package com.compomics.util.math.clustering; import com.compomics.util.gui.waiting.waitinghandlers.WaitingHandlerCLIImpl; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import no.uib.jsparklines.renderers.util.Util; /** * K-means clustering. * * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class KMeansClustering { /** * The number of clusters. */ private final int NUM_CLUSTERS; /** * The number of samples. */ private final int NUM_SAMPLES; /** * The number of values for each sample. */ private final int NUM_VALUES; /** * The sample data. */ private final double SAMPLES[][]; /** * The sample identifiers. */ private final String SAMPLE_IDS[]; /** * The centroids. */ private double centroids[][]; /** * The current cluster each sample belongs to. */ private int clusters[]; /** * The maximum number of iteration. */ private int maxIterations = 500; // @TODO: what should the default be..? /** * Constructor. * * @param samples the data * @param sampleIds the sample identifiers * @param numClusters the number of clusters */ public KMeansClustering(double samples[][], String[] sampleIds, int numClusters) { SAMPLES = samples; SAMPLE_IDS = sampleIds; NUM_SAMPLES = samples.length; NUM_VALUES = samples[0].length; NUM_CLUSTERS = numClusters; if (NUM_CLUSTERS > NUM_SAMPLES) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of clusters cannot be bigger than the number of samples! #clusters: " + NUM_CLUSTERS + ", #samples: " + NUM_SAMPLES); } initialize(); } /** * Constructor. * * @param dataFile the file with the data * @param numClusters the number of clusters */ public KMeansClustering(File dataFile, int numClusters) { SampleData sampleData = readDataFromFile(dataFile); SAMPLES = sampleData.getSamples(); SAMPLE_IDS = sampleData.getSampleIds(); NUM_SAMPLES = SAMPLES.length; NUM_VALUES = SAMPLES[0].length; NUM_CLUSTERS = numClusters; if (NUM_CLUSTERS > NUM_SAMPLES) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of clusters cannot be bigger than the number of samples! #clusters: " + NUM_CLUSTERS + ", #samples: " + NUM_SAMPLES); } initialize(); } /** * Set up the empty clusters and set the initial centroids. */ private void initialize() { // set up the yet empty clusters clusters = new int[NUM_SAMPLES]; // add the initial centroids centroids = new double[NUM_CLUSTERS][NUM_VALUES]; // set the initial random centroids Random rand = new Random(); for (int centroidCounter = 0; centroidCounter < NUM_CLUSTERS; centroidCounter++) { int randomSample = rand.nextInt(NUM_SAMPLES); System.arraycopy(SAMPLES[randomSample], 0, centroids[centroidCounter], 0, NUM_VALUES); } } /** * Run the k-means clustering. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler */ public void kMeanCluster(WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { boolean clustersChanged = true; // asign the samples to the clusters assignToClusters(); int iterationCounter = 0; // iterate until the clustering no longer changes while (clustersChanged && iterationCounter < maxIterations && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { // calculate the new centroids calculateNewCentroids(); // assign the samples to the new centroids clustersChanged = assignToClusters(); iterationCounter++; } } /** * Assign the samples to the clusters. * * @return true if the clustering changed */ private boolean assignToClusters() { boolean clustersChanged = false; for (int sampleNumber = 0; sampleNumber < NUM_SAMPLES; sampleNumber++) { double minimumValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; int selectedCentroidNumber = 0; // find the closest cluster for (int centroidNumber = 0; centroidNumber < NUM_CLUSTERS; centroidNumber++) { double distance = distSampleToCentroid(sampleNumber, centroidNumber); if (distance < minimumValue) { minimumValue = distance; selectedCentroidNumber = centroidNumber; } } // check if the sample's cluster assignment changed if (clusters[sampleNumber] != selectedCentroidNumber) { clustersChanged = true; } // add to the closest cluster clusters[sampleNumber] = selectedCentroidNumber; } return clustersChanged; } /** * Calculate new centroids. */ private void calculateNewCentroids() { // clear the centroids clearCentroids(); // calculate new centroids for (int centroidNumber = 0; centroidNumber < NUM_CLUSTERS; centroidNumber++) { int totalInCluster = 0; for (int sampleCounter = 0; sampleCounter < NUM_SAMPLES; sampleCounter++) { if (clusters[sampleCounter] == centroidNumber) { for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { centroids[centroidNumber][valueNumber] += SAMPLES[sampleCounter][valueNumber]; } totalInCluster++; } } if (totalInCluster > 0) { for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { centroids[centroidNumber][valueNumber] /= totalInCluster; } } } } /** * Clear the centroids. */ private void clearCentroids() { for (int centroidNumber = 0; centroidNumber < NUM_CLUSTERS; centroidNumber++) { for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { centroids[centroidNumber][valueNumber] = 0.0; } } } /** * Calculate the Euclidean distance between a sample and a centroid. * * @param sampleNumber the sample number * @param centroidNumber the centroid number * @return the Euclidean distance */ private double distSampleToCentroid(int sampleNumber, int centroidNumber) { double distance = 0; for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { distance += Math.pow(SAMPLES[sampleNumber][valueNumber] - centroids[centroidNumber][valueNumber], 2); } return Math.sqrt(distance); } /** * Calculate the Euclidean distance between two samples. * * @param sampleNumber1 the samples number of the first sample * @param sampleNumber2 the sample number of the second sample * @return the Euclidean distance */ private double distSampleToSample(int sampleNumber1, int sampleNumber2) { double distance = 0; for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { distance += Math.pow(SAMPLES[sampleNumber1][valueNumber] - SAMPLES[sampleNumber2][valueNumber], 2); } return Math.sqrt(distance); } /** * Main method for testing purposes. * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // example with direct input // the sample data double samples[][] = new double[][]{ {1.018387278, 0.983270041, 1.063472453, 0.713225975, 0.731043734, 0.973387687, 0.936300274, 1.039486067, 1.134279088, 0.986361721}, {0.981590377, 1.02987824, 1.089762055, 0.927909537, 0.745221317, 0.709817942, 0.655031878, 1.047253604, 0.952668566, 1.037703939}, {1.03694662, 1.080079418, 1.041962748, 1.258192406, 1.342060684, 0.996528485, 0.924128553, 0.936412377, 0.920298185, 0.918456169}, {0.990287761, 0.892692992, 0.914314664, 1.279408351, 1.31410923, 0.941641721, 0.910025757, 1.064973225, 1.041036986, 1.049735711}, {1.040106591, 0.938527051, 0.965804511, 0.695864906, 0.813267072, 1.064862452, 1.128367944, 0.9798703, 1.268314349, 0.890250862}, {1.283690338, 1.221861511, 1.237727692, 1.131154141, 0.991934148, 0.962126821, 0.943197586, 0.872215846, 0.912011518, 0.829430491}, {0.981473817, 0.805082739, 0.979007845, 0.685868656, 0.467881815, 1.30464142, 1.031580941, 1.120770021, 1.163524042, 0.948936962}, {0.935739165, 0.961540471, 0.948513884, 1.1214119, 1.139158941, 0.952546774, 1.061539826, 0.967187465, 0.969725485, 1.066965917}, {0.98084797, 0.99517748, 0.967601553, 1.408483587, 1.242533492, 0.809655819, 1.012664473, 0.972120169, 0.90671428, 1.064156888}, {1.114446123, 1.024968093, 1.034149441, 0.783212889, 0.801006499, 0.983516619, 1.026256729, 0.996830977, 0.975588315, 0.942473673}, {0.905988305, 0.908986417, 0.925003413, 1.19651456, 1.106383596, 0.997060333, 1.030914868, 1.07807453, 1.146596783, 1.079137402}, {1.040040646, 1.049901339, 0.989359079, 1.017323675, 1.008910963, 0.983004953, 0.984566787, 1.040902927, 1.02390089, 1.015875601}, {1.038052043, 0.999666309, 1.011292944, 0.862294159, 0.878858798, 0.98299443, 0.963822514, 0.982571918, 0.975889047, 1.009450539}, {0.821272331, 0.767589262, 0.817114369, 1.059135199, 0.884487875, 1.091284726, 1.022820961, 1.148307617, 1.032334252, 1.167097238}, {1.016334545, 1.090488723, 0.981954941, 1.223423201, 1.07287664, 0.967790703, 0.894805565, 1.103557481, 1.031495908, 1.028484672}, {0.991456092, 0.665417264, 0.862248473, 1.005142654, 0.919656901, 1.244190762, 1.056869139, 1.031395099, 0.898937035, 0.946095374} }; // the sample identifiers String sampleNames[] = new String[]{"O95071", "Q6ZT21", "Q99590", "Q14517", "Q9P219", "Q14692", "Q8TF74", "Q13427", "Q9ULD9", "Q9UPN9", "P51805", "Q92621", "Q5SRE5", "Q8TB73", "Q96CP6", "Q13671"}; KMeansClustering kMeansClutering = new KMeansClustering(samples, sampleNames, 5); // // // example with input from file - tab separated input, no header, first column assumed to be the sample ids // KMeansClustering kMeansClutering = new KMeansClustering(new File("C:\\Users\\hba041\\Desktop\\clustering_data.txt"), 30); // print the initial centroids System.out.println("Centroids initialized at:"); kMeansClutering.printCentroids(); System.out.print("\n"); // exectute the clustering kMeansClutering.kMeanCluster(new WaitingHandlerCLIImpl()); // print the clustering results kMeansClutering.printClusters(); // print the centroid results System.out.println("Centroids finalized at:"); kMeansClutering.printCentroids(); System.out.print("\n"); } /** * Print the centroids. */ public void printCentroids() { for (int centroidNumber = 0; centroidNumber < NUM_CLUSTERS; centroidNumber++) { System.out.print(" " + (centroidNumber + 1) + "\t\t"); for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { if (valueNumber > 0) { System.out.print("\t"); } System.out.print(Util.roundDouble(centroids[centroidNumber][valueNumber], 2)); } System.out.println(); } } /** * Print the current clusters. */ public void printClusters() { for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < NUM_CLUSTERS; clusterIndex++) { System.out.println("Cluster " + (clusterIndex + 1) + " includes:"); for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < NUM_SAMPLES; sampleIndex++) { if (clusters[sampleIndex] == clusterIndex) { System.out.print(" " + SAMPLE_IDS[sampleIndex] + "\t"); for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { if (valueNumber > 0) { System.out.print("\t"); } System.out.print(Util.roundDouble(SAMPLES[sampleIndex][valueNumber], 2)); } System.out.println(); } } System.out.println(); } } /** * Get the sample names of all the members in the given cluster. * * @param clusterIndex the index of the cluster * @return the sample names of all the members in the given cluster */ public ArrayList<String> getClusterMembers(int clusterIndex) { ArrayList<String> clusterMembers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < NUM_SAMPLES; sampleIndex++) { if (clusters[sampleIndex] == clusterIndex) { clusterMembers.add(SAMPLE_IDS[sampleIndex]); } } return clusterMembers; } /** * Returns a hashmap with the values for the members in the given cluster. * Key: sample id, value: the data points. * * @param clusterIndex the index of the cluster * @return the values for the members in the given cluster */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> getClusterMembersData(int clusterIndex) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> clusterMembers = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>>(); for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < NUM_SAMPLES; sampleIndex++) { if (clusters[sampleIndex] == clusterIndex) { ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < NUM_VALUES; valueNumber++) { values.add(SAMPLES[sampleIndex][valueNumber]); } clusterMembers.put(SAMPLE_IDS[sampleIndex], values); } } return clusterMembers; } /** * Read sample data from file. * * @param dataFile the file to read from * @return the sample data */ private SampleData readDataFromFile(File dataFile) { SampleData sampleData = null; try { FileReader f = new FileReader(dataFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(f); String line = br.readLine(); ArrayList<String> sampleIds = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> sampleDataAsArray = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(); int numSamples = 0; int numValues = 0; while (line != null) { String[] values = line.split("\\t"); sampleIds.add(values[0]); ArrayList<Double> tempData = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { tempData.add(Double.parseDouble(values[i])); } sampleDataAsArray.add(tempData); if (numValues == 0) { numValues = values.length - 1; } numSamples++; line = br.readLine(); } String sampleNames[] = new String[numSamples]; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { sampleNames[i] = sampleIds.get(i); } double samples[][] = new double[numSamples][numValues]; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numValues; j++) { samples[i][j] = sampleDataAsArray.get(i).get(j); } } sampleData = new SampleData(samples, sampleNames); br.close(); f.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sampleData; } /** * Returns the number of clusters. * * @return the number of clusters */ public int getNumberOfClusters() { return NUM_CLUSTERS; } /** * Returns the maximum number of iterations. * * @return the maximum number of iterations */ public int getMaxIterations() { return maxIterations; } /** * Set the maximum number of iterations. * * @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations */ public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) { this.maxIterations = maxIterations; } /** * Sample data. */ private class SampleData { /** * The sample data. */ private double samples[][]; /** * The sample identifiers. */ private String sampleIds[]; /** * The sample data. * * @param samples the data * @param sampleIds the sample identifiers. */ public SampleData(double samples[][], String sampleIds[]) { this.samples = samples; this.sampleIds = sampleIds; } /** * Returns the samples. * * @return the samples */ public double[][] getSamples() { return samples; } /** * Returns the sample identifiers. * * @return the sample identifiers */ public String[] getSampleIds() { return sampleIds; } } }