package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.filtering; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.PtmSettings; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Enzyme; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTMFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.PeptideAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.SearchParameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideMapper; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.SpectrumFactory; import com.compomics.util.preferences.DigestionPreferences; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; /** * This class filters peptide assumptions based on various properties. * * @author Marc Vaudel * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class PeptideAssumptionFilter implements Serializable { /** * Serial number for backward compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 8416219001106063781L; /** * The minimal peptide length allowed. */ private int minPepLength; /** * The maximal peptide length allowed. */ private int maxPepLength; /** * The maximal m/z deviation allowed. */ private double maxMassDeviation; /** * Boolean indicating the unit of the allowed m/z deviation (true: ppm, * false: Da). */ private boolean isPpm; /** * Boolean indicating whether peptides presenting unknown PTMs should be * ignored. */ private boolean unknownPtm; /** * The minimum number of missed cleavages allowed. Null means no lower * limit. */ private Integer minMissedCleavages; /** * The maximum number of missed cleavages allowed. Null means no upper * limit. */ private Integer maxMissedCleavages; /** * The minimum number of isotopes allowed. Null means no lower limit. */ private Integer minIsotopes; /** * The maximum number of isotopes allowed. Null means no upper limit. */ private Integer maxIsotopes; /** * Constructor with default settings. */ public PeptideAssumptionFilter() { minPepLength = 8; maxPepLength = 30; maxMassDeviation = -1; isPpm = true; unknownPtm = true; minMissedCleavages = null; maxMissedCleavages = null; minIsotopes = null; maxIsotopes = null; } /** * Constructor for an Identification filter. * * @param minPepLength the minimal peptide length allowed (0 or less for * disabled) * @param maxPepLength the maximal peptide length allowed (0 or less for * disabled) * @param maxMzDeviation the maximal m/z deviation allowed (0 or less for * disabled) * @param isPpm boolean indicating the unit of the allowed m/z deviation * (true: ppm, false: Da) * @param unknownPTM shall peptides presenting unknownPTMs be ignored * @param minMissedCleavages the minimum number of missed cleavages allowed * (null for disabled) * @param maxMissedCleavages the maximum number of missed cleavages allowed * (null for disabled) * @param minIsotopes the minimum number of isotopes allowed (null for * disabled) * @param maxIsotopes the maximum number of isotopes allowed (null for * disabled) */ public PeptideAssumptionFilter(int minPepLength, int maxPepLength, double maxMzDeviation, boolean isPpm, boolean unknownPTM, Integer minMissedCleavages, Integer maxMissedCleavages, Integer minIsotopes, Integer maxIsotopes) { this.minPepLength = minPepLength; this.maxPepLength = maxPepLength; this.maxMassDeviation = maxMzDeviation; this.isPpm = isPpm; this.unknownPtm = unknownPTM; this.minMissedCleavages = minMissedCleavages; this.maxMissedCleavages = maxMissedCleavages; this.minIsotopes = minIsotopes; this.maxIsotopes = maxIsotopes; } /** * Updates the filter based on the search parameters. * * @param searchParameters the search parameters where to take the * information from */ public void setFilterFromSearchParameters(SearchParameters searchParameters) { this.isPpm = searchParameters.isPrecursorAccuracyTypePpm(); this.maxMassDeviation = searchParameters.getPrecursorAccuracy(); this.minIsotopes = searchParameters.getMinIsotopicCorrection(); this.maxIsotopes = searchParameters.getMaxIsotopicCorrection(); this.unknownPtm = true; } /** * Validates the peptide based on the peptide length, the share of X's in * the sequence and the allowed number of missed cleavages. * * @param peptide the peptide to validate * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * containing the maximal share of X's allowed * @param digestionPreferences the digestion preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether the peptide passed the test */ public boolean validatePeptide(Peptide peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, DigestionPreferences digestionPreferences) { String peptideSequence = peptide.getSequence(); int sequenceLength = peptideSequence.length(); if ((maxPepLength > 0 && sequenceLength > maxPepLength) || (minPepLength > 0 && sequenceLength < minPepLength)) { return false; } double xShare = ((double) Util.getOccurrence(peptideSequence, 'X')) / sequenceLength; if (sequenceMatchingPreferences.hasLimitX() && xShare > sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX()) { return false; } if (minMissedCleavages != null || maxMissedCleavages != null) { Integer peptideMinMissedCleavages = peptide.getNMissedCleavages(digestionPreferences); if (minMissedCleavages != null && peptideMinMissedCleavages != null && peptideMinMissedCleavages < minMissedCleavages) { return false; } if (maxMissedCleavages != null && peptideMinMissedCleavages != null && peptideMinMissedCleavages > maxMissedCleavages) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Validates a peptide depending on its protein inference status. Maps the * peptide to proteins in case it was not done before using the default * protein tree of the sequence factory * * @param peptide the peptide * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @return a boolean indicating whether the peptide passed the test * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ public boolean validateProteins(Peptide peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return validateProteins(peptide, sequenceMatchingPreferences, SequenceFactory.getInstance().getDefaultPeptideMapper()); } /** * Validates a peptide depending on its protein inference status. Maps the * peptide to proteins in case it was not done before * * @param peptide the peptide * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param peptideMapper the peptide mapper to use for peptide to protein * mapping * * @return a boolean indicating whether the peptide passed the test * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ public boolean validateProteins(Peptide peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, PeptideMapper peptideMapper) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<String> accessions = peptide.getParentProteins(sequenceMatchingPreferences, peptideMapper); if (accessions != null && accessions.size() > 1) { boolean target = false; boolean decoy = false; for (String accession : accessions) { if (SequenceFactory.getInstance().isDecoyAccession(accession)) { decoy = true; } else { target = true; } } if (target && decoy) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Validates the modifications of a peptide. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences for * peptide to protein mapping * @param ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * for PTM to peptide mapping * @param modificationProfile the modification profile of the identification * * @return a boolean indicating whether the peptide passed the test */ public boolean validateModifications(Peptide peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, SequenceMatchingPreferences ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences, PtmSettings modificationProfile) { // check if it is an unknown peptide if (unknownPtm) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = peptide.getModificationMatches(); if (modificationMatches != null) { for (ModificationMatch modMatch : modificationMatches) { String ptmName = modMatch.getTheoreticPtm(); if (ptmName.equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName())) { return false; } } } } PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); // get the variable ptms and the number of times they occur HashMap<Double, Integer> modMatches = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(peptide.getNModifications()); if (peptide.isModified()) { for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) { if (modMatch.isVariable()) { String modName = modMatch.getTheoreticPtm(); PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName); double mass = ptm.getMass(); if (!modMatches.containsKey(mass)) { modMatches.put(mass, 1); } else { modMatches.put(mass, modMatches.get(mass) + 1); } } } } // check if there are more ptms than ptm sites for (double mass : modMatches.keySet()) { try { ArrayList<Integer> possiblePositions = peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(mass, sequenceMatchingPreferences, ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences, modificationProfile); if (possiblePositions.size() < modMatches.get(mass)) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } /** * Validates the mass deviation of a peptide assumption. * * @param assumption the considered peptide assumption * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum used to get the precursor the * precursor should be accessible via the spectrum factory * @param spectrumFactory the spectrum factory * @param searchParameters the search parameters * * @return a boolean indicating whether the given assumption passes the * filter * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the spectrum * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException if an MzMLUnmarshallerException occurs * reading while the spectrum */ public boolean validatePrecursor(PeptideAssumption assumption, String spectrumKey, SpectrumFactory spectrumFactory, SearchParameters searchParameters) throws IOException, MzMLUnmarshallerException { double precursorMz = spectrumFactory.getPrecursorMz(spectrumKey); int isotopeNumber = assumption.getIsotopeNumber(precursorMz, searchParameters.getMinIsotopicCorrection(), searchParameters.getMaxIsotopicCorrection()); if (minIsotopes != null && isotopeNumber < minIsotopes) { return false; } if (maxIsotopes != null && isotopeNumber > maxIsotopes) { return false; } Double mzDeviation = assumption.getDeltaMass(precursorMz, isPpm, searchParameters.getMinIsotopicCorrection(), searchParameters.getMaxIsotopicCorrection()); return (maxMassDeviation <= 0 || Math.abs(mzDeviation) <= maxMassDeviation); } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether unknown PTMs shall be removed. * * @return a boolean indicating whether unknown PTMs shall be removed */ public boolean removeUnknownPTMs() { return unknownPtm; } /** * Set whether unknown PTMs shall be removed. * * @param unknownPtm whether unknown PTMs shall be removed */ public void setRemoveUnknownPTMs(boolean unknownPtm) { this.unknownPtm = unknownPtm; } /** * Indicates whether the mass tolerance is in ppm (true) or Dalton (false). * * @return a boolean indicating whether the mass tolerance is in ppm (true) * or Dalton (false) */ public boolean isIsPpm() { return isPpm; } /** * Sets whether the mass tolerance is in ppm (true) or Dalton (false). * * @param isPpm a boolean indicating whether the mass tolerance is in ppm * (true) or Dalton (false) */ public void setIsPpm(boolean isPpm) { this.isPpm = isPpm; } /** * Returns the maximal m/z deviation allowed. * * @return the maximal mass deviation allowed */ public double getMaxMzDeviation() { return maxMassDeviation; } /** * Sets the maximal m/z deviation allowed. * * @param maxMzDeviation the maximal mass deviation allowed */ public void setMaxMzDeviation(double maxMzDeviation) { this.maxMassDeviation = maxMzDeviation; } /** * Returns the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @return the maximal peptide length allowed */ public int getMaxPepLength() { return maxPepLength; } /** * Sets the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @param maxPepLength the maximal peptide length allowed */ public void setMaxPepLength(int maxPepLength) { this.maxPepLength = maxPepLength; } /** * Returns the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @return the maximal peptide length allowed */ public int getMinPepLength() { return minPepLength; } /** * Sets the maximal peptide length allowed. * * @param minPepLength the maximal peptide length allowed */ public void setMinPepLength(int minPepLength) { this.minPepLength = minPepLength; } /** * Returns the minimal number of isotopes allowed (inclusive). * * @return the minimal number of isotopes allowed */ public Integer getMinIsotopes() { return minIsotopes; } /** * Sets the minimal number of isotopes allowed (inclusive). * * @param minIsotopes the minimal number of isotopes allowed */ public void setMinIsotopes(Integer minIsotopes) { this.minIsotopes = minIsotopes; } /** * Returns the maximal number of isotopes allowed (inclusive). * * @return the maximal number of isotopes allowed */ public Integer getMaxIsotopes() { return maxIsotopes; } /** * Sets the maximal number of isotopes allowed (inclusive). * * @param maxIsotopes the maximal number of isotopes allowed */ public void setMaxIsotopes(Integer maxIsotopes) { this.maxIsotopes = maxIsotopes; } /** * Indicates whether this filter is the same as another one. * * @param anotherFilter another filter * @return a boolean indicating that the filters have the same parameters */ public boolean isSameAs(PeptideAssumptionFilter anotherFilter) { if (minMissedCleavages != null && anotherFilter.getMinMissedCleavages() != null) { if (!minMissedCleavages.equals(anotherFilter.getMinMissedCleavages())) { return false; } } if (minMissedCleavages != null && anotherFilter.getMinMissedCleavages() == null) { return false; } if (minMissedCleavages == null && anotherFilter.getMinMissedCleavages() != null) { return false; } if (maxMissedCleavages != null && anotherFilter.getMaxMissedCleavages() != null) { if (maxMissedCleavages.equals(anotherFilter.getMaxMissedCleavages())) { return false; } } if (maxMissedCleavages != null && anotherFilter.getMaxMissedCleavages() == null) { return false; } if (maxMissedCleavages == null && anotherFilter.getMaxMissedCleavages() != null) { return false; } if (minIsotopes != null && anotherFilter.getMinIsotopes() != null) { if (!minIsotopes.equals(anotherFilter.getMinIsotopes())) { return false; } } if (minIsotopes != null && anotherFilter.getMinIsotopes() == null) { return false; } if (minIsotopes == null && anotherFilter.getMinIsotopes() != null) { return false; } if (maxIsotopes != null && anotherFilter.getMaxIsotopes() != null) { if (!maxIsotopes.equals(anotherFilter.getMaxIsotopes())) { return false; } } if (maxIsotopes != null && anotherFilter.getMaxIsotopes() == null) { return false; } if (maxIsotopes == null && anotherFilter.getMaxIsotopes() != null) { return false; } return isPpm == anotherFilter.isPpm && unknownPtm == anotherFilter.removeUnknownPTMs() && minPepLength == anotherFilter.getMinPepLength() && maxPepLength == anotherFilter.getMaxPepLength() && maxMassDeviation == anotherFilter.getMaxMzDeviation(); } /** * Returns a short description of the parameters. * * @return a short description of the parameters */ public String getShortDescription() { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); output.append("Peptide Length: ").append(minPepLength).append("-").append(maxPepLength).append(".").append(newLine); if (maxMassDeviation >= 0) { output.append("Precursor m/z Deviation: ").append(maxMassDeviation); if (isPpm) { output.append(" ppm.").append(newLine); } else { output.append(" Da.").append(newLine); } } output.append("Ignore Unknown PTMs: ").append(unknownPtm).append(".").append(newLine); if (minMissedCleavages != null || maxMissedCleavages != null) { output.append("Missed Cleavages: "); if (minMissedCleavages != null) { output.append(minMissedCleavages); } else { output.append("0"); } output.append("-"); if (maxMissedCleavages != null) { output.append(maxMissedCleavages); } else { output.append("n"); } output.append(".").append(newLine); } if (minIsotopes != null || maxIsotopes != null) { output.append("Isotopes: "); if (minIsotopes != null) { output.append(minIsotopes); } else { output.append("n"); } output.append("-"); if (maxIsotopes != null) { output.append(maxIsotopes); } else { output.append("n"); } output.append(".").append(newLine); } return output.toString(); } /** * Returns the minimum number of missed cleavages. Null means no limit. * * @return the minMissedCleavages */ public Integer getMinMissedCleavages() { return minMissedCleavages; } /** * Set the minimum number of missed cleavages. Null means no limit. * * @param minMissedCleavages the minMissedCleavages to set */ public void setMinMissedCleavages(Integer minMissedCleavages) { this.minMissedCleavages = minMissedCleavages; } /** * Returns the maximum number of missed cleavages. Null means no limit. * * @return the maxMissedCleavages */ public Integer getMaxMissedCleavages() { return maxMissedCleavages; } /** * Set the maximum number of missed cleavages. Null means no limit. * * @param maxMissedCleavages the maxMissedCleavages to set */ public void setMaxMissedCleavages(Integer maxMissedCleavages) { this.maxMissedCleavages = maxMissedCleavages; } }