package com.compomics.util.preferences; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.proteintree.ProteinTreeComponentsFactory; import; import java.awt.Color; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Utilities user preferences will be serialized in the user folder and provide * useful information to all compomics software, well as soon as they use it of * course. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class UtilitiesUserPreferences implements Serializable { /** * Serial version UID for post-serialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -4343570286224891504L; /** * Location of the user preferences file. */ private static String USER_PREFERENCES_FILE = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.compomics/userpreferences.cup"; /** * The width to use for the annotated peaks. */ private Float spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth = 1.0f; /** * The width to use for the background peaks. */ private Float spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth = 1.0f; /** * The color to use for the annotated peaks. */ private Color spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor = Color.RED; /** * The color to use for the annotated mirrored peaks. */ private Color spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor = Color.BLUE; /** * The color to use for the background peaks. */ private Color spectrumBackgroundPeakColor = new Color(100, 100, 100, 50); /** * The color used for the sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorValidated = new Color(110, 196, 97); /** * The color used for the non-validated sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorNonValidated = new Color(208, 19, 19); /** * The color used for the not found sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorNotFound = new Color(222, 222, 222); /** * The color used for the possible values sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorPossible = new Color(100, 150, 255); /** * The color used for the doubtful matches in sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorDoubtful = new Color(255, 204, 0); /** * The color used for the false positive in sparkline bar chart plots. */ private Color sparklineColorFalsePositive = new Color(255, 51, 51); /** * The color of the selected peptide. */ private Color peptideSelected = new Color(0, 0, 255); /** * The memory to use. */ private Integer memoryPreference = 4 * 1024; /** * The Java Home, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin. Null * if not set. Note that this setting will be ignored of a JavaHome.txt file * is found. */ private String javaHome = null; /** * The folder where to store the protein trees. */ private File proteinTreeFolder = null; /** * Maps saving the protein trees import time in a map: FASTA file size > * import times. */ private HashMap<Long, ArrayList<Long>> proteinTreeImportTime; /** * The path to the ProteoWizard installation (if any). Set to null if no * path is provided. */ private String proteoWizardPath = null; /** * The path to the SearchGUI installation (if any). Makes it possible to * start SearchGUI directly from PeptideShaker. Set to null if no path is * provided. */ private String searchGuiPath = null; /** * The path to the PeptideShaker installation (if any). Set to null if no * path is provided. */ private String peptideShakerPath = null; /** * The path to the DeNovoGUI installation (if any). Set to null if no path * is provided. */ private String deNovoGuiPath = null; /** * The path to the Reporter installation (if any). Set to null if no path is * provided. */ private String reporterPath = null; /** * The path to the Relims installation (if any). Set to null if no path is * provided. */ private String relimsPath = null; /** * The local PRIDE projects folder. */ private String localPrideFolder = "user.home"; /** * The user last used database folder. */ private File dbFolder = null; /** * The folder used to store fasta files. */ private File proteinSequencesManagerFolder = null; /** * The user last used databases. */ private ArrayList<File> favoriteDBs = null; /** * The list of already read tweets. */ private ArrayList<String> readTweets = null; /** * The list of already displayed tips. */ private ArrayList<String> displayedTips = null; /** * Indicates whether the tool should check for updates. */ private Boolean autoUpdate = true; /** * Indicates whether the tool should notify its start. * @deprecated replaced by autoUpdate only */ private Boolean notifyStart = true; /** * The last selected folder. */ private LastSelectedFolder lastSelectedFolder; /** * If true, the PSMs are sorted on retention time, false sorts on PSM score. */ private Boolean sortPsmsOnRt = false; /** * The tag added after adding decoy sequences to a FASTA file. */ private String targetDecoyFileNameTag = "_concatenated_target_decoy"; /** * If true, the selected spectra will be checked for peak picking. */ private Boolean checkPeakPicking = true; /** * If true, the selected spectra will be checked for duplicate spectrum * titles. */ private Boolean checkDuplicateTitles = true; /** * If true, the mgf files will be checked for size. */ private Boolean checkMgfSize = false; /** * If an mgf file exceeds this limit, the user will be asked for a split. */ private Double mgfMaxSize = 1000.0; /** * Number of spectra allowed in the split file. */ private Integer mgfNSpectra = 25000; /** * Reference mass for the conversion of the fragment ion tolerance from ppm * to Dalton. */ private Double refMass = 2000.0; /** * If true the protein tree will be created parallel to the searches. * * @deprecated no longer used */ private Boolean generateProteinTree = false; /** * The way output files should be exported. */ private SearchGuiOutputOption outputOption = SearchGuiOutputOption.grouped; /** * Indicates whether data files (mgf and FASTA) should be copied in the * output. */ private Boolean outputData = false; /** * Indicates whether the date should be included in the output. */ private Boolean includeDateInOutputName = false; /** * If true the X! Tandem file will be renamed. */ private Boolean renameXTandemFile = true; /** * If true, the spectra will be checked for missing charges. */ private Boolean checkSpectrumCharges = true; /** * The maximum charge added when the charge is missing for a given spectrum. */ private Integer minSpectrumChargeRange = 2; /** * The minimum charge added when the charge is missing for a given spectrum. */ private Integer maxSpectrumChargeRange = 4; /** * Constructor. */ public UtilitiesUserPreferences() { } /** * Getter for the sparkline color. * * @return the sparkline color */ public Color getSparklineColor() { return sparklineColorValidated; } /** * Setter for the sparkline color. * * @param sparklineColorValidated the sparkline color */ public void setSparklineColor(Color sparklineColorValidated) { this.sparklineColorValidated = sparklineColorValidated; } /** * Getter for the non-validated sparkline color. * * @return the non-validated sparkline color */ public Color getSparklineColorNonValidated() { if (sparklineColorNonValidated == null) { sparklineColorNonValidated = new Color(255, 0, 0); } return sparklineColorNonValidated; } /** * Returns the color for a selected peptide. * * @return the color for a selected peptide */ public Color getPeptideSelected() { if (peptideSelected == null) { peptideSelected = new Color(0, 0, 255); } return peptideSelected; } /** * Returns the color for a not found sparkline bar chart plots. * * @return the color for a not found sparkline bar chart plots */ public Color getSparklineColorNotFound() { if (sparklineColorNotFound == null) { sparklineColorNotFound = new Color(222, 222, 222); } return sparklineColorNotFound; } /** * Setter for the non-validated sparkline color. * * @param sparklineColorNonValidated the non-validated sparkline color */ public void setSparklineColorNonValidated(Color sparklineColorNonValidated) { this.sparklineColorNonValidated = sparklineColorNonValidated; } /** * Returns the color for a possible sparkline bar chart plots. * * @return the color for a possible sparkline bar chart plots */ public Color getSparklineColorPossible() { if (sparklineColorPossible == null) { sparklineColorPossible = new Color(235, 235, 235); } return sparklineColorPossible; } /** * Setter for the possible sparkline color. * * @param sparklineColorPossible the possible sparkline color */ public void setSparklineColorPossible(Color sparklineColorPossible) { this.sparklineColorPossible = sparklineColorPossible; } /** * Returns the color for a doubtful sparkline bar chart plots. * * @return the color for a doubtful sparkline bar chart plots */ public Color getSparklineColorDoubtful() { if (sparklineColorDoubtful == null) { sparklineColorDoubtful = new Color(255, 204, 0); } return sparklineColorDoubtful; } /** * Setter for the doubtful sparkline color. * * @param sparklineColorDoubtful the doubtful sparkline color */ public void setSparklineColorDoubtful(Color sparklineColorDoubtful) { this.sparklineColorDoubtful = sparklineColorDoubtful; } /** * Returns the color for false positives in sparkline bar chart plots. * * @return the color for a false positives in sparkline bar chart plots */ public Color getSparklineColorFalsePositives() { if (sparklineColorFalsePositive == null) { sparklineColorFalsePositive = new Color(255, 51, 51); } return sparklineColorFalsePositive; } /** * Setter for the false positives sparkline color. * * @param sparklineColorFalsePositive the false positives sparkline color */ public void setSparklineColorFalsePositives(Color sparklineColorFalsePositive) { this.sparklineColorFalsePositive = sparklineColorFalsePositive; } /** * Returns the preferred upper memory limit in MB. * * @return the preferred upper memory limit */ public Integer getMemoryPreference() { return memoryPreference; } /** * Sets the preferred upper memory limit. * * @param memoryPreference the preferred upper memory limit */ public void setMemoryPreference(int memoryPreference) { this.memoryPreference = memoryPreference; } /** * Returns the Java Home folder. * * @return the Java Home folder */ public String getJavaHome() { return javaHome; } /** * Set the Java Home folder. * * @param javaHome the new Java Home */ public void setJavaHome(String javaHome) { this.javaHome = javaHome; } /** * Returns the color to use for the annotated peaks. * * @return the spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor */ public Color getSpectrumAnnotatedPeakColor() { if (spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor == null) { spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor = Color.RED; } return spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor; } /** * Set the color to use for the annotated peaks. * * @param spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor the spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor to set */ public void setSpectrumAnnotatedPeakColor(Color spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor) { this.spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor = spectrumAnnotatedPeakColor; } /** * Returns the color to use for the annotated mirrored peaks. * * @return the spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor */ public Color getSpectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor() { if (spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor == null) { spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor = Color.BLUE; } return spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor; } /** * Set the color to use for the annotated mirrored peaks. * * @param spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor the * spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor to set */ public void setSpectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor(Color spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor) { this.spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor = spectrumAnnotatedMirroredPeakColor; } /** * Returns the color to use for the background peaks. * * @return the spectrumBackgroundPeakColor */ public Color getSpectrumBackgroundPeakColor() { if (spectrumBackgroundPeakColor == null) { spectrumBackgroundPeakColor = new Color(100, 100, 100, 50); } return spectrumBackgroundPeakColor; } /** * Set the color to use for the background peaks. * * @param spectrumBackgroundPeakColor the spectrumBackgroundPeakColor to set */ public void setSpectrumBackgroundPeakColor(Color spectrumBackgroundPeakColor) { this.spectrumBackgroundPeakColor = spectrumBackgroundPeakColor; } /** * Returns the width of the annotated peaks. * * @return the spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth */ public Float getSpectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth() { if (spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth == null) { spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth = 1.0f; } return spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth; } /** * Set the width of the annotated peaks. * * @param spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth the spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth to set */ public void setSpectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth(float spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth) { this.spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth = spectrumAnnotatedPeakWidth; } /** * Returns the width of the background peaks. * * @return the spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth */ public Float getSpectrumBackgroundPeakWidth() { if (spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth == null) { spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth = 1.0f; } return spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth; } /** * Set the width of the background peaks. * * @param spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth the spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth to set */ public void setSpectrumBackgroundPeakWidth(float spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth) { this.spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth = spectrumBackgroundPeakWidth; } /** * Returns the path to the SearchGUI installation. * * @return the path to the SearchGUI installation */ public String getSearchGuiPath() { return searchGuiPath; } /** * Set the path to the SearchGUI installation. * * @param searchGuiPath the path to the SearchGUI installation */ public void setSearchGuiPath(String searchGuiPath) { this.searchGuiPath = searchGuiPath; } /** * Returns the path to the DeNovoGUI installation. * * @return the path to the DeNovoGUI installation */ public String getDeNovoGuiPath() { return deNovoGuiPath; } /** * Set the path to the DeNovoGUI installation. * * @param deNovoGuiPath the path to the DeNovoGUI installation */ public void setDeNovoGuiPath(String deNovoGuiPath) { this.deNovoGuiPath = deNovoGuiPath; } /** * Returns the path to ProteoWizard. * * @return the path to ProteoWizard */ public String getProteoWizardPath() { return proteoWizardPath; } /** * Set the path to ProteoWizard. * * @param proteoWizardPath the path to ProteoWizard */ public void setProteoWizardPath(String proteoWizardPath) { this.proteoWizardPath = proteoWizardPath; } /** * Returns the path to the Relims installation. * * @return the path to the Relims installation */ public String getRelimsPath() { return relimsPath; } /** * Set the path to the Relims installation. * * @param relimsPath the path to the * installation */ public void setRelimsPath(String relimsPath) { this.relimsPath = relimsPath; } /** * Returns the path to the PeptideShaker installation. * * @return the path to the PeptideShaker installation */ public String getPeptideShakerPath() { return peptideShakerPath; } /** * Set the path to the PeptideShaker installation. * * @param peptideShakerPath the path to the PeptideShaker installation */ public void setPeptideShakerPath(String peptideShakerPath) { this.peptideShakerPath = peptideShakerPath; } /** * Returns the path to the Reporter installation. * * @return the path to the Reporter installation */ public String getReporterPath() { return reporterPath; } /** * Set the path to the PeptideShaker installation. * * @param reporterPath the path to the PeptideShaker installation */ public void setReporterPath(String reporterPath) { this.reporterPath = reporterPath; } /** * Convenience method saving the user preferences. * * @param userPreferences the user preferences */ public static void saveUserPreferences(UtilitiesUserPreferences userPreferences) { try { File file = new File(USER_PREFERENCES_FILE); if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdir(); } SerializationUtils.writeObject(userPreferences, file); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An error occurred while saving " + USER_PREFERENCES_FILE + " (see below)."); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Loads the user preferences. If an error is encountered, preferences are * set back to default. * * @return returns the utilities user preferences */ public static UtilitiesUserPreferences loadUserPreferences() { UtilitiesUserPreferences userPreferences; File file = new File(UtilitiesUserPreferences.USER_PREFERENCES_FILE); if (!file.exists()) { userPreferences = new UtilitiesUserPreferences(); UtilitiesUserPreferences.saveUserPreferences(userPreferences); } else { try { userPreferences = (UtilitiesUserPreferences) SerializationUtils.readObject(file); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An error occurred while loading " + UtilitiesUserPreferences.USER_PREFERENCES_FILE + " (see below). Preferences set back to default."); e.printStackTrace(); userPreferences = new UtilitiesUserPreferences(); UtilitiesUserPreferences.saveUserPreferences(userPreferences); } } return userPreferences; } /** * Returns the local PRIDE folder. * * @return the localPrideFolder */ public String getLocalPrideFolder() { return localPrideFolder; } /** * Set the local PRIDE folder. * * @param localPrideFolder the localPrideFolder to set */ public void setLocalPrideFolder(String localPrideFolder) { this.localPrideFolder = localPrideFolder; } /** * Returns the last used database folder. Null if not set. * * @return the last used database folder */ public File getDbFolder() { return dbFolder; } /** * Sets the last used database folder. * * @param dbFolder the last used database folder */ public void setDbFolder(File dbFolder) { this.dbFolder = dbFolder; } /** * returns the folder to use in the protein sequences manager. * * @return the folder to use in the protein sequences manager */ public File getProteinSequencesManagerFolder() { if (proteinSequencesManagerFolder == null) { // Backward compatibility proteinSequencesManagerFolder = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.compomics/proteins/sequences/"); if (!proteinSequencesManagerFolder.exists()) { proteinSequencesManagerFolder.mkdirs(); } } return proteinSequencesManagerFolder; } /** * Sets the folder to use in the protein sequences manager. * * @param proteinSequencesManagerFolder the folder to use in the protein * sequences manager */ public void setProteinSequencesManagerFolder(File proteinSequencesManagerFolder) { this.proteinSequencesManagerFolder = proteinSequencesManagerFolder; } /** * Returns the last used databases. The most recent ones first. * * @return the last used databases. */ public ArrayList<File> getFavoriteDBs() { checkDbFiles(); return favoriteDBs; } /** * Removes the db files which do not exist anymore. */ public void checkDbFiles() { ArrayList<File> checkedFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File dbFile : favoriteDBs) { if (dbFile.exists()) { checkedFiles.add(dbFile); } } favoriteDBs = checkedFiles; } /** * Sets the last used databases. * * @param dbFile the last used databases. */ public void addFavoriteDB(File dbFile) { if (favoriteDBs == null) { favoriteDBs = new ArrayList<File>(); } favoriteDBs.add(0, dbFile); } /** * Returns the protein tree folder. * * @return the protein tree folder */ public File getProteinTreeFolder() { if (proteinTreeFolder == null) { // if not set, set to default proteinTreeFolder = new File(ProteinTreeComponentsFactory.getDefaultDbFolderPath()); } return proteinTreeFolder; } /** * Sets the protein tree folder. * * @param proteinTreeFolder the protein tree folder */ public void setProteinTreeFolder(File proteinTreeFolder) { this.proteinTreeFolder = proteinTreeFolder; } /** * Returns the protein tree import times in a map: file size > list of * import sizes. * * @return the protein tree import times */ public HashMap<Long, ArrayList<Long>> getProteinTreeImportTime() { if (proteinTreeImportTime == null) { proteinTreeImportTime = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<Long>>(); } return proteinTreeImportTime; } /** * Adds a protein tree import time. * * @param fileSize the size of the FASTA file * @param importTime the import time */ public void addProteinTreeImportTime(long fileSize, long importTime) { ArrayList<Long> importTimes = getProteinTreeImportTime().get(fileSize); if (importTimes == null) { importTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(); proteinTreeImportTime.put(fileSize, importTimes); } importTimes.add(importTime); } /** * Clears the protein tree import times. */ public void clearProteinTreeImportTimes() { if (proteinTreeImportTime != null) { proteinTreeImportTime.clear(); } } /** * Returns the list of read tweets. * * @return the list of read tweets */ public ArrayList<String> getReadTweets() { if (readTweets == null) { readTweets = new ArrayList<String>(); } return readTweets; } /** * Set the list of read tweets. * * @param readTweets the readTweets to set */ public void setReadTweets(ArrayList<String> readTweets) { this.readTweets = readTweets; } /** * Returns the list of displayed tips. * * @return the displayed tips */ public ArrayList<String> getDisplayedTips() { if (displayedTips == null) { displayedTips = new ArrayList<String>(); } return displayedTips; } /** * Set the list of displayed tips. * * @param displayedTips the displayedTips to set */ public void setDisplayedTips(ArrayList<String> displayedTips) { this.displayedTips = displayedTips; } /** * Returns the user preferences file to be used. * * @return the user preferences file */ public static String getUserPreferencesFile() { return USER_PREFERENCES_FILE; } /** * Returns the user preferences file to be used. * * @return the user preferences file */ public static String getUserPreferencesFolder() { File tempFile = new File(getUserPreferencesFile()); return tempFile.getParent(); } /** * Sets the user preferences file to be used. * * @param userPreferencesFolder the user preferences file to be used */ public static void setUserPreferencesFolder(String userPreferencesFolder) { File tempFile = new File(userPreferencesFolder, "/utilities_userpreferences.cup"); UtilitiesUserPreferences.USER_PREFERENCES_FILE = tempFile.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Indicates whether the tools should use the auto update function. * * @return whether the tools should use the auto update function */ public Boolean isAutoUpdate() { if (autoUpdate == null) { autoUpdate = true; } return autoUpdate; } /** * Sets whether the tools should use the auto update function. * * @param autoUpdate whether the tools should use the auto update function */ public void setAutoUpdate(Boolean autoUpdate) { this.autoUpdate = autoUpdate; } /** * Indicates whether the tools should notify their start. * * @return whether the tools should notify their start */ public Boolean isNotifyStart() { if (notifyStart == null) { notifyStart = true; } return notifyStart; } /** * Sets whether the tools should notify their start. * * @param notifyStart whether the tools should notify their start */ public void setNotifyStart(Boolean notifyStart) { this.notifyStart = notifyStart; } /** * Returns the last selected folder. * * @return the last selected folder */ public LastSelectedFolder getLastSelectedFolder() { if (lastSelectedFolder == null) { lastSelectedFolder = new LastSelectedFolder(); } return lastSelectedFolder; } /** * Sets the last selected folder. * * @param lastSelectedFolder the last selected folder */ public void setLastSelectedFolder(LastSelectedFolder lastSelectedFolder) { this.lastSelectedFolder = lastSelectedFolder; } /** * Returns true if the PSMs are sorted on retention time, false sorts on PSM * score. * * @return the sortPsmsOnRt */ public Boolean getSortPsmsOnRt() { if (sortPsmsOnRt == null) { sortPsmsOnRt = false; } return sortPsmsOnRt; } /** * Set if the PSMs are sorted on retention time, false sorts on PSM score. * * @param sortPsmsOnRt the sortPsmsOnRt to set */ public void setSortPsmsOnRt(Boolean sortPsmsOnRt) { this.sortPsmsOnRt = sortPsmsOnRt; } /** * Returns the target-decoy file name suffix. * * @return the targetDecoyFileNameSuffix */ public String getTargetDecoyFileNameSuffix() { if (targetDecoyFileNameTag == null) { targetDecoyFileNameTag = "_concatenated_target_decoy"; } return targetDecoyFileNameTag; } /** * Set the target-decoy file name suffix. * * @param targetDecoyFileNameSuffix the targetDecoyFileNameSuffix to set */ public void setTargetDecoyFileNameSuffix(String targetDecoyFileNameSuffix) { this.targetDecoyFileNameTag = targetDecoyFileNameSuffix; } /** * Returns if the spectra should be checked for peak picking or not. * * @return true if the spectra should be checked for peak picking */ public Boolean checkPeakPicking() { if (checkPeakPicking == null) { checkPeakPicking = true; } return checkPeakPicking; } /** * Set if the spectra should be checked for peak picking or not. * * @param checkPeakPicking the checkPeakPicking to set */ public void setCheckPeakPicking(boolean checkPeakPicking) { this.checkPeakPicking = checkPeakPicking; } /** * Returns if the spectra should be checked for duplicate titles or not. * * @return true if the spectra should be checked for duplicate titles */ public Boolean checkDuplicateTitles() { if (checkDuplicateTitles == null) { checkDuplicateTitles = true; } return checkDuplicateTitles; } /** * Set if the spectra should be checked for duplicate titles or not. * * @param checkDuplicateTitles the checkDuplicateTitles to set */ public void setCheckDuplicateTitles(boolean checkDuplicateTitles) { this.checkDuplicateTitles = checkDuplicateTitles; } /** * Returns if the mgf should be checked for size. * * @return true if the mgf should be checked for size */ public Boolean checkMgfSize() { if (checkMgfSize == null) { checkMgfSize = false; } return checkMgfSize; } /** * Set if the mgf should be checked for size. * * @param checkMgfSize the mgf should be checked for size */ public void setCheckMgfSize(boolean checkMgfSize) { this.checkMgfSize = checkMgfSize; } /** * Returns the max mgf file size before splitting. * * @return the mgfMaxSize */ public double getMgfMaxSize() { if (mgfMaxSize == null) { mgfMaxSize = 1000.0; } return mgfMaxSize; } /** * Set the max mgf file size before splitting. * * @param mgfMaxSize the mgfMaxSize to set */ public void setMgfMaxSize(double mgfMaxSize) { this.mgfMaxSize = mgfMaxSize; } /** * Get the max number of spectra in an mgf file. * * @return the mgfNSpectra */ public int getMgfNSpectra() { if (mgfNSpectra == null) { mgfNSpectra = 25000; } return mgfNSpectra; } /** * Set the max number of spectra in an mgf file. * * @param mgfNSpectra the mgfNSpectra to set */ public void setMgfNSpectra(int mgfNSpectra) { this.mgfNSpectra = mgfNSpectra; } /** * Returns the reference mass for the conversion of the fragment ion * tolerance from ppm to Dalton. * * @return the reference mass for the conversion of the fragment ion * tolerance from ppm to Dalton */ public Double getRefMass() { if (refMass == null) { refMass = 2000.0; } return refMass; } /** * Sets the reference mass for the conversion of the fragment ion tolerance * from ppm to Dalton. * * @param refMass the reference mass for the conversion of the fragment ion * tolerance from ppm to Dalton */ public void setRefMass(Double refMass) { this.refMass = refMass; } /** * Returns true if the protein tree will be created parallel to the * searches. * * @return true if the protein tree will be created parallel to the searches * @deprecated no longer used */ public Boolean generateProteinTree() { if (generateProteinTree == null) { generateProteinTree = false; } return generateProteinTree; } /** * Set if the the protein tree will be created parallel to the searches. * * @param generateProteinTree create protein tree? * @deprecated no longer used */ public void setGenerateProteinTree(Boolean generateProteinTree) { this.generateProteinTree = generateProteinTree; } /** * Sets how SearchGUI output files should be organized. * * @param outputOption the SearchGUI output option */ public void setOutputOption(SearchGuiOutputOption outputOption) { this.outputOption = outputOption; } /** * Returns the selected SearchGUI output option. * * @return the selected SearchGUI output option */ public SearchGuiOutputOption getOutputOption() { if (outputOption == null) { outputOption = SearchGuiOutputOption.grouped; } return outputOption; } /** * Indicates whether data should be copied along with the identification * files in the SearchGUI output. * * @return a boolean indicating whether data should be copied along with the * identification files in the SearchGUI output */ public Boolean outputData() { if (outputData == null) { outputData = false; } return outputData; } /** * Sets whether data should be copied along with the identification files in * the SearchGUI output. * * @param outputData whether data should be copied along with the * identification files in the SearchGUI output */ public void setOutputData(Boolean outputData) { this.outputData = outputData; } /** * Indicates whether the date should be included in the SearchGUI output * name. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the date should be included in the * SearchGUI output name */ public Boolean isIncludeDateInOutputName() { if (includeDateInOutputName == null) { includeDateInOutputName = false; } return includeDateInOutputName; } /** * Sets whether the date should be included in the SearchGUI output name. * * @param includeDateInOutputName whether the date should be included in the * SearchGUI output name */ public void setIncludeDateInOutputName(Boolean includeDateInOutputName) { this.includeDateInOutputName = includeDateInOutputName; } /** * Returns true if the X! Tandem file should be renamed. * * @return true if the X! Tandem file should be renamed */ public Boolean renameXTandemFile() { if (renameXTandemFile == null) { renameXTandemFile = true; } return renameXTandemFile; } /** * Set if the X! Tandem file should be renamed. * * @param renameXTandemFile rename file? */ public void setRenameXTandemFile(Boolean renameXTandemFile) { this.renameXTandemFile = renameXTandemFile; } /** * Returns whether the spectra are to be checked for missing charges. * * @return true, if the spectra are to be checked for missing charges */ public Boolean isCheckSpectrumCharges() { if (checkSpectrumCharges == null) { checkSpectrumCharges = true; } return checkSpectrumCharges; } /** * Set if the spectra are to be checked for missing charges. * * @param checkSpectrumCharges the checkSpectrumCharges to set */ public void setCheckSpectrumCharges(Boolean checkSpectrumCharges) { this.checkSpectrumCharges = checkSpectrumCharges; } /** * Returns the minimum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum. * * @return the minimum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum */ public Integer getMinSpectrumChargeRange() { if (minSpectrumChargeRange == null) { minSpectrumChargeRange = 2; } return minSpectrumChargeRange; } /** * Set the minimum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum. * * @param minSpectrumChargeRange the minSpectrumChargeRange to set */ public void setMinSpectrumChargeRange(Integer minSpectrumChargeRange) { this.minSpectrumChargeRange = minSpectrumChargeRange; } /** * Returns the maximum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum. * * @return the maximum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum */ public Integer getMaxSpectrumChargeRange() { if (maxSpectrumChargeRange == null) { maxSpectrumChargeRange = 4; } return maxSpectrumChargeRange; } /** * Set the maximum charge added when the charge is missing for a given * spectrum. * * @param maxSpectrumChargeRange the maxSpectrumChargeRange to set */ public void setMaxSpectrumChargeRange(Integer maxSpectrumChargeRange) { this.maxSpectrumChargeRange = maxSpectrumChargeRange; } }