package railo.runtime.text.feed; public class El { public static short QUANTITY_0_1=0; public static short QUANTITY_0_N=4; public static short QUANTITY_1=8; public static short QUANTITY_1_N=16; public static final short QUANTITY_AUTO = QUANTITY_0_1; private Attr[] attrs; private short quantity; private boolean hasChildren; public El(short quantity,Attr[] attrs,boolean hasChildren) { this.quantity=quantity; this.attrs=attrs; this.hasChildren=hasChildren; } public El(short quantity,Attr[] attrs) { this(quantity,attrs,false); } public El(short quantity,Attr attr,boolean hasChildren) { this(quantity,new Attr[]{attr},hasChildren); } public El(short quantity,Attr attr) { this(quantity,new Attr[]{attr}); } public El(short quantity,boolean hasChildren) { this(quantity, (Attr[])null,hasChildren); } public El(short quantity) { this(quantity, (Attr[])null); } /** * @return the hasChildren */ public boolean isHasChildren() { return hasChildren; } /** * @return the attrs */ public Attr[] getAttrs() { return attrs; } /** * @return the quantity */ public short getQuantity() { return quantity; } public boolean isQuantity(short quantity) { return this.quantity==quantity; } }