package org.jfree.chart.block; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import; import; import; import org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity; import org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection; import; import org.jfree.text.TextBlock; import org.jfree.text.TextBlockAnchor; import org.jfree.text.TextUtilities; import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment; import org.jfree.ui.Size2D; import org.jfree.util.ObjectUtilities; import org.jfree.util.PaintUtilities; import org.jfree.util.PublicCloneable; /** * A block containing a label. */ public class LabelBlock extends AbstractBlock implements Block, PublicCloneable { /** For serialization. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 249626098864178017L; /** * The text for the label - retained in case the label needs * regenerating (for example, to change the font). */ private String text; /** The label. */ private TextBlock label; /** The font. */ private Font font; /** The tool tip text (can be <code>null</code>). */ private String toolTipText; /** The URL text (can be <code>null</code>). */ private String urlText; /** The default color. */ public static final Paint DEFAULT_PAINT =; /** The paint. */ private transient Paint paint; /** * Creates a new label block. * * @param label the label (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public LabelBlock(String label) { this(label, new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10), DEFAULT_PAINT); } /** * Creates a new label block. * * @param text the text for the label (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param font the font (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public LabelBlock(String text, Font font) { this(text, font, DEFAULT_PAINT); } /** * Creates a new label block. * * @param text the text for the label (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param font the font (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param paint the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public LabelBlock(String text, Font font, Paint paint) { this.text = text; this.paint = paint; this.label = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(text, font, this.paint); this.label.setLineAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); this.font = font; this.toolTipText = null; this.urlText = null; } /** * Returns the font. * @return The font (never <code>null</code>). */ public Font getFont() { return this.font; } /** * Sets the font and regenerates the label. * @param font the font (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public void setFont(Font font) { if (font == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'font' argument."); } this.font = font; this.label = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(this.text, font, this.paint); this.label.setLineAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); } /** * Returns the paint. * @return The paint (never <code>null</code>). */ public Paint getPaint() { return this.paint; } /** * Sets the paint and regenerates the label. * @param paint the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public void setPaint(Paint paint) { if (paint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'paint' argument."); } this.paint = paint; this.label = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(this.text, this.font, this.paint); this.label.setLineAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); } /** * Returns the tool tip text. * @return The tool tip text (possibly <code>null</code>). */ public String getToolTipText() { return this.toolTipText; } /** * Sets the tool tip text. * @param text the text (<code>null</code> permitted). */ public void setToolTipText(String text) { this.toolTipText = text; } /** * Returns the URL text. * @return The URL text (possibly <code>null</code>). */ public String getURLText() { return this.urlText; } /** * Sets the URL text. * @param text the text (<code>null</code> permitted). */ public void setURLText(String text) { this.urlText = text; } /** * Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and * returns the block size. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param constraint the constraint (<code>null</code> not permitted). * * @return The block size (in Java2D units, never <code>null</code>). */ public Size2D arrange(Graphics2D g2, RectangleConstraint constraint) { g2.setFont(this.font); Size2D s = this.label.calculateDimensions(g2); return new Size2D(calculateTotalWidth(s.getWidth()), calculateTotalHeight(s.getHeight())); } /** * Draws the block. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param area the area. */ public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) { draw(g2, area, null); } /** * Draws the block within the specified area. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param area the area. * @param params ignored (<code>null</code> permitted). * * @return Always <code>null</code>. */ public Object draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Object params) { area = trimMargin(area); drawBorder(g2, area); area = trimBorder(area); area = trimPadding(area); // check if we need to collect chart entities from the container EntityBlockParams ebp = null; StandardEntityCollection sec = null; Shape entityArea = null; if (params instanceof EntityBlockParams) { ebp = (EntityBlockParams) params; if (ebp.getGenerateEntities()) { sec = new StandardEntityCollection(); entityArea = (Shape) area.clone(); } } g2.setPaint(this.paint); g2.setFont(this.font); this.label.draw(g2, (float) area.getX(), (float) area.getY(), TextBlockAnchor.TOP_LEFT); BlockResult result = null; if (ebp != null && sec != null) { if (this.toolTipText != null || this.urlText != null) { ChartEntity entity = new ChartEntity(entityArea, this.toolTipText, this.urlText); sec.add(entity); result = new BlockResult(); result.setEntityCollection(sec); } } return result; } /** * Tests this <code>LabelBlock</code> for equality with an arbitrary * object. * * @param obj the object (<code>null</code> permitted). * * @return A boolean. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof LabelBlock)) { return false; } LabelBlock that = (LabelBlock) obj; if (!this.text.equals(that.text)) { return false; } if (!this.font.equals(that.font)) { return false; } if (!PaintUtilities.equal(this.paint, that.paint)) { return false; } if (!ObjectUtilities.equal(this.toolTipText, that.toolTipText)) { return false; } if (!ObjectUtilities.equal(this.urlText, that.urlText)) { return false; } return super.equals(obj); } /** * Returns a clone of this <code>LabelBlock</code> instance. * * @return A clone. * * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if there is a problem cloning. */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } /** * Provides serialization support. * * @param stream the output stream. * * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.defaultWriteObject(); SerialUtilities.writePaint(this.paint, stream); } /** * Provides serialization support. * * @param stream the input stream. * * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error. * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is a classpath problem. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); this.paint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream); } }