package railo.runtime.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public interface HTTPUtil { /** * Field <code>ACTION_POST</code> */ public static final short ACTION_POST=0; /** * Field <code>ACTION_GET</code> */ public static final short ACTION_GET=1; /** * Field <code>STATUS_OK</code> */ public static final int STATUS_OK=200; //private static final String NO_MIMETYPE="Unable to determine MIME type of file."; /** * make a http requst to given url * @param url * @param username * @param password * @param timeout * @param charset * @param useragent * @param proxyserver * @param proxyport * @param proxyuser * @param proxypassword * @return resulting inputstream * @throws IOException */ public HTTPResponse get(URL url, String username, String password, int timeout, String charset, String useragent, String proxyserver, int proxyport, String proxyuser, String proxypassword, Header[] headers) throws IOException; public HTTPResponse put(URL url, String username, String password, int timeout, String charset, String useragent, String proxyserver, int proxyport, String proxyuser, String proxypassword, Header[] headers, Object body) throws IOException ; public HTTPResponse delete(URL url, String username, String password, int timeout, String charset, String useragent, String proxyserver, int proxyport, String proxyuser, String proxypassword, Header[] headers) throws IOException ; public HTTPResponse head(URL url, String username, String password, int timeout, String charset, String useragent, String proxyserver, int proxyport, String proxyuser, String proxypassword, Header[] headers) throws IOException ; //public RequestEntity toRequestEntity(Object value) throws PageException; /** * cast a string to a url * @param strUrl string represent a url * @return url from string * @throws MalformedURLException */ public URL toURL(String strUrl, int port) throws MalformedURLException; // FUTURE deprecated use method <code>toURL(String strUrl, int port, boolean encodeIfNecessary)</code> instead // FUTURE public URL toURL(String strUrl, int port, boolean encodeIfNecessary) throws MalformedURLException; /** * cast a string to a url * @param strUrl string represent a url * @return url from string * @throws MalformedURLException */ public URL toURL(String strUrl) throws MalformedURLException; public URI toURI(String strUrl) throws URISyntaxException; public URI toURI(String strUrl, int port) throws URISyntaxException; /** * translate a string in the URLEncoded Format * @param str String to translate * @param charset charset used for translation * @return encoded String * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public String encode(String str, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException; /** * translate a url encoded string to a regular string * @param str encoded string * @param charset charset used * @return raw string * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public String decode(String str, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException; }