package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.db.ObjectsCache; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.IdentificationMatch.MatchType; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.PeptideMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ProteinMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.SpectrumMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches_iterators.PeptideMatchesIterator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches_iterators.ProteinMatchesIterator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches_iterators.PsmIterator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.UrParameter; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; /** * This class contains identification results. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public abstract class Identification extends ExperimentObject { /** * The version UID for Serialization/Deserialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -2551700699384242554L; /** * List of the keys of all imported proteins. */ protected HashSet<String> proteinIdentification = new HashSet<String>(); /** * List of the keys of all imported peptides. */ protected HashSet<String> peptideIdentification = new HashSet<String>(); /** * List of all imported PSMs indexed by mgf file name. */ protected HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> spectrumIdentificationMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); /** * A map linking protein accessions to all their protein matches keys. */ protected HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> proteinMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); /** * The method used. */ protected int methodUsed; /** * The directory where the database stored. */ protected String dbDirectory; /** * The identificationDB object interacting with the database. */ private IdentificationDB identificationDB; /** * The reference of the identification. */ protected String reference; /** * The ordered list of spectrum file names. */ private ArrayList<String> orderedSpectrumFileNames; /** * Returns the ordered list of spectrum file names. * * @return the ordered list of spectrum file names */ public ArrayList<String> getOrderedSpectrumFileNames() { if (orderedSpectrumFileNames == null) { orderedSpectrumFileNames = getSpectrumFiles(); // default alphabetical ordering Collections.sort(orderedSpectrumFileNames); } return orderedSpectrumFileNames; } /** * Set the ordered list of spectrum file names. Note that the list provided * has to be the same size as the number of spectrum files used. * * @param orderedSpectrumFileNames the ordered list of spectrum file names * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the length of the ordered file * names as to be the same as the number of spectrum files */ public void setOrderedListOfSpectrumFileNames(ArrayList<String> orderedSpectrumFileNames) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (this.orderedSpectrumFileNames.size() != orderedSpectrumFileNames.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The length of the ordered file names as to be the same as the number of spectrum files. " + orderedSpectrumFileNames.size() + "!=" + this.orderedSpectrumFileNames.size()); } this.orderedSpectrumFileNames = orderedSpectrumFileNames; } /** * Returns the names of the mgf files used in the spectrum identification * map as a list. To get the complete file path use * projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(...). * * @return the mgf files used in the spectrum identification map */ public ArrayList<String> getSpectrumFiles() { return new ArrayList<String>(spectrumIdentificationMap.keySet()); } /** * Returns the number of spectrum identifications. * * @return the number of spectrum identifications */ public int getSpectrumIdentificationSize() { int result = 0; for (String spectrumFile : spectrumIdentificationMap.keySet()) { result += spectrumIdentificationMap.get(spectrumFile).size(); } return result; } /** * Loads all spectrum matches of the file in the cache of the database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadAssumptions(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadAssumptions(fileName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the assumptions of the spectrum matches indicated by the given keys * in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the spectrum keys * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadAssumptions(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadAssumptions(spectrumKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the raw assumptions of the spectrum matches indicated by the given * keys in the cache of the database. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadRawAssumptions(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadRawAssumptions(fileName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all spectrum matches of the file in cache. * * @param fileName the file name * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatches(String fileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadSpectrumMatches(fileName, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the spectrum matches corresponding to the given keys in cache. * * @param spectrumKeys the spectrum keys * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatches(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadSpectrumMatches(spectrumKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all spectrum match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database * * @param fileName the file name * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatchParameters(String fileName, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadSpectrumMatchParameters(fileName, urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all desired spectrum match parameters in the cache of the database. * * @param spectrumKeys the key of the spectrum match of the parameters to be * loaded * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadSpectrumMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadSpectrumMatchParameters(spectrumKeys, urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired peptide matches of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param peptideKeys the list of peptide keys to load * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatches(ArrayList<String> peptideKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadPeptideMatches(peptideKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all peptide matches in the cache of the database. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadPeptideMatches(waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all peptide match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatchParameters(UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadPeptideMatchParameters(urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired peptide match parameters of the given type in the cache * of the database. * * @param peptideKeys the list of peptide keys of the parameters to load * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadPeptideMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> peptideKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadPeptideMatchParameters(peptideKeys, urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all protein matches in the cache of the database. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadProteinMatches(waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired protein matches of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param proteinKeys the list of protein keys to load * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatches(ArrayList<String> proteinKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadProteinMatches(proteinKeys, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads all protein match parameters of the given type in the cache of the * database. * * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatchParameters(UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadProteinMatchParameters(urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Loads the desired protein match parameters of the given type in the cache * of the database. * * @param proteinKeys the list of protein keys of the parameters to load * @param urParameter the parameter type * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler allowing displaying progress * and canceling the process * @param displayProgress boolean indicating whether the progress of this * method should be displayed on the waiting handler * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void loadProteinMatchParameters(ArrayList<String> proteinKeys, UrParameter urParameter, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.loadProteinMatchParameters(proteinKeys, urParameter, waitingHandler, displayProgress); } /** * Returns the desired spectrum match parameter. * * @param key the PSM key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @return the spectrum match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getSpectrumMatchParameter(key, urParameter, true); } /** * Returns the desired spectrum match parameter. * * @param key the PSM key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the spectrum match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getSpectrumMatchParameter(key, urParameter, useDB); } /** * Adds a spectrum match parameter to the database. * * @param key the PSM key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.addSpectrumMatchParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Returns the desired peptide match parameter. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @return the peptide match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getPeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getPeptideMatchParameter(key, urParameter, true); } /** * Returns the desired peptide match parameter. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the peptide match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getPeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getPeptideMatchParameter(key, urParameter, useDB); } /** * Adds a peptide match parameter to the database. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addPeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.addPeptideMatchParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Returns the desired protein match parameter. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @return the protein match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getProteinMatchParameter(key, urParameter, true); } /** * Returns the desired protein match parameter. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the protein match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public UrParameter getProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getProteinMatchParameter(key, urParameter, useDB); } /** * Adds a protein match parameter to the database. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.addProteinMatchParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Updates a spectrum match parameter in the database. * * @param key the spectrum key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateSpectrumMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateSpectrumParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Updates a peptide match parameter in the database. * * @param key the peptide key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updatePeptideMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updatePeptideParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Updates a protein match parameter in the database. * * @param key the protein key * @param urParameter the match parameter * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateProteinMatchParameter(String key, UrParameter urParameter) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateProteinParameter(key, urParameter); } /** * Updates the assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param assumptions the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptions) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateAssumptions(spectrumKey, assumptions); } /** * Updates the raw assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param assumptions the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptions) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, assumptions); } /** * Updates a spectrum match in the database. * * @param spectrumMatch the match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateSpectrumMatch(SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateSpectrumMatch(spectrumMatch); } /** * Updates a peptide match in the database. * * @param peptideMatch the match * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updatePeptideMatch(PeptideMatch peptideMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updatePeptideMatch(peptideMatch); } /** * Updates a peptide match where the key was changed. * * @param oldKey the old peptide key * @param newKey the new peptide key * @param peptideMatch the new peptide match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an SQL error occurred * while interacting with the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever a * casting issue occurred while interacting with the database */ public void updatePeptideMatch(String oldKey, String newKey, PeptideMatch peptideMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { for (String paramterTable : identificationDB.getPeptideParametersTables()) { UrParameter parameter = (UrParameter) identificationDB.getObject(paramterTable, oldKey, true); if (parameter != null) { addPeptideMatchParameter(newKey, parameter); } } removePeptideMatch(oldKey); peptideMatch.setKey(newKey); peptideIdentification.remove(oldKey); peptideIdentification.add(newKey); identificationDB.addPeptideMatch(peptideMatch); for (String accession : peptideMatch.getTheoreticPeptide().getParentProteinsNoRemapping()) { HashSet<String> proteinGroups = proteinMap.get(accession); if (proteinGroups != null) { for (String proteinKey : proteinGroups) { ProteinMatch proteinMatch = getProteinMatch(proteinKey); ArrayList<String> oldPeptideMatches = proteinMatch.getPeptideMatchesKeys(); ArrayList<String> newPeptideMatches = new ArrayList<String>(oldPeptideMatches.size()); boolean found = false; for (String peptideMatchKey : oldPeptideMatches) { if (peptideMatchKey.equals(oldKey)) { found = true; } else { newPeptideMatches.add(peptideMatchKey); } } if (found) { newPeptideMatches.add(newKey); proteinMatch.setPeptideKeys(newPeptideMatches); } updateProteinMatch(proteinMatch); } } } } /** * Updates a protein match in the database. * * @param proteinMatch the match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateProteinMatch(ProteinMatch proteinMatch) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.updateProteinMatch(proteinMatch); } /** * Returns the database directory. * * @return the database directory */ public String getDatabaseDirectory() { return dbDirectory; } /** * Removes the assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param matchKey the key of the spectrum * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeAssumptions(String matchKey) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.removeAssumptions(matchKey); } /** * Removes the raw assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param matchKey the key of the spectrum * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeRawAssumptions(String matchKey) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.removeRawAssumptions(matchKey); } /** * Removes a spectrum match from the model. * * @param matchKey the key of the match to remove * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeSpectrumMatch(String matchKey) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String fileName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(matchKey); HashSet<String> spectrumKeys = spectrumIdentificationMap.get(fileName); if (spectrumKeys != null) { spectrumKeys.remove(matchKey); } identificationDB.removeSpectrumMatch(matchKey); } /** * Removes a peptide match from the model. * * @param matchKey the key of the match to remove * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removePeptideMatch(String matchKey) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { peptideIdentification.remove(matchKey); identificationDB.removePeptideMatch(matchKey); } /** * Removes a protein match from the model. * * @param matchKey the key of the match to remove * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * deleting the match * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an IO issue occurred while * interacting with the database * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeProteinMatch(String matchKey) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (proteinIdentification.contains(matchKey)) { for (String protein : ProteinMatch.getAccessions(matchKey)) { if (proteinMap.get(protein) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein not found: " + protein + "."); } else { if (proteinMap.get(protein).contains(matchKey)) { proteinMap.get(protein).remove(matchKey); if (proteinMap.get(protein).isEmpty()) { proteinMap.remove(protein); } } } } } proteinIdentification.remove(matchKey); identificationDB.removeProteinMatch(matchKey); } /** * Indicates whether a match indexed by the given key exists. * * @param matchKey the key of the match looked for * * @return a boolean indicating whether a match indexed by the given key * exists */ public boolean matchExists(String matchKey) { if (matchKey == null || matchKey.length() == 0) { return false; } if (matchKey.lastIndexOf(Spectrum.SPECTRUM_KEY_SPLITTER) != -1) { String fileName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(matchKey); HashSet<String> spectrumKeys = spectrumIdentificationMap.get(fileName); if (spectrumKeys != null && spectrumKeys.contains(matchKey)) { return true; } } return proteinIdentification.contains(matchKey) || peptideIdentification.contains(matchKey); } /** * Returns the assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getAssumptions(String spectrumKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getAssumptions(spectrumKey, useDB); } /** * Returns a the assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getAssumptions(String spectrumKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getAssumptions(spectrumKey, true); } /** * Returns the raw assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, useDB); } /** * Returns a the raw assumptions of a spectrum. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * * @return the assumptions * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, true); } /** * Returns a spectrum match. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the match * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public SpectrumMatch getSpectrumMatch(String spectrumKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getSpectrumMatch(spectrumKey, true); } /** * Returns a spectrum match. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the match * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public SpectrumMatch getSpectrumMatch(String spectrumKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getSpectrumMatch(spectrumKey, useDB); } /** * Returns a peptide match. * * @param peptideKey the key of the match * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public PeptideMatch getPeptideMatch(String peptideKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getPeptideMatch(peptideKey, true); } /** * Returns a peptide match. * * @param peptideKey the key of the match * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public PeptideMatch getPeptideMatch(String peptideKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getPeptideMatch(peptideKey, useDB); } /** * Returns a protein match. * * @param proteinKey the key of the match * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public ProteinMatch getProteinMatch(String proteinKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getProteinMatch(proteinKey, true); } /** * Returns a protein match. * * @param proteinKey the key of the match * @param useDB if useDB is false, null will be returned if the object is * not in the cache * * @return the desired match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public ProteinMatch getProteinMatch(String proteinKey, boolean useDB) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return identificationDB.getProteinMatch(proteinKey, useDB); } /** * Indicates whether the protein, peptide and spectrum matches corresponding * to a protein match key are loaded in the cache. Note, only one peptide * and one spectrum match is tested. * * @param proteinKey the key of the protein match * * @return true if everything is loaded in memory * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public boolean proteinDetailsInCache(String proteinKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { ProteinMatch proteinMatch = getProteinMatch(proteinKey, false); if (proteinMatch != null) { PeptideMatch peptideMatch = getPeptideMatch(proteinMatch.getPeptideMatchesKeys().get(0), false); if (peptideMatch != null) { SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = getSpectrumMatch(peptideMatch.getSpectrumMatchesKeys().get(0), false); if (spectrumMatch != null) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Indicates whether the peptide and spectrum matches corresponding to a * peptide match key are loaded in the cache. Note, only one one spectrum * match is tested. * * @param peptideKey the peptide key * @return true if everything is loaded in the cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public boolean peptideDetailsInCache(String peptideKey) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { PeptideMatch peptideMatch = getPeptideMatch(peptideKey, false); if (peptideMatch != null) { SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = getSpectrumMatch(peptideMatch.getSpectrumMatchesKeys().get(0), false); if (spectrumMatch != null) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of the keys of all encountered proteins. * * @return the corresponding identification results */ public HashSet<String> getProteinIdentification() { return proteinIdentification; } /** * Returns a list of the keys of all encountered peptides. * * @return the corresponding identification results */ public HashSet<String> getPeptideIdentification() { return peptideIdentification; } /** * Returns the keys of the spectrum identifications for a given spectrum * file name. * * @param spectrumFile the name of the spectrum file * @return the corresponding list of spectrum matches keys. See * Spectrum.getKey() for more details. */ public HashSet<String> getSpectrumIdentification(String spectrumFile) { return spectrumIdentificationMap.get(spectrumFile); } /** * Returns the keys of all identified spectra indexed by the spectrum file. * * @return the keys of all identified spectra indexed by the spectrum file */ public HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> getSpectrumIdentificationMap() { return spectrumIdentificationMap; } /** * Adds the assumptions corresponding to a spectrum to the database. * Warning: only one thread per spectrum supported. Maps and lists are * reused and not cloned. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param newAssumptions the assumptions to add to the mapping * @param overwriteExisting if true any existing assumption will be * overwritten * @param newSpectrum if this is the first time this spectrum is seen * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> newAssumptions, boolean overwriteExisting, boolean newSpectrum) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> currentAssumptions = null; if (!newSpectrum && !overwriteExisting) { currentAssumptions = getAssumptions(spectrumKey, true); } if (currentAssumptions == null) { identificationDB.addAssumptions(spectrumKey, newAssumptions); } else { for (Integer advocateId : newAssumptions.keySet()) { HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> newAdvocateMap = newAssumptions.get(advocateId); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> currentAdvocateMap = currentAssumptions.get(advocateId); if (newAdvocateMap != null) { if (currentAdvocateMap == null) { currentAdvocateMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>(newAdvocateMap.size()); currentAssumptions.put(advocateId, currentAdvocateMap); } for (double score : newAdvocateMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> newAssumptionList = newAdvocateMap.get(score); ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> currentAssumptionList = currentAdvocateMap.get(score); if (currentAssumptionList == null) { currentAssumptionList = new ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>(newAssumptionList); currentAdvocateMap.put(score, currentAssumptionList); } else { currentAssumptionList.addAll(newAssumptionList); } } } } updateAssumptions(spectrumKey, currentAssumptions); } } /** * Adds the assumptions corresponding to a spectrum. Warning: only one * thread per spectrum supported. Maps and lists are reused and not cloned. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param newAssumptions the assumptions to add to the mapping * @param newSpectrum if this is the first time this spectrum is seen * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public synchronized void addAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> newAssumptions, boolean newSpectrum) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { addAssumptions(spectrumKey, newAssumptions, false, newSpectrum); } /** * Adds the raw assumptions corresponding to a spectrum to the database. * Warning: maps and lists are reused and not duplicated. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param newAssumptions the assumptions to add to the mapping * @param singleThread boolean indicating whether multiple thread can * provide assumptions for the same spectrum at a time * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addRawAssumptions(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> newAssumptions, boolean singleThread) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> currentAssumptions; if (singleThread) { currentAssumptions = getRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, true); if (currentAssumptions == null) { identificationDB.addRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, newAssumptions); } } else { currentAssumptions = getRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, false); if (currentAssumptions == null) { currentAssumptions = addRawAssumptionsSynchronized(spectrumKey, newAssumptions); } } if (currentAssumptions != null) { for (Integer advocateId : newAssumptions.keySet()) { HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> newAdvocateMap = newAssumptions.get(advocateId); HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> currentAdvocateMap = currentAssumptions.get(advocateId); if (newAdvocateMap != null) { if (currentAdvocateMap == null) { if (singleThread) { currentAssumptions.put(advocateId, newAdvocateMap); } else { currentAdvocateMap = addAdvocateMapSynchronized(currentAssumptions, advocateId, newAdvocateMap); } } if (currentAdvocateMap != null) { for (double score : newAdvocateMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> newAssumptionList = newAdvocateMap.get(score); ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> currentAssumptionList = currentAdvocateMap.get(score); if (currentAssumptionList == null) { if (singleThread) { currentAdvocateMap.put(score, newAssumptionList); } else { currentAssumptionList = getAssumptionListSynchronized(currentAdvocateMap, score, newAssumptionList); } } if (currentAssumptionList != null) { currentAssumptionList.addAll(newAssumptionList); } } } } } updateRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, currentAssumptions); } } /** * Checks whether the assumptions for this spectrum are set in the cache or * database. Returns the assumptions if yes. If no, adds the given * assumptions and returns null. * * @param spectrumKey the key of the spectrum * @param newAssumptions the assumptions to add to the mapping * * @return the assumptions stored, null if none * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ private synchronized HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> addRawAssumptionsSynchronized(String spectrumKey, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> newAssumptions) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> currentAssumptions = getRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, true); if (currentAssumptions == null) { identificationDB.addRawAssumptions(spectrumKey, newAssumptions); } return currentAssumptions; } /** * Checks whether the advocate has a map in the given assumptions map. * Returns it if yes, otherwise sets the new map and returns null. * * @param currentAssumptions the assumptions map * @param advocateId the advocate index * @param newAdvocateMap the new map to set * * @return the advocate map, null if not set */ private synchronized HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> addAdvocateMapSynchronized(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> currentAssumptions, Integer advocateId, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> newAdvocateMap) { HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> currentAdvocateMap = currentAssumptions.get(advocateId); if (currentAdvocateMap == null) { currentAssumptions.put(advocateId, newAdvocateMap); } return currentAdvocateMap; } /** * Checks whether there is an assumption list at the given score in the * given map. If yes, returns the list. If no, add the given list and * returns null. * * @param currentAdvocateMap the map for a given advocate * @param score the score * @param newAssumptionList the list to set * * @return the assumption list at the given score, null if not set */ private synchronized ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> getAssumptionListSynchronized(HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> currentAdvocateMap, Double score, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> newAssumptionList) { ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> currentAssumptionList = currentAdvocateMap.get(score); if (currentAssumptionList == null) { currentAdvocateMap.put(score, newAssumptionList); } return currentAssumptionList; } /** * Adds a spectrum match to the identification. * * @param newMatch the new match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addSpectrumMatch(SpectrumMatch newMatch) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String spectrumKey = newMatch.getKey(); String spectrumFile = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(spectrumKey); HashSet<String> spectrumKeys = spectrumIdentificationMap.get(spectrumFile); if (spectrumKeys == null) { spectrumKeys = getSpectrumKeysSynchronized(spectrumFile); } // check if the spectrum has been seen before boolean newSpectrum = !spectrumKeys.contains(spectrumKey); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptions = newMatch.getAssumptionsMap(); if (assumptions != null) { addAssumptions(spectrumKey, assumptions, newSpectrum); newMatch.removeAssumptions(); } if (newSpectrum) { addKeyToSetSynchronized(spectrumKeys, spectrumKey); identificationDB.addSpectrumMatch(newMatch); } } /** * Adds a key to a set. * * @param spectrumKeys the set * @param spectrumKey the key */ public synchronized void addKeyToSetSynchronized(HashSet<String> spectrumKeys, String spectrumKey) { spectrumKeys.add(spectrumKey); } /** * Checks whether the spectrumIdentificationMap contains spectrum keys for * this file. If yes, returns the corresponding set. If no, adds a new set * to the map and returns it. * * @param spectrumFile the name of the file * * @return the set of spectrum keys for this file */ private synchronized HashSet<String> getSpectrumKeysSynchronized(String spectrumFile) { HashSet<String> spectrumKeys = spectrumIdentificationMap.get(spectrumFile); if (spectrumKeys == null) { spectrumKeys = new HashSet<String>(1000); spectrumIdentificationMap.put(spectrumFile, spectrumKeys); } return spectrumKeys; } /** * Creates the peptides and protein instances based on the spectrum matches. * Note that the attribute bestAssumption should be set for every spectrum * match at this point. This operation will be very slow if the cache is * already full. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler displaying the progress. Can be * null. The progress will be displayed as secondary. * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void buildPeptidesAndProteins(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(getSpectrumIdentificationSize()); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); } for (String spectrumFile : spectrumIdentificationMap.keySet()) { for (String spectrumMatchKey : spectrumIdentificationMap.get(spectrumFile)) { buildPeptidesAndProteins(spectrumMatchKey, sequenceMatchingPreferences); if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } } } } } /** * Creates the peptides and protein instances based on the given spectrum * match. Note that only the best peptide assumption is used, the method has * no effect if it is null. This operation will be very slow if the cache is * already full. Note: if proteins are not set for a peptide they will be * assigned using the default protein tree and the given matching * parameters. * * @param spectrumMatchKey the key of the spectrum match to add * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void buildPeptidesAndProteins(String spectrumMatchKey, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = getSpectrumMatch(spectrumMatchKey); if (spectrumMatch == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Spectrum match " + spectrumMatchKey + " not found."); } if (spectrumMatch.getBestPeptideAssumption() != null) { Peptide peptide = spectrumMatch.getBestPeptideAssumption().getPeptide(); if (peptide.getParentProteinsNoRemapping() == null) { peptide.getParentProteins(sequenceMatchingPreferences); } String peptideKey = peptide.getMatchingKey(sequenceMatchingPreferences); PeptideMatch peptideMatch; if (peptideIdentification.contains(peptideKey)) { peptideMatch = getPeptideMatch(peptideKey); if (peptideMatch == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Peptide match " + peptideKey + " not found."); } peptideMatch.addSpectrumMatchKey(spectrumMatchKey); identificationDB.updatePeptideMatch(peptideMatch); } else { peptideMatch = new PeptideMatch(peptide, peptideKey); peptideMatch.addSpectrumMatchKey(spectrumMatchKey); peptideIdentification.add(peptideKey); try { identificationDB.addPeptideMatch(peptideMatch); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Error while writing peptide match " + peptideKey + " in the database."); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException("Error while writing peptide match " + peptideKey + " in the database."); } } String proteinKey = ProteinMatch.getProteinMatchKey(peptide); if (proteinIdentification.contains(proteinKey)) { ProteinMatch proteinMatch = getProteinMatch(proteinKey); if (proteinMatch == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein match " + proteinKey + " not found."); } if (!proteinMatch.getPeptideMatchesKeys().contains(peptideKey)) { proteinMatch.addPeptideMatchKey(peptideKey); identificationDB.updateProteinMatch(proteinMatch); } } else { ProteinMatch proteinMatch = new ProteinMatch(peptideMatch.getTheoreticPeptide(), peptideKey); if (!proteinMatch.getKey().equals(proteinKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protein inference issue: the protein key " + proteinKey + " does not match the peptide proteins " + proteinMatch.getKey() + "." + " Peptide: " + peptideKey + " found in spectrum " + spectrumMatchKey + "."); } proteinIdentification.add(proteinKey); for (String protein : peptide.getParentProteinsNoRemapping()) { if (!proteinMap.containsKey(protein)) { proteinMap.put(protein, new HashSet<String>()); } if (!proteinMap.get(protein).contains(proteinKey)) { proteinMap.get(protein).add(proteinKey); } } try { identificationDB.addProteinMatch(proteinMatch); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Error while writing protein match " + proteinKey + " in the database."); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException("Error while writing protein match " + proteinKey + " in the database."); } } } } /** * Add a set of spectrumMatches to the model. * * @param spectrumMatches the spectrum matches * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public void addSpectrumMatches(Iterable<SpectrumMatch> spectrumMatches) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { for (SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch : spectrumMatches) { addSpectrumMatch(spectrumMatch); } } /** * Getter for the identification method used. * * @return the identification method used */ public int getMethodUsed() { return methodUsed; } /** * Returns a map of all the protein matches which can be ascribed to a * protein indexed by its accession. * * @return a map of all the protein matches which can be ascribed to a * protein indexed by its accession. */ public HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> getProteinMap() { return proteinMap; } /** * Closes the database connection. * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * closing the database connection */ public void close() throws SQLException { if (identificationDB != null) { identificationDB.close(); } } /** * Returns the kind of match pointed by the given key in the identification * mappings. Null if missing from the mapping. * * @param matchKey the match key * @return the kind of match */ public MatchType getMatchType(String matchKey) { if (proteinIdentification.contains(matchKey)) { return MatchType.Protein; } else if (peptideIdentification.contains(matchKey)) { return MatchType.Peptide; } else { String fileName = Spectrum.getSpectrumFile(matchKey); HashSet<String> spectrumKeys = spectrumIdentificationMap.get(fileName); if (spectrumKeys != null && spectrumKeys.contains(matchKey)) { return MatchType.Spectrum; } } return null; } /** * Establishes a connection to the database. * * @param dbFolder the absolute path to the folder where the database is * located * @param deleteOldDatabase if true, tries to delete the old database * @param objectsCache the objects cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * establishing the connection, typically when another software already has * a connection open * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing a file from the database * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown if a threading error occurs * while interacting with the database */ public void establishConnection(String dbFolder, boolean deleteOldDatabase, ObjectsCache objectsCache) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB = new IdentificationDB(dbFolder, reference, deleteOldDatabase, objectsCache); } /** * Restores the connection to the database. * * @param dbFolder the folder where the database is located * @param deleteOldDatabase if true, tries to delete the old database * @param objectsCache the objects cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * establishing the connection, typically when another software already has * a connection open * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurs while * reading or writing a file * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while deserializing a file from the database * @throws InterruptedException exception thrown if a threading error occurs * while interacting with the database */ public void restoreConnection(String dbFolder, boolean deleteOldDatabase, ObjectsCache objectsCache) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { identificationDB.restoreConnection(dbFolder, deleteOldDatabase, objectsCache); } /** * Indicates whether the connection to the DB is active. * * @return true if the connection to the DB is active */ public boolean isConnectionActive() { return identificationDB.isConnectionActive(); } /** * Returns the default reference for an identification. * * @param experimentReference the experiment reference * @param sampleReference the sample reference * @param replicateNumber the replicate number * * @return the default reference */ public static String getDefaultReference(String experimentReference, String sampleReference, int replicateNumber) { return Util.removeForbiddenCharacters(experimentReference + "_" + sampleReference + "_" + replicateNumber + "_id"); } /** * Returns the keys of the protein matches where a peptide can be found. * Note: proteins have to be set for the peptide. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * * @return the keys of the protein matches * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public HashSet<String> getProteinMatches(Peptide peptide) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { HashSet<String> proteinMatches = new HashSet<String>(); if (peptide.getParentProteinsNoRemapping() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proteins are not mapped for peptide " + peptide.getKey() + "."); } for (String accession : peptide.getParentProteinsNoRemapping()) { HashSet<String> keys = proteinMap.get(accession); if (keys != null) { for (String key : keys) { proteinMatches.add(key); } } } return proteinMatches; } /** * Indicates whether a peptide is found in a single protein match. * * @param peptide the peptide of interest * * @return true if peptide is found in a single protein match * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * loading the object from the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * reading the object in the database * @throws ClassNotFoundException exception thrown whenever an error * occurred while casting the database input in the desired match class * @throws InterruptedException thrown whenever a threading issue occurred * while interacting with the database */ public boolean isUniqueInDatabase(Peptide peptide) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { return getProteinMatches(peptide).size() == 1; } /** * Returns a PSM iterator. * * @param spectrumFile the file to iterate * @param spectrumKeys specific keys to iterate * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(String spectrumFile, ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, boolean loadAssumptions, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(spectrumFile, spectrumKeys, this, psmParameters, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a PSM iterator iterating all PSMs in a file. * * @param spectrumFile the file to iterate * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(String spectrumFile, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, boolean loadAssumptions, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(spectrumFile, this, psmParameters, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a PSM iterator iterating all PSMs in a file. * * @param spectrumFile the file to iterate * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(String spectrumFile, boolean loadAssumptions, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(spectrumFile, this, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a PSM iterator. * * @param spectrumKeys specific keys to iterate * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, boolean loadAssumptions, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(spectrumKeys, this, psmParameters, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a PSM iterator. * * @param spectrumKeys specific keys to iterate * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(ArrayList<String> spectrumKeys, boolean loadAssumptions, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(spectrumKeys, this, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a PSM iterator iterating all PSMs in a file. * * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param loadAssumptions if true the assumptions will be loaded as well * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a PSM iterator */ public PsmIterator getPsmIterator(boolean loadAssumptions, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PsmIterator(this, psmParameters, loadAssumptions, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a peptide matches iterator. * * @param peptideKeys the keys of the peptides to iterate * @param peptideParameters the peptide parameters to load along with the * matches * @param loadPsms if true PSMs of the peptides will be loaded as well * @param psmParameters the PSM parameters to load along with the PSMs * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a peptide matches iterator */ public PeptideMatchesIterator getPeptideMatchesIterator(ArrayList<String> peptideKeys, ArrayList<UrParameter> peptideParameters, boolean loadPsms, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PeptideMatchesIterator(peptideKeys, this, peptideParameters, loadPsms, psmParameters, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a peptide matches iterator iterating all peptides. * * @param peptideParameters the peptide parameters to load along with the * matches * @param loadPsms if true PSMs of the peptides will be loaded as well * @param psmParameters the PSM parameters to load along with the PSMs * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a peptide matches iterator */ public PeptideMatchesIterator getPeptideMatchesIterator(ArrayList<UrParameter> peptideParameters, boolean loadPsms, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new PeptideMatchesIterator(this, peptideParameters, loadPsms, psmParameters, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a protein matches iterator. * * @param proteinKeys the keys of the proteins to iterate * @param proteinParameters the protein parameters to load along with the * matches * @param loadPeptides if true the peptides corresponding to these proteins * will be batch loaded along with the proteins * @param peptideParameters the parameters to load along with the peptide * matches * @param loadPsms if true the PSMs of the peptides will be batch loaded * along with the matches * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a protein matches iterator */ public ProteinMatchesIterator getProteinMatchesIterator(ArrayList<String> proteinKeys, ArrayList<UrParameter> proteinParameters, boolean loadPeptides, ArrayList<UrParameter> peptideParameters, boolean loadPsms, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new ProteinMatchesIterator(proteinKeys, this, proteinParameters, loadPeptides, peptideParameters, loadPsms, psmParameters, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns a protein matches iterator iterating all protein matches. * * @param proteinParameters the protein parameters to load along with the * matches * @param loadPeptides if true the peptides corresponding to these proteins * will be batch loaded along with the proteins * @param peptideParameters the parameters to load along with the peptide * matches * @param loadPsms if true the PSMs of the peptides will be batch loaded * along with the matches * @param psmParameters the parameters to load along with the matches * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * * @return a protein matches iterator */ public ProteinMatchesIterator getProteinMatchesIterator(ArrayList<UrParameter> proteinParameters, boolean loadPeptides, ArrayList<UrParameter> peptideParameters, boolean loadPsms, ArrayList<UrParameter> psmParameters, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { return new ProteinMatchesIterator(this, proteinParameters, loadPeptides, peptideParameters, loadPsms, psmParameters, waitingHandler); } /** * Returns the identification database object used to interact with the * back-end database. * * @return the identification database object used to interact with the * back-end database */ public IdentificationDB getIdentificationDB() { return identificationDB; } }