package com.compomics.util.preferences; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.taxonomy.SpeciesFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.SearchParameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.FastaIndex; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Contains methods for downloading gene and GO mappings. * * @author Harald Barsnes * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class GenePreferences implements Serializable { /** * The serial number for serialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -1286840382594446279L; /** * If true the gene mappings will auto update. */ private Boolean autoUpdate; /** * If true the gene mappings will be used. */ private Boolean useGeneMapping; /** * The taxon of the species selected as background for the GO analysis. */ private Integer selectedBackgroundSpecies; /** * Create a new GenePreferences object. */ public GenePreferences() { } /** * Creates new gene preferences based on a GenePreferences object. * * @param genePreferences the gene preferences */ public GenePreferences(GenePreferences genePreferences) { } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether gene mappings should be used. * * @return a boolean indicating whether gene mappings should be used */ public Boolean getUseGeneMapping() { if (useGeneMapping == null) { useGeneMapping = true; } return useGeneMapping; } /** * Sets whether gene mappings should be used. * * @param useGeneMapping a boolean indicating whether gene mappings should * be used */ public void setUseGeneMapping(Boolean useGeneMapping) { this.useGeneMapping = useGeneMapping; } /** * Indicates whether the gene mappings should be automatically updated. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the gene mappings should be * automatically updated */ public Boolean getAutoUpdate() { if (autoUpdate == null) { autoUpdate = true; } return autoUpdate; } /** * Sets whether the gene mappings should be automatically updated. * * @param autoUpdate a boolean indicating whether the gene mappings should * be automatically updated */ public void setAutoUpdate(Boolean autoUpdate) { this.autoUpdate = autoUpdate; } /** * Compares these preferences to other preferences. * * @param genePreferences other preferences to compare to. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the other preferences are the same * as these ones. */ public boolean equals(GenePreferences genePreferences) { return getAutoUpdate().equals(genePreferences.getAutoUpdate()); } /** * Returns the taxon of the species selected as background species. * * @return the taxon of the species selected as background species */ public Integer getSelectedBackgroundSpecies() { return selectedBackgroundSpecies; } /** * Sets the taxon of the species selected as background species. * * @param selectedBackgroundSpecies the taxon of the species selected as * background species */ public void setSelectedBackgroundSpecies(Integer selectedBackgroundSpecies) { this.selectedBackgroundSpecies = selectedBackgroundSpecies; } /** * Sets the preferences from the given search parameters. * * @param searchParameters the search parameters */ public void setPreferencesFromSearchParameters(SearchParameters searchParameters) { File fastaFile = searchParameters.getFastaFile(); if (fastaFile != null) { SpeciesFactory speciesFactory = SpeciesFactory.getInstance(); try { FastaIndex fastaIndex = SequenceFactory.getFastaIndex(fastaFile, false, null); HashMap<String, Integer> speciesOccurrence = fastaIndex.getSpecies(); Integer occurrenceMax = null; // Select the background species based on occurrence in the factory for (String uniprotTaxonomy : speciesOccurrence.keySet()) { if (!uniprotTaxonomy.equals(SpeciesFactory.UNKNOWN)) { Integer occurrence = speciesOccurrence.get(uniprotTaxonomy); if (occurrenceMax == null || occurrence > occurrenceMax) { occurrenceMax = occurrence; try { Integer taxon = speciesFactory.getUniprotTaxonomy().getId(uniprotTaxonomy, true); if (taxon != null) { setSelectedBackgroundSpecies(taxon); } } catch (Exception e) { // Taxon not available, ignore e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // Not able to read the species, ignore e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Returns a short description of the parameters. * * @return a short description of the parameters */ public String getShortDescription() { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); output.append("Use Gene Mappings: ").append(getUseGeneMapping()).append(".").append(newLine); output.append("Update Gene Mappings: ").append(getAutoUpdate()).append(".").append(newLine); if (selectedBackgroundSpecies != null) { SpeciesFactory speciesFactory = SpeciesFactory.getInstance(); String speciesName = speciesFactory.getName(selectedBackgroundSpecies); output.append("Species: ").append(speciesName).append(".").append(newLine); } else { output.append("Species: ").append("(not selected)").append(newLine); } return output.toString(); } ////////////////////////////////// // Deprecated code, kept for backward compatibility with parameters files of utilities version older than 4.2.0. ////////////////////////////////// /** * The folder where gene mapping related info is stored. * * @deprecated use the gene factory. */ private static String GENE_MAPPING_FOLDER = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.compomics/gene_mappings/"; /** * The suffix to use for files containing gene mappings. * * @deprecated use the gene factory. */ public final static String GENE_MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX = "_gene_mappings"; /** * The suffix to use for files containing GO mappings. * * @deprecated use the gene factory. */ public final static String GO_MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX = "_go_mappings"; /** * The current species. Used for the gene mappings. * * @deprecated use the species in the database. */ private String currentSpecies = null; /** * The current species type. Used for the gene mappings. * * @deprecated use gene factory map. */ private String currentSpeciesType = null; /** * The GO domain map. e.g., key: GO term: GO:0007568, element: * biological_process. * * @deprecated use gene factory map. */ private HashMap<String, String> goDomainMap; /** * The species map. Main key: Ensembl type, e.g., Vertebrates or Plants. * Next level: key: latin name, element: ensembl database name, e.g., key: * Homo sapiens, element: hsapiens_gene_ensembl. * * @deprecated use gene factory map. */ private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> allSpeciesMap; /** * Map of all the species. * * @deprecated use gene factory map. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> allSpecies; }