package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification; import com.compomics.util.db.ObjectsCache; import com.compomics.util.db.ObjectsDB; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.PeptideMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ProteinMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.SpectrumMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.UrParameter; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class uses a database to manage identification matches. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class IdentificationDB implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 691986038787590646L; /** * The name which will be used for the database. */ public String dbName; /** * The name of the protein table. */ private static String proteinTableName = "proteins"; /** * The suffix for protein parameters tables. */ private static String proteinParametersTableSuffix = "_protein_parameters"; /** * The name of the peptide table. */ private static String peptideTableName = "peptides"; /** * The suffix for a peptide parameters table. */ private static String peptideParametersTableSuffix = "_peptide_parameters"; /** * The suffix for a PSM table. */ private static String psmTableSuffix = "_psms"; /** * The suffix for an assumptions table. */ private static String assumptionsTableSuffix = "_assumptions"; /** * The suffix for a raw assumptions table. */ private static String rawAssumptionsTableSuffix = "_raw_assumptions"; /** * The suffix for a PSM parameters table. */ private static String psmParametersTableSuffix = "_psm_parameters"; /** * List of all raw assumptions tables. */ private ArrayList<String> rawAssumptionsTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of all assumptions tables. */ private ArrayList<String> assumptionsTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of all psms tables. */ private ArrayList<String> psmTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of all psm parameters tables. */ private ArrayList<String> psmParametersTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of all peptide parameters tables. */ private ArrayList<String> peptideParametersTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of all proteins parameters tables. */ private ArrayList<String> proteinParametersTables = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * The database which will contain the objects. */ private ObjectsDB objectsDB; /** * Constructor creating the database and the protein and protein parameters * tables. * * @param folder the folder where to put the database * @param name the database name * @param deleteOldDatabase if true, tries to delete the old database * @param objectCache the objects cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * interacting with the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing a file from the database * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown if a threading error occurs * while interacting with the database */ public IdentificationDB(String folder, String name, boolean deleteOldDatabase, ObjectsCache objectCache) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { this.dbName = name; objectsDB = new ObjectsDB(folder, dbName, deleteOldDatabase, objectCache); if (deleteOldDatabase) { objectsDB.addTable(proteinTableName); objectsDB.addTable(peptideTableName); } } /** * Indicates whether a spectrum match is loaded. * * @param spectrumKey the spectrumMatch key * * @return a boolean indicating whether a spectrum match is loaded in the * given table * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an exception occurred * while interrogating the database */ public boolean spectrumMatchLoaded(String spectrumKey) throws SQLException { String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(spectrumKey); return objectsDB.inDB(tableName, spectrumKey, true); } /** * Indicates whether a peptide match is loaded. * * @param peptideKey the peptide key * * @return a boolean indicating whether a peptide match is loaded in the * given table * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an exception occurred * while interrogating the database */ public boolean peptideMatchLoaded(String peptideKey) throws SQLException { return objectsDB.inDB(peptideTableName, peptideKey, true); } /** * Indicates whether a protein match is loaded. * * @param proteinKey the protein key * * @return a boolean indicating whether a protein match is loaded in the * given table * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an exception occurred * while interrogating the database */ public boolean proteinMatchLoaded(String proteinKey) throws SQLException { return objectsDB.inDB(proteinTableName, proteinKey, true); } /** * Updates a protein match. * * @param proteinMatch the protein match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateProteinMatch(ProteinMatch proteinMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.updateObject(proteinTableName, proteinMatch.getKey(), proteinMatch); } /** * Updates a peptide match. * * @param peptideMatch the peptide match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updatePeptideMatch(PeptideMatch peptideMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.updateObject(peptideTableName, peptideMatch.getKey(), peptideMatch); } /** * Updates a spectrum match. * * @param spectrumMatch the spectrum match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateSpectrumMatch(SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String key = spectrumMatch.getKey(); String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(key); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, key, spectrumMatch); } /** * Updates the map of assumptions for a given spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param assumptionsMap map of assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptionsMap) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, spectrumKey, assumptionsMap); } /** * Updates the map of raw assumptions for a given spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param rawAssumptionsMap map of assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> rawAssumptionsMap) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getRawAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, spectrumKey, rawAssumptionsMap); } /** * Updates a match. * * @param match the match to update * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating a match in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateMatch(IdentificationMatch match) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { switch (match.getType()) { case Spectrum: updateSpectrumMatch((SpectrumMatch) match); return; case Peptide: updatePeptideMatch((PeptideMatch) match); return; case Protein: updateProteinMatch((ProteinMatch) match); } } /** * Updates a protein match parameter. * * @param key the key of the protein match * @param urParameter the parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating the parameter in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateProteinParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getProteinParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, key, urParameter); } /** * Updates a peptide match parameter. * * @param key the key of the peptide match * @param urParameter the parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating the parameter in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updatePeptideParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getPeptideParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, key, urParameter); } /** * Updates a spectrum match parameter. * * @param key the key of the spectrum match * @param urParameter the parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * updating the parameter in the table * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateSpectrumParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getSpectrumParameterTable(key, urParameter); objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, key, urParameter); } /** * Deletes a protein match from the database. * * @param key the key of the match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeProteinMatch(String key) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.deleteObject(proteinTableName, key); for (String proteinParameterTable : proteinParametersTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(proteinParameterTable, key); } } /** * Deletes a peptide match from the database. * * @param key the key of the match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removePeptideMatch(String key) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.deleteObject(peptideTableName, key); for (String peptideParameterTable : peptideParametersTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(peptideParameterTable, key); } } /** * Deletes a spectrum match from the database. * * @param key the key of the match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeSpectrumMatch(String key) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { for (String psmTable : psmTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(psmTable, key); } for (String psmParameterTable : psmParametersTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(psmParameterTable, key); } } /** * Deletes the assumptions corresponding to a given psm from the database. * * @param key the key of the psm * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeAssumptions(String key) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { for (String table : assumptionsTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(table, key); } } /** * Deletes the raw assumptions corresponding to a given psm from the database. * * @param key the key of the psm * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading or writing in the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeRawAssumptions(String key) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { for (String table : rawAssumptionsTables) { objectsDB.deleteObject(table, key); } } /** * Returns the names of the tables containing peptide parameters. * * @return the names of the tables containing peptide parameters */ public ArrayList<String> getPeptideParametersTables() { return peptideParametersTables; } /** * Returns the assumptions of the given spectrum in a map: advocate id → * score → list of assumptions. * * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @param key the key of the spectrum * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getAssumptions(String key, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getAssumptionTable(key); checkTable(assumptionsTables, tableName); return (HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>>) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds assumptions for a given match to the database. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param assumptions map of all assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptions) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); checkTable(assumptionsTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, spectrumKey, assumptions, true); } /** * Returns the raw assumptions of the given spectrum in a map: advocate id → * score → list of assumptions. * * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @param key the key of the spectrum * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getRawAssumptions(String key, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getRawAssumptionTable(key); checkTable(rawAssumptionsTables, tableName); return (HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>>) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds raw assumptions for a given match to the database. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param assumptions map of all assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptions) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getRawAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); checkTable(rawAssumptionsTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, spectrumKey, assumptions, true); } /** * Returns the desired spectrum match. * * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @param key the PSM key * @return the spectrum match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public SpectrumMatch getSpectrumMatch(String key, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(key); return (SpectrumMatch) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a spectrum match to the database. * * @param spectrumMatch the spectrum match to be added * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addSpectrumMatch(SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String key = spectrumMatch.getKey(); String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(key); checkTable(psmTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, key, spectrumMatch, true); } /** * Indicates whether the table for the given spectrum match key has been * created. * * @param spectrumMatchKey the key of the spectrum match of interest * * @return true if the table for the given spectrum match key has been * created */ public boolean spectrumMatchTableCreated(String spectrumMatchKey) { String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(spectrumMatchKey); return psmTables.contains(tableName); } /** * Returns the desired peptide match. * * @param key the peptide key * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @return the peptide match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public PeptideMatch getPeptideMatch(String key, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return (PeptideMatch) objectsDB.retrieveObject(peptideTableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a peptide match to the database. * * @param peptideMatch the peptide match to be added * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addPeptideMatch(PeptideMatch peptideMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.insertObject(peptideTableName, peptideMatch.getKey(), peptideMatch, true); } /** * Returns the desired protein match. * * @param key the protein key * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @return the protein match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public ProteinMatch getProteinMatch(String key, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return (ProteinMatch) objectsDB.retrieveObject(proteinTableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a protein match to the database. * * @param proteinMatch the protein match to be added * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addProteinMatch(ProteinMatch proteinMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.insertObject(proteinTableName, proteinMatch.getKey(), proteinMatch, true); } /** * Adds an identification match to the database. * * @param match the match to be added * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addMatch(IdentificationMatch match) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { switch (match.getType()) { case Spectrum: addSpectrumMatch((SpectrumMatch) match); return; case Peptide: addPeptideMatch((PeptideMatch) match); return; case Protein: addProteinMatch((ProteinMatch) match); } } /** * Loads all assumptions of the given file in the cache of the database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadAssumptions(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String testKey = Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(fileName, "test"); String tableName = getAssumptionTable(testKey); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all assumptions of the given spectra in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the key of the spectra * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadAssumptions(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(2 * spectrumKeys.size()); } HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> sortedKeys = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (String spectrumKey : spectrumKeys) { String tableName = getAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); if (!sortedKeys.containsKey(tableName)) { sortedKeys.put(tableName, new ArrayList<String>()); } sortedKeys.get(tableName).add(spectrumKey); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (displayProgress) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } for (String tableName : sortedKeys.keySet()) { if (objectsDB.hasTable(tableName)) { // Escape for old projects which don't contain this table objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, sortedKeys.get(tableName), waitingHandler, displayProgress); } } } /** * Loads all raw assumptions of the given file in the cache of the database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadRawAssumptions(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String testKey = Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(fileName, "test"); String tableName = getRawAssumptionTable(testKey); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all raw assumptions of the given spectra in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the key of the spectra * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadRawAssumptions(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(2 * spectrumKeys.size()); } HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> sortedKeys = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (String spectrumKey : spectrumKeys) { String tableName = getRawAssumptionTable(spectrumKey); if (!sortedKeys.containsKey(tableName)) { sortedKeys.put(tableName, new ArrayList<String>()); } sortedKeys.get(tableName).add(spectrumKey); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (displayProgress) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } for (String tableName : sortedKeys.keySet()) { if (objectsDB.hasTable(tableName)) { // Escape for old projects which don't contain this table objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, sortedKeys.get(tableName), waitingHandler, displayProgress); } } } /** * Loads all spectrum matches of the given file in the cache of the * database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatches(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String testKey = Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(fileName, "test"); String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(testKey); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all given spectrum matches in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the key of the spectrum matches to be loaded * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatches(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(2 * spectrumKeys.size()); } HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> sortedKeys = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (String spectrumKey : spectrumKeys) { String tableName = getSpectrumMatchTable(spectrumKey); if (!sortedKeys.containsKey(tableName)) { sortedKeys.put(tableName, new ArrayList<String>()); } sortedKeys.get(tableName).add(spectrumKey); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (displayProgress) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } for (String tableName : sortedKeys.keySet()) { objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, sortedKeys.get(tableName), waitingHandler, displayProgress); } } /** * Loads all spectrum match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatchParameters(String fileName, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String testKey = Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(fileName, "test"); String tableName = getSpectrumParameterTable(testKey, urParameter); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all desired spectrum match parameters in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the key of the spectrum match of the parameters to be * loaded * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException is thrown */ public void loadSpectrumMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(2 * spectrumKeys.size()); } HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> sortedKeys = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (String spectrumKey : spectrumKeys) { String tableName = getSpectrumParameterTable(spectrumKey, urParameter); if (!sortedKeys.containsKey(tableName)) { sortedKeys.put(tableName, new ArrayList<String>()); } sortedKeys.get(tableName).add(spectrumKey); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (displayProgress) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } for (String tableName : sortedKeys.keySet()) { objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, sortedKeys.get(tableName), waitingHandler, displayProgress); } } /** * Loads all peptide matches in the cache of the database. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.loadObjects(peptideTableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired peptide matches of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param peptideKeys the list of peptide keys to load * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatches(ArrayList<String> peptideKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(peptideKeys.size()); } objectsDB.loadObjects(peptideTableName, peptideKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all peptide match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatchParameters(UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getPeptideParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired peptide match parameters of the given type in the cache * of the database. * * @param peptideKeys the list of peptide keys of the parameters to load * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> peptideKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(peptideKeys.size()); } String tableName = getPeptideParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, peptideKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all protein matches in the cache of the database. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.loadObjects(proteinTableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired protein matches of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param proteinKeys the list of protein keys to load * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatches(ArrayList<String> proteinKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(proteinKeys.size()); } objectsDB.loadObjects(proteinTableName, proteinKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all protein match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatchParameters(UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getProteinParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired protein match parameters of the given type in the cache * of the database. * * @param proteinKeys the list of protein keys of the parameters to load * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * interrogating the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever the class of the * object is not found when deserializing it. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> proteinKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(proteinKeys.size()); } String tableName = getProteinParameterTable(urParameter); objectsDB.loadObjects(tableName, proteinKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Returns the desired spectrum match parameter. * * @param key the PSM key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the spectrum match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getSpectrumParameterTable(key, urParameter); return (UrParameter) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a spectrum match parameter to the database. * * @param key the PSM key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getSpectrumParameterTable(key, urParameter); checkTable(psmParametersTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, key, urParameter, true); } /** * Returns the desired peptide match parameter. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @return the peptide match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getPeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getPeptideParameterTable(urParameter); return (UrParameter) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a peptide match parameter to the database. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addPeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getPeptideParameterTable(urParameter); checkTable(peptideParametersTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, key, urParameter, true); } /** * Returns the desired protein match parameter. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * @return the protein match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getProteinParameterTable(urParameter); return (UrParameter) objectsDB.retrieveObject(tableName, key, useDB); } /** * Adds a protein match parameter to the database. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown whenever a * threading issue occurred when interacting with the database */ public void addProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tableName = getProteinParameterTable(urParameter); checkTable(proteinParametersTables, tableName); objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, key, urParameter, true); } /** * Verifies that a table exists and creates it if not. * * @param tableList the list containing the created tables * @param tableName the name of the table * * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ public synchronized void checkTable(Collection<String> tableList, String tableName) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (!tableList.contains(tableName)) { objectsDB.addTable(tableName); tableList.add(tableName); } } /** * Returns an object from the database. * * @param table the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return an object from the database * * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an ClassNotFoundException occurs */ public Object getObject(String table, String objectKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return objectsDB.retrieveObject(table, objectKey, true); } /** * Returns the assumptions table name associated with the given spectrum * key. * * @param spectrumKey the given spectrum key * @return the table name of the given spectrum */ public String getAssumptionTable(String spectrumKey) { String tableName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(spectrumKey) + assumptionsTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Returns the raw assumptions table name associated with the given spectrum * key. * * @param spectrumKey the given spectrum key * @return the table name of the given spectrum */ public String getRawAssumptionTable(String spectrumKey) { String tableName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(spectrumKey) + rawAssumptionsTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Returns the PSM table name associated with the given spectrum key. * * @param spectrumKey the given spectrum key * @return the table name of the given spectrum */ public String getSpectrumMatchTable(String spectrumKey) { String tableName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(spectrumKey) + psmTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Returns the table name associated with the given spectrum parameter. * * @param spectrumKey the given spectrum key * @param urParameter the parameter * @return the table name of the given spectrum parameter */ public String getSpectrumParameterTable(String spectrumKey, UrParameter urParameter) { String fileName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(spectrumKey); String tableName = urParameter.getParameterKey() + "_" + fileName + psmParametersTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Returns the table name associated with the given peptide parameter. * * @param urParameter the parameter * @return the table name of the given peptide parameter */ public String getPeptideParameterTable(UrParameter urParameter) { String tableName = urParameter.getParameterKey() + peptideParametersTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Returns the table name associated with the given protein parameter. * * @param urParameter the parameter * @return the table name of the given protein parameter */ public String getProteinParameterTable(UrParameter urParameter) { String tableName = urParameter.getParameterKey() + proteinParametersTableSuffix; tableName = objectsDB.correctTableName(tableName); return tableName; } /** * Restores the connection to the database. * * @param dbFolder the folder where the database is located * @param deleteOldDatabase if true, tries to delete the old database * @param objectsCache the objects cache * * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * interacting with the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing a file from the database * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown if a threading error occurs * while interacting with the database */ public void restoreConnection(String dbFolder, boolean deleteOldDatabase, ObjectsCache objectsCache) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { objectsDB.establishConnection(dbFolder, deleteOldDatabase, objectsCache); objectsCache.addDb(objectsDB); } /** * Indicates whether the connection to the DB is active. * * @return true if the connection to the DB is active */ public boolean isConnectionActive() { return objectsDB.isConnectionActive(); } /** * Returns the database used to store matches. * * @return the database used to store matches */ public ObjectsDB getObjectsDB() { return objectsDB; } /** * Closes the db connection. * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * closing the database connection */ public void close() throws SQLException { objectsDB.close(); } }