package com.compomics.util.experiment.biology; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; /** * A chain of atoms. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class AtomChain implements Serializable { /** * Serial number for backward compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 2222259572093523514L; /** * The chain of atoms. */ private ArrayList<AtomImpl> atomChain; /** * The mass of the atom chain. */ private Double mass = null; /** * Cache for the string value. * * @deprecated deprectated since utilities version 4.8.2. Use stringValue1 instead. */ private String stringValue = null; /** * Cache for the string value. */ private String stringValue1 = null; /** * Creates an empty atom chain. */ public AtomChain() { atomChain = new ArrayList<AtomImpl>(4); } /** * Returns an atom chain from the input as string. Atoms are * represented by their canonical short name, e.g. C for Carbon, Na for * Sodium. The occurrence of a given atom is to be written in parentheses, * e.g. C(3)PO is parsed as three C's, one P and one O. No negative values * are allowed. The isotope is to be written prior to the atom, e.g. * 13C(2)18OP is parsed as two 13C atoms, one 18O, and one P. * * @param atomChainAsString the atomic chain as a string * * @return the atom chain represented in the given string */ public static AtomChain getAtomChain(String atomChainAsString) { AtomChain atomChain = new AtomChain(); char[] atomChainAsStringCharArray = atomChainAsString.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < atomChainAsStringCharArray.length; i++) { char character = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i]; if (character != ' ') { if (character == '-') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative isotope found in " + atomChainAsString + ". Please use the atom number, e.g. 13 for 13C."); } Integer isotopeNumber = 0; int charAsInt = Character.getNumericValue(character); // Parse isotope number while (charAsInt >= 0 && charAsInt <= 9) { isotopeNumber = 10 * isotopeNumber + charAsInt; i++; if (i == atomChainAsStringCharArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reached the end of the atom chain while parsing isotope number in " + atomChainAsString + "."); } character = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i]; charAsInt = Character.getNumericValue(character); } // Parse atom name StringBuilder atomName = new StringBuilder(); atomName.append(character); Integer occurrence = null; if (i + 1 < atomChainAsStringCharArray.length) { char nextCharacter = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i + 1]; while (Character.isLowerCase(nextCharacter)) { atomName.append(nextCharacter); i++; if (i + 1 < atomChainAsStringCharArray.length) { nextCharacter = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i + 1]; } else { break; } } if (nextCharacter == '(') { // Parse occurrence in parentheses i++; i++; if (i == atomChainAsStringCharArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reached the end of the atom chain while parsing occurrence of " + atomName + " in " + atomChainAsString + "."); } character = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i]; if (character == '-') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative occurrence found for " + atomName + " in " + atomChainAsString + "."); } while (character != ')') { charAsInt = Character.getNumericValue(character); if (charAsInt < 0 || charAsInt > 9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encountered unexpected character " + character + " while parsing occurrence of " + atomName + " in " + atomChainAsString + "."); } if (occurrence == null) { occurrence = charAsInt; } else { occurrence = 10 * occurrence + charAsInt; } i++; if (i == atomChainAsStringCharArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reached the end of the atom chain while parsing occurrence of " + atomName + " in " + atomChainAsString + "."); } character = atomChainAsStringCharArray[i]; } } } if (occurrence == null) { occurrence = 1; } Atom atom = Atom.getAtom(atomName.toString()); AtomImpl atomImpl = new AtomImpl(atom, isotopeNumber); if (isotopeNumber != 0) { isotopeNumber = atomImpl.getIsotopeNumber(isotopeNumber); if (isotopeNumber == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("An error occurred while parsing atom chain " + atomChainAsString + "Isotope " + isotopeNumber + " not supported for atom " + atom + "."); } atomImpl.setIsotope(isotopeNumber); } atomChain.append(atomImpl, occurrence); } } return atomChain; } /** * Appends an atom to the chain of atoms. * * @param atom a new atom */ public void append(AtomImpl atom) { atomChain.add(atom); stringValue1 = null; } /** * Appends an atom to the chain of atoms. * * @param atom a new atom * @param occurrence the number of times this atom should be added */ public void append(AtomImpl atom, int occurrence) { if (occurrence < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative occurrence"); } for (int i = 0; i < occurrence; i++) { atomChain.add(atom); } stringValue1 = null; } /** * Returns the atom chain as a list of AtomImpl. * * @return the atom chain as a list of AtomImpl */ public ArrayList<AtomImpl> getAtomChain() { return atomChain; } /** * Returns the mass of the atomic chain as sum of the individual atoms. * * @return the mass of the atomic chain as sum of the individual atoms */ public Double getMass() { if (mass == null) { estimateMass(); } return mass; } /** * Returns the number of atoms in this atom chain. * * @return the number of atoms in this atom chain */ public int size() { return atomChain.size(); } /** * Estimates the mass of the atom chain. */ private synchronized void estimateMass() { if (mass == null) { Double tempMass = 0.0; for (AtomImpl atom : atomChain) { tempMass += atom.getMass(); } mass = tempMass; } } /** * Sets the string value from the stringValue1 attribute, sets it from the * composition if not set. * * @param includeSpaces boolean indicating whether spaces should be included between atoms. * * @return the string value */ private synchronized String getStringValue(boolean includeSpaces) { if (stringValue1 == null) { HashMap<String, Integer> composition = new HashMap<String, Integer>(atomChain.size()); HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>> isotopeMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>>(atomChain.size()); for (AtomImpl atom : atomChain) { String atomName = atom.toString(); Integer occurrence = composition.get(atomName); if (occurrence == null) { occurrence = 0; } composition.put(atomName, occurrence + 1); String atomLetter = atom.getAtom().getLetter(); HashMap<Integer, String> atomIsotopes = isotopeMap.get(atomLetter); if (atomIsotopes == null) { atomIsotopes = new HashMap<Integer, String>(1); isotopeMap.put(atomLetter, atomIsotopes); } Integer isotope = atom.getIsotope(); atomIsotopes.put(isotope, atomName); } StringBuilder compositionAsString = new StringBuilder(composition.size()); ArrayList<String> atomNames = new ArrayList<String>(isotopeMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(atomNames); for (String atomLetter : atomNames) { HashMap<Integer, String> atomIsotopes = isotopeMap.get(atomLetter); ArrayList<Integer> isotopes = new ArrayList<Integer>(atomIsotopes.keySet()); Collections.sort(isotopes); for (Integer isotope : isotopes) { String atomName = atomIsotopes.get(isotope); if (includeSpaces && compositionAsString.length() > 0) { compositionAsString.append(" "); } compositionAsString.append(atomName); Integer occurrence = composition.get(atomName); if (occurrence > 1) { compositionAsString.append("(").append(occurrence).append(")"); } } } stringValue1 = compositionAsString.toString(); } return stringValue1; } /** * Returns the occurrence of a given atom in the chain. * * @param atom the atom of interest * @param isotope the isotope to look for * * @return the occurrence of the atom in this atom chain */ public int getOccurrence(Atom atom, Integer isotope) { int occurrence = 0; AtomImpl atom1 = new AtomImpl(atom, isotope); for (AtomImpl atom2 : atomChain) { if (atom1.isSameAs(atom2)) { occurrence++; } } return occurrence; } /** * Removes all the occurrences of the given atom. * * @param atom the atom * @param isotope the isotope */ public void remove(Atom atom, Integer isotope) { ArrayList<AtomImpl> newAtomChain = new ArrayList<AtomImpl>(atomChain.size()); AtomImpl atom1 = new AtomImpl(atom, isotope); for (AtomImpl atom2 : atomChain) { if (!atom1.isSameAs(atom2)) { newAtomChain.add(atom2); } } atomChain = newAtomChain; mass = null; stringValue1 = null; } /** * Sets the occurrence of a given atom. * * @param atom the atom * @param isotope the isotope number * @param occurrence the occurrence */ public void setOccurrence(Atom atom, Integer isotope, Integer occurrence) { remove(atom, isotope); append(new AtomImpl(atom, isotope), occurrence); mass = null; stringValue1 = null; } /** * Indicates whether two atom chains are of the same composition by * comparing their string and type. An empty chain is considered to be the * same composition as a null chain. * * @param anotherChain another atom chain * * @return a boolean indicating whether two atom chains are of the same * composition */ public boolean isSameCompositionAs(AtomChain anotherChain) { if (!atomChain.isEmpty() && (anotherChain == null || anotherChain.getAtomChain().isEmpty())) { return false; } return anotherChain.toString().equals(toString()); } @Override public String toString() { if (stringValue1 == null) { return getStringValue(false); } return stringValue1; } @Override public AtomChain clone() { AtomChain result = new AtomChain(); for (AtomImpl atom : atomChain) { result.append(new AtomImpl(atom.getAtom(), atom.getIsotope())); } return result; } }