package railo.runtime.dump; import java.util.Set; public class DumpProperties { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL=9999; public final static DumpProperties DEFAULT = new DumpProperties(DumpProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL,null,null,9999,true,true); private final Set show; private final Set hide; private final int maxlevel; private final int keys; private final boolean metainfo; private final boolean showUDFs; public DumpProperties(int maxlevel, Set show, Set hide, int keys,boolean metainfo, boolean showUDFs) { = show; this.hide = hide; this.maxlevel=maxlevel; this.keys=keys; this.metainfo=metainfo; this.showUDFs=showUDFs; } /** * @return the metainfo */ public boolean getMetainfo() { return metainfo; } /** * @return the show */ public Set getShow() { return show; } /** * @return the hide */ public Set getHide() { return hide; } public int getMaxlevel() { return maxlevel; } /** * @return the keys */ public int getMaxKeys() { return keys; } /** * @return the showUDFs */ public boolean getShowUDFs() { return showUDFs; } }