package com.compomics.util.general; import com.compomics.util.enumeration.MolecularElement; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import*; import java.util.Vector; /** * This class represents the isotopically different element with the occurrence * and the dalton difference between this and the natural variant. * * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Niklaas * Date: 16-Aug-2010 * Time: 09:59:12 */ public class IsotopicElement { // Class specific log4j logger for AASequenceImpl instances. Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IsotopicElement.class); /** * The element */ private MolecularElement iElement; /** * The dalton difference with the natural form of this element */ private int iDaltonDifference; /** * The occurrence of the element */ private double iOccurrence; /** * Constructor * @param iElement The element * @param iDaltonDifference The dalton difference from the natural form of this element * @param iOccurrence The occurrence of this element */ private IsotopicElement(MolecularElement iElement, int iDaltonDifference, double iOccurrence) { this.iElement = iElement; this.iDaltonDifference = iDaltonDifference; this.iOccurrence = iOccurrence; } /** * Static method that gives all the isotopicElements from the isotopicElement.txt file * @param lClass A class * @param lLogger A logger * @return a Vector of IsotopicElement */ public static Vector<IsotopicElement> getAllIsotopicElements(Class lClass, Logger lLogger){ Vector<IsotopicElement> lResult = new Vector<IsotopicElement>(); //read the isotopicElement.txt file try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(lClass.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("isotopicElement.txt"))); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] lEle = line.split(","); for (MolecularElement lMolecularElement : MolecularElement.values()) { if(lMolecularElement.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(lEle[0])){ lResult.add(new IsotopicElement(lMolecularElement, Integer.valueOf(lEle[1]), Double.valueOf(lEle[2]))); } } } br.close(); } catch(Exception e){ lLogger.error(e); } return lResult; } /** * Getter for the MolecularElement * @return MolecularElement */ public MolecularElement getElement() { return iElement; } /** * Getter for the dalton difference with the natural form of this element * @return int */ public int getDaltonDifference() { return iDaltonDifference; } /** * Getter for the occurrence of this element * @return double */ public double getOccurrence() { return iOccurrence; } /** * To string method * @return String */ public String toString(){ return iElement + " Da diff:" + iDaltonDifference + " Occurrence:" + iOccurrence; } }