package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.psm_scoring.psm_scores; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Ion; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.ions.PeptideFragmentIon; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.IonMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.peptide_fragmentation.PeptideFragmentationModel; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.AnnotationSettings; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.SpecificAnnotationSettings; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.spectrum_annotators.PeptideSpectrumAnnotator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.MSnSpectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Peak; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.indexes.SpectrumIndex; import com.compomics.util.math.BasicMathFunctions; import com.compomics.util.math.HistogramUtils; import com.compomics.util.math.statistics.linear_regression.LinearRegression; import com.compomics.util.math.statistics.linear_regression.RegressionStatistics; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath; /** * Hyperscore as variation of the score implemented in X!Tandem * * * The original X!Tandem score at the link above is governed by the Artistic * license ( X! tandem is * a component of the X! proteomics software development project. Copyright * Ronald C Beavis, all rights reserved. * * The code below does not use or reuse any of the X!Tandem code, but the * scoring approach is the same. No copyright infringement intended. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class HyperScore { /** * The peptide fragmentation model to use. */ private PeptideFragmentationModel peptideFragmentationModel; /** * Histogram of the values found for a in the fitting. */ private HashMap<Double, Integer> as = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); /** * Histogram of the values found for b in the fitting. */ private HashMap<Double, Integer> bs = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); /** * Constructor. * * @param peptideFragmentationModel the peptide fragmentation model to use */ public HyperScore(PeptideFragmentationModel peptideFragmentationModel) { this.peptideFragmentationModel = peptideFragmentationModel; } /** * Constructor using a uniform fragmentation. */ public HyperScore() { this(PeptideFragmentationModel.uniform); } /** * Returns the hyperscore. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * @param spectrum the spectrum of interest * @param annotationSettings the general spectrum annotation settings * @param specificAnnotationSettings the annotation settings specific to * this PSM * @param peptideSpectrumAnnotator the spectrum annotator to use * * @return the score of the match */ public double getScore(Peptide peptide, MSnSpectrum spectrum, AnnotationSettings annotationSettings, SpecificAnnotationSettings specificAnnotationSettings, PeptideSpectrumAnnotator peptideSpectrumAnnotator) { ArrayList<IonMatch> matches = peptideSpectrumAnnotator.getSpectrumAnnotation(annotationSettings, specificAnnotationSettings, spectrum, peptide); boolean peak = false; Double precursorIntensity = 0.0; for (IonMatch ionMatch : matches) { Ion ion = ionMatch.ion; switch (ion.getType()) { case PRECURSOR_ION: precursorIntensity += ionMatch.peak.intensity; break; case PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION: peak = true; } } if (!peak) { return 0.0; } SpectrumIndex spectrumIndex = new SpectrumIndex(); spectrumIndex = (SpectrumIndex) spectrum.getUrParam(spectrumIndex); if (spectrumIndex == null) { // Create new index spectrumIndex = new SpectrumIndex(spectrum.getPeakMap(), spectrum.getIntensityLimit(annotationSettings.getAnnotationIntensityLimit()), annotationSettings.getFragmentIonAccuracy(), annotationSettings.isFragmentIonPpm()); spectrum.addUrParam(spectrumIndex); } Double totalIntensity = spectrumIndex.getTotalIntensity() - precursorIntensity; double xCorr = 0; HashSet<Integer> ionsForward = new HashSet<Integer>(1); HashSet<Integer> ionsRewind = new HashSet<Integer>(1); HashSet<Double> accountedFor = new HashSet<Double>(matches.size()); for (IonMatch ionMatch : matches) { Peak peakI = ionMatch.peak; Double mz =; Ion ion = ionMatch.ion; if (ion.getType() != Ion.IonType.PRECURSOR_ION && !accountedFor.contains(mz)) { accountedFor.add(mz); Double x0I = peakI.intensity / totalIntensity; xCorr += x0I; if (ion.getType() == Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION && !ion.hasNeutralLosses()) { PeptideFragmentIon peptideFragmentIon = (PeptideFragmentIon) ion; int number = peptideFragmentIon.getNumber(); if (number > 1) { if (ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.X_ION || ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.Y_ION || ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.Z_ION) { ionsForward.add(number); } else if (ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.A_ION || ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.B_ION || ion.getSubType() == PeptideFragmentIon.C_ION) { ionsRewind.add(number); } } } } } int nForward = ionsForward.size() / (Math.max(specificAnnotationSettings.getPrecursorCharge()-1, 1)); int nRewind = ionsRewind.size() / (Math.max(specificAnnotationSettings.getPrecursorCharge()-1, 1)); nForward = nForward > 20 ? 20 : nForward; nRewind = nRewind > 20 ? 20 : nRewind; long forwardFactorial = BasicMathFunctions.factorial(nForward); long rewindFactorial = BasicMathFunctions.factorial(nRewind); return xCorr * forwardFactorial * rewindFactorial; } /** * Returns the e-value corresponding to a list of scores in a map. If not * enough scores are present or if they are not spread the method returns * null. * * @param hyperScores the different scores * * @return the e-values corresponding to the given scores */ public HashMap<Double, Double> getEValueHistogram(ArrayList<Double> hyperScores) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Double maxScore = 0.0; Double minScore = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Double score : hyperScores) { Integer intValue = score.intValue(); if (intValue > 0) { Integer nScores = histogram.get(intValue); if (nScores == null) { nScores = 1; } else { nScores++; } histogram.put(intValue, nScores); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; } if (score < minScore) { minScore = score; } } } Integer lowestBin = minScore.intValue(); Integer highestBin = maxScore.intValue(); Integer secondEmptybin = highestBin; Integer firstEmptybin = highestBin; boolean emptyBin = false; for (Integer bin = lowestBin; bin <= highestBin; bin++) { if (!histogram.containsKey(bin)) { if (!emptyBin) { emptyBin = true; firstEmptybin = bin; } else { secondEmptybin = bin; break; } } } ArrayList<Integer> bins = new ArrayList<Integer>(histogram.keySet()); for (Integer bin : bins) { if (bin > secondEmptybin) { histogram.remove(bin); } else if (bin > firstEmptybin) { histogram.put(bin, 1); } } bins = new ArrayList<Integer>(histogram.keySet()); Collections.sort(bins, Collections.reverseOrder()); ArrayList<Double> evalueFunctionX = new ArrayList<Double>(histogram.size()); ArrayList<Double> evalueFunctionY = new ArrayList<Double>(histogram.size()); Integer currentSum = 0; for (Integer bin : bins) { Integer nInBin = histogram.get(bin); if (nInBin != null) { currentSum += nInBin; } if (currentSum > 0) { Double xValue = new Double(bin); xValue = FastMath.log10(xValue); evalueFunctionX.add(xValue); Double yValue = new Double(currentSum); yValue = FastMath.log10(yValue); evalueFunctionY.add(yValue); } } if (evalueFunctionX.size() <= 1) { return null; } RegressionStatistics regressionStatistics = LinearRegression.getSimpleLinearRegression(evalueFunctionX, evalueFunctionY); Double roundedA = Util.roundDouble(regressionStatistics.a, 2); Double roundedB = Util.roundDouble(regressionStatistics.b, 2); Integer nA = as.get(roundedA); if (nA == null) { as.put(roundedA, 1); } else { as.put(roundedA, nA + 1); } Integer nB = bs.get(roundedB); if (nB == null) { bs.put(roundedB, 1); } else { bs.put(roundedB, nB + 1); } return getInterpolation(hyperScores, regressionStatistics.a, regressionStatistics.b); } /** * Returns the interpolation of a list of hyperscores using a linear * interpolation of the form result = a * log(score) + b. If the score is * null, returns the number of hyperscores. The value at every score is * returned in a map. * * @param hyperScores a list of hyperscores * @param a the slope of the interpolation * @param b the offset of the interpolation * * @return the interpolation for every score in a map. */ public HashMap<Double, Double> getInterpolation(ArrayList<Double> hyperScores, Double a, Double b) { HashMap<Double, Double> result = new HashMap<Double, Double>(); for (Double hyperScore : hyperScores) { if (!result.containsKey(hyperScore)) { if (hyperScore > 0) { Double logScore = FastMath.log10(hyperScore); Double eValue = getInterpolation(logScore, a, b); result.put(hyperScore, eValue); } else { Double eValue = new Double(hyperScores.size()); result.put(hyperScore, eValue); } } } return result; } /** * Returns the interpolated value for a given score in log. result = a * * logScore + b. * * @param logScore the log of the score * @param a the slope of the interpolation * @param b the offset of the interpolation * * @return the interpolated value */ public static Double getInterpolation(Double logScore, Double a, Double b) { return b + a * logScore; } /** * Returns the rounded median of the as found in the previously interpolated * scores. Null if none found. * * @return the rounded median of the as found in the previously interpolated * scores */ public Double getMendianA() { if (as.isEmpty()) { return null; } return HistogramUtils.getMedianValue(as); } /** * Returns the rounded median of the bs found in the previously interpolated * scores. Null if none found. * * @return the rounded median of the bs found in the previously interpolated * scores */ public Double getMendianB() { if (bs.isEmpty()) { return null; } return HistogramUtils.getMedianValue(bs); } /** * Returns a histogram of the as found in the previously interpolated * scores. * * @return a histogram of the as found in the previously interpolated scores */ public HashMap<Double, Integer> getAs() { return as; } /** * Returns a histogram of the bs found in the previously interpolated * scores. * * @return a histogram of the bs found in the previously interpolated scores */ public HashMap<Double, Integer> getBs() { return bs; } }