package; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.SearchParameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.SpectrumMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.PeptideAssumption; import; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Charge; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; /** * Id file reader for the scripts in Onyase. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class OnyaseIdfileReader implements IdfileReader { /** * The columns separator. */ public final static char separator = ' '; /** * Character to start the comment lines. */ public final static char comment = '#'; /** * Tag for the version. */ public final static String versionTag = "Version:"; /** * Tag for the spectrum file. */ public final static String spectraTag = "Spectrum File:"; /** * Tag for the fasta file. */ public final static String fastaTag = "Fasta File:"; /** * Tag for the parameters file path. */ public final static String paramsTag = "Parameters File:"; /** * The result file to parse. */ private File resultsFile; /** * The path to the mgf file used for the search. */ private String mgfFile; /** * The path to the fasta file used for the search. */ private String fastaFile; /** * The path to the parameters file used for the search. */ private String parametersFile; /** * The name of the result file. */ private String fileName; /** * The version used to create the file. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> version; /** * Default constructor instantiation purposes. */ public OnyaseIdfileReader() { } /** * Constructor for an onyase file reader. * * @param resultsFile the Andromeda results file * * @throws IOException if an error occurrs while parsing the file */ public OnyaseIdfileReader(File resultsFile) throws IOException { this.resultsFile = resultsFile; fileName = Util.getFileName(resultsFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(resultsFile)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String key = "" + comment + separator + versionTag; if (line.startsWith(key)) { String fileVersion = line.substring(key.length()).trim(); version = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(1); ArrayList<String> versions = new ArrayList<String>(1); versions.add(fileVersion); version.put(Advocate.onyaseEngine.getName(), versions); } key = "" + comment + separator + spectraTag; if (line.startsWith(key)) { mgfFile = line.substring(key.length()).trim(); } key = "" + comment + separator + fastaTag; if (line.startsWith(key)) { fastaFile = line.substring(key.length()).trim(); } key = "" + comment + separator + parametersFile; if (line.startsWith(key)) { parametersFile = line.substring(key.length()).trim(); } } } @Override public String getExtension() { return ".psm"; } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { return getAllSpectrumMatches(waitingHandler, searchParameters, null, false); } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, boolean expandAaCombinations) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { String spectrumFileName = Util.getFileName(mgfFile); String resultFileName = Util.getFileName(resultsFile); LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> result = new LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>(); BufferedRandomAccessFile bufferedRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(resultsFile, "r", 1024 * 100); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(100); } long progressUnit = bufferedRandomAccessFile.length() / 100; String separatorString = separator + ""; String line; SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = null; int rank = 0; while ((line = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { String[] lineSplit = line.split(separatorString); String spectrumTitle = lineSplit[0]; if (spectrumTitle.length() > 0) { spectrumTitle = URLDecoder.decode(spectrumTitle, "utf-8"); if (spectrumMatch != null) { result.add(spectrumMatch); } spectrumMatch = new SpectrumMatch(Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(spectrumFileName, spectrumTitle)); rank = 0; } rank++; String sequence = lineSplit[1]; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = getModificationMatches(lineSplit[2]); Peptide peptide = new Peptide(sequence, modificationMatches); Integer charge = new Integer(lineSplit[3]); Double score = new Double(lineSplit[4]); Double eValue = new Double(lineSplit[5]); PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(peptide, rank, Advocate.onyaseEngine.getIndex(), new Charge(Charge.PLUS, charge), eValue, resultFileName); peptideAssumption.setRawScore(score); spectrumMatch.addHit(Advocate.onyaseEngine.getIndex(), peptideAssumption, true); long currentIndex = bufferedRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer(); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter((int) (currentIndex / progressUnit)); } } } return result; } /** * Parses modification matches from a modification string. * * @param modificationsString the modification string * * @return a list of modificaiton matches * * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while decoding the string */ private ArrayList<ModificationMatch> getModificationMatches(String modificationsString) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (modificationsString.length() == 0) { return new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(0); } String decodedString = URLDecoder.decode(modificationsString, "utf-8"); String[] modifications = decodedString.split(Peptide.MODIFICATION_SEPARATOR); ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(modifications.length); for (String modification : modifications) { String[] modificationSplit = modification.split(Peptide.MODIFICATION_LOCALIZATION_SEPARATOR); String modificationName = modificationSplit[0]; Integer site = new Integer(modificationSplit[1]); ModificationMatch modificationMatch = new ModificationMatch(modificationName, true, site); modificationMatches.add(modificationMatch); } return modificationMatches; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } @Override public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getSoftwareVersions() { return version; } @Override public HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>> getTagsMap() { return new HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>>(0); } @Override public void clearTagsMap() { // No tags here } @Override public boolean hasDeNovoTags() { return false; } }