package com.compomics.util.gui.protein; import com.compomics.util.Util; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A panel for displaying modification profiles. (Based on the * SequenceFragmentationPanel.) * * @author Harald Barsnes * @author Kenny Helsens * @author Lennart Martens */ public class SequenceModificationPanel extends JPanel { /** * A map of the rectangles used to draw each profile peak. This map is later * used for the tooltip for each peak. */ private HashMap<String, Rectangle> fragmentIonRectangles; /** * Elementary data for composing the Panel. */ private String[] iSequenceComponents; /** * The list of modification profiles. */ private ArrayList<ModificationProfile> profiles; /** * The font to use. */ private Font iBaseFont = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14); /** * The maximum bar height. */ private final double iMaxBarHeight = 20; /** * The width of the bars. */ private final int iBarWidth = 3; /** * The horizontal space. */ private final int iHorizontalSpace = 3; /** * The x-axis start position. */ private final int iXStart = 30; /** * The y-axis start position. */ private final int iYStart = 10; /** * This boolean holds whether or not the given sequence is a modified * sequence or a normal peptide sequence. * * Normal: KENNY Modified: NH2-K<Ace>ENNY-COOH */ private boolean isModifiedSequence; /** * The name of the score above of the sequence. */ private String score1Name; /** * The name of the score under of the sequence. */ private String score2Name; /** * Creates a new SequenceFragmentationPanel. * * @param aSequence String with the Modified Sequence of a peptide * identification. * @param profiles ArrayList with the modification profiles. * @param boolModifiedSequence boolean describing the sequence. This * constructor can be used to enter a ModifiedSequence or a normal sequence. * @param score1Name the name of the score above of the sequence * @param score2Name the name of the score under the sequence * @throws java.awt.HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() * returns true. * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getDefaultLocale */ public SequenceModificationPanel(String aSequence, ArrayList<ModificationProfile> profiles, boolean boolModifiedSequence, String score1Name, String score2Name) throws HeadlessException { super(); this.score1Name = score1Name; this.score2Name = score2Name; isModifiedSequence = boolModifiedSequence; iSequenceComponents = parseSequenceIntoComponents(aSequence); this.profiles = profiles; this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(estimateWidth(), estimateHeight())); this.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(estimateWidth(), estimateHeight())); fragmentIonRectangles = new HashMap<String, Rectangle>(); addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) { mouseMovedHandler(me); } }); } /** * Paints the SequenceModificationPanel. * * Based on the given ModifiedSequence Components and Modification profile, * a visualisation is drawn on a Graphics object showing the profile above * the sequence. * * @param g the specified Graphics window * @see java.awt.Component#update(java.awt.Graphics) */ public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; // Set the base font, monospaced! g2.setFont(iBaseFont); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // Drawing offsets. int yLocation = ((int) iMaxBarHeight) + iYStart; int xLocation = iXStart; int lFontHeight = g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); Double lMidStringHeight = yLocation - lFontHeight * 0.2; Double aboveSequenceHeight = yLocation - lFontHeight * 0.5; Double belowSequenceHeight = yLocation + lFontHeight * 0.15; // find max a score double maxAScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iSequenceComponents.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < profiles.size(); j++) { ModificationProfile currentModificationProfile = profiles.get(j); if (maxAScore < currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_2_ROW_INDEX]) { maxAScore = currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_2_ROW_INDEX]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < iSequenceComponents.length; i++) { // reset base color to black. g2.setColor(; // Draw this amino acid. g2.setColor(; g2.drawString(iSequenceComponents[i], xLocation, yLocation); int tempXLocation = xLocation; // special case for modifications on the first reidue if (i == 0) { xLocation += g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(iSequenceComponents[i]) - g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("X"); } // draw bars below the sequence for (int j = 0; j < profiles.size(); j++) { ModificationProfile currentModificationProfile = profiles.get(j); if (currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_2_ROW_INDEX] > 0) { g2.setColor(currentModificationProfile.getColor()); int lBarHeight = (int) ((currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_2_ROW_INDEX] / maxAScore) * iMaxBarHeight); if (lBarHeight < 5) { lBarHeight = 7; } int barStart = belowSequenceHeight.intValue() + 1; Rectangle tempRectangle = new Rectangle(xLocation + 1, barStart, g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("X") - 2, lBarHeight); g2.fill(tempRectangle); fragmentIonRectangles.put(currentModificationProfile.getPtmName() + " (" + (i + 1) + ")" + " [" + score2Name + ": " + Util.roundDouble(currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_2_ROW_INDEX], 2) + "]", tempRectangle); g2.setColor(; } } // draw bars above the sequence for (int j = 0; j < profiles.size(); j++) { ModificationProfile currentModificationProfile = profiles.get(j); if (currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_1_ROW_INDEX] > 0) { g2.setColor(currentModificationProfile.getColor()); int lBarHeight = (int) ((currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_1_ROW_INDEX] / 100) * iMaxBarHeight); if (lBarHeight < 5) { lBarHeight = 7; } int barStart = aboveSequenceHeight.intValue() - 2 - lBarHeight; Rectangle tempRectangle = new Rectangle(xLocation + 1, barStart, g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("X") - 2, lBarHeight); g2.fill(tempRectangle); fragmentIonRectangles.put(currentModificationProfile.getPtmName() + " (" + (i + 1) + ")" + " [" + score1Name + ": " + Util.roundDouble(currentModificationProfile.getProfile()[i][ModificationProfile.SCORE_1_ROW_INDEX], 2) + "]", tempRectangle); g2.setColor(; } } xLocation = tempXLocation; // Move the XLocation forwards with the component's length and the horizontal spacer.. xLocation = xLocation + g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(iSequenceComponents[i]) + iHorizontalSpace; // Move the XLocation forwards with the component's length and the horizontal spacer.. xLocation = xLocation + iBarWidth + iHorizontalSpace; } this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(xLocation, 200)); } /** * This method can parse a modified sequence String into a String[] with * different components. * * @param aSequence String with the Modified sequence of a peptideHit. * @return the modified sequence of the peptidehit in a String[]. Example: * The peptide Ace-K<AceD3>ENNYR-COOH will return a String[] with * [0]Ace-K<AceD3> * [1]E [2]N [3]N [4]Y [5]R-COOH */ private String[] parseSequenceIntoComponents(String aSequence) { String[] result; if (isModifiedSequence) { // Given sequence is a ModifiedSequence! ArrayList parts = new ArrayList(); String temp = aSequence; int start = 0; if (temp.startsWith("#")) { int nterm = temp.indexOf("#", start + 1); start = temp.indexOf("-", nterm); } else { start = temp.indexOf("-"); } start++; String part = temp.substring(0, start).trim(); temp = temp.substring(start).trim(); int endIndex = 1; if (temp.charAt(endIndex) == '<') { endIndex++; while (temp.charAt(endIndex) != '>') { endIndex++; } endIndex++; } part += temp.substring(0, endIndex); temp = temp.substring(endIndex); parts.add(part); while (temp.length() > 0) { start = 0; endIndex = 1; if (temp.charAt(start + endIndex) == '<') { endIndex++; while (temp.charAt(start + endIndex) != '>') { endIndex++; } endIndex++; } if (temp.charAt(start + endIndex) == '-') { endIndex = temp.length(); } part = temp.substring(0, endIndex); temp = temp.substring(endIndex); parts.add(part); } result = new String[parts.size()]; parts.toArray(result); } else { // Given sequence is a flat sequence! result = new String[aSequence.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = Character.toString(aSequence.charAt(i)); } } return result; } /** * Returns an estimation of the width. * * @return an estimation of the width */ private int estimateWidth() { int lEstimateX = iXStart; for (int i = 0; i < iSequenceComponents.length; i++) { // Move X for a text component. lEstimateX += this.getFontMetrics(iBaseFont).stringWidth(iSequenceComponents[i]) + iHorizontalSpace; // Move the XLocation forwards with the component's length and the horizontal spacer. lEstimateX += iBarWidth + iHorizontalSpace; } lEstimateX += iXStart; return lEstimateX; } /** * Returns an estimation of the height. * * @return an estimation of the height */ private int estimateHeight() { int lEstimateY = 0; lEstimateY += 2 * iXStart; lEstimateY += 1.8 * iMaxBarHeight; return lEstimateY; } /** * Set the Sequence for the SequenceFragmentationPanel. * * @param lSequence String with peptide sequence. * @param boolModifiedSequence Boolean whether lSequence is a Modified * Sequence "NH2-K<Ace>KENNY-COOH" or a Flat Sequence "KENNY". */ public void setSequence(String lSequence, boolean boolModifiedSequence) { isModifiedSequence = boolModifiedSequence; iSequenceComponents = parseSequenceIntoComponents(lSequence); } /** * If the mouse hovers over one of the fragment ion peaks the tooltip is set * to the fragment ion type and number. If not the tooltip is set to null. */ private void mouseMovedHandler(MouseEvent me) { String tooltip = null; Iterator<String> ions = fragmentIonRectangles.keySet().iterator(); boolean matchFound = false; // iterate the peak rectangles and look for matches while (ions.hasNext() && !matchFound) { String key =; if (fragmentIonRectangles.get(key).contains(me.getPoint())) { tooltip = key; matchFound = true; } } this.setToolTipText(tooltip); } }