package railo.runtime.type.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import railo.commons.lang.SizeOf; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.dump.DumpProperties; import railo.runtime.dump.DumpTable; import railo.runtime.dump.DumpUtil; import railo.runtime.dump.SimpleDumpData; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.op.Duplicator; import railo.runtime.type.Collection; import railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key; import railo.runtime.type.KeyImpl; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.type.StructImpl; import railo.runtime.type.comparator.TextComparator; /** * */ public final class StructUtil { /** * copy data from source struct to target struct * @param source * @param target * @param overwrite overwrite data if exist in target */ public static void copy(Struct source, Struct target, boolean overwrite) { Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = source.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()) { e =; if(overwrite || !target.containsKey(e.getKey())) target.setEL(e.getKey(),e.getValue()); } } public static railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key[] toCollectionKeys(String[] skeys) { railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key[] keys = new railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key[skeys.length]; for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++) { keys[i]=KeyImpl.init(skeys[i]); } return keys; } /** * @param sct * @return */ public static Struct duplicate(Struct sct,boolean deepCopy) { Struct rtn=new StructImpl(); //railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key[] keys=sct.keys(); //railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key key; Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = sct.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()) {; rtn.setEL(e.getKey(),Duplicator.duplicate(e.getValue(),deepCopy)); } return rtn; } public static void putAll(Struct struct, Map map) { Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry; while(it.hasNext()) { entry=(Entry); struct.setEL(KeyImpl.toKey(entry.getKey(),null), entry.getValue()); } } public static Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet(Struct sct) { Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = sct.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; HashSet<Entry<String, Object>> set=new HashSet<Entry<String, Object>>(); while(it.hasNext()){ e=; set.add(new StructMapEntry(sct,e.getKey(),e.getValue())); } return set; } public static Set<String> keySet(Struct sct) { Iterator<Key> it = sct.keyIterator(); Set<String> set=new HashSet<String>(); while(it.hasNext()){ set.add(; } return set; } public static DumpTable toDumpTable(Struct sct,String title,PageContext pageContext, int maxlevel, DumpProperties dp) { Key[] keys = order(sct,CollectionUtil.keys(sct)); DumpTable table = new DumpTable("struct","#9999ff","#ccccff","#000000");// "#9999ff","#ccccff","#000000" int maxkeys=dp.getMaxKeys(); if(maxkeys < sct.size()) { table.setComment("Entries: "+sct.size() + " (showing top " + maxkeys + ")"); } else if(sct.size()>10 && dp.getMetainfo()) { table.setComment("Entries: "+sct.size()); } if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(title))table.setTitle(title); maxlevel--; int index=0; for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++) { if(DumpUtil.keyValid(dp,maxlevel,keys[i])){ if(maxkeys<=index++)break; table.appendRow(1, new SimpleDumpData(keys[i].toString()), DumpUtil.toDumpData(sct.get(keys[i],null), pageContext,maxlevel,dp)); } } return table; } private static Key[] order(Struct sct, Key[] keys) { if(sct instanceof StructImpl && ((StructImpl)sct).getType()==Struct.TYPE_LINKED) return keys; TextComparator comp=new TextComparator(true,true); Arrays.sort(keys,comp); return keys; } /** * create a value return value out of a struct * @param sct * @return */ public static java.util.Collection<?> values(Struct sct) { ArrayList<Object> arr = new ArrayList<Object>(); //Key[] keys = sct.keys(); Iterator<Object> it = sct.valueIterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { arr.add(; } return arr; } public static Struct copyToStruct(Map map) throws PageException { Struct sct = new StructImpl(); Iterator it=map.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry; while(it.hasNext()) { entry=(Entry); sct.setEL(Caster.toString(entry.getKey()),entry.getValue()); } return sct; } /** * return the size of given struct, size of values + keys * @param sct * @return */ public static long sizeOf(Struct sct) { Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = sct.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; long size = 0; while(it.hasNext()) { e =; size+=SizeOf.size(e.getKey()); size+=SizeOf.size(e.getValue()); } return size; } public static void setELIgnoreWhenNull(Struct sct, String key, Object value) { setELIgnoreWhenNull(sct, KeyImpl.init(key), value); } public static void setELIgnoreWhenNull(Struct sct, Collection.Key key, Object value) { if(value!=null)sct.setEL(key, value); } /** * remove every entry hat has this value * @param map * @param obj */ public static void removeValue(Map map, Object value) { Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry; while(it.hasNext()){ entry=(Entry); if(entry.getValue()==value)it.remove(); } } public static Struct merge(Struct[] scts) { Struct sct=new StructImpl(); for(int i=scts.length-1;i>=0;i--){ Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = scts[i].entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()){ e =; sct.setEL(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } return sct; } }