package com.compomics.util.gui; import com.compomics.util.math.VennDiagram; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent; import org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYBoxAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYShapeAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity; import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection; import org.jfree.chart.entity.XYAnnotationEntity; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYZToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBubbleRenderer; import; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; /** * A panel displaying a Venn diagram based on the provided data. * * @author Harald Barsnes. */ public class VennDiagramPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { /** * The supported Venn diagram types. */ public enum VennDiagramType { ONE_WAY, TWO_WAY, THREE_WAY, FOUR_WAY } /** * Map each dataset tooltip back to the given dataset. */ private HashMap<String, String> tooltipToDatasetMap; /** * The current Venn diagram type. */ private VennDiagramType currentVennDiagramType = VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY; /** * The current Venn diagram results/data. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> vennDiagramResults; /** * The current Venn diagram group names. */ private HashMap<String, String> groupNames; /** * The chart panel. */ private ChartPanel chartPanel; /** * The font size to use for the values. */ private int fontSizeValues = 17; /** * The font size to use for the legend. */ private int fontSizeLegend = 14; /** * If true, the legend is shown. */ private boolean showLegend = true; /** * The legend location of Dataset A in a one to three way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetAThreeWay = new XYDataPoint(0.86, 0.86); /** * The legend location of Dataset B in a one to three way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetBThreeWay = new XYDataPoint(1.15, 0.86); /** * The legend location of Dataset C in a one to three way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetCThreeWay = new XYDataPoint(1.0, 1.22); /** * The legend location of Dataset A in a four-way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetAFourWay = new XYDataPoint(0.13, 0.53); /** * The legend location of Dataset B in a four-way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetBFourWay = new XYDataPoint(0.23, 0.43); /** * The legend location of Dataset C in a four-way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetCFourWay = new XYDataPoint(0.33, 0.33); /** * The legend location of Dataset D in a four-way Venn diagram. */ private XYDataPoint legendDatasetDFourWay = new XYDataPoint(0.43, 0.23); /** * The color for dataset A. */ private Color datasetAColor; /** * The color for dataset B. */ private Color datasetBColor; /** * The color for dataset C. */ private Color datasetCColor; /** * The color for dataset D. */ private Color datasetDColor; /** * Creates a new VennDiagramPanel. * * @param a dataset A * @param b dataset B * @param c dataset C * @param d dataset D * @param groupA the name for dataset A * @param groupB the name for dataset B * @param groupC the name for dataset C * @param groupD the name for dataset D * @param datasetAColor the color for dataset A * @param datasetBColor the color for dataset B * @param datasetCColor the color for dataset C * @param datasetDColor the color for dataset D */ public VennDiagramPanel(ArrayList<String> a, ArrayList<String> b, ArrayList<String> c, ArrayList<String> d, String groupA, String groupB, String groupC, String groupD, Color datasetAColor, Color datasetBColor, Color datasetCColor, Color datasetDColor) { initComponents(); vennDiagramResults = VennDiagram.vennDiagramMaker(a, b, c, d); if (b.isEmpty() && c.isEmpty() && d.isEmpty()) { currentVennDiagramType = VennDiagramType.ONE_WAY; } else if (c.isEmpty() && d.isEmpty()) { currentVennDiagramType = VennDiagramType.TWO_WAY; } else if (d.isEmpty()) { currentVennDiagramType = VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY; } else { currentVennDiagramType = VennDiagramType.FOUR_WAY; } groupNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); groupNames.put("a", groupA); groupNames.put("b", groupB); groupNames.put("c", groupC); groupNames.put("d", groupD); this.datasetAColor = datasetAColor; this.datasetBColor = datasetBColor; this.datasetCColor = datasetCColor; this.datasetDColor = datasetDColor; updatePlot(); } /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always * regenerated by the Form Editor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { plotPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel(); setOpaque(false); plotPanel.setOpaque(false); plotPanel.setLayout(new javax.swing.BoxLayout(plotPanel, javax.swing.BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(this); this.setLayout(layout); layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(plotPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) ); layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(plotPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) ); }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents /** * Update the plot. */ public void updatePlot() { plotPanel.removeAll(); tooltipToDatasetMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); DefaultXYZDataset xyzDataset = new DefaultXYZDataset(); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBubbleChart(null, "X", "Y", xyzDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.ONE_WAY) { plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(0.86, 1.24); plot.getDomainAxis().setRange(0.85, 1.25); } else if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.TWO_WAY) { plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(0.86, 1.24); plot.getDomainAxis().setRange(0.85, 1.25); } else if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY) { plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(0.86, 1.24); plot.getDomainAxis().setRange(0.85, 1.25); } else { plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(-0.04, 0.6); plot.getDomainAxis().setRange(-0.08, 0.7); } plot.getRangeAxis().setVisible(false); plot.getDomainAxis().setVisible(false); double radius = 0.1; Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(1 - radius, 1 - radius, radius + radius, radius + radius); XYShapeAnnotation xyShapeAnnotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(ellipse, new BasicStroke(2f), new Color(140, 140, 140, 150), datasetAColor); // @TODO: make it possible set the line color and width? plot.addAnnotation(xyShapeAnnotation); if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.TWO_WAY || currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY) { ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(1 - radius + 0.1, 1 - radius, radius + radius, radius + radius); xyShapeAnnotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(ellipse, new BasicStroke(2f), new Color(140, 140, 140, 150), datasetBColor); plot.addAnnotation(xyShapeAnnotation); } if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY) { ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(1 - radius + 0.05, 1 - radius + 0.1, radius + radius, radius + radius); xyShapeAnnotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(ellipse, new BasicStroke(2f), new Color(140, 140, 140, 150), datasetCColor); plot.addAnnotation(xyShapeAnnotation); } XYTextAnnotation anotation; if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.ONE_WAY) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("a").size(), 1.0, 1.0); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("a")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "a"); // legend if (showLegend) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("a"), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); } } else if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.TWO_WAY) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("a").size(), 0.96, 1.0); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("a")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "a"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("b").size(), 1.14, 1.0); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("b")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "b"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ab").size(), 1.05, 1.0); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ab"); // legend if (showLegend) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("a"), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("b"), legendDatasetBThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetBThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); } } else if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.THREE_WAY) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("a").size(), 0.96, 0.97); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("a")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "a"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("b").size(), 1.14, 0.97); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("b")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "b"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ab").size(), 1.05, 0.97); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ab"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("c").size(), 1.05, 1.14); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("c")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "c"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ac").size(), 0.99, 1.065); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ac"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("bc").size(), 1.11, 1.065); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "bc"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("abc").size(), 1.05, 1.036); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "abc"); // legend if (showLegend) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("a"), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetAThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("b"), legendDatasetBThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetBThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("c"), legendDatasetCThreeWay.getX(), legendDatasetCThreeWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); } } else if (currentVennDiagramType == VennDiagramType.FOUR_WAY) { XYBoxAnnotation anotation2 = new XYBoxAnnotation(0, 0, 0.2, 0.5, new BasicStroke(2), Color.LIGHT_GRAY, datasetAColor); plot.addAnnotation(anotation2); anotation2 = new XYBoxAnnotation(0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.4, new BasicStroke(2), Color.LIGHT_GRAY, datasetBColor); plot.addAnnotation(anotation2); anotation2 = new XYBoxAnnotation(0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, new BasicStroke(2), Color.LIGHT_GRAY, datasetCColor); plot.addAnnotation(anotation2); anotation2 = new XYBoxAnnotation(0, 0, 0.5, 0.2, new BasicStroke(2), Color.LIGHT_GRAY, datasetDColor); plot.addAnnotation(anotation2); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("a").size(), 0.15, 0.45); anotation.setToolTipText(groupNames.get("a")); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "a"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ab").size(), 0.15, 0.35); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ab"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("abc").size(), 0.15, 0.25); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "abc"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("abcd").size(), 0.15, 0.15); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "abcd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("abd").size(), 0.15, 0.05); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "abd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ac").size(), 0.05, 0.25); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ac"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("acd").size(), 0.05, 0.15); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "acd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("ad").size(), 0.05, 0.05); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("a") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "ad"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("b").size(), 0.25, 0.35); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("b") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "b"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("bc").size(), 0.25, 0.25); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "bc"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("bcd").size(), 0.25, 0.15); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("c") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "bcd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("bd").size(), 0.25, 0.05); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("b") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "bd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("c").size(), 0.35, 0.25); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("c") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "c"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("cd").size(), 0.35, 0.15); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("c") + " ∩ " + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "cd"); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation("" + vennDiagramResults.get("d").size(), 0.45, 0.15); anotation.setToolTipText("<html>" + groupNames.get("d") + "</html>"); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeValues)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); tooltipToDatasetMap.put(anotation.getToolTipText(), "d"); // legend if (showLegend) { anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("a"), legendDatasetAFourWay.getX(), legendDatasetAFourWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("b"), legendDatasetBFourWay.getX(), legendDatasetBFourWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("c"), legendDatasetCFourWay.getX(), legendDatasetCFourWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); anotation = new XYTextAnnotation(groupNames.get("d"), legendDatasetDFourWay.getX(), legendDatasetDFourWay.getY()); anotation.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT); anotation.setFont(new Font(anotation.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, fontSizeLegend)); plot.addAnnotation(anotation); } } // set up the renderer XYBubbleRenderer renderer = new XYBubbleRenderer(XYBubbleRenderer.SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYZToolTipGenerator()); plot.setRenderer(renderer); // make all datapoints semitransparent plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.5f); // remove space before/after the domain axis plot.getDomainAxis().setUpperMargin(0); plot.getDomainAxis().setLowerMargin(0); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(; // hide unwanted chart details plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(false); plot.setRangeGridlinesVisible(false); chart.getPlot().setOutlineVisible(false); // set background color chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); // disable the pop up menu chartPanel.setPopupMenu(null); chartPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // add the plot to the chart plotPanel.add(chartPanel); plotPanel.revalidate(); plotPanel.repaint(); // add chart mouse listener chartPanel.addChartMouseListener( new ChartMouseListener() { public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent cme) { mouseClickedInChart(cme); } public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent cme) { mouseMovedInChart(cme); } }); // add more chart mouse listeners chartPanel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseClicked(e); } }); } /** * Handles mouse clicks in the chart panel. * * @param event the chart mouse event */ private void mouseClickedInChart(ChartMouseEvent event) { ArrayList<ChartEntity> entities = getEntitiesForPoint(event.getTrigger().getPoint().x, event.getTrigger().getPoint().y); if (entities.isEmpty()) { return; } boolean dataPointFound = false; String dataPointTooltip = ""; for (ChartEntity tempEntity : entities) { if (tempEntity instanceof XYAnnotationEntity) { if (((XYAnnotationEntity) tempEntity).getToolTipText() != null) { dataPointFound = true; dataPointTooltip = ((XYAnnotationEntity) tempEntity).getToolTipText(); } } } if (dataPointFound) { String dataset = tooltipToDatasetMap.get(dataPointTooltip); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, dataPointTooltip + ":\n" + vennDiagramResults.get(dataset), "Selected Values", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } /** * Handles mouse movements in the chart panel. * * @param event the chart mouse event */ private void mouseMovedInChart(ChartMouseEvent event) { ArrayList<ChartEntity> entities = getEntitiesForPoint(event.getTrigger().getPoint().x, event.getTrigger().getPoint().y); boolean dataPointFound = false; for (ChartEntity tempEntity : entities) { if (tempEntity instanceof XYAnnotationEntity) { if (((XYAnnotationEntity) tempEntity).getToolTipText() != null) { dataPointFound = true; } } } if (dataPointFound) { chartPanel.setCursor(new java.awt.Cursor(java.awt.Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else { chartPanel.setCursor(new java.awt.Cursor(java.awt.Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } } /** * Returns a list of the entities at the given x, y view location. * * @param viewX the x location * @param viewY the y location * @return a list of the entities */ public ArrayList<ChartEntity> getEntitiesForPoint(int viewX, int viewY) { ArrayList<ChartEntity> entitiesForPoint = new ArrayList<ChartEntity>(); ChartRenderingInfo info = chartPanel.getChartRenderingInfo(); if (info != null) { Insets insets = chartPanel.getInsets(); double x = (viewX - insets.left) / chartPanel.getScaleX(); double y = (viewY - / chartPanel.getScaleY(); EntityCollection allEntities = info.getEntityCollection(); int numEntities = allEntities.getEntityCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numEntities; i++) { ChartEntity entity = allEntities.getEntity(i); if (entity.getArea().contains(x, y)) { entitiesForPoint.add(entity); } } } return entitiesForPoint; } /** * Returns the chart panel. * * @return the chart panel */ public ChartPanel getChartPanel() { return chartPanel; } /** * Returns a standard map of the group names. Keys: a, b, c and d. * * @return a standard map of the group names */ public HashMap<String, String> getGroupNames() { return groupNames; } /** * Returns the legend location of Dataset A in a three way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetAThreeWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetAThreeWay() { return legendDatasetAThreeWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset A in a three way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetAThreeWay the legendDatasetAThreeWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetAThreeWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetAThreeWay) { this.legendDatasetAThreeWay = legendDatasetAThreeWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset B in a three way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetBThreeWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetBThreeWay() { return legendDatasetBThreeWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset B in a three way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetBThreeWay the legendDatasetBThreeWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetBThreeWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetBThreeWay) { this.legendDatasetBThreeWay = legendDatasetBThreeWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset C in a three way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetCThreeWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetCThreeWay() { return legendDatasetCThreeWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset C in a three way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetCThreeWay the legendDatasetCThreeWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetCThreeWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetCThreeWay) { this.legendDatasetCThreeWay = legendDatasetCThreeWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset A in a four way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetAFourWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetAFourWay() { return legendDatasetAFourWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset A in a four way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetAFourWay the legendDatasetAFourWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetAFourWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetAFourWay) { this.legendDatasetAFourWay = legendDatasetAFourWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset B in a four way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetBFourWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetBFourWay() { return legendDatasetBFourWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset B in a four way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetBFourWay the legendDatasetBFourWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetBFourWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetBFourWay) { this.legendDatasetBFourWay = legendDatasetBFourWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset C in a four way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetCFourWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetCFourWay() { return legendDatasetCFourWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset C in a four way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetCFourWay the legendDatasetCFourWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetCFourWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetCFourWay) { this.legendDatasetCFourWay = legendDatasetCFourWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the legend location of dataset D in a four way Venn diagram. * * @return the legendDatasetDFourWay */ public XYDataPoint getLegendDatasetDFourWay() { return legendDatasetDFourWay; } /** * Set the legend location of Dataset D in a four way Venn diagram. * * @param legendDatasetDFourWay the legendDatasetDFourWay to set */ public void setLegendDatasetDFourWay(XYDataPoint legendDatasetDFourWay) { this.legendDatasetDFourWay = legendDatasetDFourWay; updatePlot(); } /** * Returns the current Venn diagram type. * * @return the currentVennDiagramType */ public VennDiagramType getCurrentVennDiagramType() { return currentVennDiagramType; } public void resizePlot(int parentWidth, int parentHeight) { if (currentVennDiagramType != VennDiagramType.FOUR_WAY) { int min = Math.min(parentWidth, parentHeight); setMaximumSize(new Dimension(min, min)); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(min, min)); updatePlot(); } else { setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); updatePlot(); } } /** * Show the legend or not. * * @return show the legend or not */ public boolean showLegend() { return showLegend; } /** * Set if the legend is to be shown. * * @param showLegend if the legend is to be shown */ public void setShowLegend(boolean showLegend) { this.showLegend = showLegend; } /** * Get the font size. * * @return the font size */ public int getFontSize() { return fontSizeValues; } /** * Set the font size. * * @param fontSizeValues the font size */ public void setFontSize(int fontSizeValues) { this.fontSizeValues = fontSizeValues; } /** * Get the font size for the legend. * * @return the font size for the legend */ public int getFontSizeLegend() { return fontSizeLegend; } /** * Set the font size of the legend. * * @param fontSizeLegend the font size of the legend */ public void setFontSizeLegend(int fontSizeLegend) { this.fontSizeLegend = fontSizeLegend; } // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables private javax.swing.JPanel plotPanel; // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables }