package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.compomics.util.enumeration.OperatingSystemEnum; import; /** * This class serves as a fast OS independent access point to the file system. * * @author Kenny Helsens */ public class FileSystemAccessor { // Class specific log4j logger for FileSystemAccessor instances. Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileSystemAccessor.class); /** * Empty constructor. */ public FileSystemAccessor() { } /** * Get the operating system. * * @return This method returns the underlying operating system as a * OperatingSystemEnum instance. */ public static OperatingSystemEnum getOperatingSystem() { String lOSName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (lOSName.indexOf("win") > -1) { return OperatingSystemEnum.WINDOWS; } else if (lOSName.indexOf("uni") > -1) { return OperatingSystemEnum.UNIX; } else if (lOSName.indexOf("mac") > -1) { return OperatingSystemEnum.MACOS; } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the user home folder. * * @return the user home folder */ public static File getHomeFolder() { String lHomeDirectory = System.getProperty("user.home"); File lFile = new File(lHomeDirectory); return lFile; } /** * Returns the absolute path of the underlying file system of the given * class. * * @param aClassname The classname of which the parent folder needs to be * returned (e.g.: "FileSystemAccessor.class") * @return The full path to the parent classname. (e.g.: * /home/user/java/compomics/utilities/) */ public static String getPathOfClass(String aClassname) { String path; String lFileSeparator = System.getProperties().get("file.separator").toString(); // PropertiesManager serves as a class of the Utilities libary to find the resources path = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toString(); // remove starting 'file:' tag if there if (path.startsWith("file:")) { path = path.substring("file:".length(), path.lastIndexOf(lFileSeparator) + 1); } else { path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(lFileSeparator) + 1); } path = path.replace("%20", " "); path = path.replace("%5b", "["); path = path.replace("%5d", "]"); return path; } }