_parameters"; /** * The command line argument for an output folder. */ public static final String outputFolderOption = "-output_folder"; /** * The command line argument for the species. */ public static final String speciesOption = "-species"; /** * The command line argument for the species type. */ public static final String speciesTypeOption = "-species_type"; /** * Starts PeptideShaker from the location of utilities preferences. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog (can be null) * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startPeptideShaker(JFrame parent) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { startPeptideShaker(parent, null); } /** * Starts PeptideShaker from the location of utilities preferences and opens * the file given as argument. If null is given as file or if the file to * open is not found, the tool will go for a default start. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog (can be null) * @param cpsFile the file to open (cps format) (can be null) * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startPeptideShaker(JFrame parent, File cpsFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); boolean openPeptideShaker = true; if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() == null || !(new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists())) { PeptideShakerSetupDialog peptideShakerSetupDialog = new PeptideShakerSetupDialog(parent, true); utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); openPeptideShaker = !peptideShakerSetupDialog.isDialogCanceled(); } if (openPeptideShaker) { if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() != null && new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists()) { if (cpsFile != null) { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(peptideShakerFileOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getCommandLineArgument(cpsFile)); launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker", args); } else { launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PeptideShaker not found in " + utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()); } } } /** * Starts PeptideShaker from the location of utilities preferences in the * Reshake mode and attempts at selecting the given project. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog (can be null) * @param pxAccession the ProteomeXchange accession of the project to open (can be null) * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startReshake(JFrame parent, String pxAccession) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); boolean openPeptideShaker = true; if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() == null || !(new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists())) { PeptideShakerSetupDialog peptideShakerSetupDialog = new PeptideShakerSetupDialog(parent, true); utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); openPeptideShaker = !peptideShakerSetupDialog.isDialogCanceled(); } if (openPeptideShaker) { if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() != null && new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists()) { if (pxAccession != null) { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(peptideShakerPxAccessionOption); args.add(pxAccession); launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker", args); } else { launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PeptideShaker not found in " + utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()); } } } /** * Starts PeptideShaker from the location of utilities preferences and opens * the file given as argument. If null is given as file or if the file to * open is not found, the tool will go for a default start. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog (can be null) * @param zipUrl the URL with the zipped PeptideShaker project to open (can * be null) * @param downloadUrlFolder the folder to download the project to, mandatory * if zipUrl is used * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startPeptideShakerFromURL(JFrame parent, String zipUrl, String downloadUrlFolder) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); boolean openPeptideShaker = true; if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() == null || !(new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists())) { PeptideShakerSetupDialog peptideShakerSetupDialog = new PeptideShakerSetupDialog(parent, true); utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); openPeptideShaker = !peptideShakerSetupDialog.isDialogCanceled(); } if (openPeptideShaker) { if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath() != null && new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()).exists()) { if (zipUrl != null) { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(peptideShakerUrlOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getQuoteType() + zipUrl + CommandLineUtils.getQuoteType()); args.add(peptideShakerUrlDownloadFolderOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getQuoteType() + downloadUrlFolder + CommandLineUtils.getQuoteType()); launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker", args); } else { launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath(), "PeptideShaker"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PeptideShaker not found in " + utilitiesUserPreferences.getPeptideShakerPath()); } } } /** * Starts Reporter from the location of utilities preferences. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog. * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startReporter(JFrame parent) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); boolean openReporter = true; if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath() == null || !(new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath()).exists())) { ReporterSetupDialog reporterSetupDialog = new ReporterSetupDialog(parent, true); utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); openReporter = !reporterSetupDialog.isDialogCanceled(); } if (openReporter) { if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath() != null && new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath()).exists()) { launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath(), "Reporter"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reporter not found in " + utilitiesUserPreferences.getReporterPath()); } } } /** * Starts SearchGUI from the location of utilities preferences. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog. * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startSearchGUI(JFrame parent) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { startSearchGUI(parent, null, null, null, null, null, null); } /** * Starts SearchGUI from the location of utilities preferences. * * @param parent a frame to display the path setting dialog. * @param mgfFiles the mgf files to search (can be null) * @param rawFiles the raw files to search (can be null) * @param searchParameters the search parameters as a file (can be null) * @param outputFolder outputFolder the output folder (can be null) * @param species the species (can be null) * @param speciesType the species type (can be null) * * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while reading or writing a * file * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an exception occurs while reading the * user preferences * @throws InterruptedException if a threading issue occurs */ public static void startSearchGUI(JFrame parent, ArrayList<File> mgfFiles, ArrayList<File> rawFiles, File searchParameters, File outputFolder, String species, String speciesType) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); boolean openSearchGUI = true; if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath() == null || !(new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath()).exists())) { SearchGuiSetupDialog searchGuiSetupDialog = new SearchGuiSetupDialog(parent, true); utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); openSearchGUI = !searchGuiSetupDialog.isDialogCanceled(); } if (openSearchGUI) { if (utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath() != null && new File(utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath()).exists()) { if (mgfFiles == null && rawFiles == null && searchParameters == null && species == null) { launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath(), "SearchGUI"); } else { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); if (mgfFiles != null && !mgfFiles.isEmpty()) { args.add(searchGuiSpectrumFileOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getCommandLineArgument(mgfFiles)); } if (rawFiles != null && !rawFiles.isEmpty()) { args.add(searchGuiRawFileOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getCommandLineArgument(rawFiles)); } if (searchParameters != null) { args.add(searchGuiParametersFileOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getCommandLineArgument(searchParameters)); } if (outputFolder != null) { args.add(outputFolderOption); args.add(CommandLineUtils.getCommandLineArgument(outputFolder)); } if (species != null) { args.add(speciesOption); args.add(species); } if (speciesType != null) { args.add(speciesTypeOption); args.add(speciesType); } launch(utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath(), "SearchGUI", args); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SearchGUI not found in " + utilitiesUserPreferences.getSearchGuiPath()); } } } /** * Generic method to start a tool. * * @param toolPath the path to the tool * @param toolName the name of the tool (used for bug report) * @param args the arguments to pass to the tool (ignored if null) */ private static void launch(String toolPath, String toolName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { launch(toolPath, toolName, null); } /** * Generic method to start a tool. * * @param toolPath the path to the tool * @param toolName the name of the tool (used for bug report) * @param args the arguments to pass to the tool (ignored if null) */ private static void launch(String toolPath, String toolName, ArrayList<String> args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String arguments = ""; if (args != null) { arguments = CommandLineUtils.concatenate(args); } boolean debug = false; String quote = CommandLineUtils.getQuoteType(); String cmdLine = "java -jar " + quote + toolPath + quote + " " + arguments; if (debug) { System.out.println(cmdLine); } Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine); InputStream stderr = p.getErrorStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stderr); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String temp = "<ERROR>" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator"); if (debug) { System.out.println("<ERROR>"); } String line = br.readLine(); boolean error = false; while (line != null) { if (debug) { System.out.println(line); } temp += line + System.getProperty("line.separator"); line = br.readLine(); error = true; } br.close(); isr.close(); stderr.close(); if (debug) { System.out.println("</ERROR>"); } temp += System.getProperty("line.separator") + "The command line executed:" + System.getProperty("line.separator"); temp += cmdLine + System.getProperty("line.separator"); temp += System.getProperty("line.separator") + "</ERROR>" + System.getProperty("line.separator"); int exitVal = p.waitFor(); if (debug) { System.out.println("Process exitValue: " + exitVal); } if (error) { File logFile = new File(new File(toolPath).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/resources/", toolName + ".log"); FileWriter f = new FileWriter(logFile, true); f.write(System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator") + temp + System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator")); f.close(); javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Failed to start " + toolName + ".\n\n" + "Inspect the log file for details: resources/" + toolName + ".log.\n\n" + "Then go to Troubleshooting at", toolName + " - Startup Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }