package com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.mutations; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; /** * This class represents a mutation of one amino acid to another from the * 20-letter amino acid alphabet. * * @deprecated replaced by com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.variants.AminoAcidSubstitution instead * * @author Thilo Muth */ public class Mutation { /** * The original amino acid. */ private AminoAcid origin; /** * The mutated amino acid. */ private AminoAcid target; /** * The mass shift between original and target amino acid. */ private double massShift; /** * Constructs a mutation from one amino acid (origin) to another (target). * * @param origin the origin * @param target the target */ public Mutation(AminoAcid origin, AminoAcid target) { this.origin = origin; = target; this.massShift = target.getMonoisotopicMass() - origin.getMonoisotopicMass(); } /** * Returns the mass shift. * * @return The mass shift. */ public double getMassShift() { return massShift; } /** * Get rounded mass shift. * * @return Rounded mass shift. */ public int getRoundedMassShift() { return (int) Math.round(massShift); } /** * Returns the origin amino acid. * * @return The origin amino acid. */ public AminoAcid getOrigin() { return origin; } /** * Returns the target amino acid. * * @return The target amino acid. */ public AminoAcid getTarget() { return target; } /** * Overwritten equals method. * * @param mutation The mutation to be compared. * @return True if both mutations are the same. */ public boolean equals(Mutation mutation) { if (this.origin.singleLetterCode.equals(mutation.getOrigin().singleLetterCode) && { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { return this.origin.threeLetterCode + " => " +; } }