package com.compomics.util.protein; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import java.util.*; /** * This class implements the functionality of an Enzyme by * simulating digestion based on a regular expression. * * @author Florian Reisinger * @since 2.9 */ public class RegExEnzyme extends Enzyme { // Class specific log4j logger for RegExEnzyme instances. Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RegExEnzyme.class); private Pattern iCleavagePattern = null; /** * Create a new RegExEnzyme. * * @param aTitle the title * @param aCleavage the cleavage site * @param aRestrict the restricting amino acids * @param aPosition the position */ public RegExEnzyme(String aTitle, String aCleavage, String aRestrict, String aPosition) { this(aTitle, aCleavage, aRestrict, aPosition, 1); } /** * Create a new RegExEnzyme. * * @param aTitle the title * @param aCleavage the cleavage site * @param aRestrict the restricting amino acids * @param aPosition the position * @param aMiscleavages max number of miscleavages */ public RegExEnzyme(String aTitle, String aCleavage, String aRestrict, String aPosition, int aMiscleavages) { // since the cleavage/restriction pattern for this class are expected to be a // regular expression, we don't want to use the default implementation super(aTitle, "", aRestrict, aPosition, aMiscleavages); // now interpret the cleavage/restriction strings as regular expressions this.setCleavage(aCleavage); this.setRestrict(aRestrict); } /** * This method can be used to set the cleavage pattern for this RegExEnzyme. * The pattern is used by the enzyme to find the cleavage sits, where the last * residue matched by the pattern defines the cleavage site. * (e.g. in case of C-terminal cleavage, the enzyme cuts right after the match * of the pattern, and in case of N-terminal cleavage, the enzyme cuts just * before the last residue matching the pattern) * * @param aCleavage a String representing the pattern for the cleavage site. * * @throws PatternSyntaxException if the provided string could not be compiled as regular expression. */ public void setCleavage(String aCleavage) { // compile a cleavage Pattern from the specified String iCleavagePattern = Pattern.compile(aCleavage, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } public void setCleavage(char[] aCleavage) { this.setCleavage( new String(aCleavage) ); } public char[] getCleavage() { return iCleavagePattern.pattern().toCharArray(); } public String toString() { return this.toString(""); } public String toString(String aPrepend) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("\n" + aPrepend + "Hi, I'm the RegExEnzyme '" + this.getTitle() + "'.\n"); result.append(aPrepend).append("I cleave at the match to the regular expression: "); result.append( iCleavagePattern.pattern()).append("\n"); if(this.getRestrict() != null && this.getRestrict().length > 0) { result.append(aPrepend).append("My activity is restricted by these residus: '"); result.append(new String(this.getRestrict())).append("'.\n"); } else { result.append(aPrepend).append("There are no residus that restrict my activity.\n"); } result.append(aPrepend).append("My position is '"); result.append((this.getPosition() == Enzyme.CTERM) ? "C-terminal" : "N-terminal").append("'.\n"); result.append(aPrepend).append("I currently allow "); result.append((this.getMiscleavages() == 0) ? "no" : "up to " + this.getMiscleavages()); result.append(" missed cleavage").append((this.getMiscleavages() == 1) ? "" : "s").append(".\n"); return result.toString(); } public Object clone() { RegExEnzyme ree = (RegExEnzyme)super.clone(); if(ree != null) { // not be necessary to clone the pattern, because Pattern are immutable ree.iCleavagePattern = this.iCleavagePattern; } return ree; } public int isEnzymaticProduct(String aParentSequence, String aSubSequence) { int start = aParentSequence.indexOf(aSubSequence); if ( start < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subsequence is not a subsequence of the parent!"); } // now we know that the specified sequence is indeed a subsequence of the parent // we have to find out whether it is a enzymatic product, e.g. if the sequence // before/after is cleavage site without restriction int end = start + aSubSequence.length(); // call isEnzymaticProduct method with corrected start index (first position = 1 instead of 0) return this.isEnzymaticProduct(aParentSequence, start+1, end); } public int isEnzymaticProduct(String aParentSequence, int aStart, int aEnd) { int result; // place holder that is going to hold the result value // Check validity of parameters. if( (aStart-1 < 0) || (aEnd-1 < 0) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subsequence is not a subsequence of the parent!"); } if(aEnd-1 > aParentSequence.length()-1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subsequence end index out of parent length range (" + aEnd + ">" + (aParentSequence.length()-1) + ")!"); } if(aStart > aEnd) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subsequence could not be retreived since start index is greater than end index (" + aStart + ">=" + aEnd + ")!"); } // create a matcher that will find cleavage sites Matcher matcher = iCleavagePattern.matcher(aParentSequence); // get all cleavage pattern endpoints (positions where the enzyme cleaves) // distinguish between C-terminal (pattern end) and N-terminal (pattern end - 1) cleavage // also take into account the restriction sites (when we do NOT cleave although it is a cleavage site) int end = 0; List ends = new ArrayList(); // find the pattern matching sites while (matcher.find() && end <= aEnd) { int tmp = matcher.end(); // end of pattern match (site of cleaving) // check we are not at the end of the sequence and that we are not at a restricted cleavage site if ( tmp < aParentSequence.length() && iRestrictors.containsKey(Character.valueOf(aParentSequence.charAt(tmp)) ) ) { // resticted, do not cleave here } else { // remember the cleavage position // we are at a valid cleavage site, now we have to distinguish between N-terminal and C-terminal cleavage if (iPosition == Enzyme.CTERM) { end = tmp; } else if (iPosition == Enzyme.NTERM) { end = tmp - 1; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cleavage position is not specified correctly! Can not determine if the proviced peptide is a valid enzymatic product!"); } ends.add(Integer.valueOf(end)); } } // check N-terminal side of peptide: the start of the peptide -1 = the position of a cleavage site // check C-terminal side of peptide: the end of the peptide = the position of a cleavage site // if both are true we have a fully enzymatic peptide if ( ends.contains(Integer.valueOf(aStart-1)) || (aStart == 1) ) { // if the start -1 of the peptide is the end of a cleavage site or it is the start of the entire sequence, // then we have already a N-terminal peptide. If it also ends at a cleavage site, then it is fully enzymatic if ( ends.contains(Integer.valueOf(aEnd)) ) { result = Enzyme.FULLY_ENZYMATIC; } else { result = Enzyme.N_TERM_ENZYMATIC; } } else if ( ends.contains(Integer.valueOf(aEnd)) || (aEnd == aParentSequence.length()) ) { // if the end of the peptide is the end of a cleavage site or the peptide ends at the end of the entire // sequence and since we know it did not start at a cleavage site, it can only be a C-terminal peptide result = Enzyme.C_TERM_ENZYMATIC; } else { result = Enzyme.ENTIRELY_NOT_ENZYMATIC; } return result; } public Protein[] cleave(Protein aProtein) { // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // digest the protein sequence into peptides and record the start/end positions List peptides = new ArrayList(); // the list that will hold the peptides we generate (Strings) List startIndices = new ArrayList(); // keep track of the start positions of the peptides (Integer) List endIndices = new ArrayList(); // keep track of the stop positions of the peptides (Integer) // !Attention! the order of the next methods is important and shoud not be changed/interrupted // without checking the correctness of the cleaving algorythm! cleave(aProtein, peptides, startIndices, endIndices); handleTruncations(aProtein, peptides, startIndices, endIndices); addMisCleaved(peptides, startIndices, endIndices); removeStopCodonPeptides(peptides, startIndices, endIndices); // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // now we have the peptides (taking miscleavages into account), lets create protein objects from them Header header = aProtein.getHeader(); Protein[] result = new Protein[peptides.size()]; Iterator iterator = peptides.iterator(); int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { String peptide = (String); Header h = (Header)header.clone(); h.setLocation(((Integer)startIndices.get(i)).intValue()+1, ((Integer)endIndices.get(i)).intValue()); result[i] = new Protein( h, new AASequenceImpl(peptide) ); i++; } return result; } /** * This method cleans up peptides containing a stop codon "_". The corresponding * lists of start and end indices are updated accordingly. * * @param peptides the list of peptides to scan for "_" containing peptides. * @param startIndices the corresponfing list of start indices. * @param endIndices the corresponfing list of end indices. */ private void removeStopCodonPeptides(List peptides, List startIndices, List endIndices) { Iterator pepIter = peptides.iterator(); Iterator startIter = startIndices.iterator(); Iterator endIter = endIndices.iterator(); while (pepIter.hasNext()) { String peptide = (String); // keep iterators in sync;; // check for stop codon if (peptide.indexOf("_") >= 0) { // peptide contains a stop codon and has to be removed pepIter.remove(); // also remove the corresponding start and end positions startIter.remove(); endIter.remove(); } } } /** * This method performs a simple digest following the pattern of the enzyme. * * @param aProtein the protein to cleave. * @param peptides the list that is to hold the peptides. * @param startIndices the list that is to hold the corresponding start indices for the peptides. * @param endIndices the list that is to hold the corresponding start indices for the peptides. */ private void cleave(Protein aProtein, List peptides, List startIndices, List endIndices) { String sequence = aProtein.getSequence().getSequence(); // Check for a header that contains locations and if we have to adjust the positions we calculate while cleaving int headerStart = aProtein.getHeader().getStartLocation()-1; if(headerStart < 0) { headerStart = 0; } int startPos = 0; // the start position of the current peptide int currEnd; // the end position of the current peptide char after; // the amino acid after the cleavage site (where we have to check for restrictions) Matcher matcher = iCleavagePattern.matcher(sequence); while (matcher.find()) { // get the next match currEnd = matcher.end(); // check if the cleavage site is at the end of the sequence string if (currEnd >= sequence.length()) { // the cleaveage pattern is right to the end of the sequence // we don't need to cleave, since there is nothing left after the cleavage site } else { // we are not at the end of the sequence, so we record the amino acid after the cleavage site after = sequence.charAt(currEnd); // character AFTER cleavage site // if the first character after the cleavage site is a restrictor, we do not cleave! // only if the next amino acid is not a restricting site, we cleave if ( iRestrict == null || (Arrays.binarySearch(iRestrict, after) < 0) ) { // not restricted! we cleave // but first we have to check at which position Cterm or Nterm if ( iPosition == Enzyme.CTERM ) { String pep = sequence.substring(startPos, currEnd); peptides.add( pep ); startIndices.add(Integer.valueOf(headerStart + startPos) ); endIndices.add( Integer.valueOf(headerStart + startPos + pep.length()) ); startPos = currEnd; // update the start position of the peptide only if we have cleaved } else if ( iPosition == Enzyme.NTERM ) { String pep = sequence.substring(startPos, currEnd-1); peptides.add( pep ); startIndices.add(Integer.valueOf(headerStart + startPos) ); endIndices.add(Integer.valueOf(headerStart + startPos + pep.length()) ); startPos = currEnd-1; // update the start position of the peptide only if we have cleaved } else { // should be covered by the constructor (does not allow differnt values form CTERM/NTERM throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal position (neiter c terminal nor n terminal) while trying to cleave!"); } } else { // restricted, we do NOT cleave } } } // now add the rest of the sequence (everything after the last match) String lastPep = sequence.substring(startPos, sequence.length()); peptides.add(lastPep); startIndices.add( Integer.valueOf(headerStart + startPos) ); endIndices.add( Integer.valueOf((headerStart + startPos + lastPep.length())) ); } /** * This method checks if the isTruncated flag of the protein is set and if so, it will * assume that the first (in case of C-terminal truncation) or last (in case of N-terminal * truncation) peptide are artifacts of that truncation and not real peptides. Accordingly * the first or last peptide will be removed from the peptide list and start and end positions * will be updated. * * @param aProtein the protein to check (which may has been truncated). * @param peptides the list of peptides derived from that protein through normal cleavage. * @param startIndices the list of corresponding start indices for the peptides. * @param endIndices the list of corresponding end indices for the peptides. */ private void handleTruncations(Protein aProtein, List peptides, List startIndices, List endIndices) { // check weather the protein was truncated and remove the according peptide // (C-term truncation -> first peptide, N-term truncation -> last peptide) if (aProtein.isTruncated()) { if (aProtein.getTruncationPosition() == Protein.CTERMTRUNC) { // C-terminal truncated protein, we get rid of the FIRST peptide, since // it is most likely an artefact of the truncation and not a real peptide peptides.remove(0); startIndices.remove(0); endIndices.remove(0); } else if (aProtein.getTruncationPosition() == Protein.NTERMTRUNC ) { // N-terminal truncated protein, we get rid of the LAST peptide, since // it is most likely an artefact of the truncation and not a real peptide int last = peptides.size() - 1; peptides.remove(last); startIndices.remove(last); endIndices.remove(last); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Truncation position is expected to be " + "either 'Protein.CTERMTRUNC' or 'Protein.NTERMTRUNC'! Protein: " + aProtein.getHeader().getFullHeaderWithAddenda()); } } } /** * Method that computes the peptides if miscleavages were allowed. * * @param peptides the list of peptides without miscleavages. * @param startIndices the list of corresponding start indices for the peptides. * @param endIndices the list of corresponding end indices for the peptides. */ private void addMisCleaved(List peptides, List startIndices, List endIndices) { // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Allright, now we should have all the individual peptides. // Now we should take into account the specified number of miscleavages. // Get all the sequences up to now. String[] imSequences = (String[]) peptides.toArray(new String[peptides.size()]); // Cycle the current sequences. for(int j=0;j<imSequences.length;j++) { String temp = imSequences[j]; // Apply the number of allowed missed cleavages sequentially from // this sequence. for (int k=0;k<this.iMiscleavages;k++) { // If we fall outside of the range of current sequences // (for instance if we try to apply a second allowed missed // cleavage to the penultimate peptide, we fall outside of // the available peptides!) // we break the loop. if((j+k+1) >= imSequences.length) { break; } // Add our constructed sequence. temp += imSequences[j+k+1]; peptides.add(temp); startIndices.add(startIndices.get(j)); endIndices.add(endIndices.get(j+k+1)); } } } }