package com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.IonMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.math.BasicMathFunctions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; /** * This class models a spectrum. * * @author Marc Vaudel * @author Harald Barsnes */ public abstract class Spectrum extends ExperimentObject { /** * The version UID for Serialization/Deserialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 7152424141470431489L; /** * Spectrum title. */ protected String spectrumTitle; /** * Spectrum file name. */ protected String fileName; /** * The MS level. */ protected int level; /** * mz indexed Peak list. */ protected HashMap<Double, Peak> peakList; /** * Intensity indexed Peak map. */ protected HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Peak>> intensityPeakMap = null; /** * Scan number or range. */ protected String scanNumber; /** * The time point when the spectrum was recorded (scan start time in mzML * files). */ protected double scanStartTime; /** * The splitter in the key between spectrumFile and spectrumTitle. */ public static final String SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER = "_cus_"; /** * The peak list as an array directly plottable by JFreeChart. */ private double[][] jFreePeakList = null; /** * The mz values as array. Null until set by the getter. */ private double[] mzValuesAsArray = null; /** * The mz values sorted in acceding order as array. Null until set by the * getter. */ private double[] mzValuesOrderedAsArray = null; /** * The peak list as an array list formatted as text, e.g. [[303.17334 * 3181.14],[318.14542 37971.93], ... ]. */ private String peakListAsString = null; /** * The intensity values as array. Null until set by the getter. */ private double[] intensityValuesAsArray = null; /** * The intensity values as array normalized against the most intense peak. * Null until set by the getter. */ private double[] intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray = null; // @TODO: correct typo /** * The mz and intensity values as array. Null until set by the getter. */ private double[][] mzAndIntensityAsArray = null; /** * The total intensity. */ private Double totalIntensity; /** * The maximal intensity. */ private Double maxIntensity; /** * The maximal m/z. */ private Double maxMz; /** * The minimal m/z. */ private Double minMz; /** * Mutex for the setting of the attributes in cache. */ private Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * Cache for the intensity limit. */ private Double intensityLimit = null; /** * Intensity level corresponding to the value in cache. */ private double intensityLimitLevel = -1.0; /** * Convenience method returning the key for a spectrum. * * @param spectrumFile the spectrum file * @param spectrumTitle the spectrum title * * @return the corresponding spectrum key */ public static String getSpectrumKey(String spectrumFile, String spectrumTitle) { return spectrumFile + SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER + spectrumTitle; } /** * Convenience method to retrieve the name of a file from the spectrum key. * * @param spectrumKey the spectrum key * @return the name of the file containing the spectrum */ public static String getSpectrumFile(String spectrumKey) { return spectrumKey.substring(0, spectrumKey.indexOf(SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER)); } /** * Convenience method to retrieve the name of a spectrum from the spectrum * key. * * @param spectrumKey the spectrum key * @return the title of the spectrum */ public static String getSpectrumTitle(String spectrumKey) { return spectrumKey.substring(spectrumKey.indexOf(SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER) + SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER.length()); } /** * Set the spectrum title. * * @param spectrumTitle the title to set */ public void setSpectrumTitle(String spectrumTitle) { this.spectrumTitle = spectrumTitle; } /** * Returns the key of the spectrum. * * @return the key of the spectrum */ public String getSpectrumKey() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(fileName.length() + SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER.length() + spectrumTitle.length()); stringBuilder.append(fileName); stringBuilder.append(SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER); stringBuilder.append(spectrumTitle); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns the spectrum title. * * @return spectrum title */ public String getSpectrumTitle() { return spectrumTitle; } /** * Format the peaks so that they can be plotted in JFreeChart. * * @return a table containing the peaks * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[][] getJFreePeakList() throws InterruptedException { if (jFreePeakList == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (jFreePeakList == null) { double[] mz = new double[peakList.size()]; double[] intensity = new double[peakList.size()]; int cpt = 0; for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { mz[cpt] =; intensity[cpt] = currentPeak.intensity; cpt++; } jFreePeakList = new double[6][mz.length]; jFreePeakList[0] = mz; jFreePeakList[1] = mz; jFreePeakList[2] = mz; jFreePeakList[3] = intensity; jFreePeakList[4] = intensity; jFreePeakList[5] = intensity; } mutex.release(); } return jFreePeakList; } /** * Returns a peak map where peaks are indexed by their m/z. * * @return a peak map */ public HashMap<Double, Peak> getPeakMap() { return peakList; } /** * Adds a peak to the spectrum peak list. * * @param aPeak the peak to add */ public synchronized void addPeak(Peak aPeak) { if (peakList == null) { peakList = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(); } this.peakList.put(, aPeak); resetSavedData(); } /** * Set the peaks. * * @param peaks the peaks to set */ public synchronized void setPeaks(ArrayList<Peak> peaks) { if (peakList != null) { this.peakList.clear(); } else { peakList = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(); } for (Peak p : peaks) { double mz =; peakList.put(mz, p); } resetSavedData(); } /** * Getter for the scan number. * * @return the spectrum scan number */ public String getScanNumber() { return scanNumber; } /** * Setter for the scan number or range. * * @param scanNumber or range */ public synchronized void setScanNumber(String scanNumber) { this.scanNumber = scanNumber; } /** * Returns the file name. * * @return the file name */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Returns at which level the spectrum was recorded. * * @return at which level the spectrum was recorded */ public int getLevel() { return level; } /** * Returns the peak list. * * @return the peak list */ public Collection<Peak> getPeakList() { return peakList.values(); } /** * Sets the peak list. * * @param peakList HashSet of peaks containing the peaks of the spectrum */ public synchronized void setPeakList(HashMap<Double, Peak> peakList) { this.peakList = peakList; resetSavedData(); } /** * Returns the peak list as an array list formatted as text, e.g. * [[303.17334 3181.14],[318.14542 37971.93], ... ]. * * @return the peak list as an array list formatted as text * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public String getPeakListAsString() throws InterruptedException { if (peakListAsString == null) { double[] mzValues = getOrderedMzValues(); mutex.acquire(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); for (double mzValue : mzValues) { if (sb.length() > 1) { sb.append(","); } Peak currentPeak = peakList.get(mzValue); sb.append("["); sb.append(; sb.append(","); sb.append(currentPeak.intensity); sb.append("]"); } sb.append("]"); peakListAsString = sb.toString(); mutex.release(); } return peakListAsString; } /** * Returns the scan start time. * * @return the scan start time */ public double getScanStartTime() { return scanStartTime; } /** * Sets the scan start time. * * @param scanStartTime the time point when the spectrum was recorded */ public synchronized void setScanStartTime(double scanStartTime) { this.scanStartTime = scanStartTime; } /** * This method will remove the peak list in order to reduce memory * consumption of the model. */ public synchronized void removePeakList() { if (peakList != null) { peakList.clear(); } } /** * Returns the mz values as an array. Note: the array is not necessarily * ordered. * * @return the mz values as an array * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[] getMzValuesAsArray() throws InterruptedException { if (mzValuesAsArray == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (mzValuesAsArray == null) { mzValuesAsArray = new double[peakList.size()]; int counter = 0; for (double currentMz : peakList.keySet()) { mzValuesAsArray[counter++] = currentMz; } } mutex.release(); } return mzValuesAsArray; } /** * Returns a list of the m/z values sorted in ascending order. * * @return a list of the m/z values sorted in ascending order * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[] getOrderedMzValues() throws InterruptedException { if (mzValuesOrderedAsArray == null) { getMzValuesAsArray(); if (mzValuesOrderedAsArray == null) { mutex.acquire(); mzValuesOrderedAsArray = mzValuesAsArray.clone(); Arrays.sort(mzValuesOrderedAsArray); mutex.release(); } } return mzValuesOrderedAsArray; } /** * Setter for the intensityValuesAsArray. * * @param intensityValuesAsArray the intensity values array */ public synchronized void setIntensityValuesAsArray(double[] intensityValuesAsArray) { this.intensityValuesAsArray = intensityValuesAsArray; removePeakList(); } /** * Returns the intensity values as an array. * * @return the intensity values as an array * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[] getIntensityValuesAsArray() throws InterruptedException { if (intensityValuesAsArray == null || (intensityValuesAsArray.length != peakList.size())) { mutex.acquire(); if (intensityValuesAsArray == null || (intensityValuesAsArray.length != peakList.size())) { intensityValuesAsArray = new double[peakList.size()]; int counter = 0; for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { intensityValuesAsArray[counter++] = currentPeak.intensity; } } mutex.release(); } return intensityValuesAsArray; } /** * Returns the intensity values as an array normalized against the largest * peak. * * @return the normalized intensity values as an array * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[] getIntensityValuesNormalizedAsArray() throws InterruptedException { if (intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray == null) { intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray = new double[peakList.size()]; double highestIntensity = 0.0; int counter = 0; for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray[counter++] = currentPeak.intensity; if (currentPeak.intensity > highestIntensity) { highestIntensity = currentPeak.intensity; } } if (highestIntensity > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray.length; i++) { intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray[i] = intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray[i] / highestIntensity * 100; } } } mutex.release(); } return intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray; } /** * Returns the m/z and intensity values as an array in increasing order * sorted on m/z value. * * @return the m/z and intensity values as an array * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double[][] getMzAndIntensityAsArray() throws InterruptedException { if (mzAndIntensityAsArray == null) { double[] orderedMzValues = getOrderedMzValues(); mutex.acquire(); if (mzAndIntensityAsArray == null) { mzAndIntensityAsArray = new double[2][peakList.size()]; int counter = 0; for (double mz : orderedMzValues) { Peak currentPeak = peakList.get(mz); mzAndIntensityAsArray[0][counter] =; mzAndIntensityAsArray[1][counter] = currentPeak.intensity; counter++; } } mutex.release(); } return mzAndIntensityAsArray; } /** * Returns the total intensity of the spectrum. * * @return the total intensity. 0 if no peak. * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double getTotalIntensity() throws InterruptedException { if (totalIntensity == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (totalIntensity == null) { totalIntensity = 0.0; for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { totalIntensity += currentPeak.intensity; } } mutex.release(); } return totalIntensity; } /** * Returns the max intensity value. * * @return the max intensity value. 0 if no peak. * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double getMaxIntensity() throws InterruptedException { if (maxIntensity == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (maxIntensity == null) { maxIntensity = 0.0; for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { if (currentPeak.intensity > maxIntensity) { maxIntensity = currentPeak.intensity; } } } mutex.release(); } return maxIntensity; } /** * Returns the max mz value. * * @return the max mz value * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double getMaxMz() throws InterruptedException { if (maxMz == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (maxMz == null) { if (peakList.keySet().isEmpty()) { maxMz = 0.0; } else { maxMz = Collections.max(peakList.keySet()); } } mutex.release(); } return maxMz; } /** * Returns the min mz value. * * @return the min mz value * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public double getMinMz() throws InterruptedException { if (minMz == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (minMz == null) { if (peakList.keySet().isEmpty()) { minMz = 0.0; } else { minMz = Collections.min(peakList.keySet()); } } mutex.release(); } return minMz; } /** * Returns an array containing the intensity of all peaks strictly above the * provided threshold. * * @param threshold the lower threshold * * @return an array containing the intensity of all peak above the provided * threshold */ public ArrayList<Double> getPeaksAboveIntensityThreshold(double threshold) { ArrayList<Double> peakIntensities = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Peak currentPeak : peakList.values()) { if (currentPeak.intensity > threshold) { peakIntensities.add(currentPeak.intensity); } } return peakIntensities; } /** * Returns the intensity limit in intensity from a given percentile. * * @param intensityFraction the fraction of the intensity to use as limit, * e.g., 0.75 for the 75% most intense peaks. * * @return the intensity limit */ public double getIntensityLimit(double intensityFraction) { if (intensityLimit == null || intensityLimitLevel != intensityFraction) { intensityLimit = estimateIntneistyLimit(intensityFraction); intensityLimitLevel = intensityFraction; } return intensityLimit; } /** * Estimates the intensity limit in intensity from a given percentile. * * @param intensityFraction the fraction of the intensity to use as limit, * e.g., 0.75 for the 75% most intense peaks. * * @return the intensity limit */ private double estimateIntneistyLimit(double intensityFraction) { ArrayList<Double> intensities = new ArrayList<Double>(peakList.size()); for (Peak peak : peakList.values()) { double mz =; // Skip the low mass region of the spectrum @TODO: skip precursor as well if (mz > 200) { intensities.add(peak.intensity); } } if (intensities.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return BasicMathFunctions.percentile(intensities, intensityFraction); } /** * Returns a recalibrated peak list. * * @param mzCorrections the m/z corrections to apply * * @return the recalibrated list of peaks indexed by m/z */ public HashMap<Double, Peak> getRecalibratedPeakList(HashMap<Double, Double> mzCorrections) { HashMap<Double, Peak> result = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(peakList.size()); ArrayList<Double> keys = new ArrayList<Double>(mzCorrections.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (Peak peak : peakList.values()) { double fragmentMz =; double key1 = keys.get(0); double correction = 0.0; if (fragmentMz <= key1) { correction = mzCorrections.get(key1); } else { key1 = keys.get(keys.size() - 1); if (fragmentMz >= key1) { correction = mzCorrections.get(key1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < keys.size() - 1; i++) { key1 = keys.get(i); if (key1 == fragmentMz) { correction = mzCorrections.get(key1); break; } double key2 = keys.get(i + 1); if (key1 < fragmentMz && fragmentMz < key2) { double y1 = mzCorrections.get(key1); double y2 = mzCorrections.get(key2); correction = y1 + ((fragmentMz - key1) * (y2 - y1) / (key2 - key1)); break; } } } } result.put( - correction, new Peak( - correction, peak.intensity)); } return result; } /** * Returns the peak list of this spectrum without matched peaks. * * @param matches the ion matches * * @return a peak list which does not contain the peak matched */ public HashMap<Double, Peak> getDesignaledPeakList(ArrayList<IonMatch> matches) { HashMap<Double, Peak> result = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(peakList); for (IonMatch ionMatch : matches) { result.remove(; } return result; } /** * Returns the part of the spectrum contained between mzMin (inclusive) and * mzMax (exclusive) as a peak list * * @param mzMin the minimum m/z value * @param mzMax the maximum m/z value * * @return the part of the spectrum contained between mzMin (inclusive) and * mzMax (exclusive) * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public HashMap<Double, Peak> getSubSpectrum(double mzMin, double mzMax) throws InterruptedException { HashMap<Double, Peak> result = new HashMap<Double, Peak>(); for (double mz : getOrderedMzValues()) { if (mz >= mzMin && mz < mzMax) { result.put(mz, peakList.get(mz)); } else if (mz >= mzMax) { break; } } return result; } /** * Returns the peak list in a map where peaks are indexed by their * intensity. * * @return the peak list in a map where peaks are indexed by their intensity * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException exception thrown if the thread is * interrupted */ public HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Peak>> getIntensityMap() throws InterruptedException { if (intensityPeakMap == null) { mutex.acquire(); if (intensityPeakMap == null) { intensityPeakMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Peak>>(peakList.size()); for (Peak peak : peakList.values()) { double intensity = peak.intensity; ArrayList<Peak> peaksAtIntensity = intensityPeakMap.get(intensity); if (peaksAtIntensity == null) { peaksAtIntensity = new ArrayList<Peak>(); intensityPeakMap.put(intensity, peaksAtIntensity); } peaksAtIntensity.add(peak); } } mutex.release(); } return intensityPeakMap; } /** * Returns the number of peaks in the spectrum. * * @return the number of peaks in the spectrum */ public int getNPeaks() { if (peakList == null) { return 0; } return peakList.size(); } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the spectrum is empty. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the spectrum is empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return getNPeaks() == 0; } /** * Resets all the saved values to null. Used after altering the peak data. */ private void resetSavedData() { jFreePeakList = null; peakListAsString = null; mzValuesAsArray = null; mzValuesOrderedAsArray = null; intensityValuesAsArray = null; intensityValuesNormaizedAsArray = null; mzAndIntensityAsArray = null; totalIntensity = null; maxIntensity = null; maxMz = null; minMz = null; intensityPeakMap = null; intensityLimit = null; } }