package com.compomics.util.enumeration; /** * This enum types all computational omics tools and libraries that make use of the utilities library. * * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: kenny * Date: Feb 23, 2010 * Time: 12:58:32 PM */ public enum CompomicsTools { MSLIMS("mslims", "com.compomics.lims"), PEPTIZER("peptizer", "com.compomics.peptizer"), ROVER("rover", "com.compomics.rover"), MASCOTDATFILE("mascotdatfile", "com.compomics.mascotdatfile"); /** * A name for each tool or library. */ private String iName; /** * The package name of each tool. */ private String iPackageName; /** * Private constructor to initialize variables for each type. * * @param aName The identifying name for the enum type. * @param aPackageName The package name */ private CompomicsTools(String aName, String aPackageName) { iName = aName; iPackageName = aPackageName; } /** * Getter for the name of the tool or library. * * @return The name of the tool or library. */ public String getName() { return iName; } /** * Return the package name of the tool. * * @return The package name of the tool. */ public String getPackageName() { return iPackageName; } }