package; import; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.preferences.UtilitiesUserPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; /** * Download the latest zip file from the repository. * * @author Davy Maddelein * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class DownloadLatestZipFromRepo { /** * True of a file is currently being downloaded. */ private static boolean isFileBeingDownloaded = false; /** * The downloaded version of the tool. */ private static File downloadedFile; /** * Downloads the latest deploy from the genesis Maven repository of the * artifact of the jarPath, starts it without arguments and removes the old * jar if there was an update. * * @param jarPath the path to the jarfile * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(URL jarPath, String toolName) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, true, true, true, null); } /** * Downloads the latest deploy from the genesis Maven repository of the * artifact and starts it without arguments. * * @param jarPath the path to the jarfile * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param deleteOldFiles if the jar who starts the update should be deleted * @param startDownloadedVersion if the newly downloaded jar should be * started after download * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(URL jarPath, String toolName, boolean deleteOldFiles, boolean startDownloadedVersion, boolean addDesktopIcon, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, deleteOldFiles, new String[0], startDownloadedVersion, addDesktopIcon, waitingHandler); } /** * Downloads the latest zip archive of the jar in the URL from the genesis * Maven repository. * * @param jarPath the path to the jarfile to update * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param deleteOldFiles if the original jar file should be deleted * @param args the arguments for the newly downloaded jar when it starts * @param startDownloadedVersion if true, the downloaded version will be * started when the download completes * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(URL jarPath, String toolName, boolean deleteOldFiles, String[] args, boolean startDownloadedVersion, boolean addDesktopIcon, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, deleteOldFiles, null, args, new URL("http", "", new StringBuilder().append("/maven2/").toString()), startDownloadedVersion, addDesktopIcon, waitingHandler); } /** * Downloads the latest zip archive of the jar in the URL from a given * jarRepository. * * @param jarPath the path to the jarfile to update, cannot be {@code null} * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param deleteOldFiles if the original jar folder should be deleted, * cannot be {@code null} * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param args the arguments for the newly downloaded jar when it starts * @param jarRepository the repository to look for the latest deploy of the * jar file, cannot be {@code null} * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(URL jarPath, String toolName, boolean deleteOldFiles, boolean addDesktopIcon, String[] args, URL jarRepository, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, deleteOldFiles, null, args, jarRepository, true, addDesktopIcon, waitingHandler); } /** * Retrieves the latest version of a Maven jar file from a Maven repository, * also checks if the environment is headless or not. * * @param jarPath the URL of the location of the jar that needs to be * updated on the file system. cannot be {@code null} * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param deleteOldFiles should the old installation be removed or not * cannot be {@code null} * @param iconName name of the shortcut image should one be created * @param args the arguments that will be passed to the newly downloaded * program when started, cannot be {@code null} * @param jarRepository the Maven repository to go look in, cannot be * {@code null} * @param startDownloadedVersion if the newly downloaded version should be * started automatically or not * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(final URL jarPath, String toolName, boolean deleteOldFiles, String iconName, String[] args, URL jarRepository, boolean startDownloadedVersion, boolean addDesktopIcon, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, deleteOldFiles, iconName, args, jarRepository, startDownloadedVersion, addDesktopIcon, new HeadlessFileDAO(), waitingHandler); } else { downloadLatestZipFromRepo(jarPath, toolName, deleteOldFiles, iconName, args, jarRepository, startDownloadedVersion, addDesktopIcon, new GUIFileDAO(), waitingHandler); } } /** * Retrieves the latest version of a Maven jar file from a Maven repository. * * @param jarPath the URL of the location of the jar that needs to be * updated on the file system. cannot be {@code null} * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param deleteOldFiles should the old installation be removed or not * cannot be {@code null} * @param iconName name of the shortcut image should one be created * @param args the arguments that will be passed to the newly downloaded * program when started, cannot be {@code null} * @param jarRepository the Maven repository to go look in, cannot be * {@code null} * @param startDownloadedVersion if the newly downloaded version should be * started automatically or not * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param fileDAO what implementation of FileDAO should be used in the * updating * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(final URL jarPath, String toolName, boolean deleteOldFiles, String iconName, String[] args, URL jarRepository, boolean startDownloadedVersion, boolean addDesktopIcon, FileDAO fileDAO, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { MavenJarFile oldMavenJarFile = new MavenJarFile(jarPath.toURI()); if (WebDAO.newVersionReleased(oldMavenJarFile, jarRepository)) { //@TODO: reduce code duplication with following method and transfer path update there //TL;DR of the next three lines: make the url for the latest version location of a maven jar file String artifactInRepoLocation = new StringBuilder(jarRepository.toExternalForm()).append(oldMavenJarFile.getGroupId().replaceAll("\\.", "/")).append("/").append(oldMavenJarFile.getArtifactId()).toString(); String latestRemoteRelease = WebDAO.getLatestVersionNumberFromRemoteRepo(new URL(new StringBuilder(artifactInRepoLocation).append("/maven-metadata.xml").toString())); String latestArtifactLocation = new StringBuilder(artifactInRepoLocation).append("/").append(latestRemoteRelease).toString(); // download and unzip the files MavenJarFile downloadedJarFile = downloadAndUnzipJar(oldMavenJarFile, toolName, new URL(latestArtifactLocation), fileDAO, true, waitingHandler, System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(new Locale("en")).contains("win")); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled() || waitingHandler.isRunFinished()) { return; } else { waitingHandler.setRunFinished(); } } final File jarParent = new File(jarPath.toURI()).getParentFile(); // ask if the user really wants to delete the old folder if (deleteOldFiles && fileDAO instanceof GUIFileDAO) { int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Remove the old version of " + toolName + "? This will delete the folder\n" + "" + jarParent.getAbsolutePath(), "Remove Old " + toolName + " Version?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (option != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { deleteOldFiles = false; } } // add desktop icon if (addDesktopIcon) { if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(new Locale("en")).contains("win")) { //try{ fileDAO.createDesktopShortcut(downloadedJarFile, iconName, toolName, deleteOldFiles); //}catch(IOException ioe){ if (!ignoreShortcutCreationErrors){throw ioe}} } else { // @TODO: update symlinks? } } // set the new version has the default version // @TODO: should be done using enums UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("PeptideShaker")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setPeptideShakerPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } else if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("SearchGUI")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setSearchGuiPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } else if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("Reporter")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setReporterPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } UtilitiesUserPreferences.saveUserPreferences(utilitiesUserPreferences); // copy path preferences to the new version String oldFolder = oldMavenJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath(); File pathFile = new File(oldFolder, UtilitiesPathPreferences.configurationFileName); if (pathFile.exists()) { String downloadFolderPath = new File(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()).getParent(); File newPathFile = new File(downloadFolderPath, UtilitiesPathPreferences.configurationFileName); Util.copyFile(pathFile, newPathFile); } try { // close the access to the old zip file so that it can be deleted oldMavenJarFile.close(); Process launchedJar = null; if (startDownloadedVersion) { launchedJar = launchJar(downloadedJarFile, args); } if (deleteOldFiles) { if (deleteOldFiles) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { if (jarParent.exists()) { //dangerous, find better way to do this FileUtils.deleteDirectory(jarParent); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //todo handle stuff did not get done } } }); } if (launchedJar != null) { launchedJar.waitFor(); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new InterruptedIOException("JVM ended unexpectedly. Old files have not been deleted."); } } } /** * Retrieves the latest version of a Maven jar file from a Maven repository. * * @param downloadFolder the folder to download to * @param groupId the group id * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param artifactId the artifact id * @param iconName name of the shortcut image should one be created * @param args the arguments that will be passed to the newly downloaded * program when started, cannot be {@code null} * @param jarRepository the Maven repository to go look in, cannot be * {@code null} * @param startDownloadedVersion if the newly downloaded version should be * started automatically or not * @param addDesktopIcon if true, a desktop icon will be created * @param fileDAO what implementation of FileDAO should be used in the * updating * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @throws IOException should there be problems with reading or writing * files during the updating * @throws XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the meta data * from the remote Maven repository * @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem with the URI syntax */ public static void downloadLatestZipFromRepo(final File downloadFolder, String toolName, String groupId, String artifactId, String iconName, String[] args, URL jarRepository, boolean startDownloadedVersion, boolean addDesktopIcon, FileDAO fileDAO, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, URISyntaxException { //TL;DR of the next three lines: make the url for the latest version location of a maven jar file String artifactInRepoLocation = new StringBuilder(jarRepository.toExternalForm()).append(groupId.replaceAll("\\.", "/")).append("/").append(artifactId).toString(); String latestRemoteRelease = WebDAO.getLatestVersionNumberFromRemoteRepo(new URL(new StringBuilder(artifactInRepoLocation).append("/maven-metadata.xml").toString())); String latestArtifactLocation = new StringBuilder(artifactInRepoLocation).append("/").append(latestRemoteRelease).toString(); // download and unzip the files MavenJarFile downloadedJarFile = downloadAndUnzipJar(downloadFolder, artifactId, toolName, new URL(latestArtifactLocation), fileDAO, true, waitingHandler, System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(new Locale("en")).contains("win"), false); if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled() || waitingHandler.isRunFinished()) { return; } else { waitingHandler.setRunFinished(); } } // add desktop icon if (addDesktopIcon) { if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(new Locale("en")).contains("win")) { //try{ fileDAO.createDesktopShortcut(downloadedJarFile, iconName, toolName, false); //}catch(IOException ioe){ if (!ignoreShortcutCreationErrors){throw ioe}} } else { // @TODO: update symlinks? } } // set the new version has the default version // @TODO: should be done using enums UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("PeptideShaker")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setPeptideShakerPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } else if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("SearchGUI")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setSearchGuiPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } else if (toolName.equalsIgnoreCase("Reporter")) { utilitiesUserPreferences.setReporterPath(downloadedJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); } UtilitiesUserPreferences.saveUserPreferences(utilitiesUserPreferences); if (startDownloadedVersion) { launchJar(downloadedJarFile, args); } } /** * Simple jar launch through a {@code ProcessBuilder}. * * @param downloadedJarFile the downloaded jar file to start * @param args the arguments to give to the jar file * @return true if the launch succeeded * @throws IOException if the process could not start */ private static Process launchJar(MavenJarFile downloadedFile, String[] args) throws NullPointerException, IOException { Process jar; ProcessBuilder p; List<String> processToRun = new ArrayList<String>(); try { processToRun.add("java"); processToRun.add("-jar"); processToRun.add(downloadedFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()); if (args != null) { processToRun.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); } p = new ProcessBuilder(processToRun); File(downloadedFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()).getParentFile()); jar = p.start(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new IOException("Could not start the jar file."); } return jar; } /** * Aggregation method for downloading and unzipping. * * @param mavenJarFile the Maven jar file to download update for * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param jarRepository the URL of the version specific location * @param fileDAO which fileDAO implementation that should be used * @param isWindows if true, the OS will assumed to be windows * @return the downloaded {@code MavenJarFile} * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL is malformed * @throws IOException if there is an IOException * @throws XMLStreamException if there is an XMLStreamException */ private static MavenJarFile downloadAndUnzipJar(MavenJarFile mavenJarFile, final String toolName, URL jarRepository, FileDAO fileDAO, boolean cleanupZipFile, final WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean isWindows) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, XMLStreamException { URL archiveURL; String folderName; // get the archive url if (isWindows) { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".zip", false); folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".zip")); } else { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".tar.gz", false); if (archiveURL != null) { folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".tar.gz")); } else { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".zip", false); folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".zip")); isWindows = true; // zip file, handling is same as for windows } } // special fix for tools with separate versions for windows and unix if (folderName.endsWith("-windows")) { folderName = folderName.substring(0, folderName.indexOf("-windows")); } else if (folderName.endsWith("-mac_and_linux")) { folderName = folderName.substring(0, folderName.indexOf("-mac_and_linux")); } // set up the folder to save the new download in File downloadFolder; if (isWindows) { downloadFolder = new File(fileDAO.getLocationToDownloadOnDisk(new File(mavenJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()).getParent()), folderName); } else { downloadFolder = fileDAO.getLocationToDownloadOnDisk(new File(mavenJarFile.getAbsoluteFilePath()).getParent()); } if (!downloadFolder.exists()) { if (!downloadFolder.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create the folder \'" + downloadFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "\' to download the file to."); } } // create an empty dummy file so that progress can be monitored downloadedFile = new File(downloadFolder, archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"))); isFileBeingDownloaded = true; // start a thread to monitor the progress if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Updating " + toolName + ". Please Wait..."); URLConnection conn = archiveURL.openConnection(); int tempLength = conn.getContentLength(); final int currentUrlContentLength; if (isWindows) { currentUrlContentLength = tempLength; } else { if (tempLength != -1) { currentUrlContentLength = conn.getContentLength() * 3; // @TODO: size is not correct for the tar.gz file, as it is unzipped as part of the download } else { currentUrlContentLength = tempLength; } } if (currentUrlContentLength != -1) { waitingHandler.resetPrimaryProgressCounter(); waitingHandler.setPrimaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxPrimaryProgressCounter(currentUrlContentLength); new Thread("DownloadMonitorThread") { @Override public void run() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (isFileBeingDownloaded) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.setRunFinished(); break; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // update the progress dialog every 100 millisecond or so if ((now - start) > 100 && downloadedFile != null) { long length = downloadedFile.length(); if (currentUrlContentLength != -1) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter((int) length); } else { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Updating " + toolName + ". Please Wait... (" + (length / (1024L * 1024L)) + " MB)"); } start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } }.start(); } else { waitingHandler.setPrimaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } } // download and unzip the file if (isWindows) { downloadedFile = fileDAO.writeStreamToDisk(archiveURL.openStream(), archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/")), downloadFolder); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } fileDAO.unzipFile(new ZipFile(downloadedFile), downloadFolder.getParentFile()); } else { fileDAO.unGzipAndUntarFile(new GZIPInputStream(archiveURL.openStream()), downloadedFile, waitingHandler); } // get the new jar file MavenJarFile newMavenJar; if (isWindows) { newMavenJar = fileDAO.getMavenJarFileFromFolderWithArtifactId(downloadFolder, mavenJarFile.getArtifactId()); } else { newMavenJar = fileDAO.getMavenJarFileFromFolderWithArtifactId(new File(downloadFolder, folderName), mavenJarFile.getArtifactId()); } isFileBeingDownloaded = false; // delete the downloaded zip file if (cleanupZipFile) { if (!downloadedFile.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete the zip file \'" + downloadedFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\'"); } } return newMavenJar; } /** * Aggregation method for downloading and unzipping. * * @param mavenJarFile the Maven jar file to download update for * @param toolName the name of the tool being updated, e.g., PeptideShaker * @param jarRepository the URL of the version specific location * @param fileDAO which fileDAO implementation that should be used * @param isWindows if true, the OS will assumed to be windows * @param update if true, the waiting handler shows update, false shows * download * @return the downloaded {@code MavenJarFile} * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL is malformed * @throws IOException if there is an IOException * @throws XMLStreamException if there is an XMLStreamException */ private static MavenJarFile downloadAndUnzipJar(final File aDownloadFolder, final String artifactId, final String toolName, URL jarRepository, FileDAO fileDAO, boolean cleanupZipFile, final WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean isWindows, final boolean update) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, XMLStreamException { URL archiveURL; String folderName; // get the archive url if (isWindows) { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".zip", false); folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".zip")); } else { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".tar.gz", false); if (archiveURL != null) { folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".tar.gz")); } else { archiveURL = WebDAO.getUrlOfZippedVersion(jarRepository, ".zip", false); folderName = archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"), archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf(".zip")); isWindows = true; // zip file, handling is same as for windows } } // special fix for tools with separate versions for windows and unix if (folderName.endsWith("-windows")) { folderName = folderName.substring(0, folderName.indexOf("-windows")); } else if (folderName.endsWith("-mac_and_linux")) { folderName = folderName.substring(0, folderName.indexOf("-mac_and_linux")); } File downloadFolder; // set up the folder to save the new download in if (isWindows) { downloadFolder = new File(aDownloadFolder, folderName); } else { downloadFolder = aDownloadFolder; } if (!downloadFolder.exists()) { if (!downloadFolder.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create the folder \'" + downloadFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "\' to download the file to."); } } // create an empty dummy file so that progress can be monitored downloadedFile = new File(downloadFolder, archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/"))); isFileBeingDownloaded = true; // start a thread to monitor the progress if (waitingHandler != null) { if (update) { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Updating " + toolName + ". Please Wait..."); } else { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Downloading " + toolName + ". Please Wait..."); } URLConnection conn = archiveURL.openConnection(); int tempLength = conn.getContentLength(); final int currentUrlContentLength; if (isWindows) { currentUrlContentLength = tempLength; } else { if (tempLength != -1) { currentUrlContentLength = conn.getContentLength() * 3; // @TODO: size is not correct for the tar.gz file, as it is unzipped as part of the download } else { currentUrlContentLength = tempLength; } } if (currentUrlContentLength != -1) { waitingHandler.resetPrimaryProgressCounter(); waitingHandler.setPrimaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxPrimaryProgressCounter(currentUrlContentLength); new Thread("DownloadMonitorThread") { @Override public void run() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (isFileBeingDownloaded) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.setRunFinished(); break; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // update the progress dialog every 100 millisecond or so if ((now - start) > 100 && downloadedFile != null) { long length = downloadedFile.length(); if (currentUrlContentLength != -1) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter((int) length); } else { if (update) { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Updating " + toolName + ". Please Wait... (" + (length / (1024L * 1024L)) + " MB)"); } else { waitingHandler.setWaitingText("Downloading " + toolName + ". Please Wait... (" + (length / (1024L * 1024L)) + " MB)"); } } start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } }.start(); } else { waitingHandler.setPrimaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } } // download and unzip the file if (isWindows) { downloadedFile = fileDAO.writeStreamToDisk(archiveURL.openStream(), archiveURL.getFile().substring(archiveURL.getFile().lastIndexOf("/")), downloadFolder); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); } fileDAO.unzipFile(new ZipFile(downloadedFile), downloadFolder.getParentFile()); } else { fileDAO.unGzipAndUntarFile(new GZIPInputStream(archiveURL.openStream()), downloadedFile, waitingHandler); } // get the new jar file MavenJarFile newMavenJar; if (isWindows) { newMavenJar = fileDAO.getMavenJarFileFromFolderWithArtifactId(downloadFolder, artifactId); } else { newMavenJar = fileDAO.getMavenJarFileFromFolderWithArtifactId(new File(downloadFolder, folderName), artifactId); } isFileBeingDownloaded = false; // delete the downloaded zip file if (cleanupZipFile) { if (!downloadedFile.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete the zip file \'" + downloadedFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\'."); } } return newMavenJar; } }