package railo.runtime.exp; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.PageSource; import railo.runtime.config.Config; import railo.runtime.dump.DumpData; import railo.runtime.dump.DumpProperties; import railo.runtime.err.ErrorPage; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; /** * by definition a JSP Tag can only throw JSPExceptions, * for that case the PageException is a Subclass of the JSPExceptions, but when a PageException, * is escaleted to a parent page, this goes over the include method of the PageContext Object, but this can only throw ServletException. * For that this class can Box a JSPException (PageException) in a ServletException (PageServletException) */ public final class PageServletException extends ServletException implements IPageException,PageExceptionBox { private PageException pe; /** * constructor of the class * @param pe page exception to hold */ public PageServletException(PageException pe) { super(pe.getMessage());; } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.PageExceptionBox#getPageException() */ public PageException getPageException() { return pe; } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getDetail() */ public String getDetail() { return pe.getDetail(); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getErrorCode() */ public String getErrorCode() { return pe.getErrorCode(); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getExtendedInfo() */ public String getExtendedInfo() { return pe.getExtendedInfo(); } /** * * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getCatchBlock(railo.runtime.PageContext) */ public Struct getCatchBlock(PageContext pc) { return pe.getCatchBlock(pc.getConfig()); } /** * * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getCatchBlock(railo.runtime.PageContext) */ public CatchBlock getCatchBlock(Config config) { return pe.getCatchBlock(config); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getErrorBlock(PageContext pc,ErrorPage ep) */ public Struct getErrorBlock(PageContext pc,ErrorPage ep) { return pe.getErrorBlock(pc, ep); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#addContext(railo.runtime.PageSource, int, int, java.lang.StackTraceElement) */ public void addContext(PageSource template, int line, int column, StackTraceElement ste) { pe.addContext(template,line,column,ste); } /** * @see railo.runtime.dump.Dumpable#toDumpData(railo.runtime.PageContext, int, railo.runtime.dump.DumpProperties) */ public DumpData toDumpData(PageContext pageContext, int maxlevel, DumpProperties dp) { return pe.toDumpData(pageContext, maxlevel,dp); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#setDetail(java.lang.String) */ public void setDetail(String detail) { pe.setDetail(detail); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#setErrorCode(java.lang.String) */ public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) { pe.setErrorCode(errorCode); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#setExtendedInfo(java.lang.String) */ public void setExtendedInfo(String extendedInfo) { pe.setExtendedInfo(extendedInfo); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getTypeAsString() */ public String getTypeAsString() { return pe.getTypeAsString(); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#typeEqual(java.lang.String) */ public boolean typeEqual(String type) { return pe.typeEqual(type); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getCustomTypeAsString() */ public String getCustomTypeAsString() { return pe.getCustomTypeAsString(); } /* * * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getLine() * / public String getLine() { return pe.getLine(); }*/ /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getTracePointer() */ public int getTracePointer() { return pe.getTracePointer(); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#setTracePointer(int) */ public void setTracePointer(int tracePointer) { pe.setTracePointer(tracePointer); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getAdditional() */ public Struct getAdditional() { return pe.getAddional(); } public Struct getAddional() { return pe.getAddional(); } /** * @see railo.runtime.exp.IPageException#getStackTraceAsString() */ public String getStackTraceAsString() { return pe.getStackTraceAsString(); } }