package; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcidSequence; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.PeptideAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.SearchParameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.SpectrumMatch; import; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Charge; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; /** * This IdfileReader reads identifications from an MS Amanda csv result file. * * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class MsAmandaIdfileReader extends ExperimentObject implements IdfileReader { /** * The software name. */ private String softwareName = "MS Amanda"; /** * The softwareVersion. */ private String softwareVersion = null; /** * The MS Amanda csv file. */ private File msAmandaCsvFile; /** * Default constructor for the purpose of instantiation. */ public MsAmandaIdfileReader() { } /** * Constructor for an MS Amanda csv result file reader. * * @param msAmandaCsvFile the MS Amanda csv file * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public MsAmandaIdfileReader(File msAmandaCsvFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { this(msAmandaCsvFile, null); } /** * Constructor for an MS Amanda csv result file reader. * * @param msAmandaCsvFile the MS Amanda csv file * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public MsAmandaIdfileReader(File msAmandaCsvFile, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { this.msAmandaCsvFile = msAmandaCsvFile; // get the ms amanda version number extractVersionNumber(); } /** * Extracts the MS Amanda version number. */ private void extractVersionNumber() throws IOException { BufferedRandomAccessFile bufferedRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(msAmandaCsvFile, "r", 1024 * 100); // read the version number, if available, requires ms amanda version or newer String versionNumberString = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine(); if (versionNumberString.toLowerCase().startsWith("#version: ")) { softwareVersion = versionNumberString.substring("#version: ".length()).trim(); } bufferedRandomAccessFile.close(); } @Override public String getExtension() { return ".ms-amanda.csv"; } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { return getAllSpectrumMatches(waitingHandler, searchParameters, null, true); } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, boolean expandAaCombinations) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> result = new LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>(); BufferedRandomAccessFile bufferedRandomAccessFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(msAmandaCsvFile, "r", 1024 * 100); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.resetSecondaryProgressCounter(); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(100); } long progressUnit = bufferedRandomAccessFile.length() / 100; // check if the version number is included, ms amanda version or newer String versionNumberString = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine(); String headerString; // skip the version number if (versionNumberString.toLowerCase().startsWith("#version: ")) { headerString = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine(); } else { headerString = versionNumberString; } // parse the header line String[] headers = headerString.split("\t"); int scanNumberIndex = -1, titleIndex = -1, sequenceIndex = -1, modificationsIndex = -1, proteinAccessionsIndex = -1, amandaScoreIndex = -1, rankIndex = -1, mzIndex = -1, chargeIndex = -1, rtIndex = -1, filenameIndex = -1, amandaWeightedProbabilityIndex = -1; // get the column index of the headers for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { String header = headers[i]; if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Scan Number")) { scanNumberIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Title")) { titleIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Sequence")) { sequenceIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Modifications")) { modificationsIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Protein Accessions")) { proteinAccessionsIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Amanda Score")) { amandaScoreIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Weighted Probability")) { amandaWeightedProbabilityIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Rank")) { rankIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("m/z")) { mzIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Charge")) { chargeIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("RT")) { rtIndex = i; } else if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Filename")) { filenameIndex = i; } } // check if all the required header are found if (scanNumberIndex == -1 || titleIndex == -1 || sequenceIndex == -1 || modificationsIndex == -1 || proteinAccessionsIndex == -1 || amandaScoreIndex == -1 || rankIndex == -1 || mzIndex == -1 || chargeIndex == -1 || filenameIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mandatory columns are missing in the MS Amanda csv file. Please check the file!"); } String line; String currentSpectrumTitle = null; SpectrumMatch currentMatch = null; // get the psms while ((line = bufferedRandomAccessFile.readLine()) != null) { String[] elements = line.split("\t"); if (!line.trim().isEmpty()) { // @TODO: make this more robust? //String scanNumber = elements[scanNumberIndex]; // not currently used String spectrumTitle = elements[titleIndex]; String peptideSequence = elements[sequenceIndex].toUpperCase(); String modifications = elements[modificationsIndex].trim(); //String proteinAccessions = elements[proteinAccessionsIndex]; // not currently used // get the ms amanda score String scoreAsText = elements[amandaScoreIndex]; double msAmandaRawScore = Util.readDoubleAsString(scoreAsText); double msAmandaTransformedScore; // get the ms amanda e-value if (amandaWeightedProbabilityIndex != -1) { String eVaulueAsText = elements[amandaWeightedProbabilityIndex]; msAmandaTransformedScore = Util.readDoubleAsString(eVaulueAsText); } else { msAmandaTransformedScore = Math.pow(10, -msAmandaRawScore); // convert ms amanda score to e-value like } int rank = Integer.valueOf(elements[rankIndex]); //String mzAsText = elements[mzIndex]; // not currently used //double mz = Util.readDoubleAsString(mzAsText); int charge = Integer.valueOf(elements[chargeIndex]); //String rtAsText = elements[rtIndex]; // not currently used, and not mandatory, as old csv files didn't have this one... //double rt = Util.readDoubleAsString(rtAsText); // @TODO: should escape retention times such as PT2700.460000S String fileName = elements[filenameIndex]; // remove any html from the title spectrumTitle = URLDecoder.decode(spectrumTitle, "utf-8"); // set up the yet empty spectrum match, or add to the current match if (currentMatch == null || (currentSpectrumTitle != null && !currentSpectrumTitle.equalsIgnoreCase(spectrumTitle))) { // add the previous match, if any if (currentMatch != null) { result.add(currentMatch); } currentMatch = new SpectrumMatch(Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(fileName, spectrumTitle)); currentSpectrumTitle = spectrumTitle; } // get the modifications ArrayList<ModificationMatch> utilitiesModifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); if (!modifications.isEmpty()) { String[] ptms = modifications.split(";"); for (String ptm : ptms) { try { // we expect something like this: // N-Term(acetylation of protein n-term|42.010565|variable) or // C4(carbamidomethyl c|57.021464|fixed) String location = ptm.substring(0, ptm.indexOf("(")); int modSite; if (location.equalsIgnoreCase("N-Term")) { modSite = 1; } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase("C-Term")) { modSite = peptideSequence.length() + 1; } else { // amino acid type and index expected, e.g., C4 or M3 modSite = Integer.parseInt(ptm.substring(1, ptm.indexOf("("))); } String rest = ptm.substring(ptm.indexOf("(") + 1, ptm.length() - 1).toLowerCase(); String[] details = rest.split("\\|"); String ptmName = details[0]; // not currently used String ptmMassAsString = details[1]; double ptmMass = Util.readDoubleAsString(ptmMassAsString); String ptmFixedStatus = details[2]; if (ptmFixedStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("variable")) { utilitiesModifications.add(new ModificationMatch(ptmMass + "@" + peptideSequence.charAt(modSite - 1), true, modSite)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing ptm: " + ptm + "!"); } } } // create the peptide Peptide peptide = new Peptide(peptideSequence, utilitiesModifications, true); // set up the charge Charge peptideCharge = new Charge(Charge.PLUS, charge); // create the peptide assumption PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(peptide, rank, Advocate.msAmanda.getIndex(), peptideCharge, msAmandaTransformedScore, Util.getFileName(msAmandaCsvFile)); peptideAssumption.setRawScore(msAmandaRawScore); if (expandAaCombinations && AminoAcidSequence.hasCombination(peptideSequence)) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> previousModificationMatches = peptide.getModificationMatches(), newModificationMatches = null; if (previousModificationMatches != null) { newModificationMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(previousModificationMatches.size()); } for (StringBuilder expandedSequence : AminoAcidSequence.getCombinations(peptide.getSequence())) { Peptide newPeptide = new Peptide(expandedSequence.toString(), newModificationMatches, true); if (previousModificationMatches != null) { for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : previousModificationMatches) { newPeptide.addModificationMatch(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), modificationMatch.getModificationSite())); } } PeptideAssumption newAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(newPeptide, peptideAssumption.getRank(), peptideAssumption.getAdvocate(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationCharge(), peptideAssumption.getScore(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationFile()); newAssumption.setRawScore(msAmandaRawScore); currentMatch.addHit(Advocate.msAmanda.getIndex(), newAssumption, false); } } else { currentMatch.addHit(Advocate.msAmanda.getIndex(), peptideAssumption, false); } if (waitingHandler != null && progressUnit != 0) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter((int) (bufferedRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer() / progressUnit)); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { bufferedRandomAccessFile.close(); break; } } } } // add the last match, if any if (currentMatch != null) { result.add(currentMatch); } bufferedRandomAccessFile.close(); return result; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { msAmandaCsvFile = null; } @Override public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getSoftwareVersions() { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> result = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); ArrayList<String> versions = new ArrayList<String>(); versions.add(softwareVersion); result.put(softwareName, versions); return result; } @Override public HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>> getTagsMap() { return new HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>>(0); } @Override public void clearTagsMap() { // No tags here } @Override public boolean hasDeNovoTags() { return false; } }