package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; /** * WebDAO. * * @author Davy Maddelein */ public class WebDAO { /** * The locale. */ private static final Locale LOCALE = new Locale("en"); /** * Fetches the latest Maven deployed version from a Maven built repository. * * @param remoteVersionXMLFileLocation the version of the remote XML file * @return the latest Maven deployed version * @throws XMLStreamException if an XMLStreamException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public static String getLatestVersionNumberFromRemoteRepo(URL remoteVersionXMLFileLocation) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { BufferedReader remoteVersionsReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(remoteVersionXMLFileLocation.openStream())); XMLInputFactory xmlParseFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLEventReader xmlReader = xmlParseFactory.createXMLEventReader(remoteVersionsReader); MetaDataXMLParser xmlParser = new MetaDataXMLParser(xmlReader); xmlReader.close(); return xmlParser.getHighestVersionNumber(); } /** * Gets the first zip file from a URL, in case of a Maven repo deploy this * should be the only zip in the folder. * * @param repoURL the URL to get the zip from * @param suffix what file extension should be looked for * @param returnAlternateArchives if the requested file extension isn't * found, return the first .zip/tar.gz found * @return URL to the archive file * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL of the zip could not be found * @throws IOException if the stream to the web page could not be read */ public static URL getUrlOfZippedVersion(URL repoURL, String suffix, boolean returnAlternateArchives) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { BufferedReader reader = null; suffix = suffix.trim(); String line; String toReturn = null; String alternativeReturn = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(repoURL.openStream())); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.toLowerCase(LOCALE).contains("href=") && line.toLowerCase(LOCALE).contains(suffix)) { toReturn = line.substring(line.indexOf("href=\"") + 6, line.indexOf(suffix, line.indexOf("href=\"")) + suffix.length()); break; } else if (returnAlternateArchives && (line.toLowerCase(LOCALE).contains(".zip") || line.toLowerCase(LOCALE).contains(".tar.gz") || line.toLowerCase(LOCALE).contains(".bz"))) { alternativeReturn = line.substring(line.indexOf("href=\"") + 6, line.indexOf(line.indexOf(">"), line.indexOf("href=\"") + 6)); } } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } if (returnAlternateArchives && toReturn == null) { toReturn = alternativeReturn; } if (toReturn == null) { return null; } return new URL(new StringBuilder().append(repoURL.toExternalForm()).append("/").append(toReturn).toString()); } /** * Returns true if a new version is available. * * @param jarFile the Maven jar file * @param jarRepository the repository * @return true if a new version is available * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws XMLStreamException if an XMLStreamException occurs */ public static boolean newVersionReleased(MavenJarFile jarFile, URL jarRepository) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String currentVersionNumber = jarFile.getVersionNumber(); // check if beta version if (currentVersionNumber.contains("b") || currentVersionNumber.contains("beta")) { return false; } boolean newVersion = false; String versionRepoURLString = new StringBuilder(jarRepository.toExternalForm()).append( jarFile.getGroupId().replaceAll("\\.", "/")).append("/").append(jarFile.getArtifactId()).append("/maven-metadata.xml").toString(); String latestRemoteRelease = WebDAO.getLatestVersionNumberFromRemoteRepo(new URL(versionRepoURLString)); if (latestRemoteRelease != null && new CompareVersionNumbers().compare(currentVersionNumber, latestRemoteRelease) == 1) { newVersion = true; } return newVersion; } }