package railo.runtime.tag; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.ext.tag.BodyTagImpl; import; import; import; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.op.Decision; // TODO test proxy /** * * Sends e-mail messages by an SMTP server. * * * **/ public final class Mail extends BodyTagImpl { /** Specifies the query column to use when you group sets of records together to send as an e-mail ** message. For example, if you send a set of billing statements to customers, you might group on ** "Customer_ID." The group attribute, which is case sensitive, eliminates adjacent duplicates when the ** data is sorted by the specified field. See the Usage section for exceptions. */ private String group; /** Boolean indicating whether to group with regard to case or not. The default value is YES; ** case is considered while grouping. If the query attribute specifies a query object that was generated ** by a case-insensitive SQL query, set the groupCaseSensitive attribute to NO to keep the recordset ** intact. */ private boolean groupcasesensitive; /** The name of the cfquery from which to draw data for message(s) to send. Specify this ** attribute to send more than one mail message, or to send the results of a query within a message. */ private String query; /** Specifies the maximum number of e-mail messages to send. */ private double maxrows; /** Specifies the row in the query to start from. */ private double startrow; //private railo.runtime.mail.Mail mail=new railo.runtime.mail.Mail(); private SMTPClient smtp=new SMTPClient(); private part=null;//new railo.runtime.mail.MailPart("UTF-8"); private String charset; private int priority; private boolean remove; @Override public void release() { super.release(); // do not clear because spooler //mail=new railo.runtime.mail.Mail(); smtp=new SMTPClient(); part=null;//new railo.runtime.mail.MailPart("UTF-8"); group=null; groupcasesensitive=false; query=null; maxrows=0d; startrow=0d; charset=null; remove=false; } /** * @param remove the remove to set */ public void setRemove(boolean remove) { this.remove = remove; } /** * @param proxyserver The proxyserver to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setProxyserver(String proxyserver) throws ApplicationException { try { smtp.getProxyData().setServer(proxyserver); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [proxyserver] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value proxyport * The port number on the proxy server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When * used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that specify a port number are automatically * resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. * @param proxyport value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setProxyport(double proxyport) throws ApplicationException { try { smtp.getProxyData().setPort((int)proxyport); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [proxyport] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value username * When required by a proxy server, a valid username. * @param proxyuser value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setProxyuser(String proxyuser) throws ApplicationException { try { smtp.getProxyData().setUsername(proxyuser); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [proxyuser] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value password * When required by a proxy server, a valid password. * @param proxypassword value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setProxypassword(String proxypassword) throws ApplicationException { try { smtp.getProxyData().setPassword(proxypassword); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [proxypassword] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value from * The sender of the e-mail message. * @param strForm value to set * @throws PageException **/ public void setFrom(Object from) throws PageException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(from)) return; try { smtp.setFrom(from); } catch (Exception e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } /** set the value to * The name of the e-mail message recipient. * @param strTo value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setTo(Object to) throws ApplicationException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(to)) return; try { smtp.addTo(to); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [to] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value cc * Indicates addresses to copy the e-mail message to; "cc" stands for "carbon copy." * @param strCc value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setCc(Object cc) throws ApplicationException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(cc)) return; try { smtp.addCC(cc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [cc] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value bcc * Indicates addresses to copy the e-mail message to, without listing them in the message header. * "bcc" stands for "blind carbon copy." * @param strBcc value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setBcc(Object bcc) throws ApplicationException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(bcc)) return; try { smtp.addBCC(bcc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [bcc] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** * @param strFailto The failto to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setFailto(Object failto) throws ApplicationException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(failto)) return; try { smtp.addFailTo(failto); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [failto] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** * @param strReplyto The replyto to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setReplyto(Object replyto) throws ApplicationException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(replyto)) return; try { smtp.addReplyTo(replyto); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("attribute [replyto] of the tag [mail] is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } /** set the value type * Specifies extended type attributes for the message. * @param type value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setType(String type) throws ApplicationException { type=type.toLowerCase().trim(); if(type.equals("text/plain") || type.equals("plain") || type.equals("text")) getPart().isHTML(false); //mail.setType(railo.runtime.mail.Mail.TYPE_TEXT); else if(type.equals("text/html") || type.equals("html") || type.equals("htm")) getPart().isHTML(true); else throw new ApplicationException("attribute type of tag mail has an invalid values","valid values are [plain,text,html] but value is now ["+type+"]"); //throw new ApplicationException(("invalid type "+type); } /** set the value subject * The subject of the mail message. This field may be driven dynamically on * a message-by-message basis * @param subject value to set **/ public void setSubject(String subject) { smtp.setSubject(subject); } /** * @param username The username to set. */ public void setUsername(String username) { smtp.setUsername(username); } /** * @param password The password to set. */ public void setPassword(String password) { smtp.setPassword(password); } /** set the value mimeattach * Specifies the path of the file to be attached to the e-mail message. An attached file * is MIME-encoded. * @param strMimeattach value to set * @param type mimetype of the file * @param contentID * @param disposition * @throws PageException **/ public void setMimeattach(String strMimeattach, String type, String disposition, String contentID,boolean removeAfterSend) throws PageException { Resource file=ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext,strMimeattach); pageContext.getConfig().getSecurityManager().checkFileLocation(file); if(!file.exists()) throw new ApplicationException("can't attach file "+strMimeattach+", this file doesn't exist"); smtp.addAttachment(file,type,disposition,contentID,removeAfterSend); } public void setMimeattach(String strMimeattach) throws PageException { setMimeattach(strMimeattach, "", null, null,false); } /** * @param spoolenable The spoolenable to set. */ public void setSpoolenable(boolean spoolenable) { smtp.setSpoolenable(spoolenable); } /** set the value server * @param strServer value to set * @throws PageException **/ public void setServer(String strServer) throws PageException { smtp.setHost(strServer); } /** set the value mailerid * @param mailerid value to set **/ public void setMailerid(String mailerid) { smtp.setXMailer(mailerid); } /** set the value port * The TCP/IP port on which the SMTP server listens for requests. This is normally 25. * @param port value to set **/ public void setPort(double port) { smtp.setPort((int)port); } /** * @param wraptext The wraptext to set. */ public void setWraptext(double wraptext) { getPart().setWraptext((int)wraptext); } /** set the value timeout * The number of seconds to wait before timing out the connection to the SMTP server. * @param timeout value to set **/ public void setTimeout(double timeout) { smtp.setTimeout((int)(timeout*1000)); } /** * @param charset The charset to set. */ public void setCharset(String charset) { this.charset=charset; } /** set the value group * Specifies the query column to use when you group sets of records together to send as an e-mail * message. For example, if you send a set of billing statements to customers, you might group on * "Customer_ID." The group attribute, which is case sensitive, eliminates adjacent duplicates when the * data is sorted by the specified field. See the Usage section for exceptions. * @param group value to set **/ public void setGroup(String group) {; } /** set the value groupcasesensitive * Boolean indicating whether to group with regard to case or not. The default value is YES; * case is considered while grouping. If the query attribute specifies a query object that was generated * by a case-insensitive SQL query, set the groupCaseSensitive attribute to NO to keep the recordset * intact. * @param groupcasesensitive value to set **/ public void setGroupcasesensitive(boolean groupcasesensitive) { this.groupcasesensitive=groupcasesensitive; } /** set the value query * The name of the cfquery from which to draw data for message(s) to send. Specify this * attribute to send more than one mail message, or to send the results of a query within a message. * @param query value to set **/ public void setQuery(String query) { this.query=query; } /** set the value maxrows * Specifies the maximum number of e-mail messages to send. * @param maxrows value to set **/ public void setMaxrows(double maxrows) { this.maxrows=maxrows; } public void setTls(boolean tls) { smtp.setTLS(tls); } public void setUsetls(boolean tls) { smtp.setTLS(tls); } public void setStarttls(boolean tls) { smtp.setTLS(tls); } public void setSsl(boolean ssl) { smtp.setSSL(ssl); } public void setUsessl(boolean ssl) { smtp.setSSL(ssl); } public void setSecure(boolean ssl) { smtp.setSSL(ssl); } public void setPriority(String strPriority) throws ExpressionException { strPriority=strPriority.trim().toLowerCase(); boolean valid=true; if(Decision.isNumeric(strPriority)) { int p=Caster.toIntValue(strPriority,-1); if(p<1 || p>5)valid=false; else this.priority=p; } else { if("highest".equals(strPriority))priority=1; else if("urgent".equals(strPriority))priority=1; else if("high".equals(strPriority))priority=2; else if("normal".equals(strPriority))priority=3; else if("low".equals(strPriority))priority=4; else if("lowest".equals(strPriority))priority=5; else if("non-urgent".equals(strPriority))priority=5; else if("none-urgent".equals(strPriority))priority=5; else valid=false; } if(!valid)throw new ExpressionException("the value of attribute priority is invalid ["+strPriority+"], " + "the value should be an integer between [1-5] or " + "one of the following [highest,urgent,high,normal,low,lowest,non-urgent]"); } /** set the value startrow * Specifies the row in the query to start from. * @param startrow value to set **/ public void setStartrow(double startrow) { this.startrow=startrow; } /** * @param part */ public void addPart(MailPart part) { String type = part.getType(); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(part.getCharset())) part.setCharset(getCharset()); if(type!=null && (type.equals("text/plain") || type.equals("plain") || type.equals("text"))){ part.isHTML(false); addClassicBodyPart(part); } else if(type!=null && (type.equals("text/html") || type.equals("html") || type.equals("htm"))){ part.isHTML(true); addClassicBodyPart(part); } else { addBodyPart(part); } } // this was not supported in prior releases private void addBodyPart(MailPart part) { smtp.setPart(part); } /** * @param part */ private void addClassicBodyPart(MailPart part) { if(part.isHTML()) { if(!smtp.hasHTMLText())smtp.setHTMLText(part.getBody(), part.getCharset()); } else { if(!smtp.hasPlainText())smtp.setPlainText(part.getBody(), part.getCharset()); } } @Override public int doStartTag() throws ApplicationException { if(isEmpty(smtp.getTos()) && isEmpty(smtp.getCcs()) && isEmpty(smtp.getBccs())) throw new ApplicationException("One of the following attribtues must be defined [to, cc, bcc]"); return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED; } private boolean isEmpty(InternetAddress[] addrs) { return addrs==null || addrs.length==0; } @Override public void doInitBody() { } @Override public int doAfterBody() { getPart().setBody(bodyContent.getString()); smtp.setCharset(getCharset()); getPart().setCharset(getCharset()); addClassicBodyPart(getPart()); return SKIP_BODY; } @Override public int doEndTag() throws PageException { smtp.setTimeZone(pageContext.getTimeZone()); try { smtp.send(pageContext.getConfig()); } catch (MailException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } return EVAL_PAGE; } /** * sets a mail param * @param type * @param file * @param name * @param value * @param contentID * @param disposition * @throws PageException */ public void setParam(String type, String file, String name, String value, String disposition, String contentID,Boolean oRemoveAfterSend) throws PageException { if(file!=null){ boolean removeAfterSend=(oRemoveAfterSend==null)?remove:oRemoveAfterSend.booleanValue(); setMimeattach(file,type,disposition,contentID,removeAfterSend); } else { if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("bcc")) setBcc(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("cc")) setCc(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("charset")) setCharset(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("failto")) setFailto(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("from")) setFrom(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("mailerid")) setMailerid(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("mimeattach"))setMimeattach(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("priority")) setPriority(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("replyto")) setReplyto(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("subject")) setSubject(value); else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("to")) setTo(value); else smtp.addHeader(name,value); } } private getPart() { if(part==null)part=new; return part; } /** * @return the charset */ public String getCharset() { if(charset==null)charset=pageContext.getConfig().getMailDefaultEncoding(); return charset; } }