package com.compomics.util.experiment.biology; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.amino_acid_tags.TagComponent; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.PtmSettings; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * An amino acid pattern is a sequence of amino acids. For example for trypsin: * Target R or K not followed by P. the Indexing starts with 0. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class AminoAcidPattern extends ExperimentObject implements TagComponent { /** * Serial number for backward compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -2823716418631089876L; /** * The index of the amino acid of interest if there is one. Can be a * modification site or a cleavage site. For trypsin: 0. */ private Integer target = 0; /** * Cache for the amino acids at target. */ private HashSet<Character> aaAtTarget = null; /** * The length of the pattern, -1 if not set. */ private int length = -1; /** * The list of targeted amino acids at a given index represented by their * single letter code. For trypsin: 0 > {R, K} 1 > {all but P} */ private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>> residueTargeted = null; /** * The modifications carried by the amino acid sequence at target amino * acids. */ private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> targetModifications = null; /** * Creates a blank pattern. All maps are null. */ public AminoAcidPattern() { } /** * Creates an amino acid pattern based on the given amino acid sequence. * Warning, the modification mapping is the same, modifying it here modifies * the original sequence. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the original amino acid sequence */ public AminoAcidPattern(AminoAcidSequence aminoAcidSequence) { String sequence = aminoAcidSequence.getSequence(); residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(sequence.length()); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length(); i++) { char letter = sequence.charAt(i); ArrayList<Character> list = new ArrayList<Character>(1); list.add(letter); residueTargeted.put(i, list); } length = sequence.length(); targetModifications = aminoAcidSequence.getModificationMatches(); } /** * Creates a pattern from another pattern. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the other pattern */ public AminoAcidPattern(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern) { target = aminoAcidPattern.getTarget(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>> otherTargets = aminoAcidPattern.getAaTargeted(); if (otherTargets != null) { residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(otherTargets.size()); for (int index : otherTargets.keySet()) { residueTargeted.put(index, (ArrayList<Character>) otherTargets.get(index).clone()); } } HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> modificationMatches = aminoAcidPattern.getModificationMatches(); if (modificationMatches != null) { targetModifications = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>>(modificationMatches.size()); for (int index : modificationMatches.keySet()) { targetModifications.put(index, (ArrayList<ModificationMatch>) modificationMatches.get(index).clone()); } } } /** * Parses the amino acid pattern from the given string as created by the * toString() method. * * @param aminoAcidPatternAsString the amino acid pattern as created by the * toString() method * * @return the amino acid pattern */ public static AminoAcidPattern getAminoAcidPatternFromString(String aminoAcidPatternAsString) { AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern = new AminoAcidPattern(); char[] aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray = aminoAcidPatternAsString.toCharArray(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray.length; i++) { char character = aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray[i]; ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = new ArrayList<Character>(1); if (character == '[') { if (i + 1 == aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reached the end of the amino acid pattern while parsing amino acid combination in " + aminoAcidPatternAsString + "."); } while ((character = aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray[++i]) != ']') { AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(character); aminoAcids.add(character); if (i + 1 == aminoAcidPattenrAsStringCharArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reached the end of the amino acid pattern while parsing amino acid combination in " + aminoAcidPatternAsString + "."); } } } else { AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(character); aminoAcids.add(character); } aminoAcidPattern.setTargeted(index, aminoAcids); index++; } return aminoAcidPattern; } /** * Returns the map of targeted amino acids. Null if not set. * * @return the map of targeted amino acids */ public HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>> getAaTargeted() { return residueTargeted; } /** * Convenience constructor giving a list of targeted residues as input. For * instance (S, T, Y) * * @param targetTesidues a list of targeted residues * @throws IllegalArgumentException exception thrown whenever a letter is * not recognized as amino acid */ public AminoAcidPattern(ArrayList<String> targetTesidues) throws IllegalArgumentException { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = new ArrayList<Character>(targetTesidues.size()); for (String letter : targetTesidues) { aminoAcids.add(letter.charAt(0)); } residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(1); residueTargeted.put(0, aminoAcids); length = 1; } /** * Swap two rows in the pattern. The first amino acid is 0. * * @param fromRow from row * @param toRow to row * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an IllegalArgumentException occurs */ public void swapRows(int fromRow, int toRow) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (residueTargeted.size() < fromRow || fromRow < 0 || toRow < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal row index: " + fromRow); } if (residueTargeted.size() < toRow || toRow < 0 || fromRow < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal row index: " + toRow); } ArrayList<Character> toRowDataTarget = residueTargeted.get(toRow); residueTargeted.put(toRow, residueTargeted.get(fromRow)); residueTargeted.put(fromRow, toRowDataTarget); if (target == fromRow) { target = toRow; } else if (target == toRow) { target = fromRow; } aaAtTarget = null; } /** * Returns the index of the amino acid of interest in the pattern. Null if * none. * * @return the index of the amino acid of interest in the pattern. */ public Integer getTarget() { return target; } /** * Sets the index of the amino acid of interest in the pattern. * * @param target the index of the amino acid of interest in the pattern. */ public void setTarget(Integer target) { = target; aaAtTarget = null; } /** * Returns the targeted amino acids at position "target". An empty list if * none. * * @return the targeted amino acids at position "target" */ public ArrayList<Character> getAminoAcidsAtTarget() { return getTargetedAA(target); } /** * Returns a set containing the amino acids at target. * * @return a set containing the amino acids at target */ public HashSet<Character> getAminoAcidsAtTargetSet() { if (aaAtTarget == null) { ArrayList<Character> aaAtTargetList = getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); aaAtTarget = new HashSet<Character>(aaAtTargetList); } return aaAtTarget; } /** * Sets the amino acids targeted at a given index. The first amino acid is * 0. Previous value will be silently overwritten. * * @param index the index in the pattern * @param targets the amino acids targeted */ public void setTargeted(int index, ArrayList<Character> targets) { if (residueTargeted == null) { residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(1); } residueTargeted.put(index, targets); if (index + 1 > length) { length = index + 1; } aaAtTarget = null; } /** * Excludes the given amino acids from the targeted amino acids at the given * index. * * @param index the index of the excluded amino acid * @param exceptions the amino acids to exclude */ public void setExcluded(int index, ArrayList<Character> exceptions) { if (residueTargeted == null) { residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(1); } if (exceptions == null || exceptions.isEmpty()) { residueTargeted.put(index, new ArrayList<Character>()); } else { ArrayList<Character> notExcluded = new ArrayList<Character>(); ArrayList<Character> targeted = residueTargeted.get(index); if (targeted == null || targeted.isEmpty()) { for (char aa : AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids()) { if (!exceptions.contains(aa)) { notExcluded.add(aa); } } } else { for (Character aminoAcid : targeted) { if (!exceptions.contains(aminoAcid)) { notExcluded.add(aminoAcid); } } } residueTargeted.put(index, notExcluded); } if (index + 1 > length) { length = index + 1; } aaAtTarget = null; } /** * Returns the targeted amino acids at a given index in the pattern. The * first amino acid is 0. * * @param index the index in the pattern * @return the targeted amino acids */ public ArrayList<Character> getTargetedAA(int index) { if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Character> result = residueTargeted.get(index); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new ArrayList<Character>(0); } /** * Returns the number of targeted amino acids at the given index. The first * amino acid is 0. * * @param index the index of interest * * @return the number of excluded amino acids */ public int getNTargetedAA(int index) { if (residueTargeted == null) { return 0; } ArrayList<Character> aas = getTargetedAA(index); return aas.size(); } /** * Removes an amino acid index from the pattern. The first amino acid is 0. * * @param index the index of the amino acid to remove */ public void removeAA(int index) { if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(residueTargeted.keySet()); Collections.sort(indexes); for (int aa : indexes) { if (aa >= index) { if (aa > index) { residueTargeted.put(aa - 1, residueTargeted.get(aa)); } residueTargeted.remove(aa); } } } if (targetModifications != null) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(targetModifications.keySet()); Collections.sort(indexes); int ptmIndex = index + 1; for (int aa : indexes) { if (aa >= ptmIndex) { if (aa > ptmIndex) { targetModifications.put(aa - 1, targetModifications.get(aa)); } } } } aaAtTarget = null; length = -1; } /** * Returns the amino acid pattern as case insensitive pattern for String * matching. * * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param includeMutations if true mutated amino acids will be included * * @return the amino acid pattern as java string pattern */ public Pattern getAsStringPattern(SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, boolean includeMutations) { MatchingType matchingType = sequenceMatchingPreferences.getSequenceMatchingType(); int tempLength = length(); StringBuilder regexBuilder = new StringBuilder(tempLength); for (int i = 0; i < tempLength; i++) { ArrayList<Character> toAdd = new ArrayList<Character>(1); if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Character> tempTarget = residueTargeted.get(i); if (tempTarget == null || tempTarget.isEmpty()) { toAdd.ensureCapacity(AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids().length); for (Character aa : AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids()) { toAdd.add(aa); } } else { for (Character aa : tempTarget) { if (!toAdd.contains(aa)) { toAdd.add(aa); } if (matchingType == MatchingType.aminoAcid || matchingType == MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids) { AminoAcid aminoAcid = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aa); for (char tempAa : aminoAcid.getSubAminoAcids()) { if (!toAdd.contains(tempAa)) { toAdd.add(tempAa); } } for (char tempAa : aminoAcid.getCombinations()) { if (!toAdd.contains(tempAa)) { toAdd.add(tempAa); } } if (matchingType == MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids && (aminoAcid == AminoAcid.I || aminoAcid == AminoAcid.J || aminoAcid == AminoAcid.L)) { if (!toAdd.contains('I')) { toAdd.add('I'); } if (!toAdd.contains('J')) { toAdd.add('L'); } } } } } } Collections.sort(toAdd); regexBuilder.ensureCapacity(toAdd.size() + 2); regexBuilder.append("["); for (Character aa : toAdd) { regexBuilder.append(aa); } regexBuilder.append("]"); } return Pattern.compile(regexBuilder.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } /** * Returns the pattern in the PROSITE format. * * @return the pattern in the PROSITE format */ public String getPrositeFormat() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int cpt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { ArrayList<Character> targetedAas = getTargetedAA(i); if (targetedAas.isEmpty()) { cpt++; } else if (targetedAas.size() > 15) { ArrayList<Character> excludedAas = new ArrayList<Character>(); for (char aa : AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids()) { if (!targetedAas.contains(aa)) { excludedAas.add(aa); } } if (cpt > 0) { result.append("(").append(cpt).append(")"); cpt = 0; } result.append("{"); for (Character aa : excludedAas) { result.append(aa); } result.append("}"); } else { if (cpt > 0) { result.append("(").append(cpt).append(")"); cpt = 0; } if (!targetedAas.isEmpty()) { result.append("["); for (Character aa : targetedAas) { result.append(aa); } result.append("]"); } } if (i == target) { result.append("!"); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Returns the indexes where the amino acid pattern was found in the input. * 1 is the first amino acid. * * @param input the amino acid input sequence as string * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a list of indexes where the amino acid pattern was found */ public ArrayList<Integer> getIndexes(String input, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int index = 0; while ((index = firstIndex(input, sequenceMatchingPreferences, index)) >= 0) { result.add(index + 1); index++; } return result; } /** * Returns the indexes where the amino acid pattern was found in the input. * 1 is the first amino acid. * * @param input the amino acid input sequence as AminoAcidPattern * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a list of indexes where the amino acid pattern was found */ public ArrayList<Integer> getIndexes(AminoAcidPattern input, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int index = 0; while ((index = firstIndex(input, sequenceMatchingPreferences, index)) >= 0) { result.add(index + 1); index++; } return result; } /** * Returns the first index where the amino acid pattern is found. -1 if not * found. 0 is the first amino acid. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence to look into * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public int firstIndex(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return firstIndex(aminoAcidSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences, 0); } /** * Returns the first index where the amino acid pattern is found. -1 if not * found. 0 is the first amino acid. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence to look into * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public int firstIndex(AminoAcidSequence aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return firstIndex(aminoAcidSequence.getSequence(), sequenceMatchingPreferences, 0); } /** * Returns the first index where the amino acid pattern is found. -1 if not * found. 0 is the first amino acid. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence to look into * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public int firstIndex(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return firstIndex(aminoAcidPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences, 0); } /** * Indicates whether the pattern contains a subsequence of amino acids. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence to look for * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public boolean contains(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { AminoAcidPattern pattern = getAminoAcidPatternFromString(aminoAcidSequence); return pattern.firstIndex(this, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Indicates whether the pattern contains a subsequence of amino acids. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence to look for * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public boolean contains(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return aminoAcidPattern.firstIndex(this, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Returns the first index where the amino acid pattern is found. -1 if not * found. 0 is the first amino acid. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence to look into * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param startIndex the start index where to start looking for * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public int firstIndex(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, int startIndex) { int patternLength = length(); int aminoAcidPatternLength = aminoAcidSequence.length(); int lastIndex = aminoAcidPatternLength - patternLength; for (int i = startIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) { boolean match = true; for (int j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { char aa = aminoAcidSequence.charAt(i + j); if (!isTargeted(aa, j, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { return i + target; } } return -1; } /** * Returns the first index where the amino acid pattern is found in the * given pattern. -1 if not found. 0 is the first amino acid. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence to look into * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param startIndex the start index where to start looking for * * @return the first index where the amino acid pattern is found */ public int firstIndex(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, int startIndex) { int patternLength = length(); int aminoAcidPatternLength = aminoAcidPattern.length(); int lastIndex = aminoAcidPatternLength - patternLength; for (int i = startIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) { boolean match = true; for (int j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = aminoAcidPattern.getTargetedAA(i + j); if (!aminoAcids.isEmpty()) { boolean aaMatched = false; for (Character aa : aminoAcids) { if (isTargeted(aa, j, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { aaMatched = true; break; } } if (!aaMatched) { match = false; break; } } } if (match) { return i + target; } } return -1; } /** * Indicates whether the given amino acid at the given index of the pattern * is targeted without accounting for mutations. * * @param aa the amino acid as character * @param index the index in the pattern * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return true if the given amino acid at the given index of the pattern is * targeted */ public boolean isTargeted(Character aa, int index, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (residueTargeted != null) { MatchingType matchingType = sequenceMatchingPreferences.getSequenceMatchingType(); ArrayList<Character> aaList = residueTargeted.get(index); if (aaList != null && !aaList.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < aaList.size(); i++) { Character targetedAA = aaList.get(i); if (aa.equals(targetedAA)) { return true; } else if (matchingType == MatchingType.aminoAcid || matchingType == MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids) { AminoAcid targetedAminoAcid = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(targetedAA); for (Character tempAA : targetedAminoAcid.getSubAminoAcids()) { if (aa.equals(tempAA)) { return true; } } for (Character tempAA : targetedAminoAcid.getCombinations()) { if (aa.equals(tempAA)) { return true; } } if (matchingType == MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids && (targetedAminoAcid == AminoAcid.I || targetedAminoAcid == AminoAcid.J || targetedAminoAcid == AminoAcid.L)) { if (aa == 'I' || aa == 'J' || aa == 'L') { return true; } } } } } else if (aaList != null) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Indicates whether the pattern is found in the given amino acid sequence. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the given * amino acid sequence */ public boolean matchesIn(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return firstIndex(aminoAcidSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Indicates whether the pattern is found in the given amino acid sequence. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the given * amino acid sequence */ public boolean matchesIn(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return firstIndex(aminoAcidPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Indicates whether the pattern is found in the given amino acid sequence * at the given index, where 0 is the first amino acid. Returns false if the * entire pattern cannot be mapped to the sequence. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param index the index at which the matching should be done * * @return a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the given * amino acid sequence at the given index */ public boolean matchesAt(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, int index) { int startIndex = index - target; int endIndex = length() - target; if (startIndex < 0) { return false; } if (endIndex >= aminoAcidSequence.length()) { return false; } String subSequence = aminoAcidSequence.substring(index, index + length()); return matches(subSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences); } /** * Indicates whether the pattern matches the given amino acid sequence. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the given * amino acid sequence */ public boolean matches(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return length() == aminoAcidSequence.length() && firstIndex(aminoAcidSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Indicates whether the pattern is found in the given amino acid sequence. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the given * amino acid sequence */ public boolean matches(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { return length() == aminoAcidPattern.length() && firstIndex(aminoAcidPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences) >= 0; } /** * Indicates whether the given amino acid sequence starts with the pattern. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the given amino acid sequence starts * with the pattern */ public boolean isStarting(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { int patternLength = length(); return matchesIn(aminoAcidSequence.substring(0, patternLength), sequenceMatchingPreferences); } /** * Indicates whether the given amino acid sequence starts with the pattern. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the given amino acid sequence starts * with the pattern */ public boolean isStarting(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { int patternLength = length(); return matchesIn(aminoAcidPattern.getSubPattern(0, patternLength, false), sequenceMatchingPreferences); } /** * Indicates whether the given amino acid sequence ends with the pattern. * * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the given amino acid sequence ends * with the pattern */ public boolean isEnding(AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { int patternLength = length(); return matchesIn(aminoAcidPattern.getSubPattern(aminoAcidPattern.length() - patternLength, false), sequenceMatchingPreferences); } /** * Indicates whether the given amino acid sequence ends with the pattern. * * @param aminoAcidSequence the amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the given amino acid sequence ends * with the pattern */ public boolean isEnding(String aminoAcidSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { int patternLength = length(); return matchesIn(aminoAcidSequence.substring(aminoAcidSequence.length() - patternLength), sequenceMatchingPreferences); } /** * Indicates whether another AminoAcidPattern targets the same pattern. * Modifications are considered equal when of same mass. Modifications * should be loaded in the PTM factory. * * @param anotherPattern the other AminoAcidPattern * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return true if the other AminoAcidPattern targets the same pattern */ public boolean isSameAs(AminoAcidPattern anotherPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (anotherPattern == null) { return false; } if (!matches(anotherPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { return false; } PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); for (int i = 1; i <= length(); i++) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> mods1 = getModificationsAt(i); ArrayList<ModificationMatch> mods2 = anotherPattern.getModificationsAt(i); if (mods1.size() != mods2.size()) { return false; } for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch1 : mods1) { PTM ptm1 = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch1.getTheoreticPtm()); boolean found = false; for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch2 : mods2) { PTM ptm2 = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch2.getTheoreticPtm()); if (ptm1.getMass() == ptm2.getMass()) { // @TODO: compare against the accuracy found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Indicates whether another AminoAcidPattern targets the same pattern * without accounting for PTM localization. Modifications are considered * equal when of same mass. Modifications should be loaded in the PTM * factory. * * @param anotherPattern the other AminoAcidPattern * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return true if the other AminoAcidPattern targets the same pattern */ public boolean isSameSequenceAndModificationStatusAs(AminoAcidPattern anotherPattern, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (!matches(anotherPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { return false; } PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); HashMap<Double, Integer> masses1 = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= length(); i++) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = getModificationsAt(i); for (ModificationMatch modMatch : modifications) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm()); double mass = ptm.getMass(); Integer occurrence = masses1.get(mass); if (occurrence == null) { masses1.put(mass, 1); } else { masses1.put(mass, occurrence + 1); } } } HashMap<Double, Integer> masses2 = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= length(); i++) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = anotherPattern.getModificationsAt(i); for (ModificationMatch modMatch : modifications) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm()); double mass = ptm.getMass(); Integer occurrence = masses2.get(mass); if (occurrence == null) { masses2.put(mass, 1); } else { masses2.put(mass, occurrence + 1); } } } if (masses1.size() != masses2.size()) { return false; } for (Double mass : masses1.keySet()) { Integer occurrence1 = masses1.get(mass); Integer occurrence2 = masses2.get(mass); if (occurrence2 == null || occurrence2.intValue() != occurrence1) { return false; } } for (int i = 1; i <= length(); i++) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> mods1 = getModificationsAt(i); ArrayList<ModificationMatch> mods2 = anotherPattern.getModificationsAt(i); if (mods1.size() != mods2.size()) { return false; } for (int j = 0; j < mods1.size(); j++) { ModificationMatch modificationMatch1 = mods1.get(j); ModificationMatch modificationMatch2 = mods2.get(j); if (!modificationMatch1.equals(modificationMatch2)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Returns the length of the pattern in amino acids. * * @return the length of the pattern in amino acids */ public int length() { if (length == -1) { if (residueTargeted == null || residueTargeted.isEmpty()) { length = 0; } else { length = Collections.max(residueTargeted.keySet()) + 1; } } return length; } /** * Computes a pattern which can be searched by standard search engines, * i.e., a pattern targeting a single amino acid and not a complex pattern. * * @return a pattern which can be searched by standard search engines */ public AminoAcidPattern getStandardSearchPattern() { AminoAcidPattern result = new AminoAcidPattern(); result.setTarget(target); result.setTargeted(target, getAminoAcidsAtTarget()); return result; } /** * Returns the trypsin example as amino acid pattern. * * @return the trypsin example as amino acid pattern */ public static AminoAcidPattern getTrypsinExample() { AminoAcidPattern example = new AminoAcidPattern(); example.setTarget(0); ArrayList<Character> target = new ArrayList<Character>(); target.add(AminoAcid.K.getSingleLetterCodeAsChar()); target.add(AminoAcid.R.getSingleLetterCodeAsChar()); example.setTargeted(0, target); ArrayList<Character> exclusion = new ArrayList<Character>(); exclusion.add(AminoAcid.P.getSingleLetterCodeAsChar()); example.setExcluded(1, exclusion); return example; } /** * Simple merger for two patterns. * * Example: this: target{0>S} otherPattern: target{0>T} result (this): * target{0>S|T} * * @param otherPattern another pattern to be merged with this */ public void merge(AminoAcidPattern otherPattern) { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>> otherInclusionMap = otherPattern.getAaTargeted(); if (otherInclusionMap != null) { for (int i : otherInclusionMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<Character> otherAAs = otherPattern.getTargetedAA(i); if (residueTargeted == null) { residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(otherInclusionMap.size()); } ArrayList<Character> targetedAA = residueTargeted.get(i); if (targetedAA == null) { residueTargeted.put(i, (ArrayList<Character>) otherAAs.clone()); } else if (!otherAAs.isEmpty()) { for (Character aa : otherAAs) { if (!targetedAA.contains(aa)) { targetedAA.add(aa); } } } else { targetedAA.clear(); } if (i + 1 > length) { length = i + 1; } } } HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> modificationMatches = otherPattern.getModificationMatches(); if (modificationMatches != null) { for (int i : modificationMatches.keySet()) { addModificationMatches(i, otherPattern.getModificationMatches().get(i)); if (i + 1 > length) { length = i + 1; } } } } /** * Appends another pattern at the end of this pattern. * * @param otherPattern the other pattern to append. */ public void append(AminoAcidPattern otherPattern) { int patternLength = length(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>> otherTargetedMap = otherPattern.getAaTargeted(); if (otherTargetedMap != null) { if (residueTargeted == null) { residueTargeted = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Character>>(otherTargetedMap.size()); } for (int i : otherTargetedMap.keySet()) { int index = patternLength + i; residueTargeted.put(index, (ArrayList<Character>) otherTargetedMap.get(i).clone()); } } HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> modificationMatches = otherPattern.getModificationMatches(); if (modificationMatches != null) { for (int i : modificationMatches.keySet()) { if (i == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to merge a pattern with an internal terminal modification."); } int newIndex = i + patternLength; for (ModificationMatch oldModificationMatch : modificationMatches.get(i)) { ModificationMatch newModificationMatch = new ModificationMatch(oldModificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), oldModificationMatch.isVariable(), newIndex); addModificationMatch(newIndex, newModificationMatch); } } } length = patternLength + otherPattern.length(); } /** * Convenience method merging two different patterns (see public void * merge(AminoAcidPattern otherPattern) for detailed information of the * merging procedure). * * @param pattern1 the first pattern * @param pattern2 the second pattern * @return a merged version of the two patterns */ public static AminoAcidPattern merge(AminoAcidPattern pattern1, AminoAcidPattern pattern2) { AminoAcidPattern result = new AminoAcidPattern(pattern1); result.merge(pattern2); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return asSequence(); } /** * Returns the sequence represented by this amino acid pattern in a new * string builder. * * @return the sequence represented by this amino acid pattern in a new * string builder */ public StringBuilder asStringBuilder() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length()); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (getNTargetedAA(i) == 1) { result.append(getTargetedAA(i).get(0)); } else { int nTargetedAas = getNTargetedAA(i); switch (nTargetedAas) { case 0: result.append("X"); break; case 1: result.append(getTargetedAA(i).get(0)); break; default: result.append("["); for (Character aa : getTargetedAA(i)) { result.append(aa); } result.append("]"); break; } } } return result; } @Override public String asSequence() { return asStringBuilder().toString(); } /** * Returns the component of the amino acid pattern at the given index. 0 is * the first amino acid. * * @param index the index in the pattern. 0 is the first amino acid * * @return the component of the amino acid pattern at the given index */ public String asSequence(int index) { return asStringBuilder().substring(index, index + 1); } /** * Getter for the modifications carried by this sequence in a map: aa number * > modification matches. 1 is the first amino acid. * * @return the modifications matches as found by the search engine */ public HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> getModificationMatches() { return targetModifications; } /** * Returns a list of the indexes of the amino acids carrying a modification. * 1 is the first amino acid. * * @return a list of the indexes of the amino acids carrying a modification */ public ArrayList<Integer> getModificationIndexes() { if (targetModifications == null) { return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } return new ArrayList<Integer>(targetModifications.keySet()); } /** * Returns the modifications found at a given localization. * * @param localization the localization as amino acid number. 1 is the first * amino acid. * * @return the modifications found at a given localization as a list. */ public ArrayList<ModificationMatch> getModificationsAt(int localization) { if (targetModifications != null) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> result = targetModifications.get(localization); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); } /** * Removes a modification match in the given pattern. * * @param localisation the localization of the modification * @param modificationMatch the modification match to remove */ public void removeModificationMatch(int localisation, ModificationMatch modificationMatch) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = targetModifications.get(localisation); if (modificationMatches != null) { modificationMatches.remove(modificationMatch); if (modificationMatches.isEmpty()) { targetModifications.remove(localisation); } } } /** * Clears the list of imported modification matches. */ public void clearModificationMatches() { if (targetModifications != null) { targetModifications.clear(); } } /** * Adds a modification to one of the amino acid pattern. * * @param localization the index of the amino acid retained as target of the * modification. 1 is the first amino acid. * @param modificationMatch the modification match */ public void addModificationMatch(int localization, ModificationMatch modificationMatch) { int index = localization - 1; if (index < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong modification target index " + localization + ", 1 is the first amino acid for PTM localization."); } if (targetModifications == null) { targetModifications = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>>(); } ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = targetModifications.get(localization); if (modificationMatches == null) { modificationMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); targetModifications.put(localization, modificationMatches); } modificationMatches.add(modificationMatch); } /** * Adds a list of modifications to one of the amino acid pattern. * * @param localization the index of the amino acid retained as target of the * modification. 1 is the first amino acid. * @param modificationMatches the modification matches */ public void addModificationMatches(int localization, ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches) { int index = localization - 1; if (index < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong modification target index " + localization + ", 1 is the first amino acid for PTM localization."); } if (targetModifications == null) { targetModifications = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>>(); } ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatchesAtIndex = targetModifications.get(localization); if (modificationMatchesAtIndex == null) { modificationMatchesAtIndex = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); targetModifications.put(localization, modificationMatchesAtIndex); } modificationMatches.addAll(modificationMatches); } /** * Changes the localization of a modification match. * * @param modificationMatch the modification match of interest * @param oldLocalization the old localization * @param newLocalization the new localization */ public void changeModificationSite(ModificationMatch modificationMatch, int oldLocalization, int newLocalization) { int oldIndex = oldLocalization - 1; if (oldIndex < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong modification old target index " + oldLocalization + ", 1 is the first amino acid for PTM localization."); } if (targetModifications == null || !targetModifications.containsKey(oldIndex) || !targetModifications.get(oldIndex).contains(modificationMatch)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Modification match " + modificationMatch + " not found at index " + oldLocalization + "."); } targetModifications.get(oldIndex).remove(modificationMatch); addModificationMatch(newLocalization, modificationMatch); } /** * Returns the modified sequence as an tagged string with potential * modification sites color coded or with PTM tags, e.g, <mox>. /!\ * this method will work only if the PTM found in the peptide are in the * PTMFactory. /!\ This method uses the modifications as set in the * modification matches of this peptide and displays all of them. Note: this * does not include HTML start end tags or terminal annotation. * * @param modificationProfile the modification profile of the search * @param useHtmlColorCoding if true, color coded HTML is used, otherwise * PTM tags, e.g, <mox>, are used * @param useShortName if true the short names are used in the tags * @param excludeAllFixedPtms if true, all fixed PTMs are excluded * @return the modified sequence as a tagged string */ public String getTaggedModifiedSequence(PtmSettings modificationProfile, boolean useHtmlColorCoding, boolean useShortName, boolean excludeAllFixedPtms) { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> mainModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> secondaryModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> fixedModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); if (targetModifications != null) { for (int modSite : targetModifications.keySet()) { for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : targetModifications.get(modSite)) { String modName = modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(); if (modificationMatch.isVariable()) { if (modificationMatch.isConfident()) { if (!mainModificationSites.containsKey(modSite)) { mainModificationSites.put(modSite, new ArrayList<String>()); } mainModificationSites.get(modSite).add(modName); } else { if (!secondaryModificationSites.containsKey(modSite)) { secondaryModificationSites.put(modSite, new ArrayList<String>()); } secondaryModificationSites.get(modSite).add(modName); } } else if (!excludeAllFixedPtms) { if (!fixedModificationSites.containsKey(modSite)) { fixedModificationSites.put(modSite, new ArrayList<String>()); } fixedModificationSites.get(modSite).add(modName); } } } } return getTaggedModifiedSequence(modificationProfile, this, mainModificationSites, secondaryModificationSites, fixedModificationSites, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } /** * Returns the modified sequence as an tagged string with potential * modification sites color coded or with PTM tags, e.g, <mox>. /!\ * This method will work only if the PTM found in the peptide are in the * PTMFactory. /!\ This method uses the modifications as set in the * modification matches of this peptide and displays all of them. * * @param modificationProfile the modification profile of the search * @param aminoAcidPattern the amino acid pattern to annotate * @param mainModificationSites the main variable modification sites in a * map: aa number > list of modifications (1 is the first AA) (can be * null) * @param secondaryModificationSites the secondary variable modification * sites in a map: aa number > list of modifications (1 is the first AA) * (can be null) * @param fixedModificationSites the fixed modification sites in a map: aa * number > list of modifications (1 is the first AA) (can be null) * @param useHtmlColorCoding if true, color coded HTML is used, otherwise * PTM tags, e.g, <mox>, are used * @param useShortName if true the short names are used in the tags * @return the tagged modified sequence as a string */ public static String getTaggedModifiedSequence(PtmSettings modificationProfile, AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> mainModificationSites, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> secondaryModificationSites, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> fixedModificationSites, boolean useHtmlColorCoding, boolean useShortName) { if (mainModificationSites == null) { mainModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); } if (secondaryModificationSites == null) { secondaryModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); } if (fixedModificationSites == null) { fixedModificationSites = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); } String modifiedSequence = ""; for (int aa = 1; aa <= aminoAcidPattern.length(); aa++) { int patternIndex = aa - 1; if (aminoAcidPattern.getNTargetedAA(patternIndex) > 1) { modifiedSequence += "["; } if (aminoAcidPattern.getNTargetedAA(patternIndex) == 0) { if (mainModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !mainModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : mainModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue('X', ptmName, modificationProfile, true, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else if (secondaryModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !secondaryModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : secondaryModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue('X', ptmName, modificationProfile, false, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else if (fixedModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !fixedModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : fixedModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue('X', ptmName, modificationProfile, true, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else { modifiedSequence += "X"; } } for (Character aminoAcid : aminoAcidPattern.getTargetedAA(patternIndex)) { if (mainModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !mainModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : mainModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue(aminoAcid, ptmName, modificationProfile, true, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else if (secondaryModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !secondaryModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : secondaryModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue(aminoAcid, ptmName, modificationProfile, false, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else if (fixedModificationSites.containsKey(aa) && !fixedModificationSites.get(aa).isEmpty()) { for (String ptmName : fixedModificationSites.get(aa)) { //There should be only one modifiedSequence += getTaggedResidue(aminoAcid, ptmName, modificationProfile, true, useHtmlColorCoding, useShortName); } } else { modifiedSequence += aminoAcid; } } if (aminoAcidPattern.getNTargetedAA(aa) > 1) { modifiedSequence += "]"; } } return modifiedSequence; } /** * Returns the single residue as a tagged string (HTML color or PTM tag). * * @param residue the residue to tag * @param ptmName the name of the PTM * @param modificationProfile the modification profile * @param mainPtm if true, white font is used on colored background, if * false colored font on white background * @param useHtmlColorCoding if true, color coded HTML is used, otherwise * PTM tags, e.g, <mox>, are used * @param useShortName if true the short names are used in the tags * @return the single residue as a tagged string */ private static String getTaggedResidue(char residue, String ptmName, PtmSettings modificationProfile, boolean mainPtm, boolean useHtmlColorCoding, boolean useShortName) { String taggedResidue = ""; PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName); if (ptm.getType() == PTM.MODAA) { if (!useHtmlColorCoding) { if (useShortName) { taggedResidue += residue + "<" + ptm.getShortName() + ">"; } else { taggedResidue += residue + "<" + ptmName + ">"; } } else { Color ptmColor = modificationProfile.getColor(ptmName); if (mainPtm) { taggedResidue += "<span style=\"color:#" + Util.color2Hex(Color.WHITE) + ";background:#" + Util.color2Hex(ptmColor) + "\">" + residue + "</span>"; } else { taggedResidue += "<span style=\"color:#" + Util.color2Hex(ptmColor) + ";background:#" + Util.color2Hex(Color.WHITE) + "\">" + residue + "</span>"; } } } else { taggedResidue += residue; } return taggedResidue; } /** * Returns all possible sequences which can be obtained from the targeted * amino acids. Missing amino acids will be denoted as 'X'. This does not * implement excluded amino acids. * * @return all possible sequences which can be obtained from the targeted * amino acids */ public ArrayList<String> getAllPossibleSequences() { ArrayList<StringBuilder> stringBuilders = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>(1); int tempLength = length(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (stringBuilders.isEmpty()) { if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = residueTargeted.get(i); if (aminoAcids != null && !aminoAcids.isEmpty()) { for (Character aminoAcid : aminoAcids) { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(tempLength); newBuilder.append(aminoAcid); stringBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } else { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(tempLength); newBuilder.append('X'); stringBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } else { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(tempLength); newBuilder.append('X'); stringBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } else { ArrayList<StringBuilder> newBuilders = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>(1); for (StringBuilder stringBuilder : stringBuilders) { if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = residueTargeted.get(i); if (aminoAcids != null && !aminoAcids.isEmpty()) { for (Character aminoAcid : residueTargeted.get(i)) { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(stringBuilder); newBuilder.append(aminoAcid); newBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } else { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(stringBuilder); newBuilder.append('X'); newBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } else { StringBuilder newBuilder = new StringBuilder(stringBuilder); newBuilder.append('X'); newBuilders.add(newBuilder); } } stringBuilders = newBuilders; } } ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(stringBuilders.size()); for (StringBuilder stringBuilder : stringBuilders) { results.add(stringBuilder.toString()); } return results; } @Override public Double getMass() { double mass = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (residueTargeted != null) { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = residueTargeted.get(i); if (aminoAcids.size() == 1) { Character aa = getTargetedAA(i).get(0); AminoAcid aminoAcid = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aa); mass += aminoAcid.getMonoisotopicMass(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to estimate the mass of the amino acid pattern " + asSequence() + ". " + aminoAcids.size() + " amino acids at target position " + i + " as targeted amino acid."); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to estimate the mass of the amino acid pattern " + asSequence() + ". null as targeted amino acid map."); } if (targetModifications != null) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationAtIndex = targetModifications.get(i + 1); if (modificationAtIndex != null) { for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : modificationAtIndex) { PTM ptm = PTMFactory.getInstance().getPTM(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm()); mass += ptm.getMass(); } } } } return mass; } /** * Returns a sub pattern of the pattern. * * @param startIndex the start index, inclusive (0 is the first amino acid) * @param endIndex the end index, inclusive * @param updateTarget boolean indicating whether the target of the pattern * shall be updated. If yes it will be shifted by startIndex, simply copied * otherwise. * * @return a sub pattern */ public AminoAcidPattern getSubPattern(int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean updateTarget) { AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern = new AminoAcidPattern(); if (residueTargeted != null) { for (int i : residueTargeted.keySet()) { if (i >= startIndex && i <= endIndex) { ArrayList<Character> aminoAcids = (ArrayList<Character>) residueTargeted.get(i).clone(); aminoAcidPattern.setTargeted(i - startIndex, aminoAcids); } } } if (updateTarget) { aminoAcidPattern.setTarget(getTarget() - startIndex); } else { aminoAcidPattern.setTarget(getTarget()); } if (targetModifications != null) { for (int i : targetModifications.keySet()) { if (i > startIndex && i <= endIndex + 1) { int index = i - startIndex; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = targetModifications.get(i); ArrayList<ModificationMatch> newMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(modificationMatches.size()); for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : modificationMatches) { newMatches.add(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), index)); } aminoAcidPattern.addModificationMatches(index, newMatches); } } } return aminoAcidPattern; } /** * Returns a sub pattern of the pattern. * * @param startIndex the start index, inclusive (0 is the first amino acid) * @param updateTarget boolean indicating whether the target of the pattern * shall be updated. If yes it will be shifted by startIndex, simply copied * otherwise. * * @return a sub pattern */ public AminoAcidPattern getSubPattern(int startIndex, boolean updateTarget) { return getSubPattern(startIndex, length(), updateTarget); } /** * Returns an amino acid pattern which is a reversed version of the current * pattern. * * @return an amino acid pattern which is a reversed version of the current * pattern */ public AminoAcidPattern reverse() { AminoAcidPattern newPattern = new AminoAcidPattern(); if (residueTargeted != null) { for (int i : residueTargeted.keySet()) { int reversed = length() - i - 1; newPattern.setTargeted(reversed, (ArrayList<Character>) residueTargeted.get(i).clone()); } } if (targetModifications != null) { for (int i : targetModifications.keySet()) { int reversed = length() - i + 1; for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : targetModifications.get(i)) { ModificationMatch newMatch = new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), reversed); if (modificationMatch.isConfident()) { newMatch.setConfident(true); } if (modificationMatch.isInferred()) { newMatch.setInferred(true); } newPattern.addModificationMatch(reversed, newMatch); } } } if (target > -1) { newPattern.setTarget(length() - target - 1); } return newPattern; } @Override public boolean isSameAs(TagComponent anotherCompontent, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (!(anotherCompontent instanceof AminoAcidPattern)) { return false; } else { AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern = (AminoAcidPattern) anotherCompontent; return isSameAs(aminoAcidPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences); } } @Override public boolean isSameSequenceAndModificationStatusAs(TagComponent anotherCompontent, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (!(anotherCompontent instanceof AminoAcidPattern)) { return false; } else { AminoAcidPattern aminoAcidPattern = (AminoAcidPattern) anotherCompontent; return isSameSequenceAndModificationStatusAs(aminoAcidPattern, sequenceMatchingPreferences); } } }