package com.compomics.util.preferences; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.psm_scoring.PsmScore; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Generic class for peptide spectrum match scoring. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class PsmScoringPreferences implements Serializable { /** * Serial version UID for backward compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 4997457408322410176L; /** * The scores used to score the spectrum matches for every advocate in a * map: advocate index > list of score indexes. */ private HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> spectrumMatchingScores = null; /** * The scores to use by default. */ private HashSet<Integer> defaultScores; /** * The minimal number of decoys to include in a bin to set the bin size of * the score histogram. */ private Integer minDecoysInBin = 10; /** * Constructor. */ public PsmScoringPreferences() { setDefaultScores(); } /** * Adds a score for a given algorithm to the scoring preferences. * * @param advocateId the index of the algorithm * @param scoreId the index of the score */ public void addScore(Integer advocateId, Integer scoreId) { if (spectrumMatchingScores == null) { spectrumMatchingScores = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>>(); } HashSet<Integer> algorithmScores = spectrumMatchingScores.get(advocateId); if (algorithmScores == null) { algorithmScores = new HashSet<Integer>(1); spectrumMatchingScores.put(advocateId, algorithmScores); } algorithmScores.add(scoreId); } /** * Clears the score for the given algorithm. * * @param advocateId the score for the given algorithm */ public void clearScores(Integer advocateId) { if (spectrumMatchingScores != null) { spectrumMatchingScores.remove(advocateId); } } /** * Clears all scores. */ public void clearAllScores() { spectrumMatchingScores.clear(); } /** * Returns the scores set for a given algorithm. * * @param advocateId the index of the algorithm * * @return the index of the score */ public HashSet<Integer> getScoreForAlgorithm(Integer advocateId) { if (spectrumMatchingScores == null) { return null; } return spectrumMatchingScores.get(advocateId); } /** * Indicates whether a score computation is needed for the given advocate. * * @param advocate the index of the advocate of interest * * @return a boolean indicating whether a score computation is needed */ public boolean isScoringNeeded(int advocate) { boolean scoreSet = false; if (spectrumMatchingScores != null && !spectrumMatchingScores.isEmpty()) { HashSet<Integer> scores = spectrumMatchingScores.get(advocate); if (scores != null && !scores.isEmpty()) { scoreSet = true; if (scores.size() > 1) { return true; } for (int scoreIndex : scores) { if (scoreIndex != PsmScore.native_score.index) { return true; } } } } if (!scoreSet && defaultScores != null && !defaultScores.isEmpty()) { if (defaultScores.size() > 1) { return true; } for (int scoreIndex : defaultScores) { if (scoreIndex != PsmScore.native_score.index) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the advocates with a specific scoring. * * @return the advocates with a specific scoring */ public Set<Integer> getAdvocates() { if (spectrumMatchingScores == null) { return new HashSet<Integer>(0); } return spectrumMatchingScores.keySet(); } /** * Indicates whether a score computation is needed for the given advocates. * * @param advocates the advocates of interest * * @return a boolean indicating whether a score computation is needed */ public boolean isScoringNeeded(ArrayList<Integer> advocates) { if (spectrumMatchingScores != null && !spectrumMatchingScores.isEmpty()) { for (Integer advocate : advocates) { if (PsmScoringPreferences.this.isScoringNeeded(advocate)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Indicates whether target decoy databases are needed for PSM scoring. * * @param advocates the advocates of interest * * @return a boolean indicating whether a score computation is needed */ public boolean isTargetDecoyNeededForPsmScoring(ArrayList<Integer> advocates) { if (spectrumMatchingScores != null && !spectrumMatchingScores.isEmpty()) { for (Integer advocate : advocates) { HashSet<Integer> scores = spectrumMatchingScores.get(advocate); if (scores != null && scores.size() > 1) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a short description of the parameters. * * @return a short description of the parameters */ public String getShortDescription() { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer advocateIndex : getAdvocates()) { Advocate advocate = Advocate.getAdvocate(advocateIndex); output.append(advocate.getName()).append(": "); boolean first = true; for (Integer scoreIndex : getScoreForAlgorithm(advocateIndex)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { output.append(", "); } PsmScore score = PsmScore.getScore(scoreIndex); output.append(; } output.append(".").append(newLine); } output.append("Default: "); boolean first = true; for (Integer scoreIndex : getDefaultScores()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { output.append(", "); } PsmScore score = PsmScore.getScore(scoreIndex); output.append(; } output.append(".").append(newLine); return output.toString(); } /** * Returns true if the objects have identical settings. * * @param otherPsmScoringPreferences the PsmScoringPreferences to compare to * * @return true if the objects have identical settings */ public boolean equals(PsmScoringPreferences otherPsmScoringPreferences) { if (otherPsmScoringPreferences == null) { return false; } if (!Util.sameSets(defaultScores, otherPsmScoringPreferences.getDefaultScores())) { return false; } HashSet<Integer> thisAdvocates = new HashSet<Integer>(getAdvocates()); HashSet<Integer> otherAdvocates = new HashSet<Integer>(otherPsmScoringPreferences.getAdvocates()); if (!Util.sameSets(thisAdvocates, otherAdvocates)) { return false; } for (Integer advocate : thisAdvocates) { HashSet<Integer> thisScores = getScoreForAlgorithm(advocate); HashSet<Integer> otherScores = otherPsmScoringPreferences.getScoreForAlgorithm(advocate); if (!Util.sameSets(thisScores, otherScores)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the default scores. * * @return the default scores */ public HashSet<Integer> getDefaultScores() { if (defaultScores == null) { // Backward compatibility setDefaultScores(); } return defaultScores; } /** * Sets the scores to use by default. */ private void setDefaultScores() { // Use only the native score by default defaultScores = new HashSet<Integer>(1); defaultScores.add(PsmScore.native_score.index); // De novo scores if (spectrumMatchingScores == null) { // Backward compatibility spectrumMatchingScores = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>>(3); HashSet<Integer> scores = new HashSet<Integer>(3); scores.add(PsmScore.hyperScore.index); spectrumMatchingScores.put(Advocate.direcTag.getIndex(), scores); spectrumMatchingScores.put(Advocate.pepnovo.getIndex(), new HashSet<Integer>(scores)); spectrumMatchingScores.put(Advocate.pNovo.getIndex(), new HashSet<Integer>(scores)); } } /** * Returns the minimal number of decoys to include in a bin to set the bin * size of the score histogram. * * @return the minimal number of decoys to include in a bin to set the bin * size of the score histogram */ public Integer getDecoysInFirstBin() { if (minDecoysInBin == null) { minDecoysInBin = 10; } return minDecoysInBin; } /** * Sets the minimal number of decoys to include in a bin to set the bin size * of the score histogram. * * @param decoysInFirstBin the minimal number of decoys to include in a bin * to set the bin size of the score histogram */ public void setDecoysInFirstBin(Integer decoysInFirstBin) { this.minDecoysInBin = decoysInFirstBin; } }