package com.compomics.util.pdbfinder.das.readers; import java.util.Vector; /** * DasFeature. * * @author Niklaas Colaert */ public class DasFeature { /** * The feature. */ private String iFeature; /** * The feature ID. */ private String featureId; /** * The feature label. */ private String featureLabel; /** * The type ID. */ private String typeId; /** * The type category. */ private String typeCategory; /** * The type reference. */ private String typeReference; /** * The type sub parts. */ private String typeSubparts; /** * The type super parts. */ private String typeSuperparts; /** * The type. */ private String type; /** * The method ID. */ private String methodId; /** * The method. */ private String method; /** * The start. */ private int start; /** * The end. */ private int end; /** * The score. */ private double score; /** * The orientation. */ private String orientation; /** * The phase. */ private String phase; /** * The notes. */ private String[] note; /** * The links. */ private String[] link; /** * The link hrefs. */ private String[] linkHref; /** * True if valid. */ private boolean valid = true; /** * Constructor. * * @param aFeature the feature */ public DasFeature(String aFeature) { this.iFeature = aFeature; this.featureId = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("id=") + 4, iFeature.indexOf("label") - 2); this.featureLabel = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("label=") + 7, iFeature.indexOf("\">")); if (featureLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("Invalid segment")) { valid = false; return; } this.typeId = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("id=", iFeature.indexOf("<TYPE")) + 4, iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("<TYPE")) + 1)); if (iFeature.contains("category")) { this.typeCategory = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("category=") + 10, (iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("category=") + 10))); } if (iFeature.contains("reference")) { this.typeReference = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("reference=") + 11, (iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("reference=") + 11))); } if (iFeature.contains("subparts")) { this.typeSubparts = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("subparts=") + 10, (iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("subparts=") + 10))); } if (iFeature.contains("superparts")) { this.typeSuperparts = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("superparts=") + 12, (iFeature.indexOf("\"", iFeature.indexOf("superparts=") + 12))); } this.type = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<TYPE")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</TYPE")); this.methodId = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("id=", iFeature.indexOf("<METHOD")) + 4, iFeature.indexOf("\">", iFeature.indexOf("<METHOD"))); this.method = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<METHOD")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</METHOD")); Integer strt = new Integer(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<START")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</START"))); this.start = strt; Integer nd = new Integer(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<END")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</END"))); this.end = nd; if (iFeature.contains("score")) { Double scr = new Double(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<SCORE")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</SCORE"))); this.score = scr; } if (iFeature.contains("<ORIENTATION")) { this.orientation = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<ORIENTATION")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</ORIENTATION")); } if (iFeature.contains("<PHASE")) { this.phase = iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<PHASE")) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</PHASE")); } if (iFeature.contains("<NOTE")) { int lastNoteFound = 0; Vector notes = new Vector(); while (iFeature.indexOf("<NOTE", lastNoteFound) != -1) { notes.add(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<NOTE", lastNoteFound)) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</NOTE", lastNoteFound))); lastNoteFound = iFeature.indexOf("</NOTE", lastNoteFound) + 6; } note = new String[notes.size()]; notes.toArray(note); } if (iFeature.contains("<LINK")) { int lastLinkFound = 0; Vector links = new Vector(); Vector linksRef = new Vector(); while (iFeature.indexOf("<LINK", lastLinkFound) != -1) { links.add(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<LINK", lastLinkFound)) + 1, iFeature.indexOf("</LINK", lastLinkFound))); linksRef.add(iFeature.substring(iFeature.indexOf("href", iFeature.indexOf("<LINK", lastLinkFound)) + 6, iFeature.indexOf(">", iFeature.indexOf("<LINK", lastLinkFound)) - 1)); lastLinkFound = iFeature.indexOf("</LINK", lastLinkFound) + 6; } link = new String[links.size()]; links.toArray(link); linkHref = new String[linksRef.size()]; linksRef.toArray(linkHref); } } /** * Returns the feature ID. * * @return the feature ID */ public String getFeatureId() { return this.featureId; } /** * Returns the feature label. * * @return the feature label */ public String getFeatureLabel() { return this.featureLabel; } /** * Returns the type ID. * * @return the type ID */ public String getTypeId() { return this.typeId; } /** * Returns the type category. * * @return the type category */ public String getTypeCategory() { return this.typeCategory; } /** * Returns the type reference. * * @return the type reference */ public String getTypeReference() { return this.typeReference; } /** * Returns the type subparts. * * @return the type subparts. */ public String getTypeSubparts() { return this.typeSubparts; } /** * Returns the type super parts. * * @return the type super parts */ public String getTypeSuperparts() { return this.typeSuperparts; } /** * Returns the type. * * @return the type */ public String getType() { return this.type; } /** * Returns the method ID. * * @return the method ID */ public String getMethodId() { return this.methodId; } /** * Returns the method. * * @return method */ public String getMethod() { return this.method; } /** * Returns the start. * * @return start */ public int getStart() { return this.start; } /** * Returns the end. * * @return end */ public int getEnd() { return this.end; } /** * Returns the score. * * @return score */ public double getScore() { return this.score; } /** * Returns the orientation. * * @return orientation */ public String getOrientation() { return this.orientation; } /** * Returns the phase. * * @return phase */ public String getPhase() { return this.phase; } /** * Returns the note. * * @return note */ public String[] getNote() { return this.note; } /** * Returns the link. * * @return link */ public String[] getLink() { return; } /** * Returns the linkHref. * * @return linkHref */ public String[] getLinkHref() { return this.linkHref; } public String toString() { String result; result = "Feature id: " + featureId + " feature label: " + featureLabel; result = result + "\nTypeid: " + typeId + " type catagory: " + typeCategory + " type reference: " + typeReference + " type subparts: " + typeSubparts + " type superparts: " + typeSuperparts + " type: " + type; result = result + "\nMethodid: " + methodId + " method: " + method; result = result + "\nStart: " + start; result = result + "\nEnd: " + end; result = result + "\nScore: " + score; result = result + "\nOrientation: " + orientation; result = result + "\nPhase: " + phase; if (note != null) { for (String note1 : note) { result = result + "\nNote: " + note1; } } if (link != null) { for (int i = 0; i < link.length; i++) { result = result + "\nLink: " + link[i] + " (" + linkHref[i] + ")"; } } return result; } /** * Returns true if valid. * * @return true if valid */ public boolean isValid() { return valid; } }