package com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * This class models an MSn spectrum. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class MSnSpectrum extends Spectrum { /** * The version UID for Serialization/Deserialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -7144961253807359274L; /** * The precursor. */ private Precursor precursor; /** * Constructor for the spectrum. */ public MSnSpectrum() { } /** * Minimal constructor for the spectrum. The peak list is not loaded in * order to reduce memory consumption. * * @param level MS level * @param precursor precursor * @param spectrumTitle spectrum title * @param fileName file name */ public MSnSpectrum(int level, Precursor precursor, String spectrumTitle, String fileName) { this.level = level; this.precursor = precursor; this.spectrumTitle = spectrumTitle; this.fileName = fileName; } /** * Constructor for the spectrum. * * @param level MS level * @param precursor precursor * @param spectrumTitle spectrum title * @param peakMap set of peaks * @param fileName file name */ public MSnSpectrum(int level, Precursor precursor, String spectrumTitle, HashMap<Double, Peak> peakMap, String fileName) { this.level = level; this.precursor = precursor; this.spectrumTitle = spectrumTitle; this.peakList = peakMap; this.fileName = fileName; } /** * Constructor for the spectrum. * * @param level MS level * @param precursor precursor * @param spectrumTitle spectrum title * @param peakMap set of peaks * @param fileName file name * @param scanStartTime The time point when the spectrum was recorded */ public MSnSpectrum(int level, Precursor precursor, String spectrumTitle, HashMap<Double, Peak> peakMap, String fileName, double scanStartTime) { this.level = level; this.precursor = precursor; this.spectrumTitle = spectrumTitle; this.peakList = peakMap; this.fileName = fileName; this.scanStartTime = scanStartTime; } /** * Returns the precursor. * * @return precursor charge */ public Precursor getPrecursor() { return precursor; } /** * Set the precursor. * * @param precursor the precursor to set */ public void setPrecursor(Precursor precursor) { this.precursor = precursor; } /** * Returns the peak list as an mgf bloc. * * @return the peak list as an mgf bloc */ public String asMgf() { return asMgf(null); } /** * Returns the peak list as an mgf bloc. @TODO: move this to the massspectrometry.export package * * @param additionalTags additional tags which will be added after the BEGIN * IONS tag in alphabetic order * @return the peak list as an mgf bloc */ public String asMgf(HashMap<String, String> additionalTags) { StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder(); String lineBreak = System.getProperty("line.separator"); results.append("BEGIN IONS").append(lineBreak); if (additionalTags != null) { ArrayList<String> additionalTagsKeys = new ArrayList<String>(additionalTags.keySet()); Collections.sort(additionalTagsKeys); for (String tag : additionalTagsKeys) { String attribute = additionalTags.get(tag); if (attribute != null && !attribute.equals("")) { results.append(tag).append("=").append(attribute).append(lineBreak); } } } results.append("TITLE=").append(spectrumTitle).append(lineBreak); results.append("PEPMASS=").append(precursor.getMz()).append("\t").append(precursor.getIntensity()).append(lineBreak); if (precursor.hasRTWindow()) { results.append("RTINSECONDS=").append(precursor.getRtWindow()[0]).append("-").append(precursor.getRtWindow()[1]).append(lineBreak); } else if (precursor.getRt() != -1) { results.append("RTINSECONDS=").append(precursor.getRt()).append(lineBreak); } if (!precursor.getPossibleCharges().isEmpty()) { results.append("CHARGE="); boolean first = true; for (Charge charge : precursor.getPossibleCharges()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { results.append(" and "); } results.append(charge.toString()); } results.append(lineBreak); } if (scanNumber != null && !scanNumber.equals("")) { results.append("SCANS=").append(scanNumber).append(lineBreak); } // add the values to a tree map to get them sorted in mz TreeMap<Double, Double> sortedPeakList = new TreeMap<Double, Double>(); for (Peak peak : peakList.values()) { sortedPeakList.put(, peak.intensity); } for (Map.Entry<Double, Double> entry : sortedPeakList.entrySet()) { results.append(entry.getKey()).append(" ").append(entry.getValue()).append(lineBreak); } results.append("END IONS").append(lineBreak).append(lineBreak); return results.toString(); } /** * Writes the spectrum in the mgf format using the given writer. * * @param writer1 a buffered writer where the spectrum will be written * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void writeMgf(BufferedWriter writer1) throws IOException { writeMgf(writer1, null); } /** * Writes the spectrum in the mgf format using the given writer. * * @param mgfWriter a buffered writer where the spectrum will be written * @param additionalTags additional tags which will be added after the BEGIN * IONS tag in alphabetic order * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void writeMgf(BufferedWriter mgfWriter, HashMap<String, String> additionalTags) throws IOException { String spectrumAsMgf = asMgf(additionalTags); mgfWriter.write(spectrumAsMgf); } }