package railo.runtime.format; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; public final class DateFormat extends BaseFormat implements Format { /** * constructor of the class * @param locale */ public DateFormat(Locale locale) { super(locale); } /** * formats a date to a cfml date format (short) * @param date * @return formated date */ public String format(Date date) { return format(date,"medium"); } /** * formats a date to a cfml date format * @param date * @param mask * @return formated date as string */ public String format(Date date,String mask) { return format(date,mask,null); } public String format(Date date,String mask, TimeZone tz) { Calendar calendar = JREDateTimeUtil.getThreadCalendar(getLocale(),tz); calendar.setTimeInMillis(date.getTime()); String lcMask=StringUtil.toLowerCase(mask); if(lcMask.equals("short")) return getAsString(calendar,java.text.DateFormat.SHORT,tz); else if(lcMask.equals("medium")) return getAsString(calendar,java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM,tz); else if(lcMask.equals("long")) return getAsString(calendar,java.text.DateFormat.LONG,tz); else if(lcMask.equals("full")) return getAsString(calendar,java.text.DateFormat.FULL,tz); int len=mask.length(); int pos=0; if(len==0) return ""; StringBuffer formated=new StringBuffer(); for(;pos<len;pos++) { char c=mask.charAt(pos); char next=(len>pos+1)?mask.charAt(pos+1):(char)0; switch(c) { // d: Day of month. Digits; no leading zero for single-digit days // dd: Day of month. Digits; leading zero for single-digit days // ddd: Day of week, abbreviation // dddd: Day of week. Full name case 'd': case 'D': char next2=(len>pos+2)?mask.charAt(pos+2):(char)0; char next3=(len>pos+3)?mask.charAt(pos+3):(char)0; int day=calendar.get(Calendar.DATE); if(next=='d' || next=='D') { if(next2=='d' || next2=='D') { if(next3=='d' || next3=='D') { formated.append(getDayOfWeekAsString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK))); pos+=3; } else { formated.append(getDayOfWeekShortAsString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK))); pos+=2; } } else { formated.append(day<10?"0"+day:""+day); pos++; } } else { formated.append(day); } break; // m: Month. Digits; no leading zero for single-digit months // mm: Month. Digits; leading zero for single-digit months // mmm: Month. abbreviation (if appropriate) // mmmm: Month. Full name case 'm': case 'M': char next_2=(len>pos+2)?mask.charAt(pos+2):(char)0; char next_3=(len>pos+3)?mask.charAt(pos+3):(char)0; int month=calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1; if(next=='m' || next=='M') { if(next_2=='m' || next_2=='M') { if(next_3=='m' || next_3=='M') { formated.append(getMonthAsString(month)); pos+=3; } else { formated.append(getMonthShortAsString(month)); pos+=2; } } else { formated.append(month<10?"0"+month:""+month); pos++; } } else { formated.append(month); } break; // y: Year. Last two digits; no leading zero for years less than 10 // yy: Year. Last two digits; leading zero for years less than 10 // yyyy: Year. Four digits case 'y': case 'Y': char next__2=(len>pos+2)?mask.charAt(pos+2):(char)0; char next__3=(len>pos+3)?mask.charAt(pos+3):(char)0; int year4=calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int year2=year4%100; if(next=='y' || next=='Y') { if((next__2=='y' || next__2=='Y') && (next__3=='y' || next__3=='Y')) { formated.append(year4); pos+=3; } else { formated.append(year2<10?"0"+year2:""+year2); pos++; } } else { formated.append(year2); } break; // Otherwise default: formated.append(c); } } return formated.toString(); } private String getAsString(Calendar c,int style, TimeZone tz) { java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(style,getLocale()); df.setTimeZone(tz); return df.format(c.getTime()); } }