package railo.runtime.cfx.customtag; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import railo.commons.lang.ClassException; import railo.commons.lang.ClassUtil; import railo.runtime.cfx.CFXTagException; import com.allaire.cfx.CustomTag; import com.allaire.cfx.Request; import com.allaire.cfx.Response; public class CPPCustomTag implements CustomTag { // this is loaded dynamic, because the lib is optional private static Method processRequest; private boolean keepAlive; private String procedure; private String serverLibrary; public CPPCustomTag(String serverLibrary, String procedure, boolean keepAlive) throws CFXTagException{ this.serverLibrary=serverLibrary; this.procedure=procedure; this.keepAlive=keepAlive; if(processRequest==null){ Class clazz = null; try { clazz = ClassUtil.loadClass("com.naryx.tagfusion.cfx.CFXNativeLib"); } catch (ClassException e) { throw new CFXTagException( "cannot initialize C++ Custom tag library, make sure you have added all the required jar files. "+ "GO to the Railo Server Administrator and on the page Services/Update, click on \"Update JARs\""); } try { processRequest=clazz.getMethod("processRequest", new Class[]{String.class,String.class,Request.class,Response.class,boolean.class}); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new CFXTagException(e); } } } public void processRequest(Request request, Response response) throws Exception { processRequest.invoke(null, new Object[]{serverLibrary, procedure, request, response, keepAlive}); //CFXNativeLib.processRequest(serverLibrary, procedure, request, response, keepAlive); } }