package railo.runtime.exp; import railo.runtime.type.FunctionArgument; import railo.runtime.type.UDF; import railo.runtime.type.util.Type; public class UDFCasterException extends CasterException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4863042711433241644L; public UDFCasterException(UDF udf, FunctionArgument arg, Object value, int index) { super(createMessage(udf,arg,value,index)); } public UDFCasterException(UDF udf, String returnType, Object value) { super(createMessage(udf,returnType,value)); } private static String createMessage(UDF udf, String type, Object value) { String detail; if(value instanceof String) return "can't cast String ["+value+"] to a value of type ["+type+"]"; else if(value!=null) detail= "can't cast Object type ["+Type.getName(value)+"] to a value of type ["+type+"]"; else detail= "can't cast null value to value of type ["+type+"]"; return "the function "+udf.getFunctionName()+" has an invalid return value , "+detail; } private static String createMessage(UDF udf, FunctionArgument arg, Object value, int index) { String detail; if(value instanceof String) detail= "can't cast String ["+value+"] to a value of type ["+arg.getTypeAsString()+"]"; else if(value!=null) detail= "can't cast Object type ["+Type.getName(value)+"] to a value of type ["+arg.getTypeAsString()+"]"; else detail= "can't cast Null value to value of type ["+arg.getTypeAsString()+"]"; return "invalid call of the function "+udf.getFunctionName()+" ("+udf.getPageSource().getDisplayPath()+"), "+posToString(index)+" Argument ("+arg.getName()+") is of invalid type, "+detail; } private static String posToString(int index) { if(index==1) return "first"; if(index==2) return "second"; return index+"th"; } }