package com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.ions.ElementaryIon; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class models a precursor. * * @author Marc Vaudel * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class Precursor extends ExperimentObject { /** * The version UID for serialization/deserialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -2711244157697138296L; /** * The retention time when the precursor was isolated. */ private double rt; /** * In case an retention time window is given, the minimum. */ private Double rtMin; /** * In case an retention time window is given, the maximum. */ private Double rtMax; /** * The measured m/z of the precursor. */ private double mz; /** * The measured intensity of the precursor. */ private double intensity = 0; /** * The charge of the precursor. */ private ArrayList<Charge> possibleCharges = new ArrayList<Charge>(); /** * Constructor for the precursor. * * @param rt the retention time * @param mz the m/z * @param possibleCharges the possible charges */ public Precursor(double rt, double mz, ArrayList<Charge> possibleCharges) { this.rt = rt; rtMin = rt; rtMax = rt; = mz; this.possibleCharges.addAll(possibleCharges); } /** * Constructor with retention time window. * * @param rt the retention time * @param mz the m/z * @param intensity the intensity * @param possibleCharges the possible charges * @param rtMin the minimum of the RT window * @param rtMax the maximum of the RT window */ public Precursor(double rt, double mz, double intensity, ArrayList<Charge> possibleCharges, double rtMin, double rtMax) { this.rt = rt; this.rtMin = rtMin; this.rtMax = rtMax; = mz; this.intensity = intensity; this.possibleCharges.addAll(possibleCharges); } /** * Constructor with retention time window and no reference retention time. * * @param mz the m/z * @param intensity the intensity * @param possibleCharges the possible charges * @param rtMin the minimum of the RT window in seconds * @param rtMax the maximum of the RT window in seconds */ public Precursor(double mz, double intensity, ArrayList<Charge> possibleCharges, double rtMin, double rtMax) { this.rt = (rtMin + rtMax) / 2; this.rtMin = rtMin; this.rtMax = rtMax; = mz; this.intensity = intensity; this.possibleCharges.addAll(possibleCharges); } /** * Constructor for the precursor. * * @param rt the retention time in seconds * @param mz the m/z * @param intensity the intensity * @param possibleCharges the possible charges */ public Precursor(double rt, double mz, double intensity, ArrayList<Charge> possibleCharges) { this.rt = rt; rtMin = rt; rtMax = rt; = mz; this.intensity = intensity; this.possibleCharges.addAll(possibleCharges); } /** * Getter for the retention time in seconds. * * @return precursor retention time in seconds */ public double getRt() { return rt; } /** * Returns the retention time in minutes. * * @return the retention time in minutes */ public double getRtInMinutes() { return rt / 60; } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the retention time window was * implemented. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the retention time window was * implemented */ public boolean hasRTWindow() { return rtMin != null && rtMax != null && rtMin != -1 && rtMax != -1 && !rtMin.equals(rtMax); } /** * Returns an array containing the min and max of the RT window. * * @return an array containing the min and max of the RT window */ public double[] getRtWindow() { if (rtMin == null) { rtMin = rt; } if (rtMax == null) { rtMax = rt; } return new double[]{rtMin, rtMax}; } /** * Getter for the m/z. * * @return precursor m/z */ public double getMz() { return mz; } /** * Getter for the intensity. * * @return precursor intensity */ public double getIntensity() { return intensity; } /** * Getter for the possible charges. * * @return the possible charges */ public ArrayList<Charge> getPossibleCharges() { return possibleCharges; } /** * Returns the possible charges as a string. * * @return the possible charges as a string */ public String getPossibleChargesAsString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (Charge charge : possibleCharges) { if (first) { first = false; } else { result.append(", "); } result.append(charge.toString()); } return result.toString(); } /** * Returns a recalibrated precursor. * * @param mzCorrection the m/z correction to apply * @param rtCorrection the retention time correction to apply * @return a new recalibrated precursor */ public Precursor getRecalibratedPrecursor(double mzCorrection, double rtCorrection) { return new Precursor(rt - rtCorrection, mz - mzCorrection, intensity, possibleCharges); } /** * Returns the mass of the precursor with the given charge plus a single * proton. * * @param chargeValue the value of the charge plus a single proton * * @return the mass of the precursor with the given charge plus a single * proton */ public double getMassPlusProton(int chargeValue) { return getMass(chargeValue) + ElementaryIon.proton.getTheoreticMass(); } /** * Returns the mass of the precursor with the given charge. * * @param chargeValue the value of the charge * * @return the mass of the precursor with the given charge */ public double getMass(int chargeValue) { return mz * chargeValue - chargeValue * ElementaryIon.proton.getTheoreticMass(); } }