package com.compomics.util.db; import com.compomics.util.maps.MapMutex; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; /** * An object cache can be combined to an ObjectDB to improve its performance. A * single cache can be used by different databases. This ough not to be * serialized. The length of lists/maps in the cache shall stay independent from * the number of objects in cache. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class ObjectsCache { /** * Map of the databases for which this cache should be used. */ private HashMap<String, ObjectsDB> databases = new HashMap<String, ObjectsDB>(); /** * The cache size in number of matches. */ private int cacheSize = 0; /** * Boolean indicating whether the memory management should be done * automatically. If true, the cache size will be extended to reach 99% of * the available heap size. True by default. */ private boolean automatedMemoryManagement = true; /** * Share of the memory to be used. */ private double memoryShare = 0.8; /** * Map of the loaded matches. db > table > object key > object. */ private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>>> loadedObjectsMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>>>(1); /** * Mutex for the database maps. */ private HashMap<String, MapMutex<String>> dbCacheMutexMap = new HashMap<String, MapMutex<String>>(1); /** * List of the loaded objects with the most used matches in the end. */ private LinkedBlockingDeque<String> loadedObjectsKeys = new LinkedBlockingDeque<String>(); /** * Separator used to concatenate strings. */ private static final String cacheSeparator = "_ccs_"; /** * The standard batch size for saving objects in databases. */ private int batchSize = 1000; /** * Indicates whether the cache is read only. */ private boolean readOnly = false; /** * Indicates whether the cache is being updated. */ private boolean updating = false; /** * Boolean indicating whether the cache is being saved to reduce the memory consumption. */ private boolean reducingMemoryConsumption = false; /** * Constructor. */ public ObjectsCache() { } /** * Returns whether the cache is in automated memory management mode. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the cache is in automated memory * management mode */ public boolean isAutomatedMemoryManagement() { return automatedMemoryManagement; } /** * Sets whether the cache is in automated memory management mode. * * @param automatedMemoryManagement a boolean indicating whether the cache * is in automated memory management mode */ public void setAutomatedMemoryManagement(boolean automatedMemoryManagement) { this.automatedMemoryManagement = automatedMemoryManagement; } /** * Returns the cache size in number of objects. * * @return the cache size in number of objects */ public int getCacheSize() { return cacheSize; } /** * Sets the cache size in number of objects. * * @param cacheSize the cache size in number of objects */ public void setCacheSize(int cacheSize) { this.cacheSize = cacheSize; } /** * Returns the batch size in number of objects. * * @return the batch size in number of objects */ public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } /** * Sets the batch size in number of objects. * * @param batchSize the batch size in number of objects */ public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } /** * Returns the share of heap size which can be used before emptying the * cache. 0.99 (default) means that objects will be removed from the cache * as long as more than 99% of the heap size is used. * * @return the share of heap size which can be used before emptying the * cache */ public double getMemoryShare() { return memoryShare; } /** * Sets the share of heap size which can be used before emptying the cache. * * @param memoryShare the share of heap size which can be used before * emptying the cache */ public void setMemoryShare(double memoryShare) { this.memoryShare = memoryShare; } /** * Adds a database in the list of the databases handled by the cache. If a * database with the same name is already present it will be silently * replaced. * * @param objectsDB the objects database */ public synchronized void addDb(ObjectsDB objectsDB) { if (readOnly) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add db, cache read only."); } String dbName = objectsDB.getName(); if (dbName.contains(cacheSeparator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Database name (" + dbName + ") should not contain " + cacheSeparator); } databases.put(dbName, objectsDB); loadedObjectsMap.put(dbName, new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>>()); } /** * Removes an object from the cache mappings. * * @param dbName the name of the database * @param tableName the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void removeObject(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey) throws InterruptedException { if (!readOnly) { String cacheKey = getCacheKey(dbName, tableName, objectKey); loadedObjectsKeys.remove(cacheKey); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>> dbObjects = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName); if (dbObjects != null) { MapMutex<String> dbMutexMap = getMapMutex(dbName); dbMutexMap.acquire(tableName); HashMap<String, CacheEntry> tableObjects = dbObjects.get(tableName); if (tableObjects != null) { tableObjects.remove(objectKey); } dbMutexMap.release(tableName); } } } /** * Returns the entry if present in the cache. Null if not. Warning: this * method returns the object as it is and does not wait for cache edition * operations to finish. * * @param dbName the name of the database * @param tableName the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * * @return the entry of interest, null if not present in the cache */ private CacheEntry getEntry(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey) { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>> dbObjects = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName); if (dbObjects != null) { HashMap<String, CacheEntry> tableObjects = dbObjects.get(tableName); if (tableObjects != null) { return tableObjects.get(objectKey); } } return null; } /** * Returns the objects if present in the cache. Null if not. Warning: this * method returns the object as it is and does not wait for cache edition * operations to finish. * * @param dbName the name of the database * @param tableName the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * * @return the object of interest, null if not present in the cache */ public Object getObject(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey) { CacheEntry entry = getEntry(dbName, tableName, objectKey); if (entry != null) { return entry.getObject(); } else { return null; } } /** * Sets that a match has been modified and returns true in case of success. * * @param dbName the name of the database * @param tableName the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * @param object the object * * @return returns a boolean indicating that the entry was in cache and has * been updated. False otherwise. * * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public boolean updateObject(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey, Object object) throws InterruptedException { if (!readOnly) { CacheEntry entry = getEntry(dbName, tableName, objectKey); if (entry != null) { MapMutex<String> dbMutexMap = getMapMutex(dbName); dbMutexMap.acquire(tableName); entry = getEntry(dbName, tableName, objectKey); boolean result = false; if (entry != null && !readOnly) { entry.setModified(true); entry.setObject(object); result = true; } dbMutexMap.release(tableName); return result; } return false; } return false; } /** * Adds an object to the cache. The object must not necessarily be in the * database. If an object is already present with the same identifiers, it * will be silently overwritten. * * @param dbName the name of the database * @param tableName the name of the table * @param objectKey the key of the object * @param object the object to store in the cache * @param modifiedOrNew true if the object is modified or new * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void addObject(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey, Object object, boolean modifiedOrNew) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (!readOnly) { if (objectKey.contains(cacheSeparator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object key (" + objectKey + ") should not contain " + cacheSeparator); } HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>> dbCache = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName); HashMap<String, CacheEntry> tableCache = dbCache.get(tableName); MapMutex<String> dbMutexMap = getMapMutex(dbName); dbMutexMap.acquire(tableName); if (tableCache == null) { tableCache = dbCache.get(tableName); if (tableCache == null) { if (tableName.contains(cacheSeparator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name (" + tableName + ") should not contain " + cacheSeparator); } tableCache = new HashMap<String, CacheEntry>(512); dbCache.put(tableName, tableCache); } } tableCache.put(objectKey, new CacheEntry(object, modifiedOrNew)); dbMutexMap.release(tableName); loadedObjectsKeys.add(getCacheKey(dbName, tableName, objectKey)); updateCache(); } } /** * Indicates whether the memory used by the application is lower than 99% of * the heap size. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the memory used by the application * is lower than 99% of the heap */ public boolean memoryCheck() { return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() < (long) (memoryShare * Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()); } /** * Saves an entry in the database if modified and clears it from the cache. * * @param entryKeys the keys of the entries * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void saveObjects(ArrayList<String> entryKeys) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { saveObjects(entryKeys, null, true); } /** * Saves an entry in the database if modified and clears it from the cache. * * @param entryKeys the keys of the entries * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user. * Can be null. Progress will be displayed as secondary. * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void saveObjects(ArrayList<String> entryKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { saveObjects(entryKeys, waitingHandler, true); } /** * Saves an entry in the database if modified. * * @param entryKeys the keys of the entries * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user. * Can be null. Progress will be displayed as secondary. * @param clearEntries a boolean indicating whether the entry shall be * cleared from the cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized void saveObjects(ArrayList<String> entryKeys, WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean clearEntries) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (!readOnly) { if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.resetSecondaryProgressCounter(); if (clearEntries) { waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(3 * entryKeys.size()); } else { waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(2 * entryKeys.size()); } } // temporary map for batch saving HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>> toSave = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>>(1); HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> blockedTablesMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(1); for (String entryKey : entryKeys) { String[] splittedKey = getKeyComponents(entryKey); String dbName = splittedKey[0]; String tableName = splittedKey[1]; String objectKey = splittedKey[2]; HashSet<String> blockedTables = blockedTablesMap.get(dbName); if (blockedTables == null) { blockedTables = new HashSet<String>(); blockedTablesMap.put(dbName, blockedTables); } if (!blockedTables.contains(tableName)) { MapMutex<String> mapMutex = getMapMutex(dbName); mapMutex.acquire(tableName); blockedTables.add(tableName); } CacheEntry entry = getEntry(dbName, tableName, objectKey); if (entry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object " + objectKey + " corresponding to entry " + entryKey + " not found in cache when saving."); } else { if (entry.isModified()) { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> dbMap = toSave.get(dbName); if (dbMap == null) { dbMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>(); toSave.put(dbName, dbMap); } HashMap<String, Object> tableMap = dbMap.get(tableName); if (tableMap == null) { tableMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dbMap.put(tableName, tableMap); } tableMap.put(objectKey, entry.getObject()); } } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } } } for (String dbName : toSave.keySet()) { ObjectsDB objectsDB = databases.get(dbName); for (String tableName : toSave.get(dbName).keySet()) { objectsDB.insertObjects(tableName, toSave.get(dbName).get(tableName), waitingHandler); } } if (waitingHandler == null || !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { if (clearEntries) { for (String entryKey : entryKeys) { String[] splittedKey = getKeyComponents(entryKey); String dbName = splittedKey[0]; String tableName = splittedKey[1]; String objectKey = splittedKey[2]; HashMap<String, HashMap<String, CacheEntry>> dbMap = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName); if (dbMap != null) { HashMap<String, CacheEntry> tableMap = dbMap.get(tableName); if (tableMap != null) { tableMap.remove(objectKey); if (tableMap.isEmpty()) { dbMap.remove(tableName); } } if (dbMap.isEmpty()) { loadedObjectsMap.remove(dbName); } } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } } } } } for (String dbName : blockedTablesMap.keySet()) { HashSet<String> blockedTables = blockedTablesMap.get(dbName); MapMutex<String> mapMutex = getMapMutex(dbName); for (String blockedTable : blockedTables) { mapMutex.release(blockedTable); } } } } /** * Saves an entry in the database if modified and clears it from the cache. * Batch saving should be used instead when possible in order to limit the * interactions with the database. See method saveObjects * * @param entryKey the key of the entry * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized void saveObject(String entryKey) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { saveObject(entryKey, true); } /** * Saves an entry in the database if modified. Batch saving should be used * instead in order to limit the interactions with the database. See method * saveObjects * * @param entryKey the key of the entry * @param clearEntry a boolean indicating whether the entry shall be cleared * from the cache * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized void saveObject(String entryKey, boolean clearEntry) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (!readOnly) { String[] splittedKey = getKeyComponents(entryKey); String dbName = splittedKey[0]; String tableName = splittedKey[1]; String objectKey = splittedKey[2]; MapMutex<String> mapMutex = getMapMutex(dbName); mapMutex.acquire(tableName); CacheEntry entry = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName).get(tableName).get(objectKey); if (entry.isModified()) { try { ObjectsDB objectsDB = databases.get(dbName); if (objectsDB == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database " + dbName + " not loaded in cache"); } if (objectsDB.inDB(tableName, objectKey, false)) { objectsDB.updateObject(tableName, objectKey, entry.getObject(), false); } else { objectsDB.insertObject(tableName, objectKey, entry.getObject(), false); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Error while writing match " + objectKey + " in table " + tableName + " in database" + dbName + "."); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException("Error while writing match " + objectKey + " in table " + tableName + " in database" + dbName + "."); } } if (clearEntry) { loadedObjectsKeys.remove(entryKey); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ObjectsCache.CacheEntry>> dbCache = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName); HashMap<String, ObjectsCache.CacheEntry> tableCache = dbCache.get(tableName); tableCache.remove(objectKey); if (tableCache.isEmpty()) { dbCache.remove(tableName); } } mapMutex.release(tableName); } } /** * Updates the cache according to the memory settings. * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void updateCache() throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (!readOnly && !updating) { updateCacheSynchronized(); } } /** * Updates the cache according to the memory settings. * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized void updateCacheSynchronized() throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { updating = true; while ((!automatedMemoryManagement && loadedObjectsKeys.size() > cacheSize) || (automatedMemoryManagement && !memoryCheck())) { int toRemove = (int) (((double) loadedObjectsKeys.size()) * 0.25); // remove 25% of the objects from the cache if (toRemove <= 1) { saveObject(loadedObjectsKeys.take()); } else { ArrayList<String> keysToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(toRemove); loadedObjectsKeys.drainTo(keysToRemove, toRemove); saveObjects(keysToRemove); } if (loadedObjectsKeys.isEmpty()) { break; } } updating = false; } /** * Reduces the memory consumption by saving the given share of cache content. * * @param share the share to be saved, 0.25 means that 25% of the hits will * be saved * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler on which the progress will be * displayed as secondary progress. can be null * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public void reduceMemoryConsumption(double share, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (!reducingMemoryConsumption) { reduceMemoryConsumptionSynchronized(share, waitingHandler); } } /** * Reduces the memory consumption by saving the given share of cache content. * * @param share the share to be saved, 0.25 means that 25% of the hits will * be saved * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler on which the progress will be * displayed as secondary progress. can be null * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ private synchronized void reduceMemoryConsumptionSynchronized(double share, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { reducingMemoryConsumption = true; int toRemove = (int) (share * loadedObjectsKeys.size()); ArrayList<String> keysToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(toRemove); loadedObjectsKeys.drainTo(keysToRemove, toRemove); saveObjects(keysToRemove, waitingHandler); reducingMemoryConsumption = false; } /** * Indicates whether an object is loaded in the cache * * @param dbName the database name * @param tableName the table name * @param objectKey the object key * @return a boolean indicating whether an object is loaded in the cache */ public boolean inCache(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey) { return loadedObjectsMap.containsKey(dbName) && loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName).containsKey(tableName) && loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName).get(tableName).containsKey(objectKey); } /** * Saves the cache content in the database. * * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler on which the progress will be * @param emptyCache boolean indicating whether the cache content shall be * cleared while saving displayed as secondary progress. can be null * * @throws SQLException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * adding the object in the database * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * writing the object * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized void saveCache(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean emptyCache) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException { if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter((loadedObjectsKeys.size() * 2) + 1); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); } // add the objects to the database for (String dbName : loadedObjectsMap.keySet()) { ObjectsDB objectsDB = databases.get(dbName); if (objectsDB == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Database " + dbName + " not loaded in cache"); } for (String tableName : loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName).keySet()) { MapMutex<String> mapMutex = getMapMutex(dbName); mapMutex.acquire(tableName); HashMap<String, CacheEntry> data = loadedObjectsMap.get(dbName).get(tableName); HashMap<String, Object> objectsToStore = new HashMap<String, Object>(data.size()); for (String objectKey : data.keySet()) { CacheEntry entry = data.get(objectKey); if (entry.isModified()) { objectsToStore.put(objectKey, entry.getObject()); } if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } } } objectsDB.insertObjects(tableName, objectsToStore, waitingHandler); mapMutex.release(tableName); } } if (emptyCache && !readOnly) { loadedObjectsMap.clear(); loadedObjectsKeys.clear(); } } /** * Returns the cache key which will index an object based on its db name, * table name and object key. * * @param dbName the DB name * @param tableName the table name * @param objectKey the object key * @return the cache key which will index an object based on its db name, * table name and object key */ private String getCacheKey(String dbName, String tableName, String objectKey) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(2 * cacheSeparator.length() + dbName.length() + tableName.length() + objectKey.length()); stringBuilder.append(dbName).append(cacheSeparator).append(tableName).append(cacheSeparator).append(objectKey); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns the key components in an array: 0 > DB name 1 > table name * 2 > object key. * * @param cacheKey the key used by the cache * @return the components of the key */ private String[] getKeyComponents(String cacheKey) { return cacheKey.split(cacheSeparator); } /** * Indicates whether the cache is empty. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the cache is empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return loadedObjectsKeys.isEmpty(); } /** * Sets the cache in read only. * * @param readOnly boolean indicating whether the cache should be in read * only */ public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { this.readOnly = readOnly; } /** * Adds a map mutex to the dbCacheMutexMap. * * @param dbName the name of the database * * @return the map mutex corresponding to the database */ private synchronized MapMutex<String> addMapMutex(String dbName) { MapMutex<String> mapMutex = dbCacheMutexMap.get(dbName); if (mapMutex == null) { mapMutex = new MapMutex<String>(); dbCacheMutexMap.put(dbName, mapMutex); } return mapMutex; } /** * Returns the map mutex for the given database. * * @param dbName the name of the database * * @return the map mutex */ private MapMutex<String> getMapMutex(String dbName) { MapMutex<String> dbMutexMap = dbCacheMutexMap.get(dbName); if (dbMutexMap == null) { dbMutexMap = addMapMutex(dbName); } return dbMutexMap; } /** * Class representing a cache entry. */ private class CacheEntry { /** * The object of this entry. */ private Object object; /** * A boolean indicating whether this entry is modified when compared to * the version of the database. Only modified entries will be saved when * the cache is emptied. */ private boolean modified; /** * Constructor. * * @param object the object of the entry * @param modified boolean indicating whether the entry is modified */ public CacheEntry(Object object, boolean modified) { this.object = object; this.modified = modified; } /** * Indicates whether the object is modified when compared to the version * in the database. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the object is modified when * compared to the version in the database */ public boolean isModified() { return modified; } /** * Sets whether the object is modified when compared to the version in * the database. * * @param modified a boolean indicating whether the object is modified * when compared to the version in the database */ public void setModified(boolean modified) { this.modified = modified; } /** * Returns the object of this entry. * * @return the object contained by this entry */ public Object getObject() { return object; } /** * Sets the object of this cache entry. * * @param object the object for this entry */ public void setObject(Object object) { this.object = object; } } }