package railo.runtime.functions.cache; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.config.ConfigImpl; import railo.runtime.exp.FunctionException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.ext.function.Function; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; /** * */ public final class CacheGet implements Function { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7164470356423036571L; public static Object call(PageContext pc, String key) throws PageException { try { return _call(pc, key, false, Util.getDefault(pc, ConfigImpl.CACHE_DEFAULT_OBJECT)); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } public static Object call(PageContext pc, String key, Object objThrowWhenNotExist) throws PageException { // default behavior, second parameter is a boolean Boolean throwWhenNotExist=Caster.toBoolean(objThrowWhenNotExist,null); if(throwWhenNotExist!=null) { try { return _call(pc, key, throwWhenNotExist.booleanValue(), Util.getDefault(pc, ConfigImpl.CACHE_DEFAULT_OBJECT)); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } // compatibility behavior, second parameter is a cacheName if(objThrowWhenNotExist instanceof String) { String cacheName=(String)objThrowWhenNotExist; if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(cacheName)) { try { Cache cache = Util.getCache(pc.getConfig(),cacheName,null); if(cache!=null) return _call(pc, key, false, cache); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } } // not a boolean or cacheName throw new FunctionException(pc, "cacheGet", 2, "ThrowWhenNotExist", "arguments needs to be a boolean value, but also a valid cacheName is supported for compatibility reasons to other engines"); } public static Object call(PageContext pc, String key, Object objThrowWhenNotExist,String cacheName) throws PageException { Boolean throwWhenNotExist=Caster.toBoolean(objThrowWhenNotExist,null); if(throwWhenNotExist==null)throw new FunctionException(pc, "cacheGet", 2, "ThrowWhenNotExist", "arguments needs to be a boolean value"); try { Cache cache = Util.getCache(pc,cacheName,ConfigImpl.CACHE_DEFAULT_OBJECT); return _call(pc, key, throwWhenNotExist.booleanValue(), cache); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } private static Object _call(PageContext pc, String key, boolean throwWhenNotExist,Cache cache) throws IOException { return throwWhenNotExist?cache.getValue(Util.key(key)):cache.getValue(Util.key(key),null); } }