package railo.transformer.bytecode; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.PageSource; import railo.transformer.Context; import railo.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitString; import railo.transformer.bytecode.visitor.OnFinally; public class BytecodeContext implements Context { private ClassWriter classWriter; private GeneratorAdapter adapter; private String className; private List<LitString> keys; private int count=0; private Method method; private boolean doSubFunctions=true; private BytecodeContext staticConstr; private BytecodeContext constr; private final boolean supressWSbeforeArg; private static long _id=0; private synchronized static String id() { if(_id<0)_id=0; return StringUtil.addZeros(++_id,4); } private String id=id(); private Page page; private PageSource source; public BytecodeContext(PageSource source,BytecodeContext statConstr,BytecodeContext constr,Page page,List<LitString> keys,ClassWriter classWriter,String className, GeneratorAdapter adapter, Method method,boolean writeLog, boolean supressWSbeforeArg) { this.classWriter = classWriter; this.className = className; this.writeLog = writeLog; this.adapter = adapter; this.keys = keys; this.method=method; this.staticConstr=statConstr; this.constr=constr;; this.supressWSbeforeArg=supressWSbeforeArg; if(source!=null)this.source=source; else if(constr!=null)this.source=constr.source; else if(statConstr!=null)this.source=statConstr.source; } public BytecodeContext(BytecodeContext statConstr,BytecodeContext constr,List<LitString> keys,BytecodeContext bc, GeneratorAdapter adapter,Method method) { this.classWriter = bc.getClassWriter(); this.className = bc.getClassName(); this.writeLog = bc.writeLog(); this.adapter = adapter; this.keys = keys; this.method=method; this.staticConstr=statConstr; this.constr=constr;; this.supressWSbeforeArg=bc.supressWSbeforeArg; this.source=bc.source; } /** * @return the id */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * @return the count */ public int getCount() { return count; } /** * @param count the count to set */ public int incCount() { return ++this.count; } public void resetCount() { this.count=0; } /** * @return the adapter */ public GeneratorAdapter getAdapter() { return adapter; } /** * @param adapter the adapter to set */ public void setAdapter(BytecodeContext bc) { this.adapter = bc.getAdapter(); } /** * @return the classWriter */ public ClassWriter getClassWriter() { return classWriter; } /** * @param classWriter the classWriter to set */ public void setClassWriter(ClassWriter classWriter) { this.classWriter = classWriter; } /** * @return the className */ public String getClassName() { return className; } /** * @param className the className to set */ public void setClassName(String className) { this.className = className; } public synchronized int registerKey(LitString lit) { int index = keys.indexOf(lit); if(index!=-1)return index;// calls the toString method of litString keys.add(lit); return keys.size()-1; } public List<LitString> getKeys() { return keys; } Stack<OnFinally> tcf=new Stack<OnFinally>(); private int currentTag; private int line; private BytecodeContext root; private boolean writeLog; //private static BytecodeContext staticConstr; public void pushOnFinally(OnFinally onFinally) { tcf.push(onFinally); } public void popOnFinally() { tcf.pop(); } /*public void pushTryCatchFinallyData(TryCatchFinallyData data) { tcf.push(data); } public void popTryCatchFinallyData() { tcf.pop(); }*/ public Stack<OnFinally> getOnFinallyStack() { return tcf; } /** * @return the method */ public Method getMethod() { return method; } /** * @return the doSubFunctions */ public boolean doSubFunctions() { return doSubFunctions; } /** * @param doSubFunctions the doSubFunctions to set * @return */ public boolean changeDoSubFunctions(boolean doSubFunctions) { boolean old=this.doSubFunctions; this.doSubFunctions = doSubFunctions; return old; } /** * @return the currentTag */ public int getCurrentTag() { return currentTag; } /** * @param currentTag the currentTag to set */ public void setCurrentTag(int currentTag) { this.currentTag = currentTag; } public BytecodeContext getStaticConstructor() { return staticConstr; } public BytecodeContext getConstructor() { return constr; } public void visitLineNumber(int line) { this.line=line; getAdapter().visitLineNumber(line,getAdapter().mark()); } public int getLine() { return line; } public BytecodeContext getRoot() { return root; } public void setRoot(BytecodeContext root) { this.root= root; } public boolean writeLog() { return this.writeLog; } public Page getPage() { return page; } public boolean getSupressWSbeforeArg(){ return supressWSbeforeArg; } public PageSource getPageSource() { return source; } }