package; import com.compomics.util.enumeration.CompomicsTools; import org.apache.log4j.*; import*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /** * This class holds all user properties for ms_lims. * * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: kenny * Date: Feb 22, 2010 * Time: 1:27:41 PM */ public class PropertiesManager { // Class specific log4j logger for PropertiesManager instances. Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PropertiesManager.class); /** * The singleton instance of the ms properties. */ private static PropertiesManager singleton = null; /** * This folder is located in the user home directory and captures the user properties of ms_lims. */ private File iHomeFolder; /** * This private constructor manages a single instance to access the properties. */ private PropertiesManager() { // Get the user home directory. File lHome = FileSystemAccessor.getHomeFolder(); iHomeFolder = new File(lHome, ".compomics"); if (!iHomeFolder.exists()) { iHomeFolder.mkdir(); } } /** * Get the application folder that contains the appropriate properties. * * @param aTool The tool for which the properties are requested. * @return File (Directory) that contains the properties. */ public File getApplicationFolder(CompomicsTools aTool) { // Make the folder for the required application, if non-existing. File iApplicationFolder = new File(iHomeFolder, aTool.getName()); if (!iApplicationFolder.exists()) { iApplicationFolder.mkdir(); } return iApplicationFolder; } /** * Get the singleton instance to access properties of Computational Omics tools. * * @return The PropertiesManger to access user properties in their home directory. */ public static PropertiesManager getInstance() { if (singleton == null) { singleton = new PropertiesManager(); } return singleton; } /** * DO NOT RUN. For testing purpose. * * @param args the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { new PropertiesManager(); } /** * Get a Properties instance for the parameter properties filename. * * @param aTool the name of the tool * @param aPropertiesFileName - e.g.: "" * @return Properties instance of the given properties file. Null if the filename was not found. */ public Properties getProperties(CompomicsTools aTool, String aPropertiesFileName) { Properties lProperties = new Properties(); InputStream is; try { // Always get the properties from the classpath. the requested properties are not found, // we will try to read the properties from the the classpath. is = getResource(aPropertiesFileName); Properties lClassPathProperties = new Properties(); lClassPathProperties.load(is); is.close(); Object lVersion = lClassPathProperties.get("version"); String lClassPathVersion = null; if (lVersion != null) { lClassPathVersion = lVersion.toString(); } // Make a filename filter for '.properties' files. FilenameFilter lPropertiesFileNameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return name.endsWith(".properties"); } }; // Get the application folder. File lApplicationFolder = getApplicationFolder(aTool); // Get all the properties files in the mslims folder. File[] lPropertiesFiles = lApplicationFolder.listFiles(lPropertiesFileNameFilter); // Iterate and try to match the requested file. File lRequestedPropertiesFile = null; boolean lPropertiesFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < lPropertiesFiles.length; i++) { File lLastFile = lPropertiesFiles[i]; if (lLastFile.getName().equals(aPropertiesFileName)) { lRequestedPropertiesFile = lLastFile; lPropertiesFound = true; break; } } // Verify that the properties have been found. if (lPropertiesFound == true) { // Create the properties via a file inputstream. is = new FileInputStream(lRequestedPropertiesFile); lProperties.load(is); is.close(); } else { // And, write the content of this properties file to the user home directory for the next request. try { File lOutput; lOutput = getFile(aTool, aPropertiesFileName); if (!lOutput.exists()) { lOutput.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(lOutput); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);, aPropertiesFileName + " properties file"); fos.flush(); fos.close(); bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } // During updates, for each property that was is in the classpathversion, // but not in the local properties - store the entry to the local file. Set lClassPathPropertyKeySet = lClassPathProperties.keySet(); boolean lRequireDiskUpdate = false; for (Iterator lIterator = lClassPathPropertyKeySet.iterator(); lIterator.hasNext();) { Object lClasspathKey =; if (lProperties.get(lClasspathKey) == null) { lProperties.put(lClasspathKey, lClassPathProperties.get(lClasspathKey)); lRequireDiskUpdate = true; } } if (lClassPathVersion != null) { // Always keep the version up to date with the classpathversion. lProperties.put("version", lClassPathVersion); lRequireDiskUpdate = true; } // If required, then update the properties file on disk! if(lRequireDiskUpdate){ storeProperties(aPropertiesFileName, aTool, lProperties); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } return lProperties; } /** * Private method that attempts to return an inputstream resource for a given filename. * * @param aResourceFilename * @return InputStream (null if not found) */ private InputStream getResource(final String aResourceFilename) { InputStream is; is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(aResourceFilename); if (is == null) { is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(aResourceFilename); } return is; } /** * Update the content of a user properties instance to the ms_lims properties directory. * * @param aTool The name of the tool. * @param aNewProperties The Properties instance. * @param aPropertiesFileName The properties filename (e.g., */ public void updateProperties(final CompomicsTools aTool, final String aPropertiesFileName, final Properties aNewProperties) { // First get the existing properties. Properties lProperties = getProperties(aTool, aPropertiesFileName); // Then iterate over the new properties. Iterator lUpdatedProperties = aNewProperties.keySet().iterator(); while (lUpdatedProperties.hasNext()) { // Replace existing entries, include old entries. Object aKey =; lProperties.put(aKey, aNewProperties.get(aKey)); } storeProperties(aPropertiesFileName, aTool, lProperties); } /** * Returns the File handler for the given compomics tool and filename. * @param aTool * @param aPropertiesFileName * @return the File handler for the given compomics tool and filename */ private File getFile(CompomicsTools aTool, String aPropertiesFileName) { return new File(getApplicationFolder(aTool), aPropertiesFileName); } /** * Store the given Properties instance to the given direction. * @param aPropertiesFileName * @param aTool * @param lProperties */ private void storeProperties(String aPropertiesFileName, CompomicsTools aTool, Properties lProperties) { File lOutput = getFile(aTool, aPropertiesFileName); try { if (!lOutput.exists()) { lOutput.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(lOutput); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);, aPropertiesFileName + " properties file"); fos.flush(); fos.close(); bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * This method will delete the log4j log file in the folder of the package and will create a log file in the * CompomicsTools specific .compomics folder * * @param aLogger The logger * @param aCompomicsTools The tool */ public void updateLog4jConfiguration(final org.apache.log4j.Logger aLogger, CompomicsTools aCompomicsTools) { Properties props = new Properties(); try { InputStream configStream = getResource(""); props.load(configStream); configStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error: Cannot load configuration file "); } String lFileKey = "log4j.appender.file.File"; String lOldLogFileName = props.getProperty(lFileKey); String lNewLogFileName = getApplicationFolder(aCompomicsTools).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + aCompomicsTools.getName() + "-log4j.log"; RollingFileAppender lRollingFileAppender = (RollingFileAppender) aLogger.getParent().getAppender("file"); lRollingFileAppender.setFile(lNewLogFileName); lRollingFileAppender.activateOptions(); lRollingFileAppender.setThreshold(Priority.WARN); File lOldLogFile = new File(lOldLogFileName); if (lOldLogFile.exists()) { lOldLogFile.delete(); } // Make all remaining System.err go into the logger as well. PrintStream stderrStream = System.err; PrintStream newStderrStream = new PrintStream(stderrStream) { @Override public void println(Object x) { if (x instanceof Throwable) { Throwable t = (Throwable) x; aLogger.error(t.getMessage()); StackTraceElement[] lElements = t.getStackTrace(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < lElements.length; i++) { StackTraceElement lElement = lElements[i]; sb.append(lElement.toString() + "\n"); } aLogger.error(sb.toString()); } super.println(x); } }; System.setErr(newStderrStream); } }