package; import; import; public abstract class ReadOnlyResourceSupport extends ResourceSupport { @Override public void createDirectory(boolean createParentWhenNotExists) throws IOException { throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't create directory ["+this+"]"); } @Override public void createFile(boolean createParentWhenNotExists) throws IOException { throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't create file ["+this+"]"); } @Override public boolean isWriteable() { return false; } @Override public void remove(boolean force) throws IOException { throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't remove ["+this+"]"); } @Override public boolean setLastModified(long time) { return false; } @Override public void setMode(int mode) throws IOException { throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't change mode of ["+this+"]"); } @Override public boolean setReadable(boolean value) { //throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't change access of ["+this+"]"); return false; } @Override public boolean setWritable(boolean value) { //throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't change access of ["+this+"]"); return false; } public OutputStream getOutputStream(boolean append) throws IOException { throw new IOException("this is a read-only resource, can't write to it ["+this+"]"); } @Override public int getMode() { return 0444; } }