package railo.runtime.tag; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.ext.tag.TagImpl; /** * A child of cfservlet. It passes data to the servlet. Each cfservletparam tag within the cfservlet * block passes a separate piece of data to the servlet. * * * **/ public final class ServletParam extends TagImpl { private String value; private String type; private String variable; private String name; /** * constructor for the tag class * @throws ExpressionException **/ public ServletParam() throws ExpressionException { throw new ExpressionException("tag cfservletparam is deprecated"); } /** set the value value * Value of a name-value pair passed to the servlet as a parameter. * @param value value to set **/ public void setValue(String value) { this.value=value; } /** set the value type * @param type value to set **/ public void setType(String type) { this.type=type; } /** set the value variable * @param variable value to set **/ public void setVariable(String variable) { this.variable=variable; } /** set the value name * If used with the value attribute, it is the name of the servlet parameter. If used with the variable attribute, it is * the name of the servlet attribute * @param name value to set **/ public void setName(String name) {; } @Override public int doStartTag() { return SKIP_BODY; } @Override public int doEndTag() { return EVAL_PAGE; } @Override public void release() { super.release(); value=""; type=""; variable=""; name=""; } }