package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.ptm.ptmscores; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Ion; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.IonFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.NeutralLoss; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.NeutralLossesMap; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.IonMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.spectrum_annotators.PeptideSpectrumAnnotator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.MSnSpectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Peak; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.math.statistics.distributions.BinomialDistribution; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.AnnotationSettings; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_annotation.SpecificAnnotationSettings; import com.compomics.util.maps.KeyUtils; import com.compomics.util.math.BasicMathFunctions; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath; /** * This class estimates the PhosphoRS score as described in * Warning: the calculation in its * present form is very slow for multiply modified peptides, peptides with many * modification sites, and noisy spectra. Typically, avoid scoring deamidation * sites. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class PhosphoRS { /** * The window size in m/z. */ public static final double WINDOW_SIZE = 100.0; /** * The maximal depth to use per window. 8 in the original paper, Must be * greater than 1. */ public static final int MAX_DEPTH = 8; /** * The minimal depth to use per window. */ public static final int MIN_DEPTH = 2; /** * The number of binomial distributions kept in cache. */ private static int distributionCacheSize = 1000; /** * The binomial distributions cache. */ private static HashMap<Double, HashMap<Integer, BinomialDistribution>> distributionCache = new HashMap<Double, HashMap<Integer, BinomialDistribution>>(); /** * Returns the PhosphoRS sequence probabilities for the PTM possible * locations. 1 is the first amino acid. The N-terminus is indexed 0 and the * C-terminus with the peptide length+1. Note that PTMs found on peptides * must be loaded in the PTM factory * (com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTMFactory), and if the scoring * involves protein terminal PTMs, the protein sequences must be loaded in * the sequence factory * (com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.SequenceFactory) and * indexed using the protein tree (see getDefaultProteinTree in * SequenceFactory). PTMs of same mass should be scored together and given * in the PTMs list. Neutral losses of mass equal to the mass of the PTM * will be ignored. Neutral losses to be accounted for should be given in * the SpecificAnnotationSettings and will be ignored if * accountNeutralLosses is false. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * @param ptms the PTMs to score, for instance different phosphorylations * (the PTMs are considered as indistinguishable, i.e. of same mass) * @param spectrum the corresponding spectrum * @param annotationSettings the global annotation settings * @param specificAnnotationSettings the annotation settings specific to * this peptide and spectrum * @param accountNeutralLosses a boolean indicating whether or not the * calculation shall account for neutral losses. * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences for * peptide to protein mapping * @param ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * for PTM to peptide mapping * @param spectrumAnnotator the peptide spectrum annotator to use for * spectrum annotation, can be null * * @return a map site > phosphoRS site probability * * @throws exception thrown whenever an error occurred * while reading or writing a file * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred while scoring the PTM * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an * error occurred while deserializing an object from the protein tree (the * protein sequence index) * @throws java.sql.SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred * while interacting with the protein tree * @throws org.apache.commons.math.MathException exception thrown whenever a * math error occurred while computing the score. */ public static HashMap<Integer, Double> getSequenceProbabilities(Peptide peptide, ArrayList<PTM> ptms, MSnSpectrum spectrum, AnnotationSettings annotationSettings, SpecificAnnotationSettings specificAnnotationSettings, boolean accountNeutralLosses, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, SequenceMatchingPreferences ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences, PeptideSpectrumAnnotator spectrumAnnotator) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, MathException { if (ptms.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No PTM given for PhosphoRS calculation."); } if (spectrumAnnotator == null) { spectrumAnnotator = new PeptideSpectrumAnnotator(); } int nPTM = 0; if (peptide.isModified()) { for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) { if (modMatch.isVariable()) { for (PTM ptm : ptms) { if (ptm.getName().equals(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm())) { nPTM++; } } } } } if (nPTM == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given PTMs not found in the peptide for PhosphoRS calculation."); } double ptmMass = ptms.get(0).getMass(); NeutralLossesMap annotationNeutralLosses = specificAnnotationSettings.getNeutralLossesMap(), scoringLossesMap = new NeutralLossesMap(); if (accountNeutralLosses) { // here annotation are sequence and modification independant for (String neutralLossName : annotationNeutralLosses.getAccountedNeutralLosses()) { NeutralLoss neutralLoss = NeutralLoss.getNeutralLoss(neutralLossName); if (Math.abs(neutralLoss.getMass() - ptmMass) > specificAnnotationSettings.getFragmentIonAccuracyInDa(spectrum.getMaxMz())) { scoringLossesMap.addNeutralLoss(neutralLoss, 1, 1); } } } SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSetttings = specificAnnotationSettings.clone(); scoringAnnotationSetttings.setNeutralLossesMap(scoringLossesMap); HashMap<Ion.IonType, HashSet<Integer>> ions = specificAnnotationSettings.getIonTypes(), newIons = new HashMap<Ion.IonType, HashSet<Integer>>(1); for (Ion.IonType ionType : ions.keySet()) { if (ionType == Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION) { newIons.put(ionType, ions.get(ionType)); } } scoringAnnotationSetttings.setSelectedIonsMap(newIons); ArrayList<Integer> possibleSites = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int peptideLength = peptide.getSequence().length(); for (PTM ptm : ptms) { if (ptm.isNTerm()) { if (peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences, ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences).contains(1)) { possibleSites.add(0); } } else if (ptm.isCTerm()) { if (peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences, ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences).contains(peptideLength)) { possibleSites.add(peptideLength + 1); } } else { for (int potentialSite : peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences, ptmSequenceMatchingPreferences)) { if (!possibleSites.contains(potentialSite)) { possibleSites.add(potentialSite); } } } } Collections.sort(possibleSites); HashMap<String, Double> profileToScoreMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(possibleSites.size()); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> profileToSitesMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(possibleSites.size()); if (possibleSites.size() > nPTM) { spectrum = filterSpectrum(spectrum, scoringAnnotationSetttings); Peptide noModPeptide = Peptide.getNoModPeptide(peptide, ptms); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleProfiles = getPossibleModificationProfiles(possibleSites, nPTM); ArrayList<String> possibleProfileKeys = new ArrayList<String>(possibleProfiles.size()); for (ArrayList<Integer> profile : possibleProfiles) { String profileKey = KeyUtils.getKey(profile); possibleProfileKeys.add(profileKey); profileToSitesMap.put(profileKey, profile); } HashMap<String, Peptide> profileToPeptide = getPossiblePeptidesMap(peptide, ptms, possibleProfiles); HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>>> profileToPossibleFragments = getPossiblePeptideFragments(profileToPeptide, scoringAnnotationSetttings); HashMap<String, Integer> profileToN = getPossiblePeptideToN(profileToPeptide, profileToPossibleFragments, spectrumAnnotator, scoringAnnotationSetttings); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>> siteDeterminingIonsMap = getSiteDeterminingIons(noModPeptide, possibleProfiles, ptms, spectrumAnnotator, scoringAnnotationSetttings); ArrayList<Double> siteDeterminingIons = new ArrayList<Double>(siteDeterminingIonsMap.keySet()); double minMz = spectrum.getMinMz(), maxMz = spectrum.getMaxMz(), tempMax; HashMap<Double, Peak> reducedSpectrum = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(); double d = specificAnnotationSettings.getFragmentIonAccuracy(); double dOverW = d / WINDOW_SIZE; dOverW = -FastMath.log10(dOverW); int nDecimals = ((int) dOverW) + 1; double halfWindow = WINDOW_SIZE / 2; while (minMz < maxMz) { tempMax = minMz + WINDOW_SIZE; if (specificAnnotationSettings.isFragmentIonPpm()) { Double refMz = minMz + halfWindow; d = specificAnnotationSettings.getFragmentIonAccuracyInDa(refMz); dOverW = d / WINDOW_SIZE; dOverW = -FastMath.log10(dOverW); nDecimals = ((int) dOverW) + 1; } HashMap<Double, Peak> extractedPeakList = spectrum.getSubSpectrum(minMz, tempMax); if (!extractedPeakList.isEmpty()) { MSnSpectrum tempSpectrum = new MSnSpectrum(spectrum.getLevel(), spectrum.getPrecursor(), spectrum.getSpectrumTitle() + "_PhosphoRS_minMZ_" + minMz, extractedPeakList, spectrum.getFileName()); ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> spectra = getReducedSpectra(tempSpectrum); HashMap<String, HashSet<Double>> profileToSiteDeterminingIonsMz = new HashMap<String, HashSet<Double>>(siteDeterminingIons.size()); for (double ionMz : siteDeterminingIons) { if (ionMz > minMz && ionMz <= tempMax) { ArrayList<String> profiles = siteDeterminingIonsMap.get(ionMz); for (String profileKey : profiles) { HashSet<Double> mzs = profileToSiteDeterminingIonsMz.get(profileKey); if (mzs == null) { mzs = new HashSet<Double>(1); profileToSiteDeterminingIonsMz.put(profileKey, mzs); } mzs.add(ionMz); } } } if (!profileToSiteDeterminingIonsMz.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> deltas = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(spectra.size()); int nDeltas = 0; for (MSnSpectrum currentSpectrum : spectra) { ArrayList<Double> bigPs = new ArrayList<Double>(possibleProfileKeys.size()); ArrayList<Double> currentDeltas = new ArrayList<Double>(possibleProfileKeys.size()); ArrayList<HashSet<Double>> scored = new ArrayList<HashSet<Double>>(possibleProfileKeys.size()); boolean profileWithNoSiteDeterminingIonsScored = false; double currentP = getp(currentSpectrum, WINDOW_SIZE, d, nDecimals); for (String profileKey : possibleProfileKeys) { HashSet<Double> tempSiteDeterminingIons = profileToSiteDeterminingIonsMz.get(profileKey); if (tempSiteDeterminingIons == null) { if (!profileWithNoSiteDeterminingIonsScored) { profileWithNoSiteDeterminingIonsScored = true; Peptide tempPeptide = profileToPeptide.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possibleFragmentIons = profileToPossibleFragments.get(profileKey); Integer n = profileToN.get(profileKey); Double bigP = getPhosphoRsScoreP(tempPeptide, possibleFragmentIons, currentSpectrum, currentP, n, spectrumAnnotator, annotationSettings, scoringAnnotationSetttings); BasicMathFunctions.checkProbabilityRange(bigP); bigPs.add(bigP); } } else { boolean alreadyScored = false; for (HashSet<Double> scoredIons : scored) { if (Util.sameSets(tempSiteDeterminingIons, scoredIons)) { alreadyScored = true; break; } } if (!alreadyScored) { Peptide tempPeptide = profileToPeptide.get(profileKey); Integer n = profileToN.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possibleFragmentIons = profileToPossibleFragments.get(profileKey); Double bigP = getPhosphoRsScoreP(tempPeptide, possibleFragmentIons, currentSpectrum, currentP, n, spectrumAnnotator, annotationSettings, scoringAnnotationSetttings); BasicMathFunctions.checkProbabilityRange(bigP); bigPs.add(bigP); scored.add(tempSiteDeterminingIons); } } } Collections.sort(bigPs); for (int j = 0; j < bigPs.size() - 1; j++) { Double pJ = bigPs.get(j); Double pJPlusOne = bigPs.get(j + 1); Double delta = pJ / pJPlusOne; currentDeltas.add(delta); } if (currentDeltas.size() > nDeltas) { nDeltas = currentDeltas.size(); } deltas.add(currentDeltas); } int bestI = 0; Double largestDelta = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < nDeltas && largestDelta == 0.0; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < deltas.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Double> tempDeltas = deltas.get(i); if (j < tempDeltas.size() && tempDeltas.get(j) > largestDelta) { largestDelta = tempDeltas.get(j); bestI = i; } } } if (bestI < MIN_DEPTH - 1 && MIN_DEPTH -1 < spectra.size()) { bestI = MIN_DEPTH - 1; } if (bestI > MAX_DEPTH - 1) { bestI = MAX_DEPTH - 1; } reducedSpectrum.putAll(spectra.get(bestI).getPeakMap()); } else { Double bestP = 0.0; int bestI = 0; HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>> expectedFragmentIons = spectrumAnnotator.getExpectedIons(scoringAnnotationSetttings, peptide); int nExpectedFragmentIons = 0; for (ArrayList<Ion> expectedIons : expectedFragmentIons.values()) { nExpectedFragmentIons += expectedIons.size(); } IonFactory fragmentFactory = IonFactory.getInstance(); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possibleFragmentIons = fragmentFactory.getFragmentIons(peptide, scoringAnnotationSetttings); for (int i = 0; i < spectra.size(); i++) { MSnSpectrum currentSpectrum = spectra.get(i); double currentP = getp(currentSpectrum, WINDOW_SIZE, d, nDecimals); Double bigP = getPhosphoRsScoreP(peptide, possibleFragmentIons, currentSpectrum, currentP, nExpectedFragmentIons, spectrumAnnotator, annotationSettings, scoringAnnotationSetttings); BasicMathFunctions.checkProbabilityRange(bigP); if (bigP < bestP) { bestP = bigP; bestI = i; } } reducedSpectrum.putAll(spectra.get(bestI).getPeakMap()); } } minMz = tempMax; } MSnSpectrum phosphoRsSpectrum = new MSnSpectrum(spectrum.getLevel(), spectrum.getPrecursor(), spectrum.getSpectrumTitle() + "_phosphoRS", reducedSpectrum, spectrum.getFileName()); double w = spectrum.getMaxMz() - spectrum.getMinMz(); if (specificAnnotationSettings.isFragmentIonPpm()) { Double refMz = spectrum.getMinMz() + (w / 2); d = specificAnnotationSettings.getFragmentIonAccuracyInDa(refMz); } dOverW = d / w; dOverW = -FastMath.log10(dOverW); nDecimals = ((int) dOverW) + 1; double currentP = getp(phosphoRsSpectrum, w, d, nDecimals); HashMap<String, Double> pInvMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(possibleProfileKeys.size()); Double pInvTotal = 0.0; for (String profileKey : possibleProfileKeys) { Peptide tempPeptide = profileToPeptide.get(profileKey); Integer n = profileToN.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possibleFragmentIons = profileToPossibleFragments.get(profileKey); Double bigP = getPhosphoRsScoreP(tempPeptide, possibleFragmentIons, phosphoRsSpectrum, currentP, n, spectrumAnnotator, annotationSettings, scoringAnnotationSetttings); BasicMathFunctions.checkProbabilityRange(bigP); Double pInv = 1.0 / bigP; pInvMap.put(profileKey, pInv); pInvTotal += pInv; } if (pInvTotal <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PhosphoRS probability <= 0."); } for (String profileKey : possibleProfileKeys) { Double phosphoRsProbability = pInvMap.get(profileKey) / pInvTotal; //in percent BasicMathFunctions.checkProbabilityRange(phosphoRsProbability); phosphoRsProbability *= 100; profileToScoreMap.put(profileKey, phosphoRsProbability); } } else if (possibleSites.size() == nPTM) { String profileKey = KeyUtils.getKey(possibleSites); profileToScoreMap.put(profileKey, 100.0); profileToSitesMap.put(profileKey, possibleSites); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found less potential modification sites than PTMs during PhosphoRS calculation. Peptide key: " + peptide.getKey()); } HashMap<Integer, Double> scores = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (String profile : profileToScoreMap.keySet()) { Double score = profileToScoreMap.get(profile); ArrayList<Integer> sites = profileToSitesMap.get(profile); for (Integer site : sites) { Double previousScore = scores.get(site); if (previousScore == null) { scores.put(site, score); } else { Double newScore = score + previousScore; scores.put(site, newScore); } } } for (int site : possibleSites) { if (!scores.keySet().contains(site)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Site " + site + " not scored for modification " + ptmMass + " in spectrum " + spectrum.getSpectrumTitle() + " of file " + spectrum.getFileName() + "."); } } return scores; } /** * Returns the PhosphoRS score of the given peptide on the given spectrum. * This method returns P and not -10.log(P). * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * @param spectrum the spectrum of interest * @param p the probability for a calculated fragment matching one of the * experimental masses by chance as estimated by PhosphoRS * @param n the number of expected ions * @param spectrumAnnotator spectrum annotator * @param annotationSettings the global annotation settings * @param scoringAnnotationSettings the annotation settings specific to this * peptide and spectrum * * @return the phosphoRS score */ private static Double getPhosphoRsScoreP(Peptide peptide, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possiblePeptideFragments, MSnSpectrum spectrum, double p, int n, PeptideSpectrumAnnotator spectrumAnnotator, AnnotationSettings annotationSettings, SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSettings) throws MathException { BinomialDistribution distribution = null; HashMap<Integer, BinomialDistribution> distributionsAtP = distributionCache.get(p); boolean inCache = true; if (distributionsAtP != null) { distribution = distributionsAtP.get(n); } if (distribution == null) { distribution = new BinomialDistribution(n, p); inCache = false; } ArrayList<IonMatch> matches = spectrumAnnotator.getSpectrumAnnotation(annotationSettings, scoringAnnotationSettings, spectrum, peptide, possiblePeptideFragments); int k = 0; for (IonMatch ionMatch : matches) { if (ionMatch.ion.getType() == Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION) { k++; } } if (k == 0) { return 1.0; } Double result = distribution.getDescendingCumulativeProbabilityAt((double) k); if (!inCache && !distribution.isCacheEmpty()) { addDistributionToCache(p, n, distribution); } return result; } /** * Adds a distribution to the cache and manages the cache size. * * @param p the distribution p * @param n the distribution n */ private static synchronized void addDistributionToCache(double p, int n, BinomialDistribution binomialDistribution) { if (distributionCache.size() >= distributionCacheSize) { HashSet<Double> keys = new HashSet<Double>(distributionCache.keySet()); for (Double key : keys) { distributionCache.remove(key); if (distributionCache.size() < distributionCacheSize) { break; } } } HashMap<Integer, BinomialDistribution> distributionsAtP = distributionCache.get(p); if (distributionsAtP == null) { distributionsAtP = new HashMap<Integer, BinomialDistribution>(2); distributionCache.put(p, distributionsAtP); } distributionsAtP.put(n, binomialDistribution); } /** * The probability p for a calculated fragment matching one of the * experimental masses by chance as estimated in the PhosphoRS algorithm. * * @param spectrum the spectrum studied * @param w the m/z range considered * @param d the m/z tolerance in daltons * @param nDecimals the number of decimals to use * * @return the probability p for a calculated fragment matching one of the * experimental masses by chance as estimated in the PhosphoRS algorithm. */ private static double getp(Spectrum spectrum, double w, double d, int nDecimals) { if (w == 0.0) { return 1.0; } int N = spectrum.getPeakMap().size(); if (N <= 1) { return 1.0; } double p = d * N / w; if (p > 1) { p = 1; } double roundedP = Util.floorDouble(p, nDecimals); return roundedP; } /** * Returns a map of the different possible peptides for the different * profiles. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * @param ptms the PTMs to score * @param possibleProfiles the different profiles * * @return a map of the different peptides for the different profiles * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading a protein sequence * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown whenever an error occurred * while reading a protein sequence * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs */ private static HashMap<String, Peptide> getPossiblePeptidesMap(Peptide peptide, ArrayList<PTM> ptms, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleProfiles) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String representativePTM = ptms.get(0).getName(); HashMap<String, Peptide> result = new HashMap<String, Peptide>(possibleProfiles.size()); int peptideLength = peptide.getSequence().length(); for (ArrayList<Integer> profile : possibleProfiles) { Peptide tempPeptide = Peptide.getNoModPeptide(peptide, ptms); for (int pos : profile) { int index = pos; if (index == 0) { index = 1; } else if (index == peptideLength + 1) { index = peptideLength; } tempPeptide.addModificationMatch(new ModificationMatch(representativePTM, true, index)); } String profileKey = KeyUtils.getKey(profile); result.put(profileKey, tempPeptide); } return result; } /** * Returns a map of the number of possible fragment ions for every peptide * indexed by the corresponding profile. * * @param possiblePeptides map of the possible peptides for every profile * @param possiblePeptideFragments the possible peptide fragments for every * peptide * @param spectrumAnnotator the spectrum annotator * @param scoringAnnotationSetttings the spectrum scoring annotation * settings * * @return a map of the number of possible fragment ions for every peptide */ private static HashMap<String, Integer> getPossiblePeptideToN(HashMap<String, Peptide> possiblePeptides, HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>>> possiblePeptideFragments, PeptideSpectrumAnnotator spectrumAnnotator, SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSetttings) { HashMap<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>(possiblePeptides.size()); for (String profileKey : possiblePeptides.keySet()) { Peptide peptide = possiblePeptides.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> fragmentsForProfile = possiblePeptideFragments.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>> expectedFragmentIons = spectrumAnnotator.getExpectedIons(scoringAnnotationSetttings, peptide, fragmentsForProfile); int n = 0; for (ArrayList<Ion> ions : expectedFragmentIons.values()) { n += ions.size(); } result.put(profileKey, n); } return result; } /** * Returns a map of the possible ions for every peptide of every profile. * * @param possiblePeptides map of the possible peptides for every profile * @param scoringAnnotationSetttings the spectrum scoring annotation * settings * * @return a map of the possible ions for every peptide of every profile */ private static HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>>> getPossiblePeptideFragments(HashMap<String, Peptide> possiblePeptides, SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSetttings) { HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>>> result = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>>>(possiblePeptides.size()); IonFactory fragmentFactory = IonFactory.getInstance(); for (String profileKey : possiblePeptides.keySet()) { Peptide peptide = possiblePeptides.get(profileKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> possibleFragmentIons = fragmentFactory.getFragmentIons(peptide, scoringAnnotationSetttings); result.put(profileKey, possibleFragmentIons); } return result; } /** * Returns the possible modification profiles given the possible sites and * number of modifications. Sites are sorted in increasing order. * * @param possibleSites the possible modification sites in increasing order * @param nPtms the number of modifications * * @return a list of possible modification profiles */ private static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> getPossibleModificationProfiles(ArrayList<Integer> possibleSites, int nPtms) { ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int pos : possibleSites) { ArrayList<Integer> profile = new ArrayList<Integer>(nPtms); profile.add(pos); result.add(profile); } for (int i = 2; i <= nPtms; i++) { ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> resultAtI = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>((int) (1.5 * result.size())); for (ArrayList<Integer> previousProfile : result) { int lastPos = previousProfile.get(previousProfile.size() - 1); for (int pos : possibleSites) { if (pos > lastPos) { ArrayList<Integer> profile = new ArrayList<Integer>(previousProfile); profile.add(pos); resultAtI.add(profile); } } } result = resultAtI; } return result; } /** * Returns a map of all potential site determining ions indexed by their * m/z. * * @param noModPeptide the version of the peptide which does not contain the * modification of interest * @param possibleProfiles the possible modification profiles to inspect * @param ptms the PTMs scored * @param spectrumAnnotator the spectrum annotator used throughout the * scoring * @param scoringAnnotationSetttings the annotation settings specific to * this peptide and spectrum * * @return a map of all potential site determining ions indexed by their m/z */ private static HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>> getSiteDeterminingIons(Peptide noModPeptide, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleProfiles, ArrayList<PTM> ptms, PeptideSpectrumAnnotator spectrumAnnotator, SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSetttings) { String sequence = noModPeptide.getSequence(); Peptide peptide = new Peptide(sequence, noModPeptide.getModificationMatches()); int sequenceLength = sequence.length(); String representativePTM = ptms.get(0).getName(); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>> siteDeterminingIons = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>>(); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>> commonIons = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<String>>(); for (ArrayList<Integer> modificationProfile : possibleProfiles) { for (int pos : modificationProfile) { int position; if (pos == 0) { position = 1; } else if (pos == sequenceLength + 1) { position = sequenceLength; } else { position = pos; } peptide.addModificationMatch(new ModificationMatch(representativePTM, true, position)); } HashSet<Double> mzs = new HashSet<Double>(2); for (ArrayList<Ion> ions : spectrumAnnotator.getExpectedIons(scoringAnnotationSetttings, peptide).values()) { for (Ion ion : ions) { if (ion.getType() == Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION) { for (int charge : scoringAnnotationSetttings.getSelectedCharges()) { double mz = ion.getTheoreticMz(charge); mzs.add(mz); } } } } String profileKey = KeyUtils.getKey(modificationProfile); for (double mz : mzs) { if (commonIons.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<String> profiles = new ArrayList<String>(2); commonIons.put(mz, profiles); profiles.add(profileKey); } else if (!commonIons.containsKey(mz)) { ArrayList<String> profiles = siteDeterminingIons.get(mz); if (profiles == null) { profiles = new ArrayList<String>(2); siteDeterminingIons.put(mz, profiles); } profiles.add(profileKey); } } for (double mz : new HashSet<Double>(commonIons.keySet())) { if (!mzs.contains(mz)) { siteDeterminingIons.put(mz, commonIons.get(mz)); commonIons.remove(mz); } else { commonIons.get(mz).add(profileKey); } } } return siteDeterminingIons; } /** * Returns a list of spectra containing only the most intense ions. The * index of the spectrum in the list corresponds to the increasing number of * peaks, ie the depth, starting with depth 1. * * @param spectrum the spectrum of interest * * @return a list of spectra containing only the most intense ions. */ private static ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> getReducedSpectra(MSnSpectrum spectrum) { if (spectrum.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to extract peaks from an empty spectrum."); } ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> reducedSpectra = new ArrayList<MSnSpectrum>(MAX_DEPTH); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Peak>> intensityToPeakMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Peak>>(spectrum.getPeakMap().size()); for (Peak peak : spectrum.getPeakList()) { double intensity = peak.intensity; ArrayList<Peak> peaks = intensityToPeakMap.get(intensity); if (peaks == null) { peaks = new ArrayList<Peak>(); intensityToPeakMap.put(intensity, peaks); } peaks.add(peak); } ArrayList<Double> intensities = new ArrayList<Double>(intensityToPeakMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(intensities, Collections.reverseOrder()); int depth = 0; HashMap<Double, Peak> mzToPeak = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(1); for (double intensity : intensities) { for (Peak peak : intensityToPeakMap.get(intensity)) { mzToPeak.put(, peak); depth++; reducedSpectra.add(new MSnSpectrum(spectrum.getLevel(), spectrum.getPrecursor(), spectrum.getSpectrumTitle() + "_" + depth, mzToPeak, spectrum.getFileName())); if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { break; } HashMap<Double, Peak> newMzToPeak = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(depth + 1); newMzToPeak.putAll(mzToPeak); mzToPeak = newMzToPeak; } if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { break; } } return reducedSpectra; } /** * Filters the spectrum so that p is lower or equal to 1 by retaining the * most intense peaks in a window of 10 times the ms2 tolerance. * * @param spectrum the original spectrum * @param scoringAnnotationSetttings the annotation settings * * @return the filtered spectrum * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ private static MSnSpectrum filterSpectrum(MSnSpectrum spectrum, SpecificAnnotationSettings scoringAnnotationSetttings) throws InterruptedException { Double window; Integer maxPeaks; double ms2Tolerance = scoringAnnotationSetttings.getFragmentIonAccuracyInDa(spectrum.getMaxMz()); if (ms2Tolerance <= 10) { window = 10 * ms2Tolerance; maxPeaks = 10; } else { window = WINDOW_SIZE; maxPeaks = (int) (window / ms2Tolerance); } if (maxPeaks < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("All peaks removed by filtering."); } HashMap<Double, Peak> peakMap = spectrum.getPeakMap(), newMap = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(peakMap.size()), tempMap = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(); Double refMz = null; for (Double mz : spectrum.getOrderedMzValues()) { if (refMz == null) { refMz = mz; } else if (mz > refMz + window) { if (tempMap.size() <= maxPeaks) { newMap.putAll(tempMap); tempMap.clear(); } else { ArrayList<Double> intensities = new ArrayList<Double>(tempMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(intensities, Collections.reverseOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(intensities.size(), maxPeaks); i++) { Double intensity = intensities.get(i); Peak peak = tempMap.get(intensity); newMap.put(, peak); } tempMap.clear(); } refMz += window; } Peak peak = peakMap.get(mz); tempMap.put(peak.intensity, peak); } ArrayList<Double> intensities = new ArrayList<Double>(tempMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(intensities, Collections.reverseOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(intensities.size(), maxPeaks); i++) { Double intensity = intensities.get(i); Peak peak = tempMap.get(intensity); newMap.put(, peak); } return new MSnSpectrum(spectrum.getLevel(), spectrum.getPrecursor(), spectrum.getSpectrumTitle() + "_filtered", newMap, spectrum.getFileName()); } }