package com.compomics.util.preferences; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Enzyme; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.EnzymeFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; /** * This class groups the preferences for the digestion of proteins. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class DigestionPreferences implements Serializable { /** * Enum for the different types of enzyme specificity. */ public enum Specificity { /** * Specific at both termini. */ specific(0, "Specific"), /** * Specific at only one of the termini. */ semiSpecific(1, "Semi-Specific"), /** * Specific at the N-terminus only. */ specificNTermOnly(2, "N-term Specific"), /** * Specific at the C-terminus only. */ specificCTermOnly(3, "C-term Specific"); /** * The index. */ public final int index; /** * The name. */ public final String name; /** * Constructor. * * @param index the index as integer * @param name the name */ private Specificity(int index, String name) { this.index = index; = name; } /** * Returns the specificity of the given index. * * @param index the index of the specificity * * @return the corresponding specificity */ public static Specificity getSpecificity(int index) { for (Specificity specificity : values()) { if (specificity.index == index) { return specificity; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No specificity found for index " + index + "."); } /** * Returns the different options as command line description. * * @return the different options as command line description */ public static String getCommandLineDescription() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Specificity specificity : values()) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(", "); } stringBuilder.append(specificity.index).append(": ").append(; } return stringBuilder.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } /** * Enum for the different types of digestion. */ public enum CleavagePreference { /** * Digestion with an enzyme. */ enzyme(0, "Enzyme"), /** * Unspecific digestion. */ unSpecific(1, "Unspecific"), /** * Whole protein, no digestion. */ wholeProtein(2, "Whole Protein"); /** * The index. */ public final int index; /** * The name. */ public final String name; /** * Constructor. * * @param index the index as integer * @param name the name */ private CleavagePreference(int index, String name) { this.index = index; = name; } /** * Returns the cleavage preference of the given index. * * @param index the index of the cleavage preference * * @return the corresponding cleavage preference */ public static CleavagePreference getCleavagePreferences(int index) { for (CleavagePreference cleavagePreference : values()) { if (cleavagePreference.index == index) { return cleavagePreference; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No cleavage preference found for index " + index + "."); } /** * Returns the different options as command line description. * * @return the different options as command line description */ public static String getCommandLineDescription() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (CleavagePreference cleavagePreference : values()) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(", "); } stringBuilder.append(cleavagePreference.index).append(": ").append(; } return stringBuilder.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } /** * Boolean indicating whether the sample was not digested. */ private CleavagePreference cleavagePreference; /** * List of enzyme used. */ private ArrayList<Enzyme> enzymes; /** * Number of allowed missed cleavages. */ private HashMap<String, Integer> nMissedCleavages; /** * The specificity of the enzyme. */ private HashMap<String, Specificity> specificity; /** * Constructor for empty preferences. */ public DigestionPreferences() { } /** * Clones the given preferences. * * @param digestionPreferences the preferences to clone * * @return a new object containing the same preferences */ public static DigestionPreferences clone(DigestionPreferences digestionPreferences) { DigestionPreferences clone = new DigestionPreferences(); clone.setCleavagePreference(digestionPreferences.getCleavagePreference()); if (digestionPreferences.getCleavagePreference() == DigestionPreferences.CleavagePreference.enzyme) { for (Enzyme enzyme : digestionPreferences.getEnzymes()) { clone.addEnzyme(enzyme); String enzymeName = enzyme.getName(); clone.setSpecificity(enzymeName, digestionPreferences.getSpecificity(enzymeName)); clone.setnMissedCleavages(enzymeName, digestionPreferences.getnMissedCleavages(enzymeName)); } } return clone; } /** * Returns default digestion preferences. Trypsin specific with two missed * cleavages. * * @return default digestion preferences */ public static DigestionPreferences getDefaultPreferences() { DigestionPreferences digestionPreferences = new DigestionPreferences(); digestionPreferences.setCleavagePreference(CleavagePreference.enzyme); String enzymeName = "Trypsin"; Enzyme trypsin = EnzymeFactory.getInstance().getEnzyme(enzymeName); digestionPreferences.addEnzyme(trypsin); digestionPreferences.setnMissedCleavages(enzymeName, 2); return digestionPreferences; } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether enzyme settings were set. * * @return a boolean indicating whether enzyme settings were set */ public boolean hasEnzymes() { return enzymes != null && !enzymes.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the enzymes used for digestion in a list. * * @return the enzymes used for digestion in a list */ public ArrayList<Enzyme> getEnzymes() { return enzymes; } /** * Sets the enzymes used for digestion. * * @param enzymes the enzymes used for digestion in a list */ public void setEnzymes(ArrayList<Enzyme> enzymes) { this.enzymes = enzymes; } /** * Adds an enzyme. The specificity of the enzyme is set by default to * specific and the number of allowed missed cleavages to 0. * * @param enzyme an enzyme used for digestion. */ public void addEnzyme(Enzyme enzyme) { if (enzymes == null) { enzymes = new ArrayList<Enzyme>(1); } enzymes.add(enzyme); setSpecificity(enzyme.getName(), Specificity.specific); setnMissedCleavages(enzyme.getName(), 0); } /** * Clears the parameters. */ public void clear() { cleavagePreference = null; enzymes = null; nMissedCleavages = null; specificity = null; } /** * Clears the enzymes set including specificity and missed cleavages. */ public void clearEnzymes() { enzymes = null; nMissedCleavages = null; specificity = null; } /** * Returns the number of allowed missed cleavages for the given enzyme. Null * if not set. * * @param enzymeName the name of the enzyme * * @return the number of allowed missed cleavages */ public Integer getnMissedCleavages(String enzymeName) { if (nMissedCleavages == null) { return null; } return nMissedCleavages.get(enzymeName); } /** * Sets the number of allowed missed cleavages. * * @param enzymeName the name of the enzyme * @param enzymeMissedCleavages the number of allowed missed cleavages */ public void setnMissedCleavages(String enzymeName, int enzymeMissedCleavages) { if (nMissedCleavages == null) { nMissedCleavages = new HashMap<String, Integer>(1); } nMissedCleavages.put(enzymeName, enzymeMissedCleavages); } /** * Returns the expected specificity of the given enzyme. Null if not set. * * @param enzymeName the name of the enzyme * * @return the specificity */ public Specificity getSpecificity(String enzymeName) { if (specificity == null) { return null; } Specificity enzymeSpecificity = specificity.get(enzymeName); return enzymeSpecificity; } /** * Sets the expected specificity of the enzyme. * * @param enzymeName the name of the enzyme * @param enzymeSpecificity the expected specificity of the enzyme */ public void setSpecificity(String enzymeName, Specificity enzymeSpecificity) { if (specificity == null) { specificity = new HashMap<String, Specificity>(1); } specificity.put(enzymeName, enzymeSpecificity); } /** * Returns the cleavage preferences. * * @return the cleavage preferences */ public CleavagePreference getCleavagePreference() { return cleavagePreference; } /** * Sets the cleavage preferences. * * @param cleavagePreference the cleavage preferences */ public void setCleavagePreference(CleavagePreference cleavagePreference) { this.cleavagePreference = cleavagePreference; } /** * Returns a short description of the parameters. * * @return a short description of the parameters */ public String getShortDescription() { DigestionPreferences defaultPreferences = DigestionPreferences.getDefaultPreferences(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); if (!defaultPreferences.isSameAs(this)) { stringBuilder.append("Digestion: "); switch (cleavagePreference) { case wholeProtein: stringBuilder.append("Whole Protein").append(newLine); break; case unSpecific: stringBuilder.append("Unspecific").append(newLine); break; case enzyme: for (Enzyme enzyme1 : enzymes) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(newLine); } Enzyme enzyme = enzyme1; String enzymeName = enzyme.getName(); stringBuilder.append(enzymeName).append(", ").append(getSpecificity(enzymeName)); Integer nmc = getnMissedCleavages(enzymeName); if (nmc != null) { stringBuilder.append(", ").append(nmc).append(" missed cleavages"); } } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Description not implemented for cleavage preference " + cleavagePreference + "."); } stringBuilder.append(".").append(newLine); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether these digestion preferences are the * same as the given other preferences. * * @param otherDigestionPreferences the other digestion preferences * * @return a boolean indicating whether these digestion preferences are the * same as the given other preferences */ public boolean isSameAs(DigestionPreferences otherDigestionPreferences) { if (cleavagePreference != otherDigestionPreferences.getCleavagePreference()) { return false; } ArrayList<Enzyme> otherEnzymes = otherDigestionPreferences.getEnzymes(); if ((enzymes != null && otherEnzymes == null) || (enzymes == null && otherEnzymes != null)) { return false; } if (enzymes != null && otherEnzymes != null) { if (enzymes.size() != otherEnzymes.size()) { return false; } ArrayList<String> enzymeNames = new ArrayList<String>(enzymes.size()); for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { enzymeNames.add(enzyme.getName()); } ArrayList<String> otherNames = new ArrayList<String>(otherEnzymes.size()); for (Enzyme enzyme : otherEnzymes) { otherNames.add(enzyme.getName()); } if (!Util.sameLists(enzymeNames, otherNames)) { return false; } for (String enzymeName : enzymeNames) { if (getSpecificity(enzymeName) != otherDigestionPreferences.getSpecificity(enzymeName) || !getnMissedCleavages(enzymeName).equals(otherDigestionPreferences.getnMissedCleavages(enzymeName))) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Get the X!Tandem enzyme format. * * @return the enzyme X!Tandem format as String */ public String getXTandemFormat() { switch (cleavagePreference) { case wholeProtein: return ""; case unSpecific: return "[X]|[X]"; case enzyme: StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(","); } Specificity specificity = getSpecificity(enzyme.getName()); if (enzyme.getAminoAcidBefore().size() > 0) { result.append("["); for (Character aa : enzyme.getAminoAcidBefore()) { result.append(aa); } result.append("]"); } if (enzyme.getRestrictionBefore().size() > 0) { result.append("{"); for (Character aa : enzyme.getRestrictionBefore()) { result.append(aa); } result.append("}"); } if (enzyme.getAminoAcidBefore().isEmpty() && enzyme.getRestrictionBefore().isEmpty()) { result.append("[X]"); } result.append("|"); if (enzyme.getAminoAcidAfter().size() > 0) { result.append("["); for (Character aa : enzyme.getAminoAcidAfter()) { result.append(aa); } result.append("]"); } if (enzyme.getRestrictionAfter().size() > 0) { result.append("{"); for (Character aa : enzyme.getRestrictionAfter()) { result.append(aa); } result.append("}"); } if (enzyme.getAminoAcidAfter().isEmpty() && enzyme.getRestrictionAfter().isEmpty()) { result.append("[X]"); } } return result.toString(); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("X!Tandem format not implemented for cleavage preference " + cleavagePreference + "."); } } /** * Get the MyriMatch enzyme format. In case multiple enzymes are present all * possible cleavage sites will be included. * * @return the enzyme MyriMatch format as String */ public String getMyriMatchFormat() { // example: trypsin corresponds to "[|R|K . . ]" // details: String result = "["; for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { if (enzyme.getAminoAcidBefore().size() > 0) { for (Character aa : enzyme.getAminoAcidBefore()) { result += "|" + aa; } result += " "; } else { result += " "; } } HashSet<Character> commonRestrictionAfter; if (enzymes.size() == 1) { commonRestrictionAfter = enzymes.get(0).getRestrictionAfter(); } else { commonRestrictionAfter = new HashSet<Character>(); for (Character aa : enzymes.get(0).getRestrictionAfter()) { boolean missing = false; for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { if (!enzyme.getRestrictionAfter().contains(aa)) { missing = true; break; } } if (!missing) { commonRestrictionAfter.add(aa); } } } if (commonRestrictionAfter.size() > 0) { String temp = ""; for (Character aa : AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids()) { if (!commonRestrictionAfter.contains(aa)) { if (!temp.isEmpty()) { temp += "|"; } temp += aa; } } result += temp + " "; } else { result += ". "; } HashSet<Character> commonRestrictionBefore; if (enzymes.size() == 1) { commonRestrictionBefore = enzymes.get(0).getRestrictionBefore(); } else { commonRestrictionBefore = new HashSet<Character>(); for (Character aa : enzymes.get(0).getRestrictionBefore()) { boolean missing = false; for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { if (!enzyme.getRestrictionBefore().contains(aa)) { missing = true; break; } } if (!missing) { commonRestrictionBefore.add(aa); } } } if (commonRestrictionBefore.size() > 0) { String temp = ""; for (Character aa : AminoAcid.getUniqueAminoAcids()) { if (!commonRestrictionBefore.contains(aa)) { if (!temp.isEmpty()) { temp += "|"; } temp += aa; } } result += temp + " "; } else { result += ". "; } for (Enzyme enzyme : enzymes) { if (enzyme.getAminoAcidAfter().size() > 0) { String temp = ""; for (Character aa : enzyme.getAminoAcidAfter()) { if (!temp.isEmpty()) { temp += "|"; } temp += aa; } result += temp + "|"; } } return result + "]"; } }