package com.compomics.util.general; import com.compomics.util.interfaces.SpectrumFile; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This class is an implementation of the SpectrumFile specific for the isotopic distribution * * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Niklaas * Date: 16-Aug-2010 * Time: 14:36:23 */ public class IsotopicDistributionSpectrum implements SpectrumFile { /** * The charge */ private int iCharge; /** * The peaks */ private HashMap iPeaks = new HashMap(); /** * The precursor MZ */ private double iPrecursorMZ; /** * Getter for the charge * @return int with the charge */ public int getCharge() { return iCharge; } /** * Setter for the charge * @param aCharge int with the charge of the precursor ion. */ public void setCharge(int aCharge) { iCharge = aCharge; } /** * Getter for the filename * @return String with "Isotopic distribution" */ public String getFilename() { return "Isotopic distribution"; } /** * Setter for the filename * @param aFilename String with the filename for the file. */ public void setFilename(String aFilename) { } /** * Getter for the peaks * @return HashMap with the peaks (key = mass, value = intensity) */ public HashMap getPeaks() { return iPeaks; } /** * Setter for the peaks * @param aPeaks HashMap with Doubles as keys (the masses) and Doubles as values (the intensities). */ public void setPeaks(HashMap aPeaks) { iPeaks = aPeaks; } /** * Getter for the precursor MZ * @return double with the precursor MZ */ public double getPrecursorMZ() { return iPrecursorMZ; } /** * Setter for the precursor MZ * @param aPrecursorMZ double with the precursor M/Z */ public void setPrecursorMZ(double aPrecursorMZ) { this.iPrecursorMZ = aPrecursorMZ; } /** * Getter for the precursor intensity (here always zero) * @return zero */ public double getIntensity() { return 0; } /** * Setter for the intensity. Here this will do nothing since there is no precursor * @param aIntensity double with the intensity of the precursor ion. */ public void setIntensity(double aIntensity) { } /** * Method calculates the total intensity of the peaks * @return double with the sum of all the peak intensities */ public double getTotalIntensity() { Iterator iter = this.iPeaks.values().iterator(); double totalIntensity = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { totalIntensity += (Double); } return round(totalIntensity); } /** * Method that find the intensity of the most intense peak * @return double with the intensity of the most intense peak */ public double getHighestIntensity() { Iterator iter = this.iPeaks.values().iterator(); double highestIntensity = -1.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { double temp = (Double); if (temp > highestIntensity) { highestIntensity = temp; } } return round(highestIntensity); } /** * Method to write to a givern stream * @param aOut OutputStream to write the file to. This Stream * will <b>NOT</b> be closed by this method. * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void writeToStream(OutputStream aOut) throws IOException { } /** * Method to write to a given file * @param aParentDir File with the parent directory to put the file in. * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public void writeToFile(File aParentDir) throws IOException { } /** * Method that compares an IsotopicDistributionSpectrum * @param o Another IsotopicDistributionSpectrum * @return int (always zero) */ public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; } /** * This will round the given double * @param aTotalIntensity The double to round * @return double */ private double round(final double aTotalIntensity) { BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(aTotalIntensity).setScale(2, RoundingMode.UP); return bd.doubleValue(); } }