package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTMFactory; import java.awt.Color; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * This class stores the information about the modification preferences (colors, * names) used for the selected project. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class PtmSettings implements Serializable { /** * Serial version number for serialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 342611308111304721L; /** * List of the expected fixed modifications. */ private ArrayList<String> fixedModifications = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of the expected variable modifications. */ private ArrayList<String> variableModifications = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of variable modifications searched during the second pass search. */ private ArrayList<String> refinementVariableModifications = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of variable modifications searched during the second pass search. */ private ArrayList<String> refinementFixedModifications = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Mapping of the expected modification names to the color used. */ private HashMap<String, Color> colors = new HashMap<String, Color>(); /** * Back-up mapping of the PTMs for portability. */ private HashMap<String, PTM> backUp = new HashMap<String, PTM>(); /** * Constructor. */ public PtmSettings() { } /** * Constructor creating a new Modification profile based on the given one. * * @param ptmSettings the modification profile */ public PtmSettings(PtmSettings ptmSettings) { fixedModifications = ptmSettings.getFixedModifications(); variableModifications = ptmSettings.getVariableModifications(); refinementFixedModifications = ptmSettings.getRefinementFixedModifications(); refinementVariableModifications = ptmSettings.getRefinementVariableModifications(); colors = ptmSettings.getColors(); backUp = ptmSettings.getBackedUpPtmsMap(); } /** * Returns the expected variable modification names included in this * profile. * * @return the expected variable modification names included in this profile */ public ArrayList<String> getVariableModifications() { return variableModifications; } /** * Returns the searched fixed modifications names. * * @return the searched fixed modifications names */ public ArrayList<String> getFixedModifications() { return fixedModifications; } /** * Return the refinement variable modifications used for the second pass * search. * * @return the refinement variable modifications */ public ArrayList<String> getRefinementVariableModifications() { return refinementVariableModifications; } /** * Clears variable modifications. */ public void clearVariableModifications() { variableModifications.clear(); } /** * Clears fixed modifications. */ public void clearFixedModifications() { fixedModifications.clear(); } /** * Clears refinement modifications. */ public void clearRefinementModifications() { refinementVariableModifications.clear(); } /** * Return the refinement fixed modifications used for the second pass * search. * * @return the refinement fixed modifications */ public ArrayList<String> getRefinementFixedModifications() { return refinementFixedModifications; } /** * Returns a list of all searched modifications. * * @return a list of all searched modifications */ public ArrayList<String> getAllModifications() { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.addAll(fixedModifications); result.addAll(variableModifications); for (String ptmName : refinementFixedModifications) { if (!result.contains(ptmName)) { result.add(ptmName); } } for (String ptmName : refinementVariableModifications) { if (!result.contains(ptmName)) { result.add(ptmName); } } return result; } /** * Returns a list of all searched modifications but the fixed ones. Note: to * be fixed a modification must be fixed during the first and second pass * searches. * * @return a list of all searched modifications but the fixed ones */ public ArrayList<String> getAllNotFixedModifications() { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.addAll(variableModifications); for (String ptmName : refinementVariableModifications) { if (!result.contains(ptmName)) { result.add(ptmName); } } for (String ptmName : refinementFixedModifications) { if (!fixedModifications.contains(ptmName) && !result.contains(ptmName)) { result.add(ptmName); } } return result; } /** * Adds a variable modification. The modification name is added in the * variable modifications names list and the modification is saved in the * back-up. In case a modification with the same name was already used it * will be silently overwritten. * * @param modification the modification to add */ public void addVariableModification(PTM modification) { String modName = modification.getName(); if (!variableModifications.contains(modName)) { variableModifications.add(modName); } backUp.put(modName, modification); } /** * Adds a variable refinement modification. The modification name is added * in the refinement modifications names list and the modification is saved * in the back-up. In case a modification with the same name was already * used it will be silently overwritten. * * @param modification the modification to add */ public void addRefinementVariableModification(PTM modification) { String modName = modification.getName(); if (!refinementVariableModifications.contains(modName)) { refinementVariableModifications.add(modName); } backUp.put(modName, modification); } /** * Adds a fixed refinement modification. The modification name is added in * the refinement modifications names list and the modification is saved in * the back-up. In case a modification with the same name was already used * it will be silently overwritten. * * @param modification the modification to add */ public void addRefinementFixedModification(PTM modification) { String modName = modification.getName(); if (!refinementFixedModifications.contains(modName)) { refinementFixedModifications.add(modName); } backUp.put(modName, modification); } /** * Adds a fixed modification. The modification name is added in the fixed * modifications names list and the modification is saved in the back-up. In * case a modification with the same name was already used it will be * silently overwritten. * * @param modification the modification to add */ public void addFixedModification(PTM modification) { String modName = modification.getName(); if (!fixedModifications.contains(modName)) { fixedModifications.add(modName); } backUp.put(modName, modification); } /** * Sets a new color for the given expected modification. * * @param expectedModification the name of the expected modification * @param color the new color */ public void setColor(String expectedModification, Color color) { colors.put(expectedModification, color); } /** * Returns the color used to code the given modification. * * @param modification the name of the given expected modification * @return the corresponding color */ public Color getColor(String modification) { if (!colors.containsKey(modification)) { PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); setColor(modification, ptmFactory.getColor(modification)); } return colors.get(modification); } /** * Returns the modification colors as a map. * * @return the modifications colors as a map */ public HashMap<String, Color> getColors() { return colors; } /** * Returns the names of the backed-up PTMs. * * @return the names of the backed-up PTMs */ public Set<String> getBackedUpPtms() { return backUp.keySet(); } /** * Returns the back-ed up PTM with the given name. * * @param modName the name of the PTM of interest * @return the corresponding PTM. Null if not found. */ public PTM getPtm(String modName) { return backUp.get(modName); } /** * Returns the PTMs backed-up as a map. PTM name > PTM. * * @return the PTMs backed-up as a map */ public HashMap<String, PTM> getBackedUpPtmsMap() { return backUp; } /** * Removes a modification from the list of variable modifications. * * @param modificationName the name of the modification */ public void removeVariableModification(String modificationName) { while (variableModifications.contains(modificationName)) { variableModifications.remove(modificationName); } } /** * Removes a modification from the list of fixed modifications. * * @param modificationName the name of the modification */ public void removeFixedModification(String modificationName) { while (fixedModifications.contains(modificationName)) { fixedModifications.remove(modificationName); } } /** * Removes a variable modification from the list of refinement * modifications. * * @param modificationName the name of the modification */ public void removeRefinementVariableModification(String modificationName) { while (refinementVariableModifications.contains(modificationName)) { refinementVariableModifications.remove(modificationName); } } /** * Removes a fixed modification from the list of refinement modifications. * * @param modificationName the name of the modification */ public void removeRefinementFixedModification(String modificationName) { while (refinementFixedModifications.contains(modificationName)) { refinementFixedModifications.remove(modificationName); } } /** * Indicates whether the modification is contained in the profile, looking * into all modifications (fixed, variable and refinement) * * @param modificationName the name of the modification * @return a boolean indicating whether the modification is contained in the * mapping */ public boolean contains(String modificationName) { return variableModifications.contains(modificationName) || fixedModifications.contains(modificationName) || (refinementVariableModifications != null && refinementVariableModifications.contains(modificationName)) || (refinementFixedModifications != null && refinementFixedModifications.contains(modificationName)); } /** * Returns a list containing all not fixed modifications with the same mass. * Warning: all modifications of the profile must be loaded in the PTM * factory. * * @param ptmMass the mass * @return a list of all not fixed modifications with the same mass */ public ArrayList<String> getSimilarNotFixedModifications(Double ptmMass) { PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); ArrayList<String> ptms = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String ptmName : getAllNotFixedModifications()) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName); if (!ptms.contains(ptmName) && ptm.getMass() == ptmMass) { // @TODO: should compare against the accuracy ptms.add(ptmName); } } return ptms; } /** * Returns true of the two profiles are identical. * * @param otherProfile the profile to compare against * @return true of the two profiles are identical */ public boolean equals(PtmSettings otherProfile) { if (otherProfile == null) { return false; } // note that the following three tests results in false even if only the order is different if (!this.getVariableModifications().equals(otherProfile.getVariableModifications())) { return false; } if (!this.getFixedModifications().equals(otherProfile.getFixedModifications())) { return false; } if (!this.getRefinementVariableModifications().equals(otherProfile.getRefinementVariableModifications())) { return false; } if (!this.getRefinementFixedModifications().equals(otherProfile.getRefinementFixedModifications())) { return false; } if (this.colors.size() != otherProfile.colors.size()) { return false; } Iterator<String> colorKeys = this.colors.keySet().iterator(); while (colorKeys.hasNext()) { String tempKey =; if (!otherProfile.colors.containsKey(tempKey)) { return false; } if (!this.colors.get(tempKey).equals(otherProfile.colors.get(tempKey))) { return false; } } if (this.backUp.size() != otherProfile.backUp.size()) { return false; } Iterator<String> backupKeys = this.backUp.keySet().iterator(); while (backupKeys.hasNext()) { String tempKey =; if (!otherProfile.backUp.containsKey(tempKey)) { return false; } // @TODO: a test for identical ptms (and not just name as above) should be added // if (!this.backUp.get(tempKey).equals(otherProfile.backUp.get(tempKey))) { // return false; // } } return true; } }