package coldfusion.cfc; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import railo.loader.engine.CFMLEngine; import railo.loader.engine.CFMLEngineFactory; import railo.runtime.Component; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.util.Cast; import railo.runtime.util.Creation; public class CFCProxy { private CFMLEngine engine; private Cast caster; private Creation creator; private Component cfc=null; private String path; private Map thisData; private boolean invokeDirectly=true; private boolean autoFlush; public CFCProxy(String path) throws Throwable { this(path, null, true); } public CFCProxy(String path, boolean invokeDirectly) throws Throwable { this(path, null, invokeDirectly); } public CFCProxy(String path, Map initialThis) throws Throwable { this(path, initialThis, true); } public CFCProxy(String path, Map initialThis, boolean invokeDirectly) throws Throwable { engine = CFMLEngineFactory.getInstance(); caster = engine.getCastUtil(); creator = engine.getCreationUtil(); this.path=path; this.invokeDirectly=invokeDirectly; setThisScope(initialThis); } private void initCFC(PageContext pc) { if(cfc==null && (invokeDirectly || pc!=null)) { try { if(pc==null)pc=engine.getThreadPageContext(); cfc=engine.getCreationUtil().createComponentFromPath(pc, path); } catch (PageException pe) {} } } public void setThisScope(Map data) { if(data!=null) { if(thisData==null)this.thisData=new HashMap(); Iterator<Entry> it = data.entrySet().iterator(); Entry entry; while(it.hasNext()){ entry =; thisData.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } public Map getThisScope() { initCFC(null); if(cfc==null)return null; Struct rtn=creator.createStruct(); Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = cfc.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> entry; while(it.hasNext()){ entry =; rtn.setEL(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return rtn; } public final Object invoke(String methodName, Object args[]) throws Throwable { if(invokeDirectly) return _invoke(methodName, args); return _invoke(methodName, args, null, null, null); } public final Object invoke(String methodName, Object args[], HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Throwable { if(invokeDirectly) return _invoke(methodName, args); return _invoke(methodName, args, request, response, null); } public final Object invoke(String methodName, Object args[], HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, OutputStream out) throws Throwable { if(invokeDirectly) return _invoke(methodName, args); return _invoke(methodName, args, request, response, out); } public static boolean inInvoke() { return false; } private Object _invoke(String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { CFMLEngine engine = CFMLEngineFactory.getInstance(); PageContext pc = engine.getThreadPageContext(); initCFC(pc); return, methodName, args); } private Object _invoke(String methodName, Object[] args, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse rsp, OutputStream out) throws PageException { CFMLEngine engine = CFMLEngineFactory.getInstance(); Creation creator = engine.getCreationUtil(); PageContext originalPC = engine.getThreadPageContext(); // no OutputStream if(out==null)out=DevNullOutputStream.DEV_NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM; // no Request if(req==null){ // TODO new File req=creator.createHttpServletRequest(new File("."), "Railo", "/", "", null, null, null, null, null); } // noRespone if(rsp==null){ rsp=creator.createHttpServletResponse(out); } PageContext pc = creator.createPageContext(req,rsp,out); try{ engine.registerThreadPageContext(pc); initCFC(pc); return, methodName, args); } finally{ if(autoFlush) { try { pc.getRootWriter().flush(); } catch (Throwable t) {} } engine.registerThreadPageContext(originalPC); } } public void flush() throws IOException { CFMLEngine engine = CFMLEngineFactory.getInstance(); PageContext pc = engine.getThreadPageContext(); pc.getRootWriter().flush(); } public void setAutoFlush(boolean autoFlush) { this.autoFlush = autoFlush; } public void setApplicationExecution(boolean doApp) { //executeApplication = doApp; } } final class DevNullOutputStream extends OutputStream implements Serializable { public static final DevNullOutputStream DEV_NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM=new DevNullOutputStream(); /** * Constructor of the class */ private DevNullOutputStream() {} /** * @see */ public void close(){} /** * @see */ public void flush() {} /** * @see[], int, int) */ public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {} /** * @see[]) */ public void write(byte[] b) {} /** * @see */ public void write(int b) {} }