package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.proteintree; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcidSequence; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Protein; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideProteinMapping; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; /** * A node of the protein tree. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class Node implements Serializable { /** * Serial number for backward compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 8936868785405252371L; /** * The depth of the node in the tree. */ private int depth; /** * List of accessions contained in this node. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> accessions = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); /** * In case of splitting, the terminal mappings are put here. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> termini = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); /** * Subtree starting from this node. */ private HashMap<Character, Node> subtree = null; /** * The number of proteins which should be imported at a time. */ public static final int proteinBatchSize = 100; /** * Indicates whether the main thread is listening or preparing to wait. */ private boolean listening = true; /** * Constructor. * * @param depth the depth of the node */ public Node(int depth) { this.depth = depth; } /** * Constructor. * * @param depth the depth of the node * @param accessions the accessions of the node */ public Node(int depth, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> accessions) { this.depth = depth; this.accessions = accessions; } /** * Returns the protein mappings for the given peptide sequence. peptide * sequence > protein accession > index in the protein. An empty map * if not found. * * @param query the given amino acid sequence to query the tree * @param currentSequence the sequence found until now * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the protein mapping for the given peptide sequence * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMapping(AminoAcidSequence query, String currentSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> result = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(1); if (depth == query.length()) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> mapping = getAllMappings(); for (String accession : mapping.keySet()) { for (Integer site : mapping.get(accession)) { double xShare = ((double) Util.getOccurrence(currentSequence, 'X')) / currentSequence.length(); if (!sequenceMatchingPreferences.hasLimitX() || xShare <= sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX()) { PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, currentSequence, site); result.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } } else if (accessions != null) { SequenceFactory sequenceFactory = SequenceFactory.getInstance(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>> indexes = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>>(1); for (String accession : accessions.keySet()) { Protein protein = sequenceFactory.getProtein(accession); indexes.put(accession, matchInProtein(protein, accessions.get(accession), query, sequenceMatchingPreferences)); } for (String accession : indexes.keySet()) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> accessionIndexes = indexes.get(accession); for (String tempSequence : accessionIndexes.keySet()) { for (Integer index : accessionIndexes.get(tempSequence)) { double xShare = ((double) Util.getOccurrence(tempSequence, 'X')) / tempSequence.length(); if (!sequenceMatchingPreferences.hasLimitX() || xShare <= sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX()) { PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, tempSequence, index); result.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } } } else { for (char aa : getNextAminoAcids(query, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { Node node = subtree.get(aa); if (node != null) { String newSequence = currentSequence + aa; double xShare = ((double) Util.getOccurrence(newSequence, 'X')) / newSequence.length(); if (!sequenceMatchingPreferences.hasLimitX() || xShare <= sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX()) { result.addAll(node.getProteinMapping(query, newSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences)); } } } } return result; } /** * Returns the possible next amino acids. * * @param peptideSequence the peptide sequence as amino acid pattern * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return the possible next amino acids */ private HashSet<Character> getNextAminoAcids(AminoAcidSequence peptideSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { HashSet<Character> result = new HashSet<Character>(); char aa = peptideSequence.charAt(depth); AminoAcid aminoAcid = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aa); if (sequenceMatchingPreferences.getSequenceMatchingType() == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.string) { result.add(aa); } else { for (char aaChar : aminoAcid.getSubAminoAcids()) { result.add(aaChar); } for (char aaChar : aminoAcid.getCombinations()) { result.add(aaChar); } if (sequenceMatchingPreferences.getSequenceMatchingType() == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids && (aminoAcid == AminoAcid.I || aminoAcid == AminoAcid.J || aminoAcid == AminoAcid.L)) { result.add('I'); result.add('J'); result.add('L'); } } return result; } /** * Splits the node into subnode if its size is larger than the maxNodeSize * and does the same for every sub node. * * @param maxNodeSize the maximal node size allowed when splitting * @param maxDepth the maximum depth * * @return returns true if the node was actually split and thus needs to be * saved in indexed mode * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an IllegalArgumentException occurs */ public boolean splitNode(int maxNodeSize, int maxDepth) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { if (accessions.size() > maxNodeSize && depth <= maxDepth) { subtree = new HashMap<Character, Node>(); for (String accession : accessions.keySet()) { HashMap<Character, ArrayList<Integer>> indexes = getAA(accession, accessions.get(accession), depth); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { indexes = getAA(accession, accessions.get(accession), depth); } for (char aa : indexes.keySet()) { if (!subtree.containsKey(aa)) { subtree.put(aa, new Node(depth + 1)); } Node node = subtree.get(aa); node.addAccession(accession, indexes.get(aa)); } } accessions.clear(); accessions = null; for (Node node : subtree.values()) { node.splitNode(maxNodeSize, maxDepth); } return true; } return false; } /** * Adds an accession to the node. * * @param accession the accession to add * @param indexes the indexes in this accession where the key can be found. * Any prior entry will be silently overwritten */ public void addAccession(String accession, ArrayList<Integer> indexes) { accessions.put(accession, indexes); } /** * Returns the size of the node in accession*tag. * * @return the size of the node */ public long getSize() { if (accessions != null) { return accessions.size(); } else { long result = 0; for (Node node : subtree.values()) { result += node.getSize(); } return result; } } /** * Returns the accessions attribute. * * @return the accessions attribute */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> getAccessions() { return accessions; } /** * Returns the terminal mappings (they are not in the subtree). * * @return the terminal mappings */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> getTermini() { return termini; } /** * Returns the subtree. Null if end of the tree. * * @return the subtree */ public HashMap<Character, Node> getSubtree() { return subtree; } /** * Clears the accessions of this node. */ public void clearAccessions() { accessions.clear(); } /** * Indicates whether the node is empty. * * @return whether the node is empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return subtree == null && accessions.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the depth of the node in the tree. * * @return the depth of the node in the tree */ public int getDepth() { return depth; } /** * Returns all the protein mapping of the node. * * @return all the protein mappings of the node * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> getAllMappings() throws IOException { if (accessions != null) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> result = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(accessions.size()); for (String accession : accessions.keySet()) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(accessions.get(accession)); result.put(accession, indexes); } return result; } else { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> result = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (Node node : subtree.values()) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> subResult = node.getAllMappings(); for (String accession : subResult.keySet()) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = result.get(accession); if (indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(subResult.get(accession)); result.put(accession, indexes); } else { indexes.addAll(subResult.get(accession)); Collections.sort(indexes); int previousIndex = -1; ArrayList<Integer> singleIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(indexes.size()); for (int tempIndex : indexes) { if (tempIndex != previousIndex) { singleIndexes.add(tempIndex); previousIndex = tempIndex; } } result.put(accession, singleIndexes); } } } for (String accession : termini.keySet()) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = result.get(accession); if (indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(1); result.put(accession, indexes); } for (Integer index : termini.get(accession)) { if (!indexes.contains(index)) { indexes.add(index); } } } return result; } } /** * Matches a peptide sequence in a protein sequence based on a seedlist. * Returns a map found sequence > indexes. Example: sequence TESTEIST * seeds: 0, 3, 7 peptideSequence: TEI result: TEI > {3} * * @param protein the protein to inspect * @param seeds the indexes where to start looking for * @param peptideSequence the peptide sequence as an amino acid sequence * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a list of indexes having the expected sequence * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InterruptedException */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> matchInProtein(Protein protein, ArrayList<Integer> seeds, AminoAcidSequence peptideSequence, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { String proteinSequence = protein.getSequence(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> results = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); int peptideLength = peptideSequence.length(); for (int i = 0; i < seeds.size(); i++) { int startIndex = seeds.get(i); int endIndex = startIndex + peptideLength; if (endIndex <= proteinSequence.length()) { String subSequence = proteinSequence.substring(startIndex, endIndex); if (peptideSequence.matches(subSequence, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = results.get(subSequence); if (indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(1); results.put(subSequence, indexes); } indexes.add(startIndex); } } } return results; } /** * Returns a map of the amino acids found on the sequence: aa > indexes. * If the termination of the protein is reached the terminal character is * used (see static field) * * @param accession the accession of the protein of interest * @param seeds the indexes where to start looking at * @param offset the offset between the seed and the target * @return a map of the amino acids found at seed + offset * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InterruptedException */ private HashMap<Character, ArrayList<Integer>> getAA(String accession, ArrayList<Integer> seeds, int offset) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { String proteinSequence = SequenceFactory.getInstance().getProtein(accession).getSequence(); HashMap<Character, ArrayList<Integer>> result = new HashMap<Character, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int startIndex : seeds) { int tempIndex = startIndex + offset; if (tempIndex < proteinSequence.length()) { char aa = proteinSequence.charAt(tempIndex); ArrayList<Integer> indexes = result.get(aa); if (indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(0); result.put(aa, indexes); } if (!indexes.contains(startIndex)) { indexes.add(startIndex); } } else if (tempIndex == proteinSequence.length()) { ArrayList<Integer> indexes = termini.get(accession); if (indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(0); termini.put(accession, indexes); } if (!indexes.contains(startIndex)) { indexes.add(startIndex); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to index after the protein termini."); } } return result; } /** * Returns the subnode associated to an amino acid sequence. * * @param sequence the amino acid sequence * * @return the corresponding subnode */ public Node getSubNode(String sequence) { if (sequence.length() <= depth) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sequence + " is not subnode of the node (depth=" + depth + ")."); } char aa = sequence.charAt(depth); if (depth < sequence.length() - 1) { return subtree.get(aa).getSubNode(sequence); } else if (depth == sequence.length() - 1) { return subtree.get(aa); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("depth " + depth + " longer than sequence " + sequence + "."); } } }